How To Succeed In a Hy-Flex Learning Environment

Hy-Flex Learning


This is a learning environment where students attend class live via Google Meet as it is happening in a physical classroom at school.  Students can elect to attend school as a Hy-Flex student full time, or can utilize this opportunity if they are ill or otherwise unable to attend school for a shorter period of time.  These tips and expectations will help students who engage in Hy-Flex learning to be successful.

Set Up

To fully engage in the Hy-Flex classroom, students must have a designated work space in their home where they engage in all of their online learning and assignments.  This space should include:

• A table or desk with a supportive chair for the student to work at. Attending class while in bed is not appropriate. 

• A space where noise from other parts of the household is at a minimum

• A space free from pets and other distractions. We love your pets too but they should not be joining your class. 

• Headphones can be helpful if the student is working in a space with others around them, but are not required.

• Attendance for Hy-Flex students is taken as if they were in the physical classroom.  This is a requirement of the school district by the State of Michigan.  In order for a student to be marked present, they must not only log into the Meet,  be engaged in the classroom learning, including responding to questions and completing assignments.   If they join the Meet late, they will be marked tardy.  If they do not join the Meet, they will be marked absent from that class period.  

• Students have a camera built into their school-issued Chromebook.  They should leave the camera on and be visible at all times during the Meet, so their teacher knows they are present.  Should they need to momentarily turn the camera off for some reason, they should notify the teacher via the Meet Chat.  

• Students should avoid eating during class.  This can be a distraction to themselves and other students.  Meals and snacks should be eaten before school, at lunch time, and/or during breaks.


Students must have the following skills to be able to complete their assignments without unnecessary struggle. It would be helpful for parents to also learn these skills so they can assist if needed.

• Understanding of Google Classroom.  How to access assignments and materials and how to correctly turn in assignments.  

• Understanding of Email.  This is a great way for students to communicate with their teacher(s).  

• Ability to use the chat function in Google Meet.  This is a way for students to ask questions or give teachers quick messages about anything they need help with.  It is important that students only use the chat function to communicate about class, and that all language is school-appropriate.

• Ability to split their screen so they can see their teacher and assignments at the same time (on a Chromebook, you can do this by holding down the Alt button while pressing the bracket button)[pic]

• Ability to utilize school-issued chromebook and have a basic understanding of keys to use for shortcuts (Ctrl+C for copy, Crtl+V for paste, etc.)

• Ability to utilize Kami to edit assignments that are uploaded as PDFs.  

• Willingness to ask the teacher for help if they do not understand something via email or by speaking up during class.  Especially with not having students present in the classroom, it is very difficult for teachers to gauge if Hy-Flex students are struggling if they don’t let them know


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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