
 Novel Assignment #2 Due October 10th Character SketchComplete the top line by writing the title of your novel.Choose the protagonist or the antagonist from your novel. In the top box, identify your character and the role the character plays in the novel: antagonist or protagonist using a complete sentence. Choose three character traits about your important character; write each trait in a different trait column.Under each trait, in the boxes marked evidence, write a complete sentence of evidence that reflects the character trait you identified for that column. The sentence must be cited correctly with the page number where it can be found in the book. This can be done with a direct quote or implied.The identified character trait is bad tempered. An example sentence would be: On page 51, Mary held the vase tightly before throwing it full speed at Anthony’s head.After you have completed the character graphic, write a one page description of your character on lined paper using the information from your web. The page should enable the reader to “see” the character, their personality and their appearance, from your book. You will hand in both the web and the paragraph stapled together.If you choose to turn it in through Google Docs, it must have the graphic with all of the required elements and the typed page description.Character Graphic for _____________________________________________________________________________________Character-____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Trait #1 -Trait #2 -Trait #3 -Evidence #1 -Evidence #1 -Evidence #1 -Evidence #2 -Evidence #2 -Evidence #2 - ................

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