
Northern Rockies Elementary SchoolEducational Technology Plan 2017-2020Roger GrayTable of ContentsTIP 1: Vision, Mission, Goals and Strategies…………………………………………………………………………………………. 3TIP 2: Needs Assessment..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…… 4TIP 3: The Planning Process..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5State Goals and Objectives with Local Strategies and Measures …………….……………………………… 5Environment ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7Engagement ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….… 8Application …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8Tools ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……… 8Results ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..….. 8TIP 4: Implementation: Timetable and Budget for Goals, Objectives and Strategies………………………….…. 9TIP 5: Executive Summary…..……………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..…. 17TIP 6: References..………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20TIP 1: Vision, Mission, Goals and Strategies of Northern Rockies Elementary SchoolMissionThe mission of Northern Rockies Elementary School is to provide students with the training, tools, and skills necessary to be productive, compassionate, and engaged citizens in the 21st century.VisionNorthern Rockies Elementary School educates, cares for, and develops the child as a whole. Attention is paid to nurturing their intellectual, emotional, physical, and social well being through the shared responsibility of the staff, administration, parents, students, and local community. In all that we do, we value the the strengths of individual students and the diversity of our student body, their families, our staff, and community.Goals and StrategiesIn order to achieve this vision, Northern Rockies Elementary School will:Goal 1: Work together with students, their families, district faculty, and the local community to support the learning needs of each child and to provide learning opportunities that are relevant and engaging for each individual.Strategy: Working together with families and community members, these partnerships and district resources will be utilized to ensure that technology and appropriate access to the support systems necessary are available to all students throughout all grade levels. Goal 2: Support each student in the attainment of appropriate growth intellectually, physically, and socially.Strategy: Elementary school students will utilize learning management systems (LMS) such as Google Classroom in primary grades and Schoology in intermediate grades. The use of these systems will be scaffolded throughout the grade levels in order to prepare students for the use of these and other LMS programs in the district’s middle schools and high schools, as well as in future university and workplace environments (CDE, W6-W10-SL1).Goal 3: Provide each student, family, staff member, and the community with a safe, supportive, inclusive, and healthy learning environment.Strategy: Students will engage in ongoing, grade level appropriate, digital citizenship curriculums such as Common Sense Media. These will include appropriate collaborative team projects and community engagement projects for all grade levels (CDE, W6-W10).TIP 2: Needs Assessment Strengths – What are the current strengths?A foundational strength of Northern Rockies Elementary School is that it currently has a strong infrastructure for technology in place. Broadband service is available as part of a system of nearly 100 miles of fiber optic cabling installed by the district to link services and provide access for schools as well as those in need within the community. In addition, the school WiFi system has been upgraded to ensure that there is reliable connectivity throughout the building. Classrooms and resource rooms all have multimedia systems in place that include projection systems that are connected to document cameras, a desktop computer, and audio adaptors. Teachers and students have access to multiple learning management systems, as well as 147 educational software programs, which continues to increase, free of charge. The district EdTech team is supportive of training for technology use and also has several support programs in place to ensure that families in need have access to computer systems and internet access in their homes. Additionally, Northern Rockies Elementary School has a child centered atmosphere that always puts the children’s needs first. The administration, faculty, and parents are committed to school improvement using a productive mix of experience and tradition that also encourages innovation in an environment that supports teacher creativity. To enhance professional development for all faculty and support for all students, para educators are always included in professional development opportunities. The school also has the support of active and involved parents and a local community that is always willing to assist in any way possible, including time and finances. Weaknesses – What are the current weaknesses?With an ever increasing budget shortfall, finding resources for technology is an ongoing challenge. Although Northern Rockies Elementary School has a well developed infrastructure for technology, there is limited technology available for individual student use. During the past year, a classroom set of 30 chromebooks has been provided for the three classes in each grade level to share. With one computer lab of 30 desktops and two desktops in each classroom, this falls far short of the one-to-one availability of devices desired in order to implement the programs planned within the school, especially those such as use of learning management systems and online collaborative projects.Para support has decreased each of the past four years due to budget shortfalls as well. Currently, there is an average of only 15 minutes of para support per day available to each classroom. With the schedule of required intervention time exceeding the staffing in the special education department, the responsibility for planning accommodations and modifications for students within the classroom falls upon the individual classroom teachers. There is a need for increased experiential learning opportunities for students. With the limited financial resources available, the inconsistency of collaboration among teachers in each grade level team and between different grade levels, and the need for volunteers who are properly trained to assist in the classroom, this area is lacking. Due to the limited diversity of socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds among the students, there are not sufficient opportunities to learn as much from each other as are needed and collaboration with communities outside the school is imperative.Opportunities – What are the future opportunities?Looking toward the future, Northern Rockies Elementary School must utilize its established history of fundraising and find creative ways to build and support new revenue opportunities in order to increase fundraising from the current $45,000 per year to $65,000 per year or more. With proper training, expertise from parent volunteers can be used to assist paras and support differentiated learning within the classroom as well as support the staffing needs for increased experiential learning projects. The implementation of improved professional development and new collaborative routines for the start of the school year can be built upon to enhance the collaboration needed among grade level teams and between grade levels. As the price of technology such as chromebooks and other devices continues to decrease, an increase in revenue sources could enable greater access to all students. With sufficient access available, technology could be utilized to increase collaboration opportunities with schools in other regions in order to enhance diversity education.Threats – What threatens those future opportunities?The greatest threat to future opportunities is the continuing decrease of the annual budget as well as the economic challenges and local unemployment that continue to complicate fundraising activities. In addition, the school district continues to channel a larger percentage of funds into more diverse schools making modernization an ongoing struggle. Because of this, other local schools with greater diversity and newer facilities are drawing higher enrollment growth as families with children choose to move into the region and choose to live within their enrollment areas. If the Northern Rockies Elementary School does not keep up with the modernization needed in programs and technology, its reputation as an older, more traditional school with less modern technology for students may continue to effect its success.TIP 3: The Planning Process State Goals and Objectives with Local Strategies and MeasuresGoalObjectivesStrategies1. Working together with families and community members, these partnerships and district resources will be utilized to ensure that technology and appropriate access to the support systems necessary are available to all students throughout all grade levels.1.1. Work together with students, their families, district faculty, and the local community to support the learning needs of each child and to provide learning opportunities that are relevant and engaging for each individual.1.1.a. Chromebooks will continue to be acquired to ensure that one will be available for each student in the classroom by the end of the 2017-18 school year.1.1.b. Families unable to provide chromebook or other appropriate technology for students will be supplied with a chromebook through the school’s technology support program.1.1.c. Build collaboration between the school and community to support the success and well-being of all children.1.1.d. Work with every family to support their desire for their children to succeed.1.1.e. Work actively in partnership with families to:- Ensure that the school. environment is inviting to all.- Ensure that two-way communication is effective and timely.- Support families with training for the academic and social-emotional support of their children1.1.f. High speed internet access for families in need will be supplied through the district’s program for public access to their broadband resources.2. Elementary school students will utilize learning management systems (LMS) such as Google Classroom in primary grades and Schoology in intermediate grades. The use of these systems will be scaffolded throughout the grade levels in order to prepare students for the use of these and other LMS programs in the district’s middle schools and high schools, as well as in future university and workplace environments (CDE, W6-W10-SL1).2.1. Support each student in the attainment of appropriate growth intellectually, physically, and socially.2.1a. Support teachers with instruction and support systems in the learning management systems (LMS) appropriate to their grade levels.2.1.b. Students will begin utilizing appropriate LMS technology in the primary grades through the introductory level use of resources such as Google Docs.2.1.c. Students will begin use of Google Classroom in third grade as the foundational organization structure of their curriculum.2.1.d. Students will use the Schoology LMS system in fourth and fifth grades as the foundational structure of their curriculum structure to ensure they are prepared for the independent use of this system in middle and high school.3. Students will engage in ongoing, grade level appropriate, digital citizenship curriculums such as Common Sense Media. These will include appropriate collaborative team projects and community engagement projects for all grade levels (CDE, W6-W10).3.1. Provide each student, family, staff member, and the community with a safe, supportive, inclusive, and healthy learning environment.3.1.a. Work together with teachers, students and families to build the foundation of digital citizenship in learning environments that are inclusive.3.1.b. Appropriate grade-level curriculum will be implemented through sources such as Common Sense Media to develop collaborative projects that include families in their interactions.3.1.c. Evening seminars will be held to offer online citizenship courses for families and the community.EnvironmentThe best instructional model and learning environment as Northern Rockies Elementary School moves forward is a blended or hybrid learning model. These terms are used interchangeably and most often referred to as hybrid within the United States (O’Byrne & Pytash, 2015). “Hybrid learning is a pedagogical approach that combines face-to-face (F2F) instruction with computer-mediated instruction (Ferdig, Cavanaugh, & Freidhoff, 2012)” (O’Byrne & Pytash, 2015).? In this environment, students will be introduced and instructed in curriculum in an F2F environment utilizing appropriate technology throughout the regularly scheduled school day. They will utilize technology from home to continue to work on projects and collaborate from home. Combined with the use of of proven instructional methods, this instructional model will enable teachers and students to extend the reach of the classroom environment beyond the brick and motor building to improve learning. Students who are in need of technology or high speed internet access will be provided with either or both through the district’s public broadband sharing program and the school’s technology support program.EngagementBeginning in kindergarten, students will be instructed in basic use of computer technology such as keyboards, mice, touchpads, and touchscreens. Material created in Google Docs and similar formats will be utilized to begin familiarization with these types of documents. Each grade level will advance the use of appropriate technology in their classrooms, with Google Classroom use being introduced on an appropriate level beginning in first grade. In fourth grade, students will be introduced to the use of Schoology as the new learning management system (LMS) they will be using from that point forward within the school district. Students will work independently and in group activities utilizing current applications when it is fitting to curriculum objectives and learning outcomes. Students will be encouraged to problem solve and collaborate whenever possible to keep direct instruction limited to the scope and times that it is most applicable. Digital citizenship curriculum will be included in the curriculum of all grade levels, with public educational forums available to parents and community members to support this curriculum outside of school as well.Application ToolsThe primary device utilized to access the necessary systems and services throughout the school day will be chromebooks. The school’s desktop lab and classroom desktop systems, along with iPads and laptop systems, will also be available. With the ongoing acquisition of chromebooks, the school’s goal of one chromebook per student in each classroom will be attained by the end of the 2017-18 school year. This goal is nearly met in the primary grades at this time in the 2016-17 school year and is more than half way met in the primary grades. Storage of documents and information with internet access from any location is available through students’ individual Google accounts and can be supplemented with the use of USB stage devices or other applicable personal devices. The completion of the upgrade to the school’s servers and high speed WiFi system has enabled sufficient access throughout the building for the necessary number of users that will be utilizing the system on an ongoing basis each day. Additionally, a sufficient number of headsets and mouse controllers has been purchased to ensure that students who do not have their own have them available when needed.ResultsAll students will have access to appropriate, necessary technology at school and home in order to implement school wide hybrid learning that is appropriate for each grade level whenever it is the best fit for obtaining instructional goals and objectives. Recognizing that “Hybrid learning provides an opportunity for sustainable, disruptive transformation of some of the challenges that permeate teaching and learning in traditional contexts” (O’Byrne & Pytash, 2015), all faculty will be provided with ongoing professional development opportunities and support in the development of hybrid models utilizing proven program design and best practices. Curriculum for each grade level will include digital citizenship and this curriculum will be made available to families and the community as well in order to best ensure a safe, supportive, inclusive and healthy environment for all. Learning management systems will be utilized and scaffolded at all grade levels to familiarize students in their use and to support them in becoming independent users of these systems in preparation for their education within the in district’s middle and high school settings. TIP 4: ImplementationBudgetContinuation of Technology (already in place and maintained by the district) ? Chromebooks ? Desktops ? Laptops ? Printers ? iPads? Multimedia projectors ? Document cameras? Broadband WiFi internet accessTechnology that Needs to be Purchased ? Chromebooks $176 ea.? Charging Stations $739/classroom? Headphones for primary grades (K-2) $10 ea.? One button mouse controllers for primary grades (K-2) $6 ea.? Raz Kids reading software for primary grades (K-2) $700/36 licenses annually? Reading Plus reading software for intermediate grades (3-5) $35 ea. annually? i-Ready reading intervention software as needed $30 ea. annuallyFree Technology to be Utilized ? G Suiteo Google software suite available to all students under district licensing? Google Classroomo Powered by Google Chrome and available to all students using district account? Schoologyo Available to all students under district licensingProfessional Development Costs ? PD will be presented and led by the three existing technology leaders for the building with the assistance of the technology support person from each grade level. ? Sessions will be scheduled to utilize existing beginning of the year professional development time, school facilities, and ongoing professional development/faculty collaboration time.Total Estimated Cost Technology Cost Quantity Total Chromebooks $176.00 240 $42,240.00 Charging Stations $739.00 8 $5,912.00 Headphones $10.00 252 $2,520.00One-button mice $6.00 252 $1,512.00Raz Kids $700/36 7 $4,900.00Reading Plus $35.00 207 $7,245.00i-Ready $30.00 45 $1,350.00 $65,679.00 Professional Development (PD) PlanTimetable for Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and Measures:Professional development will be scheduled during the first ten days of the school year, before students arrive to begin classes. Through the use of short, focused presentations, teachers will be able to quickly learn the information required to setup their learning management systems (LMS) for each grade level, as well as apply and practice new information learned before continuing with next steps. PD sessions will be led by the three existing technology leaders for the building with the assistance of the technology support person from each grade level. Instruction will be delivered in short blocks of 30 minutes to learn and setup software, with independent application and ongoing support for each teacher. Ongoing PD opportunities and teacher collaboration time will be utilized throughout the year to share ideas, tips, and tricks among grade levels as well.The first PD time will be focused on the fundamentals of digital citizenship for all users and grade levels. After this initial meeting, digital citizenship will be included in each session that is designed to address the needs of specific grade levels. In order to address the unique needs of different user groups, grade level instruction will be divided into specific training for kindergarten, grades 1 and 2, grade 3, and grades 4 and 5. Evening sessions will also be held for parents in order to share resources for accessing tutorial lessons from home and introducing the fundamentals of digital citizenship and the LMS systems and software for their children’s grade levels.DAY 1 – Digital CitizenshipWhere does it fit: In teaching Digital citizenship, “teachers help students understand practices that lead to becoming responsible, ethical, and safe digital citizens” (Hamilton, 205, p. 30).Backup Plan: Teachers can use printed versions of the PDF files for the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards for teachers (ISTE, 2007) and students (ISTE, 2016).Effectiveness: Teachers will collaborate as a whole staff and in grade level groups to access and analyze the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards for teachers (ISTE, 2007) and students (ISTE, 2016) online. PD: Teachers will work together in all grade levels to learn and discuss the fundamentals of digital citizenship and how it applies to all users of technology. Groups will explore the online 2016 International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards for teachers (ISTE, 2007) and students (ISTE, 2016), which have been adopted in their entirety by our state and district, and are linked through the school district’s curriculum guidelines. They will be introduced to resources such as Common Sense Media for access to resources such as videos and games that are designed to teach and reinforce the fundamentals of digital citizenship for all age groups. In grade level breakout groups, teachers will analyze and discuss how these standards apply to their specific curriculum and will look at the Common Sense Media resources available for their specific grade levels. This will be a recurring subject for discussion and collaboration during one weekly faculty meeting each month.DAY 2 – Chromebooks, Google Docs, and Learning Management Systems (LMS)Where does it fit: In all grade levels, teachers will be working with students to introduce and utilize appropriate technology for their grade level.Backup Plan: Classroom desktop systems and computer lab are available if WiFi is not accessible. Online video tutorials are available to reinforce information from PD lessons and for future reference.Effectiveness: Teachers will utilize the systems and software implemented in their grade level. To best understand their use, teachers will access and utilize these as both the instructor in setting up templates for the year, and as a student in simulated exercises.PD: Groups will meet in grade levels that are formed based upon the technology they will be utilizing with their students during the year. Grouping for this, and future, PD will be organized as kindergarten, grades 1 and 2, grade 3, and grades 4 and 5.Kindergarten: Introduce chromebooks – The group will learn how and collaborate to develop age appropriate lessons to introduce the chromebooks, including; turning on the system and logging in with teacher assistance, plugging in the one-button mouse and headphones, maneuvering the cursor around the screen and selecting items.Grades 1 and 2: Teachers will learn to access video tutorials for Google Docs to assist them later. Teachers will learn how to create document files and documents and then collaborate to develop age appropriate lessons to teach students how to create a Google doc and share it with the teacher. They will be guided through signing on and opening Google docs. They will learn to select icons to create a Google doc. They will then select the icon to share and enter the teacher’s address to share the document.Grade 3: Teachers will learn to access video tutorials for Google Classroom available for themselves and students to review and and use for later independent instruction. They will learn and practice how to log on, set up, and have students join the class. This will include selecting class members and sending the class code for students to use to join independently. They will practice joining the class as a simulated student using the code and will learn to delete members using this entry.Grades 4 and 5: Teachers will learn to access video tutorials for Schoology available for themselves and students to review and and use for later independent instruction. They will explore the layout and structure of the home screen, noting that it is very similar to Facebook in design layout and function. Teachers will be guided through the procedure of setting up their course for the year in Schoology. This will include creating folders for each curriculum subject and manually adding and sharing the class access code for students to join class independently. They will practice joining the class as a simulated student using the code and will learn to delete members using this entry.DAY 3 – Continued DevelopmentWhere does it fit: In all grade levels, teachers will be working with students to introduce and utilize appropriate technology for their grade level.Backup Plan: Classroom desktop systems and computer lab are available if WiFi is not accessible. Online video tutorials are available to reinforce information from PD lessons and for future reference.Effectiveness: Teachers will utilize the systems and software implemented in their grade level. To best understand their use, teachers will access and utilize these as both the instructor in setting up templates for the year, and as a student in simulated exercises.PD: Groups will meet in grade levels that are formed based upon the technology they will be utilizing with their students during the year. Grouping for this PD will be organized as kindergarten, grades 1 and 2, grade 3, and grades 4 and 5.Kindergarten: Teachers will continue to develop lesson plans and ideas for practicing use of technology that involves maneuvering the cursor around screen and selecting items.Grades 1 and 2: Teachers will practice typing text and changing the format of the text font and size within the document.Grade 3: Teachers will learn to create assignments in Google Classroom. They will Select ‘new assignment’; Create title & directions; select ‘due date’ and enter date desired; ‘add a file’ from drive, video, or webpage link. An assignment will be distributed to the class by selecting ‘file’, attaching a file to the assignment, and choosing ‘make a copy’ for all students to assign it.Grades 4 and 5: Teachers will learn to import and create course content in Schoology. To create from scratch, they will select the ‘add materials’ button to begin creating files, folders, and pages. To import materials, they will select ‘add materials’ to create folders and files and select ‘import’ from resources to upload saved content or to access content from district links and shared items. They will then be guided to upload and share the Schoology 101 folder for student tutorial reference and how to open and monitor assignments.DAY 4 – Continued DevelopmentWhere does it fit: In all grade levels, teachers will be working with students to introduce and utilize appropriate technology for their grade level.Backup Plan: Classroom desktop systems and computer lab are available if WiFi is not accessible. Online video tutorials are available to reinforce information from PD lessons and for future reference.Effectiveness: Teachers will utilize the systems and software implemented in their grade level. To best understand their use, teachers will access and utilize these as both the instructor in setting up templates for the year, and as a student in simulated exercises.PD: Grade 3-5 groups will meet in grade levels that are formed based upon the technology they will be utilizing with their students during the year. Grouping for this PD will be organized as grade 3, and grades 4 and 5.Grade 3: Teachers will learn to monitor assignments in Google Classroom. They will create a document as a student. They will type information into their document to be reviewed and will choose ‘turn in assignment’ when completed. They will then go to the student assignment page to see student progress and will select the desired assignment to view. This will demonstrate how all documents are automatically organized and information is available for the teacher to monitor live.Grades 4 and 5: Teachers will learn to set up their gradebook in Schoology. They will select the ‘gradebook’ icon to open a new gradebook. They will then create grading categories and due dates, and select the ‘bulk edit’ option to create general templates. Individual assignments will be added and edited by adding assignments to the calendar and gradebook from the assignment itself and then editing individual items.DAY 5 – Continued DevelopmentWhere does it fit: In all grade levels, teachers will be working with students to introduce and utilize appropriate technology for their grade level.Backup Plan: Classroom desktop systems and computer lab are available if WiFi is not accessible. Online video tutorials are available to reinforce information from PD lessons and for future reference.Effectiveness: Teachers will utilize the systems and software implemented in their grade level. To best understand their use, teachers will access and utilize these as both the instructor in setting up templates for the year, and as a student in simulated exercises.PD: Grade 3-5 groups will meet in grade levels that are formed based upon the technology they will be utilizing with their students during the year. Grouping for this PD will be organized as grade 3, and grades 4 and 5.Grade 3: Teachers will learn to review and grade assignments in Google Classroom. All documents can be seen while they are in process. Both in process and turned in data is displayed in real time. Teachers will select individual assignments from the ‘turned in’ list and enter comments directly into the document. They will then select the ‘grade’ icon and enter a grade for the assignment. To finish, they will select ‘return’ and enter a general feedback comment for the student, then select the ‘return’ icon again to submit the assignment back to student.Grades 4 and 5: Teachers will learn to review and grade assignments in Schoology. They will first create and turn in a sample assignment document as a student. They will then log in and select their course, then select the ‘gradebook’ icon. Next, they will click on the title of the desired assignment in the gradebook and choose the individual assignment from the list of submissions to open. Comments can be entered onto the document and the grade with general feedback is entered by clicking on the ‘grade’ box. Grades will automatically populate in the gradebook when entered. To save and review grades, teachers will select the ‘gradebook’ icon to return to gradebook and then select ‘save’.Evening PD for parents – Digital CitizenshipWhere does it fit: Because internet access is readily available and utilized by students even before entering school, it is crucial to begin instructing parents and students in digital citizenship beginning in kindergarten or even before (Hamilton, 2015).Backup Plan: The school computer lab is available if WiFi is not accessible. Online video tutorials are available to reinforce information from PD lessons and for future reference.Effectiveness: Parents will learn the fundamentals of digital citizenship and where resources that can be utilized at home can be accessed. They will be instructed, and get to practice, how to log into the LMS systems being used by their children in order to support them from home and will also learn how to access video support in these systems for future tutorials. PD: Two evening PD sessions will be scheduled to introduce parents to digital citizenship lessons and familiarize them with the LMS systems utilized in each grade level. These will be led by school administration and the school’s three technology leaders.Evening 1: Digital citizenship will be introduced utilizing Common Sense Media videos and digital passport games for different grade levels. Information will be presented in a group format with chromebooks available for parents to explore the tools with support as well.Evening 2: Parent will be instructed in how to log on and use appropriate sites for each grade level using Google Docs, Google Classroom, and Schoology. Chromebooks will be available for parents to practice the procedures. Video tutorials and the Schoology 101 folder will also be accessed for review and later independent tutorials. A demonstration will be led as an overview of how teachers will access and grade assignments as well.Lesson PlanBefore the lesson:Topic/Subject/Grade: Turning in written assignments with Google Classroom/Technology and Literacy/Grade 3Primary SOL: ISTE Standard 1.d. adopted by the State of Colorado and Northern Colorado School District; Empowered Learner - Students understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies.Other related standards: State of Colorado and Northern Colorado School District Reading, Writing, and Communicating Grade Level Expectations Standard 3.3. Writing and Composition; Correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling are used when writing.Objective: Students will open an assignment in Google Classroom, write a one paragraph response to the writing prompt “What are you most excited about for your third grade school year and why?”, and turn in the assignment electronically using Google Classroom.Condition of the task: With teacher guidance, the students will open their own Google account, access the new Google Classroom account for their class, retrieve and complete the first writing assignment, and turn in the assignment electronically. Observable task: Students will succeed in turning in a one paragraph written assignment to the Google Classroom dropbox for their first writing assignment.Measurable criterion: A one paragraph written document that addresses the writing prompt given will be in the Google Classroom dropbox, completed with correct composition, correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.Classroom diversity:Cultural Diversity – Students can use fonts, illustrations, and pictures that they choose to express themselves and their culture.Special Needs – Students can use speech-to-text, scribes, online dictionary link, Google translate, visual representations, or any other resources to aid in expressing themselves. Socioeconomic Groups – Students will complete the assignment in class using the classroom chromebooks. If additional time or support is needed, students can work from home, check out a chromebook for home, if needed, or come in for assistance during tutoring times before and after school.Materials/Equipment: Classroom chromebooks for each student, active district Google account, multimedia projector with computer link for projecting instructional examples.Technology Integration: Assignment utilizes Google account to access online assignment in Google Classroom. Assignment is completed online with chromebook and submitted online to Google Classroom dropbox. Examples are projected through multimedia system. Tutorial videos are provided online.During Lesson:Set: Using the multimedia projector link from the classroom computer, the teacher will explain and demonstrate how students are going to learn how to access and use an online classroom system that third grade uses for many of their assignments and turning in work. The teacher will demonstrate logging on to the school account, opening Google Classroom, accessing an assignment typing in an assignment document, and turning in the assignment. Students entering third grade from Northern Rockies Elementary School have a strong background in using Google Docs, though Google Classroom is new to third grade students. Students transferring from outside the district or school may need additional support in logging into their district accounts and using Google Docs.Lesson: This will be a multiple day lesson during the first full week (second calendar week) of school with an expectation of one demonstration period and three one-hour work sessions for the students. Students will be provided with a grading rubric to guide them in the expectations of the assignment and will be guided through projected online examples during the assignment. The final work product is an individual written assignment, however, students may work collaboratively in order to learn how to navigate the online environment. The written product will be completed using the Google Doc provided to each individual student within the assignment in their Google Classroom account.Instruction/Modeling: The teacher will first model the assignment using the classroom computer with projection from the multimedia projector system. During this demonstration, the teacher will demonstrate logging on to the school account, opening Google Classroom, accessing an assignment, typing in an assignment document, and turning in the assignment. It will be explained that the assignment will also be guided and modeled in the same way during the following days to assist students in learning to navigate the online environment of Google Classroom. Guided practice/Formative assessment: Students will be guided using the classroom computer with projection from the multimedia projector system as they log into their district accounts and access Google classroom. The teacher will guide the class in opening the assignment and starting to type their written responses. This will include reminders about how to access the Google tool kit, the online dictionary, picture and illustration searches, font changes, Google translate, and speech-to-text, if needed. Instructions will include step-by-step guidance through going to the student assignment page, selecting the desired assignment, and typing directly into the document. On the third, or final day, the teacher will demonstrate selecting the icon to ‘turn in assignment’ when students have completed their work. The documents are visible to the instructor at all times and will be monitored for progress daily. Independent practice/Formative assessment: Students will complete their individual writing assignments and turn them into the Google Classroom dropbox. The teacher will be monitoring progress each day and will offer input, when needed or requested, using comments that are entered in the individual documents as well as personal assistance in the classroom.Closure: Students will take part in a whole class discussion regarding what they, as a class, are most excited about accomplishing for their third grade school year and why. The class will work together to create an action plan for attaining these goals during the school year.Summative Assessment: Upon completion, the assignments will be graded using the assignment rubric and returned to individual students electronically. Using chromebooks, students will be invited to share their writing by reading their work to the class, or using the Google App SpeakIt! if auditory assistance is needed. If reading assistance is needed, or if it is a student’s preference, they may use SpeakIt!, or have the teacher or another student read the piece.After the lesson: Teacher reflection: To be completed after completion of the lessonTIP 5: Executive SummaryThe Northern Rockies Elementary School (NRES) Educational Technology Plan 2017-2020 is developed in alignment with the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) educational technology standards and educational technology plan, as well as the Northern Rockies School District (NRSD) educational technology standards and educational technology plan. Each of these institutions have adopted the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards and the U.S. Department of Education National Education Technology Plan (NETP) in their entirety. The NRES Educational Technology Plan is designed reflecting the mission, vision, and goals of the school and its district with a focus on reaching the one-to-web goal for the school and its students in the coming year. In addition to this primary goal, this plan looks to the future of utilization of this technology at all grade levels.In assessing the goals of this plan, teacher utilization of technology to implement the use of learning management systems (LMS) appropriate to each grade level and student work will be evaluated on an ongoing basis. This will include the use of Google Docs, Google Classroom, and Schoology through student and teacher district accounts, as well as the use of mobile technology, Web 2.0 applications, and collaborative assignments. Through the use of these tools, students will be empowered and trained as independent learners while they develop the skills necessary for 21st century learners and learn the skills necessary to become productive members of society.In order to accommodate the needs of all students and their families, this plan includes services and modifications for students with special needs, including those from diverse cultural backgrounds and a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds. The technology and instruction implemented in this plan will focus on the 21st century skills needed to be current in the requirements of the educational system as students advance to middle school, high school and into higher education or the workforce. The school’s educators, support faculty, and families will be trained and supported on an ongoing basis to support them in their needs through implementation, utilization, and ongoing development of the systems designed to instruct students in the ever changing technological world.By empowering students in their development as independent learners, they will be best prepared for the future. This will be done in an environment that provides a safe, supportive, inclusive, and encouraging atmosphere through the collaboration of the the school, families, and community at large. The technology implemented will be key to enabling the advancement of blended learning in all classrooms when it is available on an ongoing basis and not just as a special event or when it can be scheduled for access in individual classrooms and labs.Crosswalk of GoalsNational Educational Technology Plan (NETP)Educational Technology Plan for Colorado – Adopted and use NETPNorthern Rockies Elementary Schools’ Strategic PlanLearning:“All learners will have engaging and empowering learning experiences in both formal and informal settings that prepare them to be active, creative, knowledgeable, and ethical participants in our globally connected society” (NETP, 2016).“Technology can help learners think about an idea in more than one way and in more than one context, reflect on what is learned, and adjust understanding accordingly” (NETP, 2016). Provide students with the training, tools, and skills necessary to be productive, compassionate, and engaged citizens in the 21st century.Assessment:“At all levels, our education system will leverage the power of technology to measure what matters and use assessment data to improve learning” (NETP, 2016).“Optimally, a comprehensive assessment system balances multiple assessment approaches to ensure that students, families, educators, and policymakers have timely and appropriate information to support individual learners and to make good decisions to strengthen educational systems overall” (NETP, 2016).Student assessments will be designed to accommodate individual learning styles and needs. When appropriate, multiple assessment options utilizing various technology options will be offered for students to choose from.Teaching:“Educators will be supported by technology that connects them to people, data, content, resources, expertise, and learning experiences that can empower and inspire them to provide more effective teaching for all learners” (NETP, 2016).“Educators can create learning communities composed of students; fellow educators in schools, museums, libraries, and after-school programs; experts in various disciplines around the world; members of community organizations; and families” (NETP, 2016).In all subjects, technology will be utilized as a foundational research and communication tool. All teachers, educational support faculty, and parents will be trained and supported in ongoing professional development to utilize technology and support students effectively.Infrastructure:“All students and educators will have access to a robust and comprehensive infrastructure when and where they need it for learning” (NETP, 2016).“Building a robust infrastructure for learning begins with an understanding the goals and desired outcomes that support engaging and empowering learning experiences” (NETP, 2016).Students and faculty will utilize the district and building technology infrastructure on an ongoing and fluid basis to complete course work and communicate through Web 2.0 applications, software programs, and mobile technology applications.Productivity:“Our education at all levels system will redesign processes and structures to take advantage of the power of technology to improve learning outcomes while making more efficient use of time, money, and staff” (NETP, 2016).“We must make a commitment to continuous improvement by continuously measuring and improving the productivity our education system to meet our goals for educational attainment within the budgets we can afford” (NETP, 2016).Through the ongoing and fluid use of Web 2.0 applications, software programs, mobile technology, and online collaboration, Northern Rockies Elementary School will continue to develop a learning environment that is increasingly productive both on campus and from remote locations at any time without schedule restraints.TIP 6: References: Boulder Valley School District. BVSD strategies for student success. Retrieved from: Valley School District. BVSD technology standards. Retrieved from: Colorado Department of Education. Common core state standards K-12 technology skillsscope and sequence. Retrieved from: Department of Education. ESSA in Colorado. Retrieved from: Hamilton, B. (2015). Integrating technology in the classroom. Eugene, OR: International Societyfor Technology in Education.International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). (2016). 2016 ISTE standards forstudents. Retrieved from: Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). (2007). ISTE standards forteachers. Retrieved from: 'Byrne, W. I., & Pytash, K. E. (2015). Hybrid and blended learning.?Journal Of Adolescent &Adult Literacy,?59(2), 137-140. doi:10.1002/jaal.463State Education Technology Center. Colorado technology plans. Retrieved from: States Department of Education. Programs: State technology plans. Retrieved from: States Department of Education. (2016). National Education Technology Plan (NETP).Retrieved from: ................

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