
AP Government Unit Planning GuideGovernment in America, 17th EditionUnit 1 – Foundations of American GovernmentChapter 1 – Introduction to American Government(incorporate Ch. 10’s 3 Theories of Contemporary Democracy)Chapter 2 – The Writing and Ratification of the ConstitutionChapter 3 – FederalismRequired ReadingsDeclaration of Independence – Chapter 2Articles of Confederation – Chapter 2United States Constitution – Chapter 2Federalist #10 – Chapter 2Federalist #51 – Chapter 2Brutus #1 – Chapter 2McDonald v Chicago – Chapter 3Unit 2 – Voting, Parties, and ElectionsChapter 6 – Political Opinion and IdeologyChapter 9 – Campaigns and Voting BehaviorChapter 8 – Political PartiesChapter 7 – The MediaRequired ReadingsBuckley v Valeo – Chapter 9 (Campaign Financing)Citizens United v Federal Election Commission - Chapter 9 (Campaign Financing)Suggested ActivitiesExcerpts from Boss by Mike Royko – Chapter 8 (Political Machines and Patronage) - Chapter 9 (Electoral College interactive map) - Chapter 7 (Presidential Campaign Videos)Unit 3 – The Legislative BranchChapter 10 – Interest Groups and LobbyistsChapter 11 – CongressChapter 16 (pages 488 and 496-507) Social Welfare PolicymakingChapter 17 – Healthcare and Environmental PolicymakingRequired ReadingsMcCulloch v Maryland – Chapter 11 (Powers of Legislative Branch)United States v Lopez – Chapter 11 (Powers of the Legislative Branch)Baker v Carr – Chapter 11 (Gerrymandering)Shaw v Reno – Chapter 11 (Gerrymandering)Unit 4 – The Executive BranchChapter 12 – The PresidencyChapter 14 – The Federal BureaucracyRequired ReadingsFederalist #70 – Chapter 12 (The Energetic Presidency)Suggested ActivitiesCurrent Events dealing with domestic and foreign policyUnit 5 – The Judicial Branch, Civil Liberties, & Civil RightsChapter 15 – The Federal Court SystemChapter 4 – Civil Liberties and the Bill of RightsChapter 5 – Civil RightsRequired ReadingsFederalist #78 – Chapter 15 (Role of the Judicial Branch)Marbury v Madison – Chapter 15 (Judicial Review)Gitlow v New York - Chapter 4 (Selective Incorporation Doctrine)Engel v Vitale – Chapter 4 (Freedom of Religion)Wisconsin v Yoder – Chapter 4 (Freedom of Religion)Tinker v Des Moines – Chapter 4 (Freedom of Speech)New York Times v United States - Chapter 4 (Freedom of Speech)Schenk v United States - Chapter 4 (Freedom of Speech)Gideon v Wainwright – Chapter 4 (Rights of the Accused)Roe v Wade – Chapter 4 (Right to Privacy)Plessy v Ferguson – Chapter 5 (Civil Rights)Brown v Board of Education – Chapter 5 (Civil Rights)Letter from the Birmingham Jail – Chapter 5 (Civil Rights)***Give the US CON Exam after Units 3, 4, and 5***Unit 6 – Financing Government and Policy MakingChapter 13 – The Budget Process and Taxing/SpendingChapter 16 (pages 479-496) – Different Theories of Economic Policy MakingChapter 18 – Foreign Policy MakingUnit 7 – The Illinois ConstitutionThe Illinois Handbook of Government ................

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