1.    Which of the following is an example of scarcity?

a.     If you choose to play video games, you will not have

as much time for exercise.

b.     If a city u$es an acre of land to build a park, there will

be less land for houses.

c.     If I decide to buy a new car, I may not have enough

money to,’go away on vacation this year.

d.     All of the above are examples of scarcity.

2       A variable is a measure of     

a.     something that always has the same value

b.     something that can take on different values

c.     factors that occur with high degrees of uncertainty

d.     the degree to which something varies over time

3.     Microeconomics is best described as the study of     .

a.     the choices made by individual households, firms and


b.     inflation, unemployment, gross national product and

the nation’s economy as a whole

c.     how markets interact in the aggregate economy

d.     marginal changes in the economy

4.     The opportunity cost of going to college     .

a.     is zero if your parents pay your tuition

b.     is equal to the cost of tuition, room and board, and

other expenses

c.     includes wages you lose by going to school instead of


d.     is the same for all students at a particular school who

pay full tuition

5.     The period of time over which one or more factors of pro¬

duction is fixed is the      .

a.     long run

b.     period of marginal costs

c.      short run

d.     None of the above

6.     Suppose that you lend $1,000 to a friend and he or she

pays you back one year later. What is the actual cost of

                                         &nbs p;                 lending the money?


a.     There is no cost.

b.     The real interest rate that would have been earned on

the money

c.      The nominal interest rate that would have been earned

                                         &nbs p;                          on the money

d.     The implicit cost of the money

7.     In modern economies, individuals in markets make most of

the decisions about     .

a.     what to produce

b.     how to produce

c.     for whom to produce

d.     All of the above

8.     A has a comparative advantage over B in producing a good

if     .

a.     A can produce more of the good than B can in a given

time period

b.     A has a lower opportunity cost of producing the good

than does B

c.     A has to trade off more than B does to produce the


d.     A has a higher opportunity cost of producing the good

than does B

9.     Which of the following is NOT an example of a free trade

                                         &nbs p;               agreement?

a.     GATT

b.     EU

c.     APEC

d.     OPEC

10.     A demand curve is defined as the relationship between



a.     the price of a good and the quantity of that good that

        consumers are willing to buy

,     b.     the price of a good and the quantity of that good that

producers are willing to sell

c.     the income of consumers and the quantity of a good

that consumes are willing to buy

d.     the income of consumers and the quantity of a good

that producers are willing to sell

11.     Becky demands more raisins as her income increases. From

this, we Can conclude that     .

a.     raisins are an inferior good

b.     raisins are a complementary good

c.     raisins are a normal good

d.     raisins are a substitute good

12.     Flour is used to produce bread. If the price of flour increas¬

es,      . (

a.     the demand for bread increases

b.     the demand for bread decreases

c.     the supply of bread increases

d.     the supply of bread decreases

13.     A good synonym for elasticity would be     .

a.     change

b.     demand

c.     responsiveness

d.     stickiness

14.     The cross elasticity of demand measures     .

a.     the relationship between the demand of one good and

the supply of another

b.     the relationship between the demand of one good and

the price of another

c.     the relationship between the demand and supply of

one good at the intersection of the curves

d.     the elasticity of demand at the intersection of the sup¬

ply and demand curves

 15.    Suppose that in a month the price of a cup of coffee

                                    increases from $1 to $1.50. At the same time, the quantity

                                    of cups of coffee demanded decreases from 200 to 190. The

                                    price elasticity of demand for cups of coffee (calculated

                                      using the midpoint formula) is approximately     .

J     ()

     a.     0.13     

-     b.     0.5     

     c.     7.8     


     d.     20     

                           1 6.     Consumer Surplus refers tO     .

a.• C the cost of producing a unit of the product

b.   the maximum that a consumer is willing to pay for the product

c. the difference between the price charged for the prod¬

uct and the cost of producing that product

d. the difference between the maximum that a consumer

is willing to pay for a product and the price that is paid

for the product

1 7.    A maximum price leads to a quantity traded     the

equilibrium quantity, (

a AT

b.     above

c.     below

d.     either “a” or “c”


1 8.    The famous economist who coined the metaphor “the invis¬

                                         &nbs p;      ible hand” is     .

a.     Mickey Kantor

b.     Alan Greenspan

c.     Milton Friedman

d.     Adam Smith

19.     Katie’s demand curve for ice cream cones     .


a.     assumes that the only variables that change are the

price of ice cream cones and the quantity of ice cream

     cones demanded by Katie

b.     shows the quantity of ice cream cones Katie consumes

as her preference for ice cream changes

c.     makes no;assumptions about Katie’s preference for ice

cream cones

d.     assumes that the only variable that changes is Katie’s

income   :

20.     The budget line shows the set of all possible combinations


a.     that yield the same level of utility to the consumer

b.     that maximize a consumer’s utility

c.     that can be purchased, given the consumer’s income

and the price of the goods

d.     that are equilibrium points

21.     Suppose that a consumer is maximizing her utility, then the

consumer’s income increases. What will happen?

a.     The consumer will end up on a lower indifference

curve than before.

b.     The consumer will end up on the same indifference

curve as before.

c.     The consumer will end up on a higher indifference

curve than before.

d.     The consumer’s budget line will shift to the left.

22.     Joe runs a restaurant. He pays his employees $200,000 per

year. His ingredients cost him $50,000 per year. Prior to

running his restaurant, Joe was a lawyer earning $150,000

per year. What would economists say is Joe’s cost of run¬

ning the restaurant?

a.     $150,000

b.     $200,000

c.     $250,000

d.     $400,000

23.    Average total cost equals

a.     total fixed cost plus total variable cost

b.     average fixed cost minus average variable cost

c.     average fixed cost plus average variable cost

d.     total cost minus average cost

24.    The effect of spreading out the fixed costs outweighing the

effect of diminishing returns is illustrated by the     

average COSt curve     .

a.     long-run, decreasing

b.     long-run, increasing

c.     short-run, decreasing

d.     ‘C short-run, increasing

Double heck 24

 25.    Firms in a perfectly competitive market

 a.     sell a differentiated product

b.     sell homogeneous products, like wheat or corn

c.     usually have large advertising budgets

d.     try to attract customers away from their competitors

26.    If a firm has already paid for something, we call it

                                         &nbs p;                           A     a fixed cost

                                         &nbs p;                           B     a spent cost

                                         &nbs p;                           C     a sunk cost

                                         &nbs p;                            D    a lost cost

                                         &nbs p;                         

27.     You notice that the price of butter rises and then falls. The

best explanation for this is that     . (

a.     demand for butter increased causing price to rise

i     which attracted other firms to enter the market causing

supply to increase which caused the price to go back down

b.     demand fOr butter decreased causing price to fall

which attracted other firms to enter the market causing

supply to increase which caused the price to go back


c.     demand for butter decreased causing price to fall

which induced other firms to exit the market causing

•                              supply to decrease which caused the price to go back


d.     demand for butter decreased causing price to fall

which attracted other firms to enter the market causing

supply to decrease which caused the price to go back


28.     In order to receive a patent in the United States an inventor


a.     prove a product is useful and novel

b.     provide a working model of the product

c.     pay a one-time fee

d.     do all of the above

29.     In the long run, the main reason that a monopolist can earn

positive economic profits while a perfectly competitive firm

Cannot is      .

a.     monopolists enjoy greater economies of scale

b.     there are no barriers to entry in a perfectly competitive


c.     the monopolist faces an inelastic demand for its prod¬


d.     perfectly competitive firms face greater opportunity


30.     Suppose that it would cost a firm $9 million to develop a

new drug. In the absence of a patent, other firms will be

able to copy and bring to market a generic equivalent of the

drug in three years. In each of these three years, the firm

would earn monopoly profits of $4 million. A patent will

-*     generate monopoly status for the firm for twenty years. If

                   the government knew this information ahead of time, which

                   of the following is most correct?

a.     The government should grant a patent to the firm,

because the firm would not produce the drug at all

without a patent. ‘-

b.     The government should grant a patent to the firm,

because it does not have the resources to determine,

/con a case-by-case basis, exactly which inventions tr merit award of the patent.

c.     The government should grant a patent to the firm,

because the firm is entitled to make large profits for all

the work it put into research and development of the


d.     The government should not grant a patent to the firm,

because the firm would earn sufficient profits to devel¬

op the drug without the patent.

Check number 30

31.     An entrepreneur is a person who     .

a.     only hires workers

b.     works as an employee in a risky business

c.     undertakes a risk to start a business

d.     a person who buys stock in a new company

32.     Under monopolistic competition     

a.     firm profits are higher in the long run than in the short


b.     average costs of production are the same in the short

run as they are in the long run

c.     economic profit is zero in the long run

d.     price equals marginal cost

33.     A benefit to consumers of monopolistically competitive

markets is that     .

a.     consumers only have to choose from one product

b.     consumers have a variety of products from which to

j     choose

c.     goods are sold at the lowest possible average cost of


d.     price is equal to marginal cost in equilibrium

34.     The four-firm concentration ratio measures the     .

a.     percentage of market output produced by the four

-C     largest firms

b.     the elasticity of demand of the four largest firms in an


c.     the average cost of the four largest firms in an industry

d.     number of firms in an industry

35.     Price fixing is an arrangement whereby firms agree to


a.     not change price even if market conditions dictate a


b.     set price equal to marginal cost

c.     set price equal to average total cost

d.     coordinate their pricing decisions

36.     A contestable market is one where     .

a.     there are infinitely many firms

b.     entry necessarily occurs

c.     there is the legitimate threat of entry

d.     firms can maintain the monopoly price

37.     The government allows firms to engage in price discrimina

tion Unless the practice     . (

a.     allows the firm to earn positive economic profits

b.     reduces consumer surplus

c.     drives rival firms out of business

d.     increases prices to consumers

38.    Which of the following is NOT true about advertising?

a.     Advertising can make profits in an industry increase.

b.     Advertising can make profits in an industry decrease.

j     c.  Advertising can create the illusion that there are differ-

ences between products when there are none.

d.     All of the above are true.

39.     In which of the following cases did the government break

                      .Up a monopoly? (

                  a. Staples/Office Depot

b.      Interstate Bakeries and Continental Bakery     , ^

c.      Xidex

d.      Standard Oil

40.     In which of the following cases did the government success-

                          fully block a merger?

a.     Staples/Office Depot

b.     Interstate Bakeries and Continental Bakery

c.     AT&T

d.     Standard Oil

Check number 40 – chapter 7

41 .      An example Of a public good is

a.     national defense

b.     a hamburger

c.     a laundromat

d.     a personal computer

42.     The idea that voters tell the government what to do

a.     is the basic idea of democracy

b.     is the basis for a command economy

c.     always leads to efficient economic outcomes

d      all of the above

44.     As a consequence of global warming we can expect


a.     total rainfall to increase

b.     crops to grow faster

i     c.     the polar ice caps to melt

d.     all of the above to occur

45.     People who apply for loans know more about their ability

to repay the loan than the lenders do. This is an example of



a.     asymmetric information

b.     public information

        c.     a negative externality

        d.     a community rating

46.     Moral hazard occurs when a person’s behavior changes in a

Way that     . )

a.     is immoral

b.     is dangerous

c.     increases the likelihood of a bad outcome for someone


d.     causes negative externalities

47.     The short-run labor demand curve is     .

a.     more elastic than the long-run labor demand curve

b.     less elastic than the long-run labor demand curve

c.     might be more or less elastic than the long-run labor

demand curve

d.     perfectly elastic (horizontal)

48.     Occupational licensing     the cost of entering an

occupation and     the price of goods produced by the licensed occupation

a.     increases; increases

b.     decreases; increases

c.     increases; decreases

d.     decreases; decreases

49 .Which of the following groups has a poverty rate below the average for the United States?

a.   College graduates

b.   Two-parent households

c.    Over 65

d.    All of the above

50.    Why is the current method of funding the Social Security system considered to be in crisis?

a.    Medical costs have risen very rapidly, and these

increases are predicted to continue.

b.    The ratio of the working age to the retiree population is falling.

c.    A sluggish asset market means that future Social

Security payments are likely to be lower than expected

d.     Both “a” and “b” are correct.

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