

Borderbuster Monthly E-Newsletter (No. 75): February 5, 2008


Distributed by () and Designed To Help Entrepreneurs, Small Businesses, Activists, Futurists, Academics, Executives and Corporate Risk-Takers Go Global.

*-*-This Issue Is Brought to You By Our Partner NetSuite *-*

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1. Welcome From The Publisher

2. Update for Our Readers: New GlobeTrade Community Wiki!

3. 2008 Global Trade/Supply Chain Predictions*

4. Business and Cultural Tips: Have Some Fun!*

5. Billions of Entrepreneurs in China and India*

6. How I Went Global: Ongoing Series // Laurel Delaney

7. A Reader Asks: Q&A*

8. Everybody Loves a Freebie -- repeat: GIFT OFFER*

9. Amazon Taking Its MP3 Store Global*

10. One Honey(well) of a Quarter*

11. National Association of Manufacturers*

12. Blog World: Financial Planning*

13. Laurel’s e-Book: “GODZILLA Global Marketing!”

14. Take A Walk On The Wild Side (TAWOTWS)

15. Wind Behind Your Sail*

16. Miscellany*




Greetings, Loyal Colleagues, Fabulous Friends and Cheering Fans!

And thank you to so many of you who continue to spread the word about this e-newsletter by talking about it, forwarding it on to colleagues or by recommending it to your collaborators. As a result, we are growing rapidly and becoming known as the best-borderbuster-on-the-planet! Since 1985, we have helped more than one million entrepreneurs, small businesses, activists, futurists, academics, executives and corporate risk-takers go global through our books, articles, education and consulting services.

For those of you who just signed on, this is the latest edition of “Borderbuster,” which is produced by author, speaker and educator Laurel Delaney -- herself a successful small business owner with years of experience in taking on the world with her knowledge, products and services. Every month, Laurel briefs you on the basics in all aspects of running a global business -- from finding customers to keeping them, from shipping products to getting paid, from learning about a different culture to becoming a true global netizen. She shares her passion for what is possible and continues to make significant and enduring contributions to the way the world does business.

Many of the articles featured here are marked *subscriber exclusive,* which means they do not appear on the site or Global Small Business Blog () -- an added value for members only. Yet, if you become too busy to tackle everything here, just revert to the site or the blog to get your global dose for the month.

In this February issue, “Borderbuster” focuses on: 2008 global trade and supply chain predictions; how billions of entrepreneurs in China and India are reshaping business, politics, and society worldwide; and how Amazon is taking its MP3 store global. Our special feature this month is the “GEM 2007 Executive Report: Six Questions With GEM Research Director,” by Laurel Delaney. She interviews I. Elaine Allen, PhD, Research Director, Arthur M. Blank Center for Entrepreneurship, and Associate Professor of Statistics & Entrepreneurship, Babson College and provides a summary of the report findings (refer to No. 6).

As many of you are aware, Laurel is an Entrepreneur magazine columnist covering the topic of going global. Her contributions focus on offering the latest relevant, cutting-edge information on global small business. We’ll share her columns as they become available (refer to No. 16).

Enjoy the great content and resources we bring you each month. We hope you learn something new here and apply it today. Membership is free but priceless! Now, let us be brave and fearless about conducting business in our world because sooner or later, going global will prevail. Every global citizen will know how to do it. Don’t be left behind! Start shaping your world today.

Thank you for your support of . It means the world to us. Please contact Laurel if you have any questions, complaints, sound-offs, contributions or compliments concerning “Borderbuster.” She’d love to hear from you, so go on and make her day! Her e-mail address is ldelaney@ (mailto:ldelaney@).

Let’s revolutionize our thinking, get started, bust a border and go global!

Make it great in ’08,

The Team at

P.S. Sometimes links don’t work. If that’s the case, please copy and paste the link directly into your browser. And if you blog about one of our features, please attribute the entry to the Borderbuster e-newsletter and include our sign-up link (). Thank you.



We listened and now we are delivering results with a brand new (it’s really a work-in-progress) global business tool developed especially for all our friends, fans, colleagues, and peers: a GlobeTrade Wiki Community -- a platform where you will be able to connect to each other, find one another and help each other. You can share a story, edit information, add knowledge, collaborate and, collectively, grow your business globally. We are so excited and hope you like what you experience. GlobeTrade continues to work for you, not the other way around. This gives you something to talk about. Use it to your advantage.

To join, go here (it’s complimentary):

It takes about a minute to sign up (and don’t let the age question deter you from joining). After that, create your own profile and add your picture so we can all get to know one another better. Together, we can change the world and hopefully make it a better place to live.

Look forward to having you on board! See you there.

And we will continue to meet our objective here: to help entrepreneurs and small businesses go global through our books, articles, education and consulting services.

Remember that the world offers magic to all of us.

Laurel and the GlobeTrade Team



*Subscriber Exclusive*

When considering the global trade environment in 2008, there are a number of potential issues looming that can disrupt global supply chains, sourcing strategies, and the flow of working capital. But it’s not all bad news.

Read more at PARCEL:



*Subscriber Exclusive*

Enjoy. And remember, there is no such thing as a universal attitude. These are just guidelines, so when in doubt while visiting a foreign country, ask.

• In India, don’t give products decorated with cowhide, where cows are considered sacred.

• In China, avoid the gift of a clock. To the older generation, a clock is a symbol of bad luck.

• In Germany, be careful of what you bring to the home of a customer. One executive decided to be gallant and bring his hostess a bouquet of flowers. He selected a dozen red roses. He later learned that in Germany, first, it is bad luck to present an even number of flowers, and second, red roses are symbolic of a strong romantic interest. He was making what amounted to a pass at his customer’s wife.

• In Japan, gift giving stands alone atop the ladder. It is ingrained in the Japanese culture – a protocol rooted in centuries. Do your homework on both receiving and giving gifts to the Japanese.

• In Thailand, when visiting a home, take flowers or a box of candy or cookies from the local market. The value is not important; it is the thought and the act that count.

• In Korea, business gifts are exchanged more often and more freely than in the West, but bear in mind that these are expressions of gratitude and considered as symbols rather than as a mere tangible quid pro quo.

Source: “Do’s and Taboos Around the World” by Roger E. Axtell.


Fabsearch is the ultimate travel and going out guide. Think of it as your private secretary who reads glossy magazines, speaks with local trendsetters, then reports valuable info to you.

We did a search on Shanghai and received interesting results.

Go here to get started:

And if you need more help, contact GlobeTrade (team@ | mailto:team@)!


*-*-*-*-*-* This Issue Is Brought to You By SPONSOR *-*-*-*-*-*

Could your company benefit from reaching our loyal subscriber base of global business enthusiasts? Please contact Laurel Delaney at ldelaney@ (mailto:ldelaney@) for details.




*Subscriber Exclusive*

Entrepreneurship in the world's two most populous nations, China and India, has through modern times been somewhat asleep. But now, says HBS professor Tarun Khanna in a new book, both societies "have woken up," and the results could reshape business, politics, and society worldwide.

Read more here at Harvard Business School’s Working Knowledge:


6. HOW I WENT GLOBAL: ONGOING SERIES* -- As featured at The Entrepreneurial Mind


GEM 2007 Executive Report: Six Questions With GEM Research Director

By Laurel Delaney

I had the great pleasure to thoroughly read the GEM 2007 Executive Report again over the weekend. If you haven't already, I suggest you do so here (). It is a gem -- filled with all sorts of amazing insights on the state of early-stage entrepreneurship. After digesting it all, we reached out to I. Elaine Allen, PhD, Research Director, Arthur M. Blank Center for Entrepreneurship, and Associate Professor of Statistics & Entrepreneurship, Babson College. We asked her a series of questions about the report since she is largely responsible for directing its research and contents.

We narrowed our questions down to six so it becomes a little like Cliff Notes -- providing you with a fresh take on the report. We thank Babson College (especially Elaine for her valuable time), the London School of Business and all the university teams from each participating country for their hard work on this immensely complex topic on the role of entrepreneurship in national economic growth. Here are the questions, along with Elaine's responses.

1. Question: How is it possible for low-income countries to exhibit such high rates of early-stage entrepreneurial activity?

Answer: In our survey we divide early stage entrepreneurship into Necessity-driven entrepreneurs who are pushed into starting companies because all other options for work are either absent or unsatisfactory, and Opportunity-driven entrepreneurs who start companies to exploit a business opportunity. In low-income countries, Necessity-driven entrepreneurship is driving individuals to start companies. These high rates do not incorporate the value or potential revenues of the new company so these may be quite small endeavors started with micro-financing. Our definition of early stage entrepreneurship is nascent entrepreneurs who plan to start a company in the next three months or have a new company less than three months old that is not paying wages and new entrepreneurs who have companies less than 42 months old.

While the dichotomy between low/middle and high-income countries is striking, there are also dichotomies that remain in all countries between male and female entrepreneurship. While rates are lower for female early stage entrepreneurs in all countries, in low/middle-income countries the motivation is almost entirely necessity while in high-income countries women are opportunity motivated entrepreneurs who cite independence, rather than increased income, as their reason for starting a company.

2. Question: Why does the United States exhibit such high rates of early-stage entrepreneurial activity? What's leading that surge?

Answer: When you look at our figure of the rate of entrepreneurship plotted versus the GDP per capita, in general you see a U-shaped curve with high rates of early entrepreneurship in low/middle income countries, very low levels of entrepreneurship in most high-income countries but an increase in entrepreneurship rates as you move to countries with some of the highest rates of entrepreneurship, such as the US, Iceland, and Hong Kong. This pattern has persisted throughout the 10 years of the survey.

Read the rest of the interview here:


Laurel Delaney is Founder and President of GlobeTrade.

-> Got a story to share? We’d love to hear from you. E-mail info@ (mailto:info@) and put “Got a story” in the subject line and then let us know what you have in mind. We cannot guarantee your tale will be published, but we’ll do our best!



*Subscriber Exclusive*

Q: To Ask The Expert,

What’s the best way to find out what other small businesses are doing in the global marketplace? I’m looking for a few good success stories on cross-border business. Got any?

A: The GlobeTrade team responds:

Sure do. Visit the UPS Business Monitor Media Room () and then join our GlobeTrade Wiki () so we can hear about yours, too.

Hope it helps. Let us know. And good luck!

-> Got a question or a comment? Good. Send it here: info@ (mailto:info@).



*Subscriber Exclusive*

Charity Gift Certificates are a meaningful way to say thank you, we appreciate you or just a simple “hello, how are you doing?” note. The recipient gets your thoughtfulness and something to offer a charity of his or her choice.

Find out more here:



*Subscriber Exclusive*

With the announcement that it will make its online music store available to customers worldwide, Amazon took another important step in its effort to dethrone Apple's iTunes as the premier digital music store.

Read more here at Internet News:



*Subscriber Exclusive*

Having watched the phenomenon called "globalization" hit full force in recent years, and with two teenagers preparing for college, this author is doing everything he can to nudge them both toward majors in international business. Honeywell, along with such other big, U.S.-based companies as Caterpillar and DuPont, lately have strengthened his belief. And don’t let the big company mention scare you. You can always learn something for your global small business by paying attention to what the big guys are doing.

Find out why at The Motley Fool:



*Subscriber Exclusive*

The NAM and the Department of Commerce have combined resources to provide members (not sure what it takes to become a member) easy access to information on exporting.

Read more here at NAM:



*Subscriber Exclusive*

Craig Karmin is the author of The Biography of a Dollar: How Mr. Greenback Greases the Skids of America and the World. FP spoke to him about why the dollar fell and what comes next.

What were the factors leading up to the fall of the dollar?

To find out more, here:



“GODZILLA Global Marketing! – The Essentials To Building A Successful Global Business” will help you:

-> Build a living global brand.

-> Understand the importance of local and global strategic alliances.

-> Develop a high global business IQ.

-> Create an export dream team.

-> Implement a seven-degree global action plan.

-> Consider global marketing as a career … and more!

"GODZILLA Global Marketing!" -- a whopping 43 single-spaced pages – is U.S. $8.95. You can buy a copy quickly and securely through PayPal, which accepts all major credit cards (and you don't even need a PayPal account). Once payment is received, your book is on the way! Enjoy.

Click here for more information:

Click here to buy it now:

[Laurel here … thanks to so many of you who have already purchased a copy!]



*Subscriber Exclusive*

If you can think wild thoughts, then you can most certainly go global.

Global Belly Laugh Day was officially January 24th but you can still have yourself a good chuckle.

Visit site here:

(Remember, inaction is the worst kind of failure.)

***We welcome suggestions for Take a Walk On The Wild Side. Early responses have the best chance of being published. Please include your title, company affiliation, location and email address. We reserve the right to solicit and edit suggestions.***



*Subscriber Exclusive*

“Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson



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