
left000Our Savior’s Lutheran ChurchOctober 2020 Newsletter“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”?Hebrews 11:1What is faith? What do you believe? On October 4, we will celebrate the confirmation? of faith of four young members of our church family. When they were babies, their parents brought them to church for baptism, promised to raise them in Christian faith, and we as a congregation promised to support them in that process of experiencing, receiving, and sharing God’s love.?Every baptism anticipates the day when the young child will grow and learn and embrace the faith of their baptism as their own. Before students are confirmed, we ask them to write a statement of faith. I’ve appreciated how much time and thought our students this year have put into reflecting on their faith, connecting it to the Creed we share. They have spent time as a group, and with their parents, thinking about how we might express our faith in our own words, articulating what it means for our own lives. The truth is, writing one’s faith statement is not a quick and easy task. It is an opportunity to appreciate the depth and breadth of faith because God is bigger, more powerful, more patient, forgiving and loving than our words can contain.?You were most likely confirmed in faith yourself. Do you remember what you wrote in your faith statement? What would you write or say today about the faith that is yours, after years of living into the grace and mercy of God? What would you want others to know about how you have experienced God in your own life? Faith runs so deep, is so complex, that sometimes words fail us. In those moments, we simply rest in the wonder of God who calls us by name, even as He cares for all His children, and manages the universe all at once. And when words fail us, we can return to the Creed, as Christians in all times and places have embraced its witness to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit who sustain us from generation to generation, and in whom we have life everlasting, today and always.?In the New Testament, the Greek word for “faith” can also be translated as “trust.” We trust God’s promises to be with us, to send the Spirit to guide us, to move us to repentance and forgiveness, and to give us the assurance of God’s love no matter what. Something stirs in us when we are able to say, “I believe.”?There is much we don’t understand but we do know that at the heart of faith is love.?As Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 13:12-13, this is the most important thing we need to know:? “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then Wie will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known. And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.”?May your faith continue to grow and deepen so that your love for God and others may also grow and deepen. What the world needs now is love.?In Christ,Pastor Susan240030352425Reflectionswith Pastor Betsy Dartt00Reflectionswith Pastor Betsy Dartt I remember when my cousin got one of those bouncy clowns for Christmas when we were kids. This inflatable clown was meant to be punched and it would bounce right back up again. Over and over again, the clown would bounce up with a happy grin on its face. My uncle asked, “Why do you suppose that clown doesn’t stay down when you punch it?” My cousin replied, “I guess what’s inside him to stand up is stronger than what takes him down.” My younger sister didn’t know about the bouncy clowns but she did start singing the jingle about the Weebles of her childhood days. These little toys rolled and pitched but could not be pinned down. The jingle went something like “Weebles can wobble but you can’t knock them down.” Toys like these have something to teach us today.I heard on the radio the other day a series of broadcasts called, “Resiliency and How I Found It.” It was story after story of people in business who overcame obstacles with the workplace that had caused others in their fields to collapse. These days, as I call the people in our congregation, I hear stories of resilience—that capacity to get up again and again when the tough situations in life get you down. These days, as I talk to people in our community, I hear stories of endurance—that capacity to withstand hardship and obstacles while striving to reach the end. There are a few common elements in the stories I hear about resilience and endurance. One of the things I hear most often is a spirit of creativity. When people face problems, resilient people look for new ways to do the old things. They look for new resources, for new methods, for new delivery systems, for new ways of thinking so that the purpose of your work can continue. Another thing I hear about, is a spirit of adaptability. When people face unwelcome change, resilient people look toward their future rather than getting stuck in the way things used to be. They seek to discover the unexpected benefits of their new life and the release of old problems they no longer face. They keep hope ahead of them for what good things can come next. Yet another element is persistence. When resilient people are knocked down, they get up again and again and again patiently keeping their eyes on the ultimate goal of faithfully standing strong. What’s inside really is stronger than the things that threaten. And finally, I see that resilient people gratefully trust in God. They realize that enduring and standing strong come from gratitude for God’s good will and abundant provision. An attitude of gratitude in God’s faithfulness gives reassurance that our past failures do not condemn us to more failure. Rather God’s power brings transformation and new life through Jesus Christ. I like the way Paul talks about the gift of resilience and endurance in Romans 15: 5 – 6: “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”We are together people of resilience and endurance. We are creative, adaptable, persistent, grateful and faithful. The challenges of these days will not defeat us in our ministry. The obstacles of this world will not prevent us from standing for God’s good will. Perhaps we might wobble but you can’t knock us down. 25400We are back for in person worship! We will continue our worship on-line through You Tube and Facebook. King 4 will also continue to air for those that are unable to attend or make the choice to stay home. Please note that when we have outdoor services, King 4 will not be available at this time. Instead, the last indoor service will be shown.Please know that we want our church family to be safe! We honor the choice your family makes!New MembersIf you have been with us in worship and would like to be a full member of OSL, please contact either Pastor Susan Li or Pastor Betsy Dartt. STAYING CONNECTED WHILE APARTPastor Susan and Pastor Betsy are eager to stay connected with you during this time of social distancing! If you have a pastoral concern, or would like to talk, please call the church office, or email us and we will arrange for a time to talk. We pray for you each day, and care about what is happening in your lives. You can reach us directly at: Pastor Susan pastoroslsv1950@ cell phone 507-254-9875 Pastor Betsy betsy.dartt@ cell phone 507-884-4853 Be well. Be safe. God is with you. Pastor Susan and Pastor Betsy254016637000As we have needed to provide a different way to worship, it is exciting to see the increased views on our YouTube page. Our subscribers have increased, too. You can find us by going to this website:? lists all out of videos. Click on subscribe and you will then get an email update when we post a new video. Or you can go to YouTube and search for Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Spring Valley, MN. Then click on videos that will get to the list of our videos. Please help spread the word about our YouTube site as it is exciting to see how it is growing.?254018161000Call Committee UpdateThe call committee would like to thank everyone?in the congregation for your prayers and patience during the call process.?We have received more names of pastoral candidates from the synod office and have started conducting interviews with them. ?We appreciate all of the prayers from the members of the congregation during this time.? Please continue to watch the newsletter and worship services for continued updatesBible StudyThursdays, 7 to 7:30 p.m.There will be a new zoom Bible study featuring the adventures of Paul on his journeys starting churches throughout the regions around the Mediterranean. There is much we can learn about our own church today by seeing the growth of the first congregations of people who believed in Jesus Christ. This is an informal group who listen or talk as the Spirit moves. Pastor Betsy will bring the stories to life. Thursdays from 7 to 7:30 by zoom or phone call starting September 10.Join Zoom Meeting: ID: 898 7093 4032 Passcode: PaulDial in by Phone: Call 312-626-6799 Meeting Code: 898 7093 4032 Passcode: 571021Call the office or Pastor Betsy (507 884 4853) with any questions. Caring & Concerns for members & friends in Special Care Facilities:Spring Valley Senior Living & Rehab:Eileen Freeman, Mary Jane Island (Ken Kraut’s mother), Maxine Jahn, Maxine Mlenar, Donna Rowe, Joan Baarsch, Evelyn ArmstrongSpring Valley Senior Living-Evergreens:Roy & Jan Christopherson, Mick Rathbun, Elaine Sheldon, Lorraine Hancock, Rhoda JonesSpring Valley Estates:Bev Jertson, Anita NelsonPrairie Meadows Senior Living, Kasson:Wil & Evelyn MohlisKnown to have been hospitalizedDuane KnutsonPlease Note!Please remember to have family notify the church office if you are in the hospital. The privacy data laws do not allow the hospital to notify the church of your admittance.0764We need you, male or female! Ushers are needed to assist with handing out bulletins, helping with offering and communion, and taking care of other tasks behind the scenes before, during, and after our Sunday services. Please contact either Nevin Stender, Nancy Stender, Joan Kujath, Pastor Susan, or Pastor Betsy if you are interested in helping out.??We are planning to have communion at our Sunday services. Everyone's safety is very important to us. We have researched and decided to use gluten free wafers with juice kits. These kits will include?sealed wafers and sealed juice. The process of receiving communion will be different with the details being provided at the service.Readings for OctoberOctober 4th-Lectionary 271st Reading: Isaiah 5:1-7Psalm 80: 7-152nd Reading: Philippians 3:4b-14Gospel: Matthew 21: 33-46October 11th Lectionary 281st Reading: Isaiah 25: 1-9Psalm 232nd Reading: Philippians 4: 1-9Gospel: Matthew 22: 1-14October 18th Lectionary 291st Reading: Isaiah 45: 1-7Psalm 96: 1-9 (10-13)2nd Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1: 1-10Gospel: Matthew 22: 15-22October 25th Lectionary 301st Reading: Leviticus 19: 1-2, 15-18Psalm 12nd Reading: 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8Gospel: Matthew 22: 34-46Scriptures subject to change.Readings for OctoberOctober 4th-Lectionary 271st Reading: Isaiah 5:1-7Psalm 80: 7-152nd Reading: Philippians 3:4b-14Gospel: Matthew 21: 33-46October 11th Lectionary 281st Reading: Isaiah 25: 1-9Psalm 232nd Reading: Philippians 4: 1-9Gospel: Matthew 22: 1-14October 18th Lectionary 291st Reading: Isaiah 45: 1-7Psalm 96: 1-9 (10-13)2nd Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1: 1-10Gospel: Matthew 22: 15-22October 25th Lectionary 301st Reading: Leviticus 19: 1-2, 15-18Psalm 12nd Reading: 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8Gospel: Matthew 22: 34-46Scriptures subject to change.311151460500Keep in mind that your Spring Valley Area Food Shelf is available to anyone who could use a little extra help with putting food on the table, especially with the difficult situation at this time.The food self remains open each Wednesday from 2-4 p.m. and Saturday from 9-11 a.m.left8699500We have a FM transmitter that is working on the current sound system. You can listen to the 9 AM Sunday service from your vehicles from FM 90.9. If it is a communion Sunday, the communion kit will be brought to your vehicle.Thank you for your continued support of the audio/visual ministry we provide at OSL.?September Council Highlights:Worship Ministry Team Linda Kruegel brought the beautiful Easter processional banner she made, team members are volunteering to be part of the 70th anniversary planning committee, four new acolyte gowns have arrived, discussed using the existing railing to build a kneeling altar, Myrna Legreid shared the guideline for handbell rehearsal, the polka service will be outside on September 27, 2020, and Confirmation will be October 4, 2020.Education Ministry Team -Sunday School began September 13, 2020, Bibles were presented to 3 year olds, 3rd and 7th graders, $35 of each month’s Sunday School offering will be sent to our sponsor child Hassani, the remainder will be sent to the ELCA Disaster Fund of Iowa, and plans are made for Confirmation instruction which will be taught by Gina Jahn, Rachel Welch and Pastor Susan Li.Youth Ministry Team Ann had a question about whether or not the constitution states if we need to have a youth as a member of the ministry team or can this spot be filled by another adult? Will leave the 2021 budget the same as 2020; Senior League begins Wednesday, September 23 and is looking for ways to keep youth active while being distanced; Ann is working on Christmas ideas; they will decorate the church for Christmas and the Senior League may join the Confirmation students to help with some service projects.Old Business The call committee has received a list of candidates to interview.New Business Approval was granted for the Sunday School offering, budget proposal sheets were passed out to the teams, Jan Christianson and Carole Copeman were approved as members of the nominating committee, the plan presented for home communion was approved, approval was given to support Christmas in Fillmore County, and staff reviews will begin in October.Detailed minutes are available on the bulletin board by the Food Cart.--submitted by Helen House, SecretaryExecutive Meeting is October 8, 2020 at 5 p.m.Next council meeting is October 11, 2020 at 10:15 Thank You’s*We received a wonderful thank you in the mail from Roy & Jan Christopherson. They wanted us to know how much they appreciate the weekly Newsletters and being able to know what is going on at the Church. Roy would like everyone to know that he is grateful for the cards, phone calls, window visits, serenades, and gifts that he received. He said it is so nice to live in a small town. *OSL, thank you for the packet of seeds this Spring. Our morning glories are in their glory! You chose well for us. So happy to see the blooms! The Legreid’sEducation News!!Please join me in thanking our 2020-2021 Sunday School Staff:? Without each one of these individuals the Sunday School program could not happen.? We are blessed with a caring and dedicated staff!Ann Oeltjen, Blake Oeltjen, Olivia Rasmussen,Sammi Struzyk, Rylie Jacobson, Cheryl Runck, Macie Runck, William Jahn, Nicky Schmidt, Maci Rasmussen, Diesel Bronson, Mitchell Plaehn, Sami Barrie, Ashlyn Harwood, Ira Schmidt, and Jessica Bronson.Sunday School is in session again!? We have two options at this point.? We are doing in house Sunday School with masks and we have an at home Sunday School option.? The at home option has a family devotion format with four-week themes.We are following?the Kingsland School District plans.? If the district goes to virtual learning, the Sunday school program will follow.? We will have an at home family devotion options or a Facebook live story time with Gina as a second option.The financial?support from the congregation makes all the education options possible.? Thank you for your continued prayers and support and messages of encouragement.? Our church family cares about the children and youth in our congregation!Contact Us:Our Savior’s Lutheran Church805 S Broadway AveSpring Valley, MN 55975Ph 507-346-7251Email: oursaviorsspringvalley@Website: Like us on Facebook Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Spring Valley, MN @OSLSVPastor Susan Li Interim PastorCell: 507-254-9875Email: pastoroslsv1950@ Pastor Betsy Dartt-Visitation PastorCell 507-884-4853 betsy.dartt@Staff:Audio/Visual – Darla EricksonBookkeeper – Kathy MerkelCustodian – Toni SandersEducation Coordinator – Gina Jahn Cell 251-1610Music Coordinator/Choir Dir. – Elliott Grandall Handbell Dir. – Myrna LegreidOffice Manager – Amber Hobson Youth Coordinator – Ann Oeltjen: oslsvyouth@Remember our Deadlines-Articles and announcements for the newsletter are due by the 17th of the month. Announcements for the worship bulletin, Thursday by noon. Thank you!Baptism- 764540-2540We celebrated the Baptism of Avery Ann Kappers, daughter of Ryan & Molly Kappers on Sunday September 20th, 2020. Bibles given at worship on September 13th:3-year old group: Noel Bussman, Maren Duxbury, Lee Johnson, Karsynn Knode, Sawyer Owens, Raelynn Pease, Lauren Stuart.3rd grade group: Kyra Betts, Digger Bronson, Lydia Campbell, Maclaren Fowler, Payton Kaase, Hadley Knode, Jordan Pease, Hailey Runck, Eli Schmidt, Wesley Sweeney.7th grade group: Kaylie Betts, Diesel Bronson, Emmersen Dols, Markay Fowler, Landan Hunemuller, Audra Knutson, Caisa Kolling, Kaleem Reiland, Macy Runck.We appreciate all your time that you give to the church.?If you are unable for any reason to volunteer, please let the church office know at 507-346-7251. We understand during these challenging times that it may not work for you. October 4th:?Altar Guild – Gladys Peterson – No CommunionGreeters-Geraldine & Harris WilliamsScripture Reader – Kathy BaarschVideographer – Dan ReilandOctober 11th:?Altar Guild – Eileen Rathbun & Carol Ahern – Communion Greeters – Lori Buchholtz, Judy FrankScripture Reader – Zach QueenslandVideographer – Garrison Hubka?October 18th:?Altar Guild No Communion?Scripture Reader – Kathy ClarkGreeters- Sharon Jahn, Sherry WendtVideographer – Trey Pokorney?October 25th :?Altar Guild – Ann Thon - CommunionGreeters – Nancy StenderScripture Reader – Geraldine & Harris WilliamsVideographer – Kaden Rath.We are thankful that the church office is now open again. We are continually reviewing our practices in light of the risk of Covid transmission?and other health concerns. Now that we are entering the cold and flu season, superimposed on our on-going Covid threat,?we ask that you join us in a new routine to minimize the risk to all.?Our front office area is not a large space; sometimes it becomes crowded when several people stop by at once.? In order to assure social distancing,?please call the office before you stop by?so that we can be sure that we don’t have too many in the office at one time. We love for you to stop by, but now we need to be more intentional about how we operate in the building together. Thanks very much for your cooperation.? Questions or concerns? Contact Pastor Susan by calling her at church or email her at?pastoroslsv1950@.? Please recycle this newsletter whenyou are finished with it.-1524007191375Our Savior’s Lutheran ChurchNON-PROFIT, ORG805 S Broadway Ave U.S. Postage PaidSpring Valley, MN 55975 Spring Valley, MNAddress Service Requested Permit #71October 202000Our Savior’s Lutheran ChurchNON-PROFIT, ORG805 S Broadway Ave U.S. Postage PaidSpring Valley, MN 55975 Spring Valley, MNAddress Service Requested Permit #71October 2020 SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1center945515 ................

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