FINAL NETS-C PROJECTTED-610 INTEGRATING TECHNOLOGY INTO SUBJECT MATTERDR. B. LEVIN, INSTRUCTOR Your Name, School, and Current PositionAngela Byrum, John A. Holmes High School, ITFName of NETS-C ProjectLearning Canvas by InstructureList of standards from NETS-C, and also from NETS-S and/or NETS-T, that you focused on for your final S-S 6, Technology Operations and ConceptsStudents demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operation. Students:a. understand and use technology systemsb. select and use applications effectively and productivelyc. troubleshoot systems and applicationsd. transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologiesNETS-T 3, Model Digital Age Work and LearningTeachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers:a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situationsb. collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovationc. communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formatsd. model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learningNETS-C 3, Digital Age Learning EnvironmentsTechnology coaches create and support effective digital-age learning environments to maximize the learning of all students. Coaches:a. model effective classroom management and collaborative learning strategies to maximize teacher and student use of digital tools and resources and access to technology-rich learning environmentsb. maintain and manage a variety of digital tools and resources for teacher and student use in technology-rich environmentsc. coach teachers in and model use of online and blended learning, digital content, and collaborative learning networks to support and extend student learning as well as expand opportunities and choices for online professional development for teachers and administratorsd. select, evaluate, and facilitate the use of adaptive and assistive technologies to support student learninge. troubleshoot basic software, hardware, and connectivity problems common in digital learning environmentsf. collaborate with teachers and administrators to select and evaluate digital tools and resources that enhance teaching and learning and are compatible with the school technology infrastructureg. use digital communication and collaboration tools to communicate locally and globally with students, parents, peers, and the larger communityRationale for choosing these particular standardsI chose NETS-S 6, Technology Operations and Concepts, because I believe these standards to be the crux of everything I do as an ITF. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day “business” of education and the implementation of technology while forgetting that everything we do is for the students - to enhance student learning by fostering creativity and innovation, communication and collaboration, research and information fluency, critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making, digital citizenship, and technology operations and concepts. As an ITF, I should always be mindful of the students first, everything else second. I chose NETS-S 3, Model Digital-Age Work and Learning, because that is the close second motivation for all I do as an ITF. I feel that I am the support, the encouragement, the coach to assist teachers as they design and implement blended learning opportunities for our students. It’s as if the ultimate goal is to use technology to enhance student learning, and teachers are the main vehicle for doing so. I have a responsibility to students and teachers, and I take that responsibility very seriously. I chose NETS-C 3, Digital-Age Learning Environments because that is my focus right now. There are other areas equally important, indeed that all are, but this seems to be where my ITF role is taking me at this point in time. That is probably due to the nature of getting ready for our 1:1 initiative. Some of my teachers are apprehensive and nervous, some are excited and want to roll out “right this minute”, some are cautious and skeptical. Whatever category each teacher falls in, it’s my responsibility to foster an environment conducive to student learning and teacher learning. Just as a teacher reaches out to students where they are and helps them move forward in their learning, an ITF does so with faculty and staff. Description of the target group you coached - who? how many?The target group I coached was my school’s faculty. I worked in conjunction with my district technology facilitator to provide staff development via learning teams. The teams are based on teacher schedules (planning periods). We meet every Wednesday during the teachers’ planning periods - 45 minutes out of their 89 minute planning time. The following chart is copied and pasted from our teacher handbook, shared with faculty and staff via google drive, to give you an idea of what our learning teams look like. I believe there are 45 faculty members in my target group. I’m also providing the learning team plan below, also copied and pasted from our teacher handbook, as it is important to know about the plan when reading my rationale for choosing this project. Learning Teams2013-2014All Learning Teams meet on Wednesdays unless otherwise noted in the Learning Team Plan (Section 1 of the Teacher Handbook.)Learning Team MembersTimeS Byrum, H Daniels, Leary, Mock, Stegall, Trowbridge, B Turner, Williams, Fagerlin8:30-9:10 AMBiggs, Bowen, Christopher, Giorgione, Loeffler, Mercer, Tomlinson, Walker9:20 - 10:00 AMAtkinson, Briggs, Irvin, Karl, C. O’Kelley10:00 - 10:40 AMAgraz, Brooks, Norman, Taylor10:50 - 11:30 AMGraban, Harrison, McDaniels, Shaw,L. Turner, N. Moore11:35 - 12:15 PMCastiglione, Grimes, Jackson, Rippy, N. Smith, Ward1:35 - 2:15 PMAtstupenas, Bass, Brown, Mattera, Nelson, B O’Kelley, Whitehurst2:15 - 2:55 PMPlan2013 – 2014 John A. Holmes High SchoolLearning Team OutlineLearning teams for 2013-2014 have been designed to equip teachers with tools necessary for success in a one-to-one environment. Sessions are structured with the goal of immediate application and success for all – administrators, teachers, and students. This will be accomplished through hands-on learning with tools and strategies aligned to ones content area (i.e. Common Core, Essential Standards, elements of global education, and the National Educational Technology Standards) using the t-Pack model, time and support for classroom implementation, and opportunities for reflection. Topics to be discussed are listed below by date.August 28Informational Meeting with Principal RE: Procedures at JAHSeptember 4Setting the Stage: Part I - Vision and Procedures at John A. Holmes High SchoolSetting the Stage: Part II - Exploring Parallel vs. Transformative Use of Technology in the ClassroomSeptember 11Exploring “NETS” and “BLOOMS”Learning the Basics: Organizing My G-Mail and Google DriveSeptember 18Teaching with the iPad: An Introduction to the iPad & Classroom Management Tips and Tricks for TeachersExploring Our Learning Management System (LMS): CANVASSeptember 26/27Friday Institute Professional DevelopmentOctober 2Exploring Our Learning Management System (LMS): CANVASOctober 9Using Google in MY Classroom: Collaborating Via Google DocsTaking Quizzes and Surveys to the Next Level: Google FormsOctober 14 (NOTE: This is a Monday!)Connecting Our Learning Management System (LMS) & Web 2.0 ToolsOctober 23Sharing what we learned at the Friday InstituteOctober 30Intro iPads or a working session of all things we learn and creating a t-Pack lessonExploring “New” Web 2.0 Tools & iPad AppsNovember 6Developing t-Pack Lessons & Incorporating Web 2.0 Tools and iPad AppsNovember 13Thinking Map Makeovers: Using Online Tools & iPad Apps To Develop 21st Century Thinking MapsNovember 20Everyone Is A Teacher of Literacy: Reading Strategies for the 1:1 ClassroomDecember 2 & 3 (NOTE: This is a Monday & a Tuesday! No learning teams Wed, Dec. 4)Friday Institute Professional DevelopmentClassroom observations and debriefingDecember 11Everyone Is A Teacher of Literacy: Reading Strategies for the 1:1 ClassroomDecember 18Reflections: Best Practices that Work for MeJanuary 8Classroom Management: Keeping Students Engaged and On-Task In a 1:1 ClassroomJanuary 15No MeetingJanuary 22No MeetingJanuary 29/30Friday Institute Professional DevelopmentRovering Learning Teams - traveling to JAH classroomsFebruary 5Engaging All Learners: Using Differentiation Strategies In the 1:1 ClassroomFebruary 12Engaging All Learners: Using Differentiation Strategies In the 1:1 ClassroomFebruary 19Making Learning “Real World”: Project-Based Vs. Problem-Based ProjectsFebruary 26Making Learning “Real World”: Project-Based Vs. Problem-Based ProjectsMarch 5Reflections: Best Practices that Worked for MeMarch 10/11Friday Institute Professional DevelopmentMarch 1921st Century Skills: It’s More Than the Use of TechnologyMarch 26Taking Students to the Next Level of Bloom’s: Fun with Web 2.0 Tools & iPad AppsApril 2No MeetingApril 9Reviewing for Final Exams: Tips, Tricks, & Tools to Make Reviewing Fun and EngagingApril 16Reflections: Best Practices that Worked for MeNarrative description of your projectMy project has been ongoing since the beginning of October. I had been conducting learning team meetings with my faculty for a few weeks and we were beginning to get ready to implement our new learning management system, CANVAS by Instructure. We were hoping to have CANVAS set up for our teachers by Oct. 9, that is, have all teachers, courses, and students in the system. With that goal in mind, my first coaching endeavor with CANVAS was scheduled for the following day, Oct 10. The plan for that day was that I would go into the classroom, get students logged into CANVAS, show them how to use the tool, share a video their teacher had made and embedded into CANVAS, and have them take a short poll, also in CANVAS, about the lesson. That was a very successful lesson. The teacher was flipping her classroom, which she had done last semester using edmodo. It was about this same time in our TED 610 class that we began planning our Final NETS-C Project. Because of the simultaneous assignments (one being an assignment for me in my ITF duties and responsibilities and one being this TED 610 project) I felt it would be a good opportunity to combine them. I have had many coaching and team-teaching opportunities throughout my learning team CANVAS training sessions so I felt it would fit the goals and objectives of our final project. The plan for our learning team is above, however, I’m not including the whole plan as my final project. I am including only the learning team sessions dedicated to learning and teaching CANVAS which are in bold, red font, however, it is important to note that our learning team was set up as a class in CANVAS to show teachers how to use it as the students would use it - to get assignments and announcements from their teachers, to collaborate with their teachers and parents, etc. So then, while learning CANVAS, teachers were also using technology tools and resources they could implement immediately upon returning to their classrooms. In other words, the learning teams were set up for teachers to learn through doing - in CANVAS and other technology tools and resources. Rationale for choosing this project and this group to coachThis was an easy decision as CANVAS is new to all the teachers in my school and they all needed professional development for using the tool. Some have had experience with other learning management systems, such as Blackboard, and were able to run with it (CANVAS). They were eager to assist by working collaboratively with others - and we put their expertise to good use during many of the learning team sessions. It is our goal to have all teachers using CANVAS, at least in part, by second semester. This takes some front-loading on the teacher’s part to get their coursework put into CANVAS for student access. This would be even more of a struggle without the staff development provided in our learning teams, and even then, to some it seems like a daunting task. Description of how you assessed what your target audience learnedAssessment was an accumulation of formative assessments done during learning teams via digital tools (so teachers could learn by doing) such as polleverywhere, padlet, etc. Also, assessment will continue through the implementation of teachers utilizing CANVAS as their learning management system. Examples of formative assessments will be in the Appendices.Description of successes and the challenges while completing this projectAs stated above, many of our teachers were, and still are, apprehensive about using CANVAS because it requires a. things done differently than in the past, and b. more work on the teacher’s part, initially, to put everything in CANVAS. Still, the teachers see the value in the system and know it will be a good tool for organization of course content, collaboration with students and parents, housing digital resources and tools, etc. One thing I count as success is that I often have teachers contact me for ideas, strategies and how-to’s regarding CANVAS. Many of our teachers have already begun using CANVAS with students even though our 1:1 roll out has not yet occurred. They are using it with students on their own devices such as tablets and smartphones. Those are successes. One challenge that I am finding is with those teachers who do not want to change the way they do business. I think they would be called “resisters” in an IMPACT model school. It is difficult to show rewards down the road of hard work being done now. To some, it’s so much easier to pull lesson plans and materials from a file than to upload everything from scratch into CANVAS. So, it has been a challenge to me to be able to articulate the awaiting rewards for using this new learning management system. I’m getting better at it simply because I can now use positive anecdotes and experiences of others who have successfully used the tool.Reflection on what you learned (a) about yourself as a coach (including how you did with mastering the NETS-C you had as goals); and (b) about the group you coached. I have learned a great deal about myself as ITF coach during this project, perhaps because I chose to do a project over a relatively lengthy time period. I have learned that I have more patience than I thought I had, specifically when it comes to helping those who really don’t want to learn the tool to begin with. At first, that really frustrated me, but after others began using the tool and could show those resisters what a great tool it is, it became easier to articulate that to those who are apprehensive. I was not able to do that because I do not have first hand experience with the tool and classes. Since I am not a classroom teacher, I cannot show other teachers how to manage curricula they have been teaching, using certain strategies and materials, and revamping it to fit into CANVAS. So then, I found two strategies that work well: modeling and team-teaching the use of CANVAS both in learning teams with teachers and in classrooms with students; and pairing collaborative partners to assist with the processes of converting to CANVAS (which is where my NETS-C goals - Digital Age Learning Environments - seemed to fall into place).I also learned a great deal about my faculty. I have not only learned their personalities (regarding technology - who wants to, who doesn’t, who’s afraid and who’s not, who will take anything and try it…), I have also learned that no matter what is put on their “plate”, they will take it as long as they can see how it will help kids. Even those who don’t want to do something because it’s new or different, will bite the bullet and do it (and do it right!) when they can see that our students will benefit. So then, I have learned about this faculty (of which I have only been a part for a short amount of time) that they take ownership of their students: they have a shared vision that they all buy into because they know the well-being of their students is at it’s core. Next steps, future goals, and discussion of what you now think the role of a technology facilitator should beMy next steps will be: to facilitate learning teams with the purpose of showing teachers how to use CANVAS with iPads. All of our teachers have iPads and students will be getting their devices in January. I plan to be in a lot of classrooms to coach and to team-teach. One of my goals is to be in classrooms at least ? of my day, everyday. I know other things demand my time, but I’d like to put such things off until after school hours so I can be in the classrooms as much as possible. Furthermore, I believe that goal is really what a technology facilitator should be: a coach, team-teacher, resource, and support. AppendicesResources for Learning Teams Screenshots of JAH Learning Team course in CANVAS Worksheets/resources for JAH Learning Team course in CANVAS: ................

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