
PAGE South Africa Indicative National Logframe(Version: Jan 2016) South Africa has made great strides in adopting green economy strategies, with the hallmark adoption of the Green Economy Accord in 2011 infusing significant political support to a new, multi-stakeholder approach. Green economy initiatives are abound and Government resources have backed investments in a range of sectors and provinces. However, real implementation rates and measurable progress has been hampered by parallel programmes with untapped potential for synergy and effective coordination. This is partly due to insufficient technical and managerial capacity on green economy tools and strategies. PAGE offers South Africa a unique set of tools, expertise and networks that would respond to the diverse and rapidly evolving opportunities for leveraging systemic change. The identity and purpose of “green economy” needs will be sharpened and better demonstrated. Across-the-board monitoring, assessing and knowledge sharing will become instrumental for more convergence on green approaches, as well as gaining perspectives on trade opportunities and challenges, and the distributional impact of greening on jobs, income and gender equality. PAGE intends to contribute to better policy coordination and help deepening the engagement of the private sector and civil society organizations. PAGE can help improving human capacities in national and provincial Government institutions and collaborating partners. The overall goal of PAGE for 2016 is thus to increase the national visibility and a broader ownership across Government institutions and the private sector to implement effective green economy strategies. For 2017-2019 a larger and more specific PAGE programme will be developed and validated during the year. The PAGE results framework has been aligned with the support GIZ is providing for PAGE focusing primarily on financial services and the promotion of green investment. Global PAGE OutcomesCountry Outcomes/Milestones 2016Outcome 1: Inclusion of Green Economy Goals and Targets in National Development PlanningMilestone 1: Improved Collaboration and Co-ordination of Green Economy Policy, Planning and Implementation ProcessesOutcome 2: Sectoral and Thematic Policy Analysis and ReformMilestone 2: Potential and enabling factors for selected Green Economy sectors/industrial segments explored in-depth, informing proposals for sector reform promotion Outcome 3: Institutional and individual Capacity DevelopmentMilestone 3: Strengthened capabilities through enhanced Green Economy Learning including Training Courses and Knowledge Sharing Platforms PAGE Results AreaSouth AfricaResults for 2016South Africa Outputs and Activities 2016Administrative PAGE agency Potential National PartnersGlobal Outcome 1: Inclusion of Green Economy Goals and Targets in National Development Planning2016 Country Milestone 1: Improved Collaboration and Co-ordination of Green Economy Policy, Planning and Implementation Processes1.1. Diagnostics and Policy AnalysisIn-depth analysis of green economy progress following the Green Economy Accord, identify opportunities and address constraints to accelerate its implementation 1.1.1. Inventory of national GE Initiatives, Good Practices and Tools, building a mechanism for monitoring, reporting and knowledge sharingILO with all partners1.1.2. Green Jobs progress review: State of Green Jobs in South AfricaILONational Business Initiative (NBI)Trade and Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS)Industrial Development Corporation (IDC)WWF-SADBSA1.1.3. Concept Note for Draft Green Economy IndicatorsILO with UNEPDepartment of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation, PresidencyCentre for Governance Innovation, University of PretoriaSustainability Institute, Stellenbosch UniversityPAGE Results AreaSouth AfricaResults for 2016South Africa Outputs and Activities 2016Administrative agency Potential Partners1.2. Multi-sectoral and Multi-stakeholder EngagementReinforced institutional collaboration and dialogue concerning green economy analysis, policy reform and implementation, with an operational multi-stakeholder platform on green economy/green growth advocacy, reform and coordination1.2.1. Meetings of multi-stakeholder green economy governance and platform ILODEANBIBusiness Leadership South AfricaWWF-SACOSATU1.2.2 National Conference for Green Economy Knowledge Sharing and Policy ImplementationILO 1.3. Mid-term Strategy and Action PlanResults Framework for Multi-year PAGE 2016-2018 Programme for South Africa Developed through Multi-sectoral and Multi-stakeholder Engagement (including green economy indicators)1.3.1. PAGE Programme document 2016 – 2018ILO1.4. National Co-ordination and Communication of PAGE Activities PAGE support is coordinated and communicated to stakeholders1.4.1. National coordinator in placeILOCommunications Strategy to share objectives and key activities of PAGE in South Africa, including dissemination of key research findings1.4.2. Production of communication tools and materials on the goals and intent of PAGE in South Africa, including country brochure, presentation, web materials, social media presenceGlobal Outcome 2: Sectoral and Thematic Policy Analysis and Reform2016 Country Milestone 2: Potential and enabling factors for selected Green Economy sectors/industrial segments explored in-depth, informing proposals for sector reform promotion 2.1. Sectoral/Thematic Diagnosis and AnalysisAnalysis of sector/industrial segment [to be determined] with potential for exports of sustainably manufactured products and possible measures to enhance the sustainability of the sector and increase the export of sustainable products and services. 2.1.1. Sector Report (to be determined)UNEP with UNIDO2.1.2. Thematic Report: Green SME Development in South Africa – Best practice and Emerging Business ModelsILOPAGE Results AreaSouth AfricaResults for 2016South Africa Outputs and Activities 2016Administrative agency Potential PartnersGlobal Outcome 3: Institutional and individual Capacity Development2016 Country Milestone 3: Strengthened capabilities through enhanced Green Economy Learning including Training Courses and Knowledge Sharing Platforms 3.1 Strengthening of Planning, Institutional and Communication CapacitiesImproved green economy knowledge sharing through an interactive facility (or knowledge hub) where green economy achievements are catalogued, good practices and tools are available and practitioners’ networks can be accessed; 3.1.1. Green economy knowledge sharing hub for South Africa operationalILO GGKPCKDNIntegrating green economy concepts into national learning institutions3.1.2. Nationally-owned concept note on integrating green economy considerations in national learning institutions and executive learning programmes UNITARDEA, Department of Higher Education and Training, national education and training inst. (see 3.2)3.2. Nationally Tailored Training ProgrammesIndividual capacities strengthened to comprehend and apply introductory and specialized green economy concepts3.2.1. Training and experience-sharing event on IGE learning for staff from interested national institutionsUNITARTIPSUniversity of South Africa (UNISA)African Climate and Development Initiative (ACDI), UCTSustainability Institute3.2.2. High-level one day workshop on key green economy concept and good practicesILO3.2.3. Other specific/targeted training (tbd, possibly in conjunction with DBSA)ILO3.3. Global and Regional Training ProgrammeSouth Africa actively engaged in global and regional PAGE capacity development activities3.3.1. Global Green Economy e-Learning Covered by global PAGE budget3.3.2. Global PAGE Conference and other related global events ................

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