Book ReviewProjectName: ________________________Class: ________________________Teacher: ______________________What is this project?The aim of this project is for you to read (at least) one book, think about the different elements of the book and write a review for others to read.What is a book review?48958501143000A book review is a summary of the plot, the characters in the story and how the book made you feel. Write a book review on your favourite book or a book you’ve recently read. There are some questions below which you may find helpful to consider when completing your review. What happened in the story? What was the story about?How did the events of the story follow on from each other? What was the climax of the story? How did it end? Who were the main characters? Did they change, if so how?Was there anything interesting about the way it was written? Was it written in first or third person? Was it a good story? Why? What was your favourite moment in the story? Why? Would you recommend this book? Who would you recommend it to?How can I access books?There are a variety of ways you can access a book to read:You may have a book at home that you haven’t read yet;This may be the chance to finish the library book at the bottom of your bag;You can read or listen online – below are a list of places you can access books:Audible are offering free online audio books to pupils – (you can ask an adult to sign up to their main site also)Kindle Unlimited are offering two free months and you don’t need a Kindle device to use this. Books can be downloaded onto your own device. You may need to ask an adult to register for this service. allows you to read books online; although this may only be suitable for older pupils.Oxford Reading Tree have made ebooks available, for free - Parents will need to sign up for this service and a lot of the titles will only be suitable for younger readers. and also offer online reading but you will need to register for these have a large selection of short stories, suitable for all ages.*Please note that a lot of websites or services will require you to sign up so ask an adult before you do this. DO NOT enter credit or debit card details without permission. Some of these sites may ask you to enter card details for after the free trial period has ended. If you do not want to keep the service, make sure you cancel it.Before you begin reading…You have heard the expression ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ but this is exactly what you are going to do! Before you begin reading, look at the front and back cover and answer the questions below.What clues are on the front cover to tell you what the book might be about?What does the blurb tell you about the book? (don’t re-write the blurb, try to explain what you learn)What genre (type) of story do you think this book will be?What was it about this book that made you pick it? (this could be the picture, the genre, the author)As you are reading…This page will be useful for keeping notes about what is happening, as you read.What are the major events?Who are the important characters?Has anything important or unexpected happened?Your thoughts about the book as you readThe Book ReviewThe following pages are for your final draft of the book review. There are planning pages available in the online folder for you to use before you complete this part. This section should be completed in full sentences.Character ProfileThink about a character from the book that you can write about. It doesn’t need to be the main character but do choose one that you can write a lot about. The space below is for the final draft of your work. Planning pages are available in the online folder to help you with this part.60086430793Becoming the author You are going to pretend to be the author and re-write part of the story from another point of view. Choose one major event in the story and write a diary entry from the point of view of a character other than the main character. Think carefully about how this event could be seen differently. Use the planning sheet below before you begin writing.What is the event?Which character are you going to be?How are they involved in the event?How is their point of view going to change the story?Dear Diary…Design a new front coverDesign a new front cover for your book. You can print this page or use a page in your book.Turning your book into film…3614420000Imagine your book is being turned into a film. Think about who you would chooseto play each character and where the story should be set (you can change this from the book). Fill in the table below.Character in the bookWho should play them on filmMy reasons whyWhere will the story be set?Often a lot of details can be changed when a book becomes a film. For example, a book set in the 1800s may be made into a modern version or younger characters may become older to suit their audience. Think about three things you could change about your book and explain why you would make the changes.Change you would makeHow will this improve the film version?Other activities you could do…Pick one event in the story and create a storyboard or comic strip;Re-write a chapter in a different genre;Think about how the story would be different if the hero was the villain and vice versa;Simplify the story so it is suitable for a younger reader - why not create a picture book for them?Recommend your book to a friend and get a recommendation in return;Read another book by the same author;Choose a book in the similar genre;Challenge yourself to read a book from five different genres.Don’t forget you can complete a book review for every book you read . ................

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