
Cloud Computing

Dec 2020

1. Fish Lovers Club is a company that specializes in the sale of fish tanks, fish food and different kinds of fishes. It is planning to migrate its data center to private cloud. It has invited you as an IT expert to advise them on this move. Which factors will you recommend them to consider for having the smooth migration? (10 Marks)


Cloud computing can be defined as the use of remote servers on the internet to store, manage and process data rather than local servers. In straightforward language, it is hard to maintain all the expenses like maintenance, resources etc. related to cloud computing if you like to purchase. It means there are servers who have already servers, who bear and maintain all the things and provides servers to you and you can access the data over the internet. Cloud computing is not regularly Its Half solved only

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2. Chandrachood Travels has a fleet of 37 buses and 173 cars. It is an aggressive user of information technology. It is now looking at adopting cloud computing. What kind of technical challenges they would see in their adoption of cloud? (10 Marks)


The enterprises have to choose from the different types of clouds computing-public, private and hybrid. Often it finds challenging for an enterprise to decide the right computing platform and cloud service models according to their precise business requirements and goals. Some of the most popular cloud computing services in the market are- aws, Azure, Google cloud platform etc. there are different types of

3. “No, we don't want to move to cloud. It will be a blunder for us if we decide to move to cloud". Nitin Salunkhe was very adamant when his team members proposed that they should move their server infrastructure to cloud. Nitin has been Head of IT for last several years at Shakun Enterprises so it would have been impossible that management would decide anything in IT matter without his consent.

"What do you think Nitin Sir is so much against cloud when the entire world is moving to cloud?" Sanjay asked Mitali as they went for a cup of tea in the company canteen. "I see two possibilities. Nitin Sir is genuinely worried about challenges posed by cloud. Or he is worried about his job!"

a. If Nitin is worried about the challenges posed by cloud then how Sanjay can alleviate his fears? (5 Marks)


In recent time the entire world is moving to the cloud technology but Nitin Salunkhe, Head of IT for last several years at Shakun Enterprises is entirely against to cloud. When one of his team member that we should move our server infrastructure to cloud, he completely oppose it. His colleagues Sanjay and


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