
Required Summer Project 6th Grade Reading58483500 Holes by Louis Sachar AND Hoot by Carl Hiaasen After reading Holes by Louis Sachar please complete the following assignment:Holes Mini-Book ProjectAll work must be written neatly or typed. Your mini book must be 8 ? inches by 5 ? inches, which is the size of a piece of construction paper folded in half.Please see the rubric on the following pages so you will understand how you will be graded and know what is expected for success.Please do not use any clip art or images from the internet. This needs to be your own original work: no outside help. Be creative, put forth your best effort and have fun! This project is due the second FULL day of school. Cover: Create a new cover design for the selected book.Inside Cover: Leave blank.Page 1: Include the title, author, and one sentence that makes you want to read the book.Pages 2-3: (center spread): Create a picture of your favorite part of the book and include a brief explanation of why it’s your favorite part. (4-6 sentences)Page 4: List five vocabulary words that are important in the book and write their definitions. Include page numbers.Page 5 Plot Pyramid- Exposition (main characters, setting, inciting incident), Rising Action (main events of up to climax), Climax (most turning point), Falling Action (loose ends tied up after the climax), Resolution (how did they story end)Back Cover: Write a “teaser” sentence to entice others to read the book. Put your first and last name on the back cover. 583406395250While reading Hoot by Carl Hiaasen please complete the following assignment:Hoot Bookmark ProjectUsing your neatest handwriting, you will keep a notebook full of your own notes on the novel by following the guidelines below: When you are finished reading the novel and keeping your notes, you will create a bookmark with the information attached below. The illustrations and writing must be your own. Do not use clip art or images from the internet. Be creative, put forth your best effort, and have fun! Please be sure to follow the directions on the instruction sheet. The rubric is attached on the following pages. Notebook and bookmark are due the first day of school.Holes Rubric:Category4 – Exceeds expectations3 – Very good2 – Passably acceptable1 – Needs serious improvementCover Design:Outside cover designs reflection of the book. NO downloaded images or clip art.Exceedingly creative and thoughtful. The student chose a very relevant scene or image to depict, and did so with great care. Creative and thoughtful. The student chose a relevant scene or image to depict, and did so with some care.Somewhat creative and slightly thoughtful. The student chose a fairly relevant scene or image to depict.Not creative or thoughtful. The student chose an irrelevant scene or image to depict, and executed the cover with little to no effort or thought.Format:Used the format aboveStudent followed directions perfectly.Student followed directions very closely.Student followed directions somewhat.Student hardly followed directions at all. Center Spread:Illustration of favorite scene on pages two and three of the mini book and explanation of favorite part.Student’s illustration shows strong thought and effort. Explanation is very well written and at least 4-6 sentences.Student’s illustration shows some thought and effort. Explanation is somewhat well written and is minimum of 4-6 sentences.Student’s illustration shows a little thought and effort. Explanation is adequate and at least 4 sentences.Student’s illustration shows no thought and little effort. Explanation is very poorly written and at less than 4 sentences.Vocabulary:five vocabulary words from the book, their definitions, and page numbers. Plot Pyramid:includes a drawing diagramming the story using all parts of the plot pyramidStudent selected challenging words that he or she would be unfamiliar with and followed directions perfectly. ___________Student explains the exposition, rising action 3-5 thoughts, climax, falling action, and resolution in detail Student selected all moderately challenging words and followed directions almost perfectly. ___________Student does not describe the rising action with 3-5 thoughts but explains the other 4 parts.Students selected a few moderately words and followed directions for the most part. ________________Student only describes the exposition, climax, and resolution correctly.Student selected words that provided little to no challenge for the grade level and did not follow directions. _____________ Student does not show effort in completing the pyramidTeaser: Sentence or two that describes the plot and makes people want to read the book. Exceedingly well written, original, and essentially free of grammatical, mechanical, and spelling errors.Well-written, original, and practically free of grammatical, mechanical, and spelling errors. Acceptably written, original, and a few grammatical, mechanical, and spelling errors. Poorly written, not original (from the Internet, book, etc.), and essentially filled with grammatical, mechanical, and spelling errors.Hoot Rubric:Category4 – Exceeds expectations3 – Very good2 – Passably acceptable1 – Needs serious improvementWords to Look Up6 words and definitions from the story with the part of speech for each word and page number4 words and definitions from the story with the part of speech for each word and page number4 words and definitions from the story 1-3 words and definitions from the storyStory AspectsAnswered all 9 story aspects in complete sentencesAnswered all 9 story aspects not in complete sentencesAnswered 5/9 story aspects3 or less aspects of the story answered with grammatical and spelling errorsStory Timeline5 important events on the timeline in complete sentences5 important events on the timeline5 non-important events on the timeline 3 events on the timeline with grammatical errorsScene AwardDraws a picture and writes 2 complete sentences describing the scene with the most vivid imagery Draws a picture and writes a sentence describing the scene with the most vivid imagery Draws a picture and describes the scene with the most vivid imagery Describes the scene with several grammatical & spelling errors Character GalleryDraws 5 vivid character pictures that show aspects of the character from the storyDraws pictures of the characters but does not use character traits from the storyDraws 2-3 pictures of the story charactersChooses images off of the internet instead of drawing the imagesCover of BookmarkExceeds the expectations and describes in 6 words of less what they think the book is about and what they know the book is about after readingMeets the 6 word of less description of what they know about the book and what they think the book is about Few grammatical & spelling errors in describing the bookSeveral grammatical & spelling errors when describing the book ................

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