Occupational Health, Safety and Working Environment Policy Introduction

Occupational Health, Safety and Working Environment Policy


T.C.C. Technology Company Limited and its affiliated companies ("TCC Technology Group") firmly believes that no other assets in TCC Technology Group is as important as the people contributing their works and effort to business results. With the belief TCC Technology Group genuinely cares for all employees, the corporate occupational health and safety policy ("Policy") states to support and develop a good quality of working life and it will lead TCC Technology Group to the stable and sustainable excellence.

Scope of the Policy

The Policy applies to all TCC Technology Group's member of Board of Directors ("BOD") Executive Directors ("Executive Committee"), all TCC Technology Group's Management Executives (employee ranging from Director level up to the Managing Director) and employees ("Employees") and all other persons who is/are working within TCC Technology Group's workplace, all of which will be informed of this Policy before or upon entering into TCC Technology Group's workplace.

The Policy is produced to give the TCC Technology Group's guidance for its best practices on healthy and safe working environment for the Executive Committee, Employees and all other persons who is/are working within TCC Technology Group's workplace. The Policy sets out clear intentions and guidelines as follows:

1. TCC Technology Group will develop the safety, occupational health and working environment management system in compliance with the laws, international standards and other regulations and requirements that have been applied and practiced on regular and sustainable manner to cultivate safety mind in workplace among our employees, partners, suppliers, visitors and those working in TCC Technology Group's premises.

2. TCC Technology Group regards that safety is the duty and responsibility of all employees. Supervisors at all levels have to act as role models leading, supporting and encouraging their subordinates to be aware of safety at work. Also, they have to oversee the operations of the employees, partners, suppliers, visitors and those working in TCC Technology Group's premises to strictly follow the safety and occupational health rules and regulations for maximum safety in all operating processes.

3. TCC Technology Group will encourage and support the participation of employees, partners, suppliers, visitors and those working in its premises in the implementation of safety, occupational health and good working environment practices.

4. TCC Technology Group realizes the substance if prevention and risks assessment of hazards and environment impacts and will therefore introduce and undertake all necessary measures to ensure the efficiency of prevention and correction system.

5. TCC Technology Group will provide its employees at all levels with relevant knowledge and build up their awareness of the cruciality of safety, occupational health and good working environment works.

Occupational Health, Safety and Working Environment Policy

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6. TCC Technology Group will monitor and assess the implementations according to safety, occupational health and working environment policy deployed in the annual plan in order for active and efficient actions.

7. TCC Technology Group will provide proper resources including budget, time, personnel and relevant sources in the implementation according to the safety, occupational health and working environment management system.

Occupational Health, Safety and Working Environment Policy

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