
Notes: 17-1022 “Relationships Part 13 “In the Resurrection” subject led by Atori Alo Yansa with dialogue from those in the fellowship. Daniel: There is a time that symbols will be put away. I can love you all more than what a marriage is about. You have to pay for marriage. If you want to get married, all aspects cost money. By signing the document you have to abide by the rules and regulations. And if you want out you have to pay more money Alan: who put Adam and Eve through marriage vows? They had a relationship beyond that. Daniel: we married the theophany to human flesh.Atori - We are beyond the symbols. The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection. Jesus was good at going to the point of things. We’ll talk about that conversation between them today. Humanity is where it all starts, it’s the central point that brings a fast change and intense activity. ~Joe Gomez~Atori - Christ is the center point of humanity. When we realize that Christ is the action of the Spirit or it is US in action then we can see that Humanity is the center point of everything that is happening. All things are for the evolution of humanity. ~AAY~ We are accommodating ourselves to the feeling that we have for one another. Everything is here. What is so good about man, about humanity, about this our world, our universe, our dimension, our energy? This world is a junction where all things are united. ~Kit Gomez~ Atori - This life is all about humanity. Everything you see and don’t see are for our evolution. Visible and invisible are the frequencies of which we are gaining our understanding. This world is the junction that unites the Mind of Christ, the logic and manifestation. ~AAY~Matt.22:23-25 On that day some Sadducees (who say there is no resurrection) came to Jesus and questioned him, asking, “Teacher, Moses said, If a man dies having no children, his brother as next of kin shall marry his wife, and raise up children for his brother. Matt.22:25-28 Now there were seven brothers with us, and the first married and died, and having no children left his wife to his brother; so also the second and the third down to the seventh. Last of all the woman died. In the resurrection, therefore, whose wife of the seven will she be? For they all had married her.Atori - The Sadducees were using words of Moses to trap Jesus in his present day. That is what they do to you by using the words of the Bible that have no context with what is happening today. If you study the scripture, the Sadducees put a resurrection in the future. And in the present that means “No resurrection”. ~AAY~ Atori - The situation that the Sadducees brought to Jesus is the exact replica of the “Seven Church Ages” with seven brothers (messengers) leaving no seed in a long dispensation of marriage concepts. There were seven brothers or messengers that had no seed of their own placed in the woman. The seven messengers died and the church ages died. Male and female were finished. Then we entered the “Age of Resurrection”. Yes, Jesus called it an Age in Luke 20 and we are in that age. ~AAY~Atori - The question now is, “How do we in this new age view marriage now that it is a dead institution, or now that it is complete and no longer the dominant attribute? It’s not in the spotlight. We have moved beyond the concepts of marriage because within it were laws, rituals and hierarchy that is no longer a part of the lifeline or flow. ~AAY~Matt.22:29 Jesus answered and said to them, “You do err, not understanding the scriptures, nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like the angels in heaven. Matt. 22:31-32 Regarding the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what was spoken to you by God: ‘I Am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? He is not the God of the dead but of the living. When the crowds heard this they were astonished at his teaching. Atori - Now, let’s watch how Luke recorded this conversation with those who don’t believe in the resurrection. I like the way Luke recorded it. Luke 20:33-34 In the resurrection, therefore, which ones wife shall she be for all seven had married her? Jesus said to them, “The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage,Luke 20:35- but those who are considered worthy to attain to that age and the resurrection of the dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage; for they cannot even die anymore, because they are like angels, and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection. Atori - Notice, Jesus clearly referred to an “Age” after those seven brothers and the woman died. Or after the church ages are finished and the male and female are dead. There is another age and we are in it now. It is the Age of worthiness. ~AAY~Atori - Go back to the writing of Moses on this issue, Deuteronomy 25:5-10, and see what the purpose was for this declaration to be issued. We can see that Moses’ words about marriage were for the building of a man’s house, so his name would carry on and his seed would not end. Atori - Look at the institution of marriage and how the present day atmosphere today is removing the emphases of that law. Marriage is an institution with many issues of the law within it. Things such as, superiority of one over another, hierarchy, dominancy, limitations, stronger and weaker vessels, just to mention a few. It is not a part of our gospel any longer. We have moved beyond marriage. ~AAY~ Atori - In the Sadducees question, none of the seven brothers gave seed. This brings an issue into question in the “Age” of “Worthiness” and “Resurrection”. Jesus placed us in the scripture by calling Us in this day, “The age of “Worthiness” and “Resurrection”. It is an age after the “church ages of the seven brothers”. The question concerning this age of “Worthiness” is, “Who are we married to, or is there marriage in this age of “resurrection”? Jesus makes some statements that an age is coming and they will not marry, not die, and are sons of the resurrection. We have arrived! ~AAY~Atori - The Lamb was found worthy and resurrected Us into a new age after Sunset Mountain. We are now found worthy and have attained the resurrection. I am saying that marriage finished up when the church ages finished. Revelation 5 reveals that the Lamb was the people of the ages, seven horns, seven eyes and such. It was bloody until the Lamb became worthy and enmorphed into a Lion. The “Age” after the death of male and female. ~AAY~Let’s talk about the words of Jesus spoken of in Matthew 22 and Luke 20 now that we are actually here in this age. Those of this age are worthy and attained the resurrection.Atori - There is no one left behind. All that entered into this age of worthiness and resurrection is found clean. Jesus speaks exactly as we do in his prophecy. Many teach there is still sin, which would clearly mean there is still law, and people are filthy and evil, and that Jesus hasn’t done a thing for them. Still wanting to continue having mediation and church. If you are trying to have church, you are working with a dead institution. When it is dead, it is over. ~AAY~Atori - What does he mean by worthy? Is there anybody out here that is a sinner? Is there anyone that is unholy, impure? We are ALL worthy. You had the price paid. You are the Lamb. Those of this age are worthy and attained the resurrection. ~AAY~ Alan: Attained, finished! We are complete in this age. Daniel: it is not obtain, or something in the future. Atori - I am the man-child that entered the dragon, took the throne of his heart and changed into Christ. All that are here are worthy and clean. How did I become holy? I entered this age. That is all there is to it. I don’t have to do a thing. I came from theophany into flesh, into an age that is already worthy. Jesus speaks about this message and would make everyone worthy. He already told us who we are. ~AAY~The male and the female are both dead in this age of Worthiness and Resurrection.Atori - We are no longer in an age of separation. This age produces an attribute of Worthiness and Resurrection, no longer male and female or marriage concepts. ~AAY~Daniel: that means no more separation. We all have the same capabilities.Atori – It’s not about male or female now in this age of worthiness. It is about one spirit. The male and female (just attributes) are dead, changed, finished. They have come together and made something else. I call it US. Moses called THEIR name ADAM. WE are not separated out anymore. Separating male and female is to deal with things of the past, limitations, deceptions, dissections, superiorities and inferiorities of persons. It’s finished! Marriage is a thing of a past dispensation. ~AAY~ They neither marry nor are they given in marriage.Atori - The separation is finished, complete. Marriage is not an issue because there is no marriage. We have fused, become one and its as if there were never two. It’s a brand new unit. A new creation. ~AAY~ Atori - We are so far beyond marriage concepts in tis love. There is a love that transcends marriage. It has stipulations, upset that one you are married to and see if that it isn’t true. Marriage is about concepts of imitations. This love is beyond marriage, family, and marriage is not an issue because there is no marriage wherein an institution makes us one. We ARE one. ~AAY~ This age is like the angels in heaven. Atori - We have released the attributes that were inside Us as angels in the Theophany civilization. We now have the understanding that we desired as angels prior to our humanity. We have become our desire. ~AAY~ Daniel: Marriage is over…we don’t need it. There is no value to it spiritually for our evolution. Atori - You can’t transcend it if you are confined to it. I can have a relationship with people beyond marriage. I can have a relationship with anyone I want by using my intelligence and feelings. There are no restrictions. ~AAY~ Connie: Its true. We grew up in separation and I think it is about unity now. We say inside marriage is the only way that a family can be blessed. This sister with us today has a little boy and she is blessed outside marriage.Alan: you are blessed because you are Christ. There is no one to marry now. It is all US.Atori – Those of you in a marriage now or thinking about a marriage you need to re-evaluate what marriage means now. We are one now and that old school of headship is diminished, finished. If you are going to live together in a relationship it needs to be on a new playing field of oneness and love divine, not headship and rulership, superiority and inferiority, or dominancy. ~AAY~ Connie: I was for a month with a lot of pain in my back. I know everyone prayed for me. I went to have an MRI. I told myself, get your back right. Tuesday morning last week I heard a voice saying you are healed and you don’t need surgery. That voice was brother Atori. I am healed. Thank you.They cannot die anymore.Atori - This is a clear statement by Jesus about Us. It is clear to Us that we cannot die. We en-morph, we shape shift, we transform, we change, however, we cannot die. Death is a great deception that we have overcome. ~AAY~Alan: we viewed death as a separation from Christ, but we are Christ. Atori – Death is a hoax. It reigned from Adam to Jesus. It was perpetrated on us by the law from men who did not understand death. We cannot die, or we have an understanding of what death really is. We enmorph, transform, change, and we cannot die. It is a great deception that we have overcome. ~AAY~ Alan: we are no longer worried about the control of the church. Religion tried to control us by the fear of death. Daniel: they used the fear that they can take life away from you by calling it death. Or they call it purgatory to get money from the family.. They said you’ll burn in hell. They want an eternal hell for profit. Atori - The deception is over. There is no Utopia or hell in the manner they speak of. The dream is over.‘We are the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? We are not the God of the dead but of the living.’ Atori - Jesus’ final declaration of the age we are in is, “That we are not dead but alive and we are the action, the Christ of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We are the sum of our desires, theophany and flesh. ~AAY~Atori - Once marriage is complete and we attain the whole of marriage it becomes a limitation. Marriage was for helping, having a weakness and finding someone to strengthen it together. We must move beyond marriage as it was the spotlight in the age of mediation, deception, intercession, and church age mentality. We have to make a quantum leap! Un-marry – the prophet said “divorce” but its more than that! ~AAY~ Atori - We see that Jesus is talking about our age. We are the Christ, the living stones. We are the action of the living. The whole world is alive and we are the us of all creation. Jesus tells about the people of this age, these people are the very Christ, the actions of worthiness, and will always continue, we cannot die. We are the sum of our desires, theophany and flesh. We have brought it full circle with a total understanding. ~AAY~ Connie: We are one. This is the final declaration. One sprit, faith, baptism, hope of our calling and in this age we attained it.Atori - We attained worthiness and resurrection. Don’t marry anything, do away with absolutes that restrict you. Continue to take in everything. We are like the angels in heaven. Take the laws and throw them away. We have released those legalistic attributes and finished them. All of them were in US and we unleashed them upon Us for a season. Now we have the understanding we wanted as angels, but didn’t know exactly what that would do to us. We understand now. We are human, humanity is now our heaven. ~AAY~Atori - Let the male/female concept “DIE” in the explosion. Become more than that! “This is That” spoken of by the prophet Jesus in Matthew 22 and Luke 20.The age of “Worthiness”The age of “Resurrection”It is a complete en-morphing of Mind and heart, Spirit and Body, logic and creation. We become Us! ~AAY~ Atori - We need to make a quantum leap. Lay down all of your absolutes. Pull yourself out of those old concepts and go to a love beyond what you could ever have in a marriage situation. I say it is more than a divorce or annulment of the old ways; it is a transformation. ~AAY~Daniel: We tend to look at marriage and divorce as absolutes, but we are the absolute.. those things are just tools in our evolution. We take the attributes and apply them to Us as an absolute when that isn’t the purpose. Those things are for our evolution. Atori – The old concepts of marriage holds one as the stronger and one as the weaker according to the bible? Can we get past that and say we are beyond that? I want to move my relationships into such a love divine. Then we’ll get past battles, hurts and jealousies. ~AAY~Daniel: We were saying that male is intelligence and female was feelings and that the intelligence was greater. If you use one without the other, you will go into legalism or chaos. They are one. Alan: left and right side of the brain working together as BRAIN.Christ is an action, a message of logic, energy and transformation. What seems to be gravity is not gravity. Gravity was a deception, another metaphor, a hoax perpetrated on the people just like the law. The real energy surrounding us is an electromagnetic energy. We are the action, the Christ. We are listening to the voice of people in the time, they may be alive or passed away, yet their voices can still be heard. Once you understand energy you’ll understand that no one ever dies. Everything is in the ether waves. ~Kit Gomez~ Atori - We have to break out of the church age traditions. We’ve changed, shape shifted, taken on new laws and traditions, grace, and moved through everything of life and death as humanity. Nothing separated Us. Now lay down the old concepts of superior, inferior, and come beyond that into a real relationship of oneness. We’re past the hoax. ~AAY~ Notes by Aubrey Copeland and Atori Alo Yansa. ................

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