

Course Syllabus

Psychology- Surveys the general topics in psychology

Text- Understanding Psychology- Glencoe/McGraw Hill

Teacher- Neal Mullins Room- M-105 Periods- 1st (8:15-9:10) & 4th (11:05-12:20)

Contact- 276-642-5300 email-

Topics covered by approximate grading period:

1st six weeks- History, approaches and development

2nd six weeks- Workings of the mind and body

3rd six weeks- Learning and cognitive practices

4th six weeks- Personality theories and testing

5th six weeks- Personality disorders

6th six weeks- Social psychology

Materials needed- spiral notebook (Journal), textbook, binder with dividers, pencil or pen, and paper

Assessments- Tests, participation, research paper, quizzes, and journal

Grading scale: The six week grade will be determined by

Homework, participation & Quizzes- 1/3

Tests & research paper (if assigned during the grading period)- 1/3

Journal- 1/3

A= 93-100 B= 86-92 C= 79-85 D= 70-78

Make-up policy- Make-up will be in keeping with the school policy, students must see me the first day back to school and will have 2 or 3 days to make up missed work according to the number of days they were out of school. Each day work is late will result in grade being lowered one letter grade. Make up work such as tests or quizzes will be done by appointment after school or during 2nd period.

Tardy- Students are expected to be in their seats when the tardy bell rings. After the 3rd tardy students will be assigned after school detention.

Expectations- Regular school attendance (expectation is at least 95% including school sponsored activities), courtesy and respect, and good study habits are required. There will be no disruption of the teaching-learning process.

Signature of student: _____________________________________Date:_________

Signature of parent: ______________________________________Date:___________


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