ALL DELIVERY DOCUMENTS IN FOLDER I MUST BE DELIVERED TO:Fannie Mae Asset Acquisition and CustodyAttention: Multifamily Certification and Custody13150 Worldgate DriveHerndon, VA 20170Loan InformationFannie Mae Commitment No.Pool No. (MBS)Payee Code (Cash)Lender InformationLender NameLender Address (City, State, Zip)Lender TelephoneLender Contact NameLender Contact EmailLender Counsel InformationCounsel NameLaw Firm NameAddress (City, State, Zip)TelephoneEmailFor any Loan Document delivery issues, Fannie Mae should contact(Lender may check either or both boxes): FORMCHECKBOX Lender FORMCHECKBOX CounselWarehouse Lender InformationWarehouse LenderWarehouse Lender TelephoneWarehouse Lender EmailBorrower and Property InformationBorrower NameProperty NameProperty Address (City, County, State, Zip)[LIST ALL ADDRESSES, IF MULTIPLE]Loan Attributes(Check All That Apply) FORMCHECKBOX ASAP Plus/ASAP Sale/ASAP Plus (POC) FORMCHECKBOX Cash FORMCHECKBOX MBSCheck if applicable: FORMCHECKBOX Manufactured Housing Community FORMCHECKBOX Seniors Housing FORMCHECKBOX Rural Housing FORMCHECKBOX Affordable/FHA Risk Sharing FORMCHECKBOX Bond/Credit Enhancement FORMCHECKBOX Small Loan FORMCHECKBOX Other: _______________________________ FORMCHECKBOX Substitution Loan (First Delivery) FORMCHECKBOX Substitution Loan (Second Delivery) FORMCHECKBOX Choice RefinancePrior Mortgage Loan No.: FORMCHECKBOX Supplemental Mortgage LoanPrior Lien Mortgage Loan No.: FORMCHECKBOX Split Loan FORMCHECKBOX 1st Lien FORMCHECKBOX 2nd LienCheck only one if applicable: FORMCHECKBOX Defeasance FORMCHECKBOX Yield Maintenance Prepayment Premium FORMCHECKBOX Graduated Prepayment PremiumCheck only one if applicable: FORMCHECKBOX ARM Loan FORMCHECKBOX Structured ARM LoanCheck if applicable: FORMCHECKBOX DLA MezzCheck if applicable: FORMCHECKBOX DUS Standard FORMCHECKBOX Pari Passu FORMCHECKBOX Affordable Housing/FHA Only FORMCHECKBOX Credit Enhancement Only FORMCHECKBOX Affordable Housing/FHA and Credit Enhancement FORMCHECKBOX Modified Risk SharingPercentage _________%Delivery Package ContentCheck if IncludedTabDocumentForm NumberDelivery RequirementAdministrative Documents FORMCHECKBOX AUTONUM \* Arabic Multifamily Mortgage Loan Delivery Package Table of Contents6502Copy FORMCHECKBOX AUTONUM \* Arabic Bailee Letter with all required attachments (if applicable)Original FORMCHECKBOX AUTONUM \* Arabic Provide Exhibits reflecting Mortgage Loan Document changes blacklined against the applicable form, and/or any clean non-standard agreements FORMCHECKBOX AUTONUM \* Arabic Mortgage Loan Certificate6505Original FORMCHECKBOX AUTONUM \* Arabic Modified risk documents [if applicable for Affordable Lenders that have not entered into a new Master Loss Sharing Agreement since June 1, 2012]OriginalLoan Documents[ANY LOAN DOCUMENT (INCLUDING ANY SCHEDULE OR EXHIBIT) THAT IS MODIFIED MUST BE DELIVERED WITH A BLACKLINE EVIDENCING ALL CHANGES. THE DELIVERY MAY INCLUDE A COMPLETE BLACKLINED DOCUMENT OR JUST THE APPLICABLE BLACKLINED PAGES.] AUTONUM \* Arabic Multifamily Mortgage Loan and Security Agreement with applicable Schedules 1 – 8, Exhibits and any Modifications to Multifamily Mortgage Loan and Security Agreement attached6001 seriesOriginal FORMCHECKBOX Schedule 1 to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement - Definitions Schedule6101 seriesOriginal FORMCHECKBOX Schedule 2 to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement – Summary of Loan Terms (and any Addenda to Schedule 2 (if applicable))List all Addenda to Schedule 2:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6102 seriesOriginal FORMCHECKBOX Schedule 3 to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement – Schedule of Interest Rate Type Provisions6103 seriesOriginal FORMCHECKBOX Schedule 4 to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement – Prepayment Premium Schedule6104 seriesOriginal FORMCHECKBOX Schedule 5 to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement – Required Replacement ScheduleOriginal FORMCHECKBOX Schedule 6 to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement – Required Repair ScheduleOriginal FORMCHECKBOX Schedule 7 to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement – Exceptions to Representations and Warranties ScheduleOriginal FORMCHECKBOX Schedule 8 to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement – Ownership Interests ScheduleOriginal FORMCHECKBOX Exhibits and Modifications (if applicable)List all: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6200 seriesOriginal FORMCHECKBOX AUTONUM \* Arabic Multifamily Note endorsed to Fannie Mae6010 seriesOriginal FORMCHECKBOX AUTONUM \* Arabic Multifamily Security Instrument with all Exhibits and Modifications to Security Instrument attached6025 seriesCopy of recorded document or true and certified copy FORMCHECKBOX Exhibits and Modifications (if applicable)List all: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6300 seriesCopy of recorded document or true and certified copy FORMCHECKBOX AUTONUM \* Arabic Assignment of Security InstrumentCopy of recorded document FORMCHECKBOX AUTONUM \* Arabic a. Guaranty of Non-Recourse Obligations (if applicable)6015Original FORMCHECKBOX b. Guaranty (Payment) (if applicable)6020Original FORMCHECKBOX AUTONUM \* Arabic Environmental Indemnity Agreement with all Exhibits attached6085Original FORMCHECKBOX AUTONUM \* Arabic Opinion of Borrower’s Counsel on Origination of Mortgage Loan [with Enforceability Opinion]6401Original FORMCHECKBOX AUTONUM \* Arabic UCC Financing Statements (UCC-1s) and Assignments of UCC Financing Statements (UCC-3s) (or UCC-1s with UCC-1Ad Addendum) – with Schedule A to UCC Financing Statement6421Copies of filed UCC-1s and UCC-3s (or UCC-1s with UCC-1Ad Addendum) and evidence of filing FORMCHECKBOX AUTONUM \* Arabic Assignment of Collateral Agreements and Other Loan Documents6402Original FORMCHECKBOX AUTONUM \* Arabic Assignment of Management Agreement (if applicable)6405 seriesOriginal FORMCHECKBOX AUTONUM \* Arabic Collateral Agreements (if applicable)Original AUTONUM \* Arabic Subordinate Financing FORMCHECKBOX a. Subordination Agreement (Conventional) (if applicable)6414Copy of recorded document FORMCHECKBOX b. Subordination Agreement (Affordable) (if applicable)6456Copy of recorded document FORMCHECKBOX c. Subordinate Note (if applicable)Copy FORMCHECKBOX AUTONUM \* Arabic a. Beneficial Interest in Land Trust (if applicable)Original FORMCHECKBOX b. Assignment of Beneficial Interest in Land Trust (if applicable)Original or copy of recorded, if recorded AUTONUM \* Arabic Maximum LoansOriginal FORMCHECKBOX a. Achievement Agreement (if applicable)6455Original FORMCHECKBOX b. Letter of Credit (with form of Sight Draft) (if applicable)4663Copy FORMCHECKBOX c. Letter of Credit Delivery Certification form (if applicable)4664Copy FORMCHECKBOX d. Legal Opinion of Letter of Credit Issuer’s Counsel (if applicable)4653Copy FORMCHECKBOX e. Confirming Letter of Credit (if applicable)Copy FORMCHECKBOX AUTONUM \* Arabic Closing Statement (for Small Loans)Copy FORMCHECKBOX AUTONUM \* Arabic Other: _______________________________________OriginalProperty Specific Documents FORMCHECKBOX AUTONUM \* Arabic Title Insurance Policy (with all endorsements and copies of all non-utility easement exceptions to Title)Executed duplicate original of policy and endorsements FORMCHECKBOX AUTONUM \* Arabic a. Subordination, Non-Disturbance and Attornment Agreement (if applicable)6415Original or copy of recorded, if recorded FORMCHECKBOX b. Tenant Estoppel Certificate (if applicable)6413Original FORMCHECKBOX c. Ground Lease Estoppel Certificate (if applicable)6206Original FORMCHECKBOX d. Fractured/Commercial Condominium Estoppel Certificate (if applicable)6258Original FORMCHECKBOX AUTONUM \* Arabic Management Agreement (if applicable)Copy AUTONUM \* Arabic Compliance Agreements (if applicable) FORMCHECKBOX a. Compliance Agreement for Asbestos Operations and Maintenance Plan6418Original FORMCHECKBOX b. Compliance Agreement for Lead-Based Paint Operations and Maintenance Plan6419Original FORMCHECKBOX c. Compliance Agreement for Mold Operations and Maintenance Plan6420OriginalOperations and Maintenance Plans (if applicable) FORMCHECKBOX List all: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Original FORMCHECKBOX AUTONUM \* Arabic Other: _______________________________________Original FORMCHECKBOX AUTONUM \* Arabic Other: _______________________________________OriginalASSET CLASSES, SPECIAL PRODUCT FEATURES AND EXECUTION TYPESCheck if IncludedTabDocumentForm NumberDelivery Requirement1031 Exchanges FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (1031 Exchanges)6244Original FORMCHECKBOX 35Assumption and Release Agreement and Ratification of Loan Obligations (upon completion of the exchange)6634Original FORMCHECKBOX 39Subordination, Assignment and Security Agreement (Master Lease) [for use with 1031 exchange transactions where a master lease is in place]6446.MLOriginalAdjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) Loans – Structured ARM (SARM) Loans FORMCHECKBOX 13UCC Financing Statements (UCC-1s) and Assignments of UCC Financing Statements (UCC-3s) (or UCC-1s with UCC-1Ad Addendum) – with Schedule A to UCC Financing Statement (Rate Cap (SARM))6443Copies of filed UCC-1s and UCC-3s (or UCC-1s with UCC-1Ad Addendum) and evidence of filing FORMCHECKBOX 16Interest Rate Cap, Reserve and Security Agreement6442 Original FORMCHECKBOX 16Form of Opinion of Counsel to Issuer of Rate Cap Agreement (if required)6444OriginalAffordable Housing FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Rent Restriction Agreement - Scorecard Exclusions for Affordable Housing)6253Original FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement – Addenda to Schedule 2 – Summary of Loan Terms (Rent Restriction Agreement - Scorecard Exclusions for Affordable Housing) (including copies of all Regulatory Agreements and Recorded Use Restrictions)6102.23OriginalARM Loan/SARM Loan Conversion FORMCHECKBOX 6Amendment to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Conversion to Fixed Rate) [For 6000 Series Documents] ORAmended and Restated Note [For 4000 Series Documents]6614 OR4000 Series NoteOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 12Opinion(s) of Borrower’s Counsel on Origination of Mortgage Loan [with Enforceability Opinion]6401Original FORMCHECKBOX 22Title Insurance Policy (with all endorsements and copies of all non-utility easement exceptions to Title)Executed duplicate original of policy and endorsements FORMCHECKBOX 8Amendment to Security Instrument (if applicable)Copy of recorded document or true and certified copyCondominiumsFor use when Borrower owns all units in a condominium: FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Condominium Provisions)6202Original FORMCHECKBOX 8Modifications to Security Instrument (Condominium Subordination)6304OriginalFor use when Borrower does not own the entire condominium: FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Fractured/Commercial Condominium Provisions)6258Original (Note: deliver estoppel with Tab 23) FORMCHECKBOX 8Modifications to Security Instrument (Condominium Subordination)6304OriginalCooperative Properties FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Cooperative Property)6210Original FORMCHECKBOX 8Modifications to Security Instrument (Cooperative Property)6312OriginalCo-Tenant (TICs) FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement – Addenda to Schedule 2 – Summary of Loan Terms (Co-Tenants)6102.17Original FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Co-Tenants)6232OriginalCross Default and Cross-CollateralizationFor Mortgage Loans that are cross-defaulted and cross-collateralized and a single Note evidences the Mortgage Loan secured by Security Instruments on two (2) or more Mortgaged Properties: FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Cross-Collateralization: Single Note)6204Original FORMCHECKBOX 8Modifications to Security Instrument (Cross-Collateralization: Single Note)6306OriginalFor Mortgage Loans that are cross-defaulted and cross-collateralized and are evidenced by separate Notes: FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Cross-Default and Cross-Collateralization: Multi-Note)6203Original FORMCHECKBOX 8Modifications to Security Instrument (Cross-Default and Cross-Collateralization: Multi-Note)6305OriginalDefeasance FORMCHECKBOX 6Schedule 4 to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement - Prepayment Premium Schedule (Original Defeasance)6104.12Original FORMCHECKBOX 6Schedule 4 to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement - Prepayment Premium Schedule (Alternative Defeasance)6104.13Original FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Defeasance)6207Original30For 4000 Series Loan Documents: FORMCHECKBOX a. Defeasance Assignment and Assumption Agreement (delivered upon defeasance)4528Original FORMCHECKBOX b. Defeasance Pledge Agreement (delivered upon defeasance)4529Original FORMCHECKBOX c. Opinion of Borrower’s Counsel on Defeasance of Mortgage Loan (delivered upon defeasance)4550.DEFOriginalFor 6000 Series Loan Documents: FORMCHECKBOX a. Defeasance Assignment and Assumption Agreement (delivered upon defeasance)6616Original FORMCHECKBOX b. Defeasance Pledge Agreement (delivered upon defeasance)6617Original FORMCHECKBOX c. Opinion of Borrower’s Counsel on Defeasance of Mortgage Loan [with Enforceability Opinion] (delivered upon defeasance)6618OriginalERISA FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Employee Benefit Plan – ERISA or Governmental Plans)6235OriginalFHA Risk Sharing Mortgage Loans FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement - Addenda to Schedule 2 (FHA Risk Sharing Loans)6102.14Original FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (FHA Risk Sharing Mortgage Loans)6205Original FORMCHECKBOX 8Modifications to Security Instrument (FHA Risk Sharing Mortgage Loans)6316See Tab 8 FORMCHECKBOX 31a. Borrower’s Certificate (Multifamily Affordable Housing/FHA Risk Sharing Loans)6410Original FORMCHECKBOX b. FHA Risk Sharing Request Data Sheet46742 Originals FORMCHECKBOX c. Evidence of Subsidy Layering Review (if applicable)Original FORMCHECKBOX 32Addendum to Risk Sharing Agreement46732 OriginalsForeign Entity FORMCHECKBOX 36Agreement to Submit to United States Jurisdiction6476Original FORMCHECKBOX 12Opinion Regarding Enforcement in Foreign Jurisdiction (if required)OriginalGreen Mortgage Loans FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Green Rewards Mortgage Loan)6241Original (Note: attach Addendum to Schedule 6 to the Required Repair Schedule and deliver with Tab 6) FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Green/Solar Mortgage Loan)6264Original (Note: attach Addendum to Schedule 6 to the Required Repair Schedule and deliver with Tab 6) FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Green Building Certification)6267OriginalGround Leases FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Ground Lease Defaults)6206Original (Note: deliver estoppel with Tab 23 and retain Ground Lease Review Checklist with the servicing file) FORMCHECKBOX 8Modifications to Security Instrument (Ground Lease Provisions)6308OriginalHAP Contracts FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement – Addenda to Schedule 2 – Summary of Loan Terms (Section 8 HAP Contract)6102.02Original FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Section 8 HAP Contract)6216Original FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement – Addenda to Schedule 2 – Summary of Loan Terms (Restabilization Reserve)6102.18Original FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Restabilization Reserve)6233Original FORMCHECKBOX 33HAP ContractCopy FORMCHECKBOX 33Assignment of Housing Assistance Payments Contract6403Original FORMCHECKBOX 33Assignment of Housing Assistance Payments Contract (Credit Enhancements)6404Original FORMCHECKBOX 33Consent to Assignment of HAP Contract to FNMA as Security for FNMA Credit Enhancement6411Original FORMCHECKBOX 33Consent to Assignment of HAP Contract as Security for FNMA Financing6412Original FORMCHECKBOX 33Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) Contract Review Sheet and Certification6422OriginalHealthy Housing Rewards FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Healthy Housing RewardsTM – Enhanced Resident ServicesTM)6263Original FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Healthy Housing RewardsTM – Healthy Design)6265OriginalKing County, Washington Properties FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (King County, WA)6266OriginalManufactured Housing Mortgage Loans FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement – Addenda to Schedule 2 – Summary of Loan Terms (Manufactured Housing Community)6102.01Original FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Manufactured Housing Community)6208Original FORMCHECKBOX 8Modifications to Security Instrument (Manufactured Housing Community)6307Copy of recorded document or true and certified copy FORMCHECKBOX 10Guaranty (Limited Payment) (Manufactured Housing Community)6020.MHCOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 12Opinion of Borrower’s Counsel on origination of Manufactured Housing Community Mortgage Loan [with Enforceability Opinion]6435Original FORMCHECKBOX 13UCC Financing Statements (UCC-1s) and Assignments of UCC Financing Statements (UCC-3s) (or UCC-1s with UCC-1Ad Addendum) – with Schedule A to UCC Financing Statement (Manufactured Housing)6434Copies of filed UCC-1s and UCC-3s (or UCC-1s with UCC-1Ad Addendum) and evidence of filing FORMCHECKBOX 14Manufactured Home Certificate of Title(s)or:Copy FORMCHECKBOX Notice of Recorded LienCopy FORMCHECKBOX 14Assignment of Lien – Manufactured HomeOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 16Seasonal Working Capital Reserve Fund and Security Agreement (Manufactured Housing Community) (if applicable)6433OriginalMaster Lease FORMCHECKBOX 6Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Non-Recourse) (Master Lease) with applicable Schedules 1 – 9, Exhibits and all Modifications to Multifamily Mortgage Loan and Security Agreement attached6001.NR. MLOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 8Modifications to Security Instrument (Master Lease)6317.MLCopy of recorded document or true and certified copy FORMCHECKBOX 13UCC Financing Statements (UCC-1s) and Assignments of UCC Financing Statements (UCC-3s) (or UCC-1s with UCC-1Ad Addendum) – with Schedule A to UCC Financing Statement (Borrower) (Master Lease)6449.ML. BorrowerCopies of filed UCC-1s and UCC-3s (or UCC-1s with UCC-1Ad Addendum) and evidence of filing FORMCHECKBOX 13UCC Financing Statements (UCC-1s) and Assignments of UCC Financing Statements (UCC-3s) (or UCC-1s with UCC-1Ad Addendum) – with Schedule A to UCC Financing Statement (Master Tenant) (Master Lease)6449.ML. Master TenantCopies of filed UCC-1s and UCC-3s (or UCC-1s with UCC-1Ad Addendum) and evidence of filing FORMCHECKBOX 15Assignment of Management Agreement (Master Lease) (if applicable)6405.MLOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 15Assignment of Management Agreement (Master Lease - Alternate) (if applicable)6405.ML.ALTOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 39Tenant/Landlord Subordination and Assignment Agreement (Master Lease)6468.MLOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 39Master Lessee Estoppel Certificate6469.MLOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 39Subordination, Assignment and Security Agreement (Master Lease)6446.MLOriginalMezzanine Loan Financing FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement – Addenda to Schedule 2 – Summary of Loan Terms (Mezzanine Financing)6102.10Original FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Mezzanine Financing)6209Original FORMCHECKBOX 10Completion Guaranty (Mezzanine) (if applicable)6437Original FORMCHECKBOX 34a. Mezzanine Lender Certification (Mezz)6439Original FORMCHECKBOX b. Intercreditor Agreement (for DLA Mezz only) (if applicable)6440Original FORMCHECKBOX c. Cash Management and Security Agreement (if applicable)Original FORMCHECKBOX d. Deposit Account Control Agreement (if applicable)OriginalNew York CEMA Loans FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (New York Gap Note Modifications)6234Original (Note: retain Gap Note, all backup Notes and Gap Mortgage in servicing file) FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement – Addenda to Schedule 2 – Summary of Loan Terms (New York Gap Note Modifications)6102.19 seriesOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 8Multifamily Security Instrument (New York Mortgage)6025.NYCopy of recorded document or true and certified copy FORMCHECKBOX 8Consolidation, Extension and Modification Agreement (including Multifamily Security Instrument (New York Mortgage))6025.NY.CEMACopy of recorded document or true and certified copyOil, Gas, and Mineral Rights FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Oil, Gas, and Mineral Rights)6262OriginalPartial Release Properties FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Partial Release of Mortgaged Property)6257OriginalPhased Properties FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Phased Properties – Future Cross)6247Original FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Phased Properties – Full Cross)6248Original FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Phased Properties – One Way Cross)6249Original FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Phased Properties – First and Last Right)6250Original FORMCHECKBOX 8Modifications to Security Instrument (Phased Properties – Full Cross)6319OriginalPreferred Equity FORMCHECKBOX 10Guaranty of Non-Recourse Obligations (Preferred Equity Transaction) (if applicable)6015.PEOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 10Guaranty of Non-Recourse Obligations (Preferred Equity Guarantor) (if applicable)6015.PEGOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement – Addenda to Schedule 2 – Summary of Loan Terms (Preferred Equity Transactions) (if applicable)6102.20Original FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Preferred Equity Transaction) (if applicable)6236OriginalProperties Subject to Previous Tax-Exempt Bond Financing FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Bond Redemption and Bond Regulatory Agreement) (if applicable) (Note: 6238 and 6253 may be combined as appropriate)6238Original FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement – Addenda to Schedule 2 – Summary of Loan Terms (Bond Regulatory Agreement) (if applicable)6102.22Original FORMCHECKBOX 8Modifications to Security Instrument (Bond Regulatory Agreement) (if applicable)6318Original FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Rent Restriction Agreement - Scorecard Exclusions for Affordable Housing) (if applicable)6253Original FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement – Addenda to Schedule 2 – Summary of Loan Terms (Rent Restriction Agreement - Scorecard Exclusions for Affordable Housing) (if applicable)6102.23OriginalRefinance Mortgage Loan FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (First Lien – Permitted Subordinate Debt with Cross Default)6212Original FORMCHECKBOX 8Modifications to Security Instrument (First Lien – Permitted Subordinate Debt with Cross Default)6314Copy of recorded document or true and certified copyRehabilitation Reserves FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement – Addenda to Schedule 2 – Summary of Loan Terms (Rehabilitation Reserve)6102.13Original FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Rehabilitation Reserve – Moderate Rehabilitation)6222.MODOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Rehabilitation Reserve – Substantial Rehabilitation)6222.SUBOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 10Completion Guaranty OR Completion Guaranty [4000 Series Post-Closing] OR Completion Guaranty [6000 Series Post-Closing].6018 OR6632 OR6633Original FORMCHECKBOX 37Omnibus Assignment of Contract, Plans, Permits, and Approvals6472Original FORMCHECKBOX 38Agreement and Assignment Regarding General Contractor’s Contract6473OriginalReplacement Reserve DepositsFor Replacement Reserve Deposits Partially or Fully Waived: FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement – Addenda to Schedule 2 – Summary of Loan Terms (Replacement Reserve Deposits – Deposits Partially or Fully Waived)6102.04Original FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Replacement Reserve – Deposits Partially or Fully Waived)6220OriginalFor Alternate Funding of Replacement Reserve Deposits (at origination): FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement – Addenda to Schedule 2 – Summary of Loan Terms (Replacement Reserve – Alternate Funding)6102.05Original FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Replacement Reserve – Alternate Funding)6221OriginalFor Alternate Funding of Replacement Reserve Deposits (post-origination): FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement – Addenda to Schedule 2 – Summary of Loan Terms (Replacement Reserve – Alternate Funding)6102.05Original FORMCHECKBOX 6Amendment to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Replacement Reserve – Alternate Funding)6613OriginalSeniors Housing (SH) FORMCHECKBOX 6Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Non-Recourse) (Seniors Housing) with applicable Schedules 1 – 8, Exhibits and all Modifications to Multifamily Mortgage Loan and Security Agreement attached6001.NR.SRSOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Seniors Housing – Entrance Fees)6224.SRSOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement – Addenda to Schedule 2 – Summary of Loan Terms (Entrance Fees)6102.15.SRSOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Seniors Housing – Skilled Nursing)6230.SRS.SNOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement – Addenda to Schedule 2 – Summary of Loan Terms (Seniors Housing – Skilled Nursing)6102.16.SRS.SNOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Seniors Housing – Medicaid Transition Reserve) ORModifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Seniors Housing – Government Receivables Transition Reserve) (Skilled Nursing) 6237.SRS OR6237.SRS.SNOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement – Addenda to Schedule 2 – Summary of Loan Terms (Medicaid Transition Reserve) ORModifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement – Addenda to Schedule 2 – Summary of Loan Terms (Government Receivables Transition Reserve) (Skilled Nursing)6102.21.SRSOR6102.21.SRS.SNOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Post-Closing Licensing Transfer)6239.SRSOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 8Modification to Security Instrument (Seniors Housing) (for Unaffiliated Property Operator) OR Modification to Security Instrument (Seniors Housing) (Affiliated Property Operator) OR Modification to Security Instrument (Seniors Housing – Skilled Nursing) (for Unaffiliated Property Operator) OR Modification to Security Instrument (Seniors Housing – Skilled Nursing) (Affiliated Property Operator)6310.SRSOR6310.SRS.AFFOR6310.SRS.SNOR6310.SRS.SN.AFFCopy of recorded document or true and certified copy FORMCHECKBOX 12Opinion of [Property Operator’s][ Borrower’s] Counsel on Origination of Mortgage Loan (Seniors Housing)6450.SRSOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 13UCC Financing Statements (UCC-1s) and Assignments of UCC Financing Statements (UCC-3s) (or UCC-1s with UCC-1Ad Addendum) – with Schedule A to UCC Financing Statement (Borrower) (Seniors Housing)6449.SRS. BorrowerCopies of filed UCC-1s and UCC-3s (or UCC-1s with UCC-1Ad Addendum) and evidence of filing FORMCHECKBOX 13UCC Financing Statements (UCC-1s) and Assignments of UCC Financing Statements (UCC-3s) (or UCC-1s with UCC-1Ad Addendum) – with Schedule A to UCC Financing Statement (Property Operator) (Seniors Housing)6449.SRS. OperatorCopies of filed UCC-1s and UCC-3s (or UCC-1s with UCC-1Ad Addendum) and evidence of filing FORMCHECKBOX 39Operating Lease Estoppel Certificate (Seniors Housing)6470.SRSOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 16Government Receivables Collection Account Agreement (Seniors Housing) ORGovernment Receivables Collection Account Agreement (Seniors Housing – Skilled Nursing)6471.SRSOR6471.SRS.SNOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 16Government Receivables Depositary Agreement (Seniors Housing) ORGovernment Receivables Depositary Agreement (Seniors Housing – Skilled Nursing)6447.SRSOR6447.SRS.SNOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 16Amendment to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Medicaid Transition Reserve) ORAmendment to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Government Receivables Transition Reserve) (Skilled Nursing)[For use with 6000 Series Documents]6630.SRSOR6630.SRS.SNOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 16Amendment to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Post-Closing License Transfer) [For use with 6000 Series Documents]6631.SRSOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 39Subordination, Non-Disturbance and Attornment Agreement and Assignment of Leases and Rents (Operating Lease) (Unaffiliated Master Lessee) 6483.SRSOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 15Assignment of Management Agreement (Seniors Housing) (for Unaffiliated Property Manager)6484.SRSOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 16Collateral Assignment of Contracts (Seniors Housing)6485.SRSOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 16Collateral Assignment of Licenses (Seniors Housing)6486.SRSOriginalSingle Asset Entity Waiver FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Single Asset Entity Waiver – Additional Assets Permitted)6217Original FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Single Asset Entity Waiver)6218OriginalSmall Mortgage Loans FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Quarterly Income and Expense Statement and Rent Roll - Exemption)6214OriginalSupplemental Mortgage Loans FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement – Addenda to Schedule 2 – Summary of Loan Terms (Supplemental Lien – Senior Loan Terms)6102.09Original FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Supplemental Lien – Senior Loan Terms)6211Original FORMCHECKBOX 8Modifications to Security Instrument (Supplemental Lien – Senior Loan Terms)6313Copy of recorded document or true and certified copyTax Abatement or Tax Exemptions FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Tax Abatement or Exemption)6251OriginalTax Credit Properties FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement – Addenda to Schedule 2 – Summary of Loan Terms (Tax Credit Properties) OR Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement – Addenda to Schedule 2 – Summary of Loan Terms (Tax Credit Properties – No Equity Investor)6102.03OR6102.03.ALTOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Tax Credit Properties) OR Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Tax Credit Properties – No Equity Investor)6219OR6219.ALTOriginal FORMCHECKBOX 8Modifications to Security Instrument (Tax Credit Properties)6315OriginalWaiver of Imposition Deposits FORMCHECKBOX 6Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Waiver of Imposition Deposits)6228OriginalMULTIFAMILY MORTGAGE LOAN DELIVERY PACKAGETABLE OF CONTENTSFOLDER IIALL DELIVERY DOCUMENTS IN FOLDER II MUST BE DELIVERED ELECTRONICALLY USING THE FOLLOWING URL: if IncludedTabDocumentDelivery Requirement FORMCHECKBOX Multifamily Loan Delivery Package – Table of Contents (for Folders I and II)Copy FORMCHECKBOX Transaction Approval Memo (underwriter’s narrative and spreadsheets)Copy FORMCHECKBOX Underwriter’s Data Form (Form 4662)Copy FORMCHECKBOX Underwriting Certification (6460 series), with all attachments, including financials and REO scheduleCopy FORMCHECKBOX Appraisal (with original pictures and all other attachments, or Lender/Third Party Comprehensive Market Study (for all refinance loans)Copy FORMCHECKBOX Current Certified Rent Roll (Form 4243)Copy FORMCHECKBOX Property Operating StatementsCopies FORMCHECKBOX Property Condition Assessment (if applicable)Copy FORMCHECKBOX MBA Master Inspection FormCopy FORMCHECKBOX Termite Inspection Report (if applicable)Copy FORMCHECKBOX Engineer’s or Architect’s report (if applicable) Copy FORMCHECKBOX Threshold Evaluation (if applicable) Copy FORMCHECKBOX Environmental Assessments (or updates for Refinance Mortgage Loans)Copies FORMCHECKBOX Operations and Maintenance Agreements (if applicable)List all: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Copy FORMCHECKBOX Seismic Assessment (if applicable)Copy FORMCHECKBOX Multifamily Mortgage Loan and Security Agreement (Form 6001 series) with applicable Schedules 1 – 8, Exhibits and any Modifications to Multifamily Mortgage Loan and Security Agreement attachedCopyCollateral Agreements (if applicable) FORMCHECKBOX a. Letter of Credit (with form of sight draft) (Form 4663)Copy FORMCHECKBOX b. Achievement Agreement (Form 6455)Copy FORMCHECKBOX c. Other: Copy FORMCHECKBOX Evidence of Property’s compliance with all income, occupancy, and rent restrictions (for properties subject to a regulatory agreement or recorded use restriction)Copy FORMCHECKBOX Evidence of Property’s receipt of “Green Building” certification (only for a Mortgage Loan disclosed as a “Green MBS” based on the Property having been awarded a “Green Building Certification”)CopyHigh Performance Building (HPB) Report and Appendix H to Property Condition Assessment: HBP Module Report Tables (Form 4099.H) (only for a Green Rewards Mortgage Loan)(Note: No Lender upload to DocWay required; uploaded and stored via C&D.)Technical Solar Report and Appendix I to Property Condition Assessment: Technical Solar Assessment (Form 4099.I) (only for a Green Rewards Mortgage Loan with a Solar Photovoltaic System)(Note: Standard Lender upload to DocWay.)Seniors Housing Documents: FORMCHECKBOX a. Consultant’s Management ReportCopy FORMCHECKBOX b. Regulatory Compliance ReportCopy FORMCHECKBOX c. Government Receivables Depositary Agreement (Seniors Housing) (Form 6447.SRS or 6447.SRS.SN) (if applicable)Copy FORMCHECKBOX e. Government Receivables Collection Account Agreement (Seniors Housing) (Form 6471.SRS or 6471.SRS.SN) (if applicable)CopyPreferred Equity Documents FORMCHECKBOX a. a final statement of sources and uses of funds reflecting the Preferred Equity holder’s investment in the capitalization structure of the BorrowerCopy FORMCHECKBOX b. a complete organizational chart of the Borrower including any upper tier ownership entities or other holdersCopy FORMCHECKBOX c. copies of the organizational and other documents relating to the Preferred Equity and the Preferred Equity holder, including any term sheets, private placement memoranda, operating agreements, pledge agreements, guaranties, etc.Copy FORMCHECKBOX Other: CopyMULTIFAMILY MORTGAGE LOAN DELIVERY PACKAGETABLE OF CONTENTSMEZZANINE LOANSFOLDER IIIALL DELIVERY DOCUMENTS IN FOLDER III MUST BE DELIVERED TO:Fannie Mae Asset Acquisition and CustodyAttention: Multifamily Certification and Custody13150 Worldgate DriveHerndon, VA 20170FOR OTHER THAN DLA MEZZ, ORIGINALS TO BE FORWARDED BY FANNIE MAE ASSET ACQUISITION AND CUSTODY TO MEZZANINE LENDERCheck if IncludedTabDocumentDelivery Requirement FORMCHECKBOX Mezzanine Loan AgreementOriginal FORMCHECKBOX Mezzanine Promissory NoteOriginal FORMCHECKBOX Mezzanine Exceptions to Non-Recourse GuarantyOriginal FORMCHECKBOX a. Pledge and Security AgreementOriginal FORMCHECKBOX b. Assignment of Equity InterestOriginal FORMCHECKBOX Environmental Indemnity Agreement (Mezzanine Financing)Original FORMCHECKBOX a. Cash Management and Security Agreement (if applicable)Copy FORMCHECKBOX b. Deposit Account Control Agreement (if applicable)Copy FORMCHECKBOX Assignment of Mezzanine Loan Documents (by Lender)Original FORMCHECKBOX Assignment of Mezzanine Loan Documents (by Fannie Mae)Original FORMCHECKBOX a. Title Insurance Policy Form UCC-9Original FORMCHECKBOX b. Owner’s Policy of Title InsuranceDuplicate Original FORMCHECKBOX a. Agreement re: Property Management AgreementOriginal FORMCHECKBOX b. Exhibit B (if applicable)Original FORMCHECKBOX a. Opinion(s) of Mezzanine Borrower’s CounselOriginal FORMCHECKBOX b. Opinion(s) of Entity Key Principal’s Counsel (if applicable)Original FORMCHECKBOX c. Opinion of Mezzanine Borrower’s Local Counsel (if applicable)Original FORMCHECKBOX UCC-1 Financing StatementCertified CopyCertification of Organizational Documents with the following attached: FORMCHECKBOX a. Organizational Documents, Authorization and Good Standing Certificate for Entity Key Principal(s)/Guarantor(s) (if applicable)Copy FORMCHECKBOX b. Organizational Documents, Authorization and Good Standing Certificate for Mezzanine BorrowerCopy FORMCHECKBOX c. Organizational Documents, Authorization and Good Standing Certificate for Mortgage Loan BorrowerCopy FORMCHECKBOX Settlement StatementCopy FORMCHECKBOX a. Compact Disc containing images of Folder I and Folder II Mortgage Loan Documents in .PDF FORMCHECKBOX b. Compact Disc containing images of Folder III Mezzanine Documents in .PDF. (This disk is NOT to be sent to Mezzanine Lender. It must remain in Folder III after delivery to Mezzanine Lender of the other Folder III Mezzanine Loan Documents in the form required.) ................

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