Stat 201

Fall 2020 Stat 201Project 1 – InstructionsPromptData is used across all industries to make decisions. This semester we have data originally created by Mark Rober! You may know him for his YouTube Channel (Link Here), where he investigates many real-world topics with data! Mark Rober asked his local hairstylist to collect data on their tips along with a few other variables about their customers. The data has been slightly altered so there are a few interesting finds for the project. You will take the role of the hairstylist while completing this project. Your job in this project is to figure out data driven decisions related to the data collected and analyzed on how you can best optimize your tips and deal with unique situations in your salon. The body of the project including all the data analyses and interpretations have been done for you! This is found in the file named Stat 201 Project 1 Body F2020 V1.0.docx.You are to create a document which will consist of the two missing components from the file named above. Use the format from the next page as a basis for the document you will submit to Canvas for the Project 1 assignment. You are to: Craft an opening paragraph that will be an executive summary of the analyses (Video help for creating the executive summary). This will summarize all key findings in the report and should be around 4-6 complete sentences (5 points). Craft a closing paragraph that will be a conclusion to the report. This will recap the analyses performed, summarize interesting finds and most importantly discuss ideas regarding future data collection and analysis (5 points). You will be graded on how well you summarize the analysis and determine key lessons, as well as your creativity and insight into future analyses. Start the project early.Ask for help if you need it.Show ingenuity and creativity. Put some thought into your conclusions. What unique ideas do you have for using this data to increase your personal (as a hair stylist) income?Do not send an electronic copy of your project to anyone. Do not receive electronic copies of projects from anyone via email or online websites. Doing this is considered cheating. Students suspected of sharing projects will receive a zero on the project and possibly a zero in the course.Note: This project, in addition to the visualization assignments will prepare you for Project 2, where you will complete a comprehensive project from start to finish producing all the graphs, analyses, and interpretations. Stats 201 Project #1 – Fall 2020 – Haircut Customer AnalysisBy: Your name hereFor: Your Instructor’s name hereDate: xx/xx/xxExecutive SummaryYour ideas go here>Future ResearchYour ideas go here> Writing a Good STAT 201 Project Report Writing a report to your boss about a statistical analysis he has asked you to do is very different than writing a novel, or writing to your Statistics instructor. What does it take to write a good project report? Of course, it’s important to know your audience when you write anything.Let’s assume you are writing your project report for some busy executives in the company, and they have asked you to answer the questions in the project. They are very intelligent people, but they are not “Statisticians”. Assume that these executives have had some basic statistical education, but perhaps a long time ago. Keep this in mind as you complete your project.Below are some guidelines for writing an effective project report:1.The first paragraph for the report should be an executive summary. The executive summary should be a 4-6 sentence summary that orients the reader and highlights the key points of the report. The goal of an executive summary is to condense a large report in to just one paragraph.2.Answer each question on the project instructions using correct sentence structure, spelling and grammar. Sentences should be succinct and clear. You can assume the executives have a copy of the questions they asked. This done for your in Project 1.3.Avoid using "statistical jargon". Explain the results of the analysis in a way that the executives can understand it.4.As explained in the project instructions, graphics from JMP and/or Excel that address the project question must be imbedded within the document, at the point where the executives need to see them. Don’t make them hunt for the output at the back of your report. This is done for you in Project 1.6.For your closing paragraph give information that summarizes your important findings and takeaways. Do not simply restate findings. Inform the reader where you will be going from here after the report. ................

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