
October 15, 2020 History AssignmentI. Read carefully Chapter 5, pp. 52 – 56. (Read just the first paragraph on page 56.) Be sure to read the section on PHILLIS WHEATLEY on the right side of page 55. (Some additional reading is assigned below.)II. Study your notes dated October 1 and also the notes dated October 15. Both sets of notes cover new material not discussed in class. These notes will be helpful in completing this assignment. III. Respond in writing to the following:1. In your own words, what was the GREAT AWAKENING? (Please do NOT GOOGLE this answer!)2. Why were many Americans in need of a ‘spiritual’ revival?3. What role did JONATHAN EDWARDS play in getting the Great Awakening started?4. What contributions were made by George Whitefield to the Great Awakening?5. Summarize 4 primary results of the Great Awakening.6. Scripture teaches that when an individual comes to a saving faith in Jesus, he or she becomes a ‘new creation’ and his or her life changes for the better. Look for examples of how the gospel changed lives and opinions during this period. List 3 of your findings.7. Why did the Great Awakening help to unify Americans from all 13 colonies and kindle a greater desire for political (government) freedom?IV. BIBLE READING ASSIGNMENT AND QUESTIONSRead the scripture passages provided below and respond in writing to the questions which are printed at the end of the passages. The scripture is provided for you below in the Easy-to-Read translation. Feel free to use other translations. 1 Timothy 6:17-19 (ERV)17?Give this command to those who are rich with the things of this world. Tell them not to be proud. Tell them to hope in God, not their money. Money cannot be trusted, but God takes care of us richly. He gives us everything to enjoy. 18?Tell those who are rich to do good—to be rich in good works. And tell them they should be happy to give and ready to share. 19?By doing this, they will be saving up a treasure for themselves. And that treasure will be a strong foundation on which their future life will be built. They will be able to have the life that is true life.I Timothy 6:7-10 (ERV)7?When we came into the world, we brought nothing. And when we die, we can take nothing out. 8?So, if we have food and clothes, we should be satisfied with that. 9?People who want to be rich bring temptations to themselves. They are caught in a trap. They begin to want many foolish things that will hurt them. These things ruin and destroy people. 10?The love of money causes all kinds of evil. Some people have turned away from what we believe because they want to get more and more money. But they have caused themselves a lot of pain and sorrow.Luke 16:19-31 Version (ERV)The Rich Man and Lazarus19?Jesus said, “There was a rich man who always dressed in the finest clothes. He was so rich that he was able to enjoy all the best things every day. 20?There was also a very poor man named Lazarus. Lazarus’ body was covered with sores. He was often put by the rich man’s gate. 21?Lazarus wanted only to eat the scraps of food left on the floor under the rich man’s table. And the dogs came and licked his sores.22?“Later, Lazarus died. The angels took him and placed him in the arms of Abraham. The rich man also died and was buried. 23?He was sent to the place of death (hell) and was in great pain. He saw Abraham far away with Lazarus in his arms. 24?He called, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me! Send Lazarus to me so that he can dip his finger in water and cool my tongue. I am suffering in this fire!’25?“But Abraham said, ‘My child, remember when you lived? You had all the good things in life. But Lazarus had nothing but problems. Now he is comforted here, and you are suffering. 26?Also, there is a big pit between you and us. No one can cross over to help you, and no one can come here from there.’27?“The rich man said, ‘then please, father Abraham, send Lazarus to my father’s house on earth. 28?I have five brothers. He could warn my brothers so that they will not come to this place of pain.’29?“But Abraham said, ‘They have the Law of Moses and the writings of the prophets to read; let them learn from that.’30?“The rich man said, ‘No, father Abraham! But if someone came to them from the dead, then they would decide to change their lives.’31?“But Abraham said to him, ‘If your brothers won’t listen to Moses and the prophets, they won’t listen to someone who comes back from the dead.QUESTIONS:1. Is money evil? (Carefully read I Timothy 6:10 BEFORE you answer.)2. Is it sinful to work hard in order to make money? 3. How does a useful and necessary object like money become evil to some people?4. Who told the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus in Luke 16?5. Why did the rich man in Luke 16 fail to care for the poor man named Lazarus?6. What message do we as individual Americans of the 21st Century need to learn from the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus? IV. Prepare for a quiz on October 15 that will cover life in the colonies as described in chapter 4 and reported on by students in class. Information concerning social classes and America as a ‘melting pot’ will also be included on the quiz. (Notes dated September 24 are posted to the webpage for your convenience in the even you need them.)V. Continue to review for the Unit Test scheduled for late October. The review sheet is attached to the webpage. OPTIONAL EXTRA CREDITIf you attend church regularly, you have heard or at least been exposed to many sermons. Sermons are important, especially when the speaker has based his message on scripture. While I try to remember the eternal truths the preacher talks about, I usually do NOT remember details of any particular sermon for more than a few days. In the 1600s a preacher named JONATHAN EDWARDS preached probably the most famous sermon in American history. His sermon, titled ‘SINNERS IN THE HANDS OF AN ANGRY GOD’, was no doubt used by the Holy Spirit to jump-start the Great Awakening. For extra credit, research what Edwards’ message was to his congregation when he preached this very famous sermon. Be ready to report on your findings in class should you choose to earn these extra pts. ................

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