Global History - FlippedTIPS

Global History

Activity Sheet for Use in January 7th Workshop

GOAL: Planning your Global History Curriculum for the Spring, 2004 and

How to Integrate the GHPPA into that Curriculum

Identifying and stating major public policies in various periods in global history:

What historical time period do you plan to teach during the spring semester?

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Identify five major units or topics that you plan to teach during the spring, and for each state a major policy that took place (remember that in the GHPPA revolutions may be viewed as policies)

| |Unit/Topic |Policy |

|Ex. |Challenges to the power of the Roman Catholic Church (1400-1650) |The Inquisition policies against heretics |

|Ex. |The Industrial Revolution in 18th and 19th Century England |Child Labor Laws |

|1. | | |

|2. | | |

|3. | | |

|4. | | |

|5. | | |

What social problems do your policies seek to address?

| |Policy |Social Problems |

|1. | | |

|2. | | |

|3. | | |

|4. | | |

|5. | | |

For each social problem/policy above, locate at least three good websites and copy and paste them below:

|1. Social Problem Policy | |

|Web Page 1 | |

|Web Page 2 | |

|Web Page 3 | |

|2. Social Problem Policy | |

|Web Page 1 | |

|Web Page 2 | |

|Web Page 3 | |

|3. Social Problem Policy | |

|Web Page 1 | |

|Web Page 2 | |

|Web Page 3 | |

|4. Social Problem Policy | |

|Web Page 1 | |

|Web Page 2 | |

|Web Page 3 | |

|5. Social Problem Policy | |

|Web Page 1 | |

|Web Page 2 | |

|Web Page 3 | |

For each problem/policy above, identify which part(s) of the GHPPA you plan to use to teach that problem/policy and your reason:

| |Problem/Policy |Part(s) of the GHPPA/Your Reason |

|Ex. |The aftermath of WWI/Treaty of Versailles Treaty facilitated the rise|Evaluating the Existing Policy—the GHPPA can help students understand that the harsh |

| |of Hitler to power |terms of the Versailles Treaty |

|1. | | |

|2. | | |

|3. | | |

|4. | | |

|5. | | |


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