(600)-100 Personal Property Management Program

100.1 Overview.

The Personal Property Management Program (PPMP) is a structured approach for managing the needs determination, budgeting, acquisition, receipt, storage, maintenance, protection, accountability, utilization and disposal of personal property assets to satisfy the program needs of the organization. Personal property is property of any kind, including but not limited to motor vehicles, firearms, investigative equipment, copy machines, and ADP hardware/software. The PPMP does not cover l property, such as buildings and land, or consumable property, such as office supplies. The PPMP also excludes the privately owned personal belongings of employees. Excess personal property is personal property that is no longer needed by TIGTA to carry out the functions of its official programs. Surplus personal property is excess personal property that GSA has determined is no longer required by a federal agency.

Personal property has a life cycle that usually begins with the budgeting cycle and acquisition stage. Acquisitions can be accomplished through purchase, lease, inter-government transfers, or seizures. Life cycles vary dependent on the type of property. Before moving to purchase new equipment or to excess property, all functions should make every effort to use existing TIGTA and other Government personal property fully.

The PPMP is supported by the use of the PARIS Property Module (PPM), which is a management and inventory tracking system. All functions will utilize PPM to track core personal property assets and to assess utilization of those assets. Doing so will promote more effective needs determination and help ensure that TIGTA derives the highest return possible from investments in personal property.

This manual provides the policy, responsibilities and procedures pertaining to the TIGTA’s PPMP and the PPM support system.

100.2 Policy.

TIGTA requires that all employees and managers, including detailed and temporary employees, interns, and contractors, regardless of functional area, adhere to regulations and policies issued by the General Services Administration (GSA) and the Department of the Treasury pertaining to personal property management programs and systems, including 41 C.F.R. Parts 101 and 102 and TD 73-01. Use of government property is authorized as required to fulfill agency business requirements. The guiding principles of the PPMP are: (1) maximize the investment return on the property; (2) manage the property inventory effectively; (3) minimize cost; (4) ensure that excess property is the first supply source; (5) maximize the property’s reuse; (6) comply with objectives in disposing the property; (7) promote recycling and energy conservation; and (8) adequately training property managers.

All use of Government-owned personal property is governed by regulations and policy, including the Standards of Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch, 5 C.F.R. Part 2635; Supplemental Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Department of the Treasury, 5 C.F.R. Part 3103; the Department of the Treasury Employee Rules of Conduct, 31 C.F.R. Part 0; and the TIGTA Operations Manual Chapter (500)-150

Personal property (including accessory items) is to be safeguarded at all times against damage, loss, and theft. Government-furnished personal property is to be used as intended only and may not be sold, given as a gift, loaned, exchanged or otherwise disposed of unless specifically authorized by law.

Pursuant to TD 73-01, Personal Property Management, the acquisition of new items shall be limited to those which contribute to the accomplishment of the agency’s mission and do not include upgrading to improve appearance, office décor, status, or to satisfy the desire for the latest design or more expensive line.

100.2.1 Responsibilities.

To ensure compliance with TIGTA policy and maintain the integrity and accuracy of the PPMP and its supporting PPM system, the following responsibilities are outlined:

• The Associate Inspector General for Mission Support (AIGMS) has agency-wide responsibility for the PPMP and its supporting systems. The AIGMS will designate a TIGTA Personal Property Management Officer (PPMO) to oversee the program and its systems.

• The PPMO will oversee program activities, including creating and maintaining accurate property inventories within PPM. The PPMO will coordinate policy formulation, disseminate policy and procedure updates, and provide assistance to TIGTA functions and employees in carrying out personal property related activities. The PPMO will ensure agency compliance with appropriate regulatory and other mandates, including initiation of annual inventory certifications and coordination of property excess requests requiring intergovernmental cooperation.

• The Inspector General, Principal Deputy, the Deputy Inspector General for Audit, the Deputy Inspector General for Inspections and Evaluations, the Chief Counsel and the Associate Inspector General for Mission Support will ensure the proper use, care, custody and safekeeping of government furnished personal property assigned in support of their functions, while ensuring that all procedural requirements are met timely.

• All managers will ensure the proper use, care, custody and safekeeping of government furnished personal property assigned in support of their business unit, while ensuring that all procedural requirements are met timely.

• All employees will ensure the proper use, disposal, care, custody and safekeeping of government furnished personal property assigned to them in support of their official duties for the agency, while ensuring that all procedural requirements are met timely.

• All employees will exercise reasonable awareness and safeguarding of TIGTA personal property located in their proximity.

• All employees will ensure that TIGTA security and privacy policies are adhered to, as outlined in the TIGTA Operations Manual, Chapter (500)-150, the Department of the Treasury Security Manual, TD P 15-71, the Treasury Information Technology Security Program, TD P 85-01, when transporting TIGTA property that may contain sensitive information such as personally identifiable information (Pll).

100.2.2 Authority.

• Federal Property Management Regulations, 41 C.F.R. Part 101

• Federal Management Regulation, 41 C.F.R. Part 102

• Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, 40 U.S.C. § 121

• Treasury Directive (TD) 73-01

• GSA Bulletin FRM B-25 Property obtained through the Use of Charge Cards

• Appendix B of OMB circular A-123

100.3 Personal Property Inventory and Tracking.

The following accountable property assets will be inventoried, tracked and managed within PPM:

• Firearms, intermediate weapons, body armor, special agent safety equipment, ammunition (assigned and unassigned)(see Chapter (400)-130

• Vehicles (see Chapter (400)-110)

• Seized monies and property

• Property deemed sensitive in nature (e.g., blackberries, cell phones, digital recorders and other IT equipment with memory)

• Investigative equipment with an acquisition cost and/or value of $500 or more

• Radios and communication equipment, and assorted items used in conducting undercover investigations (e.g., props, costumes and related items)

• Forensic Science Lab equipment

• Office equipment (e.g., copiers, facsimile machines, TV’s, VCR’s, projectors)

• Laptop computers, desktop computers, servers, monitors, printers, and hubs (Note: keyboards, mouse, docking stations and related items issued with a computer are considered accessories. These items will be inventoried, tracked, and captured separately as accessory kits and associated to a computer when issued for use)

• All server computing devices including but not limited to file servers, domain controllers, print appliance servers, etc. Any items included in a lease agreement that must be returned to the lesser, will be included as accessory items

• Telecom equipment with an acquisition cost and/or value of $1,000 or more (excludes equipment for use in telecommuting which will be inventoried and tracked separately)

• Non-computing information technology infrastructure equipment (uninterruptible power supplies, power distribution units, etc.) with an acquisition cost and/or value of $1,000 or more

• ADP software

• Personal property with an acquisition cost and/or value of $5,000 or more (includes telephone equipment, e.g., PBX equipment, acquired by TIGTA)

• Personal property that has been designated as a capitalized asset (see TIGTA Operations Manual, Chapter (600)-50 for information on capitalized acquisitions)

• Personal property with a high risk of loss, misuse or theft due to its inherent attractiveness and/or portability (e.g., cellular telephones, Blackberry’s and pagers)

• Leased property that falls into any of the categories listed above

• Loaned property that falls into any of the categories listed above (e.g., personal property loaned to TIGTA by another agency or other organization or from TIGTA to another agency or other organization regardless of the duration of the loan period)

• Accessory items, Officer Safety Kits (See TIGTA Operational Manual Chapter 400-130.5 for information on Officer Safety Kits) , and software licenses(Note: each accessory will be associated with the particular item, e.g., firearm, computer, software, when issued for use)

• Definitions

Accountable Property: All personal property considered nonexpendable whose expected useful life is two years or longer and whose acquisition value, as determined by the agency policy, warrants tracking in the agency’s property records, including capitalized and sensitive property.

Sensitive Property: All property, regardless of value, that requires special control and accountability due to unusual rates of loss, theft or misuse, or due to national security or export control considerations. Such property includes: weapons, ammunition, explosives, information technology equipment with memory capability, cameras, and communications equipment. These classifications do not preclude agencies from specifying additional personal property classifications to effectively manage their programs. See 41 CFR Part 102-35.20.

Capitalized Personal Property: includes property that is entered on the agency’s general ledger records as a major investment or asset. An agency must determine its capitalization thresholds as discussed in Financial Accounting Standard Advisory Board (FASAB) Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards No. 6 Accounting for Property, Plant and Equipment, Chapter 1, paragraph 13.

Personal property; means any property, except real property. For purposes of this part, the term excludes records of the Federal Government, and naval vessels of the following categories: battleships, cruisers, aircraft carriers, destroyers, and submarines

100.3.1 Access to PPM.

To fulfill program requirements, certain employees will be granted access to the PPM system dependent upon the type of personal property-related duties the employee has been assigned.

To gain or delete access, or to change or add a profile, an employee and his/her manager must submit a properly completed Form 5081, TIGTA Information Systems User Registration/Change Request. The form should clearly define the level of access necessary for the employee, specifying job function(s) to be performed (e.g., TIGTA Firearms Coordinator, Technical Support Officer(TSO), Vehicle Operator, Computer Inventory Program Coordinator, etc.). In the “Special Instructions Block (Block 20)” the new user must specify whether an existing user is or is not being replaced. DO NOT INCLUDE (THE) USERS’ SSN on the Form 5081. Forms that are not properly completed will be returned to the requestor without action for clarification.

Access to the PPM system will not be granted without receipt of a Form 5081 (found in Word under the “More” tab in the Management Services folder). The completed form will be submitted to the PPMO. Upon approval, the PPMO will create the appropriate profile.

100.3.2 Request for programming changes to PPM.

Any request to make a programming change or to add/alter or delete a report in PPM must be routed through the PPMO. The PPMO will review the request, determining the validity, feasibility and impact the request will have on PPM. The PPMO may request additional information from the requestor.

Once the review has been completed, the PPMO will forward the change request to the Applications and Development Support team for evaluation. Upon completion of evaluation, the Applications and Development team will develop a plan to make the requested changes, additions, or deletions, and test before implementation. Once the changes, additions, or deletions, have been instituted in PPM, the Applications and Development team will notify the PPMO and the requestor.

100.4 PPM SharePoint site

The PPM SharePoint site has been established to allow inventory Program Coordinators to document, track and monitor the progress of each SF-120’s. The Inventory Coordinator will complete and submit an automated Excess Property Request form from the PPM SharePoint site. The Inventory Program Coordinator can then view the review dates, disposition, and sort requests by open, closed or type of equipment.

When the Inventory Program Coordinator is ready to process an SF-120 through the PPMO, the Inventory Program Coordinator will access the SharePoint site and create a new Excess Property Request form.

The Excess Property Request form fields to be completed are:

Requestor name,

Contact phone number,

Description of issue and,

Type of equipment

The SF-120 and any additional files or spreadsheets are to be attached to the request form. Once all information is recorded on the form, the requestor will click the “Submit” button. Once submitted, a unique request number is automatically generated and an automated notification is sent to the PPMO.

100.4.1 Access to PPM SharePoint site.

This site is access restricted. The PPMO will grant access to individuals who have been designated as an Inventory Program Coordinator.

100.5 Acquisition of Personal Property.

Personal Property can be acquired in multiple ways, as a purchase a lease a seizure (forfeiture) or as a transfer of property acquired through external agencies and government excess lists. Regardless of acquisition method, if the property falls into the types listed in Subsection 100.3, it must be inventoried.

To ensure TIGTA follows Treasury guidance, all purchase requests for personal property must be routed to the PPMO. Working with Treasury and GSA counterparts, the PPMO will facilitate interagency searches and review government excess lists. The PPMO will review existing property before TIGTA procures personal property.

GSA Bulletin FMR B-25 requires that all purchase cardholders notify the PPMO when an order has been placed and when the agency has been charged for the property. To accomplish this all purchase cardholders will be required to send a copy of the TIGTA Purchase Request Form and invoice when personal property is purchase to the PPMO.

Additionally, business units need to properly administer receipt and acceptance processes to ensure that all accountable personal property is inventoried in a timely and accurate manner. Personal property information is to be captured and entered into PPM within five (5) working days of receipt and acceptance by the appropriate Inventory Program Coordinator.

To ensure that personal property is inventoried correctly a copy of all documentation of completed procurements must be sent to the PPMO.

The PPMO, purchase card holder and Inventory Program Coordinator may not be the same person.

100.6 Inventory Responsibilities and Processes.

The PPM system was designed to provide TIGTA with a centralized inventory of all accountable personal property assets. The system permits the capture of data that is generally common for all property types (e.g., acquisition cost (or value), serial number, manufacturer, employee to which assigned, etc.). This data forms a core set of information needed to fulfill personal property program requirements and to facilitate effective integration of property into the financial planning process.

Since accountable personal property assets are varied and serve a variety of agency needs, PPM has also been designed to meet program specific requirements. As each property classification is unique, so is the data that must be captured and maintained for that property. For example, the vehicle program requires data such as the vehicle’s drive train and type (e.g., 4x4, sedan) for appropriate reporting and data analysis. Similarly, all other property classifications may have unique data requirements.

100.6.1 Inventory Program Coordinators.

To ensure that all program specific requirements are defined and acted upon, Inventory Program Coordinators will be established for each personal property classification. Inventory Coordinators will work with TIGTA management and others to ensure that property receipt and custody documentation accurately reflects data maintained in PPM. Inventory Program Coordinators will facilitate nationwide inventory activities and will provide basic user support on the use of the PPM in support of those activities. Inventory Program Coordinators will also serve as change control points for the system. As program requirements change or new requirements are identified, Inventory Program Coordinators will coordinate with the PPMO to prepare a valid and complete change request.

100.6.2 Property Receipt and Custody.

As outlined in TIGTA Operations Manual, Chapter (600)-70.3, managers are responsible for ensuring that personal property (including any accessories) is returned during the employee clearance process. This requires that managers remain aware of government owned personal property issued to their employees.

While each property program has varied requirements for reporting on receipt and custody of government property within PPM, Form 1930, Receipt and Custody, is used to maintain and track custody of individual property items that have been issued to employees. Managers are responsible for validating information on completed Forms 1930 and obtaining employee signature to acknowledge receipt and custody by the employee. The manager will maintain the completed/signed Form 1930 in the employee drop file.

Managers should refer to Forms 1930 when conducting mid-year reviews of equipment assigned to employees. Forms 1930 should also be reviewed when employees return equipment for whatever reason. Discrepancies should be reported to the appropriate Inventory Program Coordinator so that electronic records maintained in PPM can also be validated and corrected.

When equipment is returned, the manager should retrieve the Form(s) 1930, validate the information and then notate the return on the form in the presence of the employee. The employee may request a copy of the Form 1930, annotated to reflect return. If equipment is not returned directly to an Inventory Program Coordinator, the manager should notify the appropriate coordinator(s) of equipment return so that PPM can be updated properly.

An electronic version of Form 1930 can be found in the Word templates under the Investigative Forms tab.

100.6.3 Firearms Inventory.

The Office of Investigations (OI) will designate a National Firearms Coordinator (NFC) and others as necessary (e.g., Divisional Firearms Coordinator, Defensive Tactical Coordinator), to be responsible for administering TIGTA’s firearms program and for defining firearms-specific requirements for PPM. Furthermore, the NFC is responsible for the capture and maintenance of information pertaining to the TIGTA firearms inventory and program. The NFC will also ensure that OI employees adhere to program policies and procedures.

No firearms can be excessed or surplused without approval. All firearms excess or surplus requests must be routed to the NFC in the form of a completed SF-120. The NFC will approve or disapprove the action based on agency-wide needs.

When a firearm is approved for excess or surplus, the NFC will create and submit an Excess Property Request form from the PPM SharePoint site and attach the approved SF-120 to the form.

Firearms may be either approved for local destruction or transferred to other federal, state or local agencies that meet the GSA criteria (as referenced in the GSA Property Desk reference) for receipt of firearms. The PPMO will coordinate disposal by working with the NFC and GSA. All excess or surplus inventory is to remain in its current location until approval and coordination are completed. Excess and surplus inventory may generate a removal cost. In the event that there is a removal cost, the Office of Investigations will bear the cost.

To finalize items in PPM a completed SF 122 for items transferred to other government agencies or a copy of the SF 120 signed by the person disposing the items and the date the items were removed for inventory should be added to the PPM SharePoint site.

The PPMO and the NFC will work in partnership to ensure compliance with regulations or to resolve inventory issues or discrepancies.

Chapter (400)-130 of the TIGTA Operations Manual provides specific information on the firearms program and its requirements for receipt, custody and reporting.

100.6.4 Vehicles Inventory.

OI will designate a National Motor Vehicle Coordinator (NMVC) and others as necessary (e.g., National Technical Services Officer (NTSO), National Investigative Operations Coordinator (NIOC), and Division Technical Agent (DTA)) to be responsible for administering TIGTA’s vehicle program and for defining vehicle-specific requirements for PPM. Furthermore, the NMVC is responsible for the capture and maintenance of information pertaining to the TIGTA vehicle inventory and program. The Special Agent in Charge (SAC), Technical and Firearms Support Division (TFSD) will ensure that OI employees adhere to program policies and procedures. The NMVC will provide OI assistance and input on program requirements and inventory discrepancies, as well as submitting required reports to the Department of the Treasury and GSA. See TIGTA Operations Manual Chapter 400-110 for additional guidance on the Office of Investigations vehicle policy.

No vehicles can be sold, excessed or surplused without approval. All vehicle excess or surplus requests must be routed to the NMVC. The NMVC will work with the SAC, TFSD, for approval. The NMVC will work with GSA to coordinate the sale of vehicles, and forward the appropriate paperwork to the PPMO upon completion of the sale. To scrap or transfer vehicles, the NMVC will submit an Excess Property Request form via the PPM SharePoint site and attach the completed and approved SF-120. All excess or surplus vehicles are to remain in their current location until approval and coordination are completed. Excess and surplus vehicles may entail a removal cost. In the event that there is a removal cost, the OI will bear the cost.

The PPMO and the NMVC will work in partnership to ensure compliance with regulations or to resolve inventory issues or discrepancies. The NMVC will ensure that the Office of Mission Support (OMS) Staff Accountant is provided with the necessary documentation to meet TIGTA financial requirements.

Chapter (400)-110 and Chapter (600)-50.12 of the TIGTA Operations Manual provide specific information on the vehicle program and its reporting requirements.

100.6.5 Investigative Equipment Inventory.

The SAC TSFD is responsible for designating an (NTSO), and others as necessary e.g., (DTA), Equipment Specialist, Technical Services Officer (TSO)), to be responsible for administering TIGTA’s investigative equipment program and for defining investigative equipment-specific requirements for PPM. Furthermore, the NTSO is responsible for the capture and maintenance of information pertaining to the TIGTA investigative equipment inventory and program. The NTSO will also ensure that OI employees adhere to program policies and procedures.

No investigative equipment can be excessed or surplused without approval. All investigative equipment excess or surplus requests must be routed to the NTSO in the form of a completed SF-120, Report of Excess Personal Property. The NTSO will approve or disapprove the action based on agency-wide needs. If approved, the NTSO will submit an Excess Property Request form via the PPM SharePoint site and attach the approved SF-120.

Investigative equipment may be either approved for local destruction or transferred to other federal, state or local agencies that meet the GSA criteria. The PPMO will coordinate disposal by working with the NTSO and GSA. All excess or surplus inventory is to remain in its current location until approval and coordination are completed. Excess and surplus inventory may entail a removal cost. In the event that there is a removal cost, the Office of Investigations will bear the cost.

To finalize items in PPM a completed SF 122 for items transferred to other government agencies or a copy of the SF 120 signed by the person disposing the items and the date the items were removed for inventory should be added to the PPM SharePoint Site.

The PPMO and the NTSO will work in partnership to ensure compliance with regulations or to resolve inventory issues or discrepancies.

Chapter (400)-160 of the TIGTA Operations Manual provides specific information on the investigative equipment program and its requirements for receipt, custody and reporting.

100.6.6 Undercover Personal Property.

The SAC Operations Division, is responsible for designating an National Investigative Operations Coordinator (NIOC) to be responsible for administering that property used in undercover operations (props, costumes, etc.), and for defining undercover-specific requirements for PPM. The NIOC will ensure that OI employees adhere to program policies and procedures.

Undercover personal property may be disposed of in a number of ways. Depending on the type of prop or costume, a SF-120 for excess or surplus may not be needed. The NIOC will coordinate with the PPMO to make this determination and to ensure compliance with regulations or to resolve inventory issues or discrepancies.

Chapter (400)-180 of the TIGTA Operations Manual provides specific information on related program operations.

100.6.7 Forensic Science Lab Inventory.

The Director, Forensic Science Lab, will designate a lab employee to be responsible for the capture and maintenance of information pertaining to the Forensic Science Lab inventory. The Director, Forensic Science Lab, and designated staff member will also ensure that OI employees adhere to the policies and procedures for the use of Forensic Science Lab equipment.

No science lab equipment can be excessed or surplused without approval. To receive approval, an Excess Property Request form will be submitted via the PPM SharePoint site and the completed SF-120 will be attached. All excess and surplus science lab equipment is to remain in its current location until approval and coordination are completed. Excess and surplus equipment may entail a removal cost. In the event that there is a removal cost, the Office of Investigations will bear the cost.

To finalize items in PPM a completed SF 122 for items transferred to other government agencies or a copy of the SF 120 signed by the person disposing the items and the date the items were removed for inventory should be added to the PPM SharePoint Site.

The PPMO, the Director, Forensic Science Lab, and designated staff will work in partnership to ensure compliance with regulations or to resolve inventory issues or discrepancies.

Chapter (400)-200 of the TIGTA Operations Manual provides specific information on the Forensic Science Lab and its requirements for receipt, custody, and reporting of personal property and evidence.

100.6.8 Radio and Communication Equipment (RCOM).

The SAC, TFSD, is responsible for designating a Radio and Communication Specialist/Coordinator, and others as necessary, to be responsible for administering TIGTA’s RCOM program and for defining RCOM-specific requirements for PPM. Furthermore, the RCOM Specialist/Coordinator is responsible for the capture and maintenance of information pertaining to the TIGTA RCOM inventory and program. The RCOM Specialist/Coordinator will also ensure that OI employees adhere to program policies and procedures.

No radio or communication equipment can be excessed or surplused without approval. All RCOM excess or surplus requests must be routed to the RCOM Specialist Coordinator in the form of a completed SF-120. The RCOM Specialist/Coordinator will approve or disapprove the action based on agency-wide needs. If the SF-120 is approved, the RCOM Specialist/Coordinator will submit an Excess Property Request form via the PPM SharePoint site and attach the SF-120.

RCOM equipment may be either approved for local destruction or transferred to other federal, state or local agencies that meet the GSA criteria for receipt of RCOM equipment. The PPMO will coordinate disposal by working with the RCOM Specialist/Coordinator and GSA. All excess and surplus RCOM equipment is to remain in its current location until approval and coordination are completed. Excess and surplus radio and communication equipment may generate a removal cost. In the event that there is a removal cost, OI will bear the cost.

To finalize items in PPM a completed SF 122 for items transferred to other government agencies or a copy of the SF 120 signed by the person disposing the items and the date the items were removed for inventory should be added to the PPM SharePoint Site.

The PPMO and the RCOM Specialist/Coordinator will work in partnership to ensure compliance with regulations or to resolve inventory issues or discrepancies.

Chapter (400)-160 of the TIGTA Operations Manual provides for specific information on the RCOM program and its requirements for receipt, custody and reporting.

100.6.9 Seized Assets.

Seized Assets are pieces of property or money in the custody of TIGTA as part of ongoing investigations. Regulations requires that this type of property be tracked and accounted for while the investigation is in process or until the court system makes judgment. The OMS is responsible for designating a National Seized Assets PPM Coordinator (Seized Assets Coordinator) and others as necessary, to be responsible for the capture and maintenance of information pertaining to seized assets, as well as providing required reports on the inventory and status of seized assets.

Seized assets are in the custody of, not the property of, TIGTA. Therefore they cannot be disposed of without proper authority.

Chapter (400)-190 and Chapter (600)-50 of the TIGTA Operations Manual provide specific information on seized assets.

100.6.10 Computers, Computing Devices, Software and Other ADP Equipment.

The Office of Information Technology (OIT) is responsible for administering TIGTA’s computer operations and for defining computer-specific requirements for PPM. Furthermore, OIT Directors and Assistant Directors are responsible for the capture and maintenance of information pertaining to the TIGTA computer inventory and program. OIT Directors and Assistant Directors will designate OIT Inventory Program Coordinators, as needed, to fulfill and execute program requirements. OIT Directors, Assistant Directors, and the OIT Inventory Program Coordinators will ensure that all TIGTA employees adhere to program policies and procedures.

No computers, computing devices, software or other ADP equipment can be excessed or surplused without approval. All requests for excess or surplus must be listed on a completed SF-120. An Excess Property Request form should then be submitted via the PPM SharePoint site using the SF-120. All excess and surplus computers, computing devices, software or other ADP equipment are to remain in their current location(s) until approval and coordination are completed. Excess and surplus inventory may generate a removal cost. In the event that there is a removal cost, OIT will bear the cost.

Computers, computer devices and other ADP equipment should be disposed of first by transfer to other federal, state, or local agencies or by transfer through the Computers for Learning Program (established under E.O. 12999). If this is not possible, the PPMO shall forward the SF-120 to GSA. The PPMO will coordinate disposal by working with the OIT Inventory Program Coordinators, the Department of the Treasury, and GSA.

To finalize items in PPM a completed SF 122 for items transferred to other government agencies or a copy of the SF 120 signed by the person disposing the items and the date the items were removed for inventory should be added to the PPM SharePoint site.

The PPMO and OIT Inventory Program Coordinators will work in partnership to ensure compliance with regulations or to resolve inventory issues or discrepancies. Section below, provides additional requirements for receipt and custody record keeping. Custody and Receipt for Computer Equipment.

OIT personnel will partially complete the Form 1930, Receipt and Custody when issuing computer equipment to TIGTA employees. The form will reflect the name of the employee being issued property and a description of the property (to include the make, model, TIGTA barcode number and serial number).

OIT personnel will capture this information for inclusion in the computer inventory module in PPM. The Form 1930 will be provided to the employee’s first-line manager. The first-line manager and the employee will validate the information and the employee will sign the form to indicate receipt of the equipment. The signed Form 1930 will be maintained by the manager in the employee’s drop file.

When equipment is returned, the manager will retrieve the appropriate Form 1930, validate the information with the employee and notate the return. The employee may request a copy of the Form 1930 annotating the return. When returned to OIT personnel, the appropriate OIT Inventory Program Coordinators will ensure that the computer inventory is updated accordingly. Custody and Receipt for Blackberries.

Functional Blackberry Coordinator will partially complete the Form 1930, Receipt and Custody when issuing computer equipment to TIGTA employees. The form will reflect the name of the employee being issued property and a description of the property (to include the make, model, TIGTA barcode number and serial number).

Functional Blackberry Coordinator will capture this information for inclusion in the computer inventory module in PPM. The Form 1930 will be provided to the employee’s first-line manager. The first-line manager and the employee will validate the information and the employee will sign the form to indicate receipt of the equipment. The signed Form 1930 will be maintained by the manager in the employee’s drop file.

When equipment is returned, the manager will retrieve the appropriate Form 1930, validate the information with the employee and notate the return. The employee may request a copy of the Form 1930 annotating the return. When returned to the Functional Blackberry Coordinator, the appropriate Inventory Program Coordinators will ensure that the computer inventory is updated accordingly.

100.6.11 Office Equipment, Cell Phones and Other Miscellaneous Property.

TIGTA possesses a variety of equipment that is not classified as either ADP equipment or investigative equipment. This includes items such as televisions, video cassette recorders/players, projectors, and related personal property. Each Deputy and The Associate Inspector General for Mission Support handles the IG and IG staff inventory. The Office of Chief Counsel will designate an Inventory Program Coordinator as necessary, to be responsible for the capture and maintenance of the personnel property inventory for their respective functions within PPM. The Associate Inspector General for Mission Support is responsible for handling the IG and IG staff inventory. Specifically, the Inventory Program Coordinators are responsible for the capture and accuracy of cost data, fixed asset profiles, parts and accessories, and inventory records. Section below outlines additional requirements for receipt and custody record keeping.

The TIGTA Space Coordinator or designee will provide the PPMO with the latest space project inventory report in an effort to coordinate, with the office contact, the placement or removal of property within each office. This is to ensure proper accounting of new property or the removal, disposal or excess of equipment currently located in TIGTA space.

No personal property of this type can be excessed or surplused without approval. All excess or surplus requests must be listed on a completed SF-120. The functional Inventory Coordinator will approve or disapprove the request based on functional needs. If approved, the functional coordinator will submit an Excess Property Request form via the PPM SharePoint site and attach the SF-120 for processing. All excess or surplus personal property items are to remain in their current locations until approval and coordination are completed. Excess and surplus personal property may entail a removal cost. In the event that there is a removal cost, the cost will be borne by the function in possession of the property.

To finalize items in PPM a completed SF 122 for items transferred to other government agencies or a copy of the SF 120 signed by the person disposing the items and the date the items were removed for inventory should be added to the PPM SharePoint site.

The PPMO and the functional Inventory Program Coordinators will work in partnership to ensure compliance with regulations or to resolve inventory issues or discrepancies.

1. Custody and Receipt for Office Equipment other Miscellaneous Personal Property.

Generally, property such as television, fax machine, VCR, and projectors are not specifically issued to an individual employee. However, if authorized by management and so issued, a Form 1930 will need to be completed.

The partially completed form will reflect the name of the employee being issued property and a description of the property (to include the make, model, and serial number). The Inventory Program Coordinators will capture this information for inclusion in the PPM Inventory.

The Form 1930 will be provided to the employee’s first-line manager. The first-line manager and the employee will validate the information and the employee will sign to indicate receipt. The signed Form 1930 will be maintained by the manager in the employee’s drop file.

When equipment is returned, the manager will retrieve the appropriate Form 1930, validate the information with the employee and notate the return in the presence of the employee. The employee may request a copy of the Form 1930 annotating the return. When returned, managers will notify the functional Inventory Program Coordinator who will ensure that the PPM inventory is updated accordingly.

100.6.12 Copy Machines.

The Assistant Director, Finance and Accountability in OMS is responsible for designating a Copier Program Coordinator (CPC) to be responsible for the capture and maintenance of information pertaining to TIGTA copiers within PPM. Specifically, the CPC is responsible for the capture and accuracy of cost data, fixed asset profiles and inventory records. The CPC is also responsible for ensuring that TIGTA employees adhere to the program policies and procedures.

No copy machines can be excessed or surplused without approval. All requests for excess or surplus copiers must be routed to the CPC in the form of a completed SF-120. The CPC will approve or disapprove the request based on agency-wide needs. If approved, the CPC will submit an Excess Property Request form via the PPM SharePoint site and attach the SF-120 for processing. All excess or surplus copiers are to remain in their current location until approval and coordination have been completed. Excess copiers may generate a removal cost. In the event that there is a removal cost, the cost will be borne by the Office of Mission Support.

To finalize items in PPM a completed SF 122 for items transferred to other government agencies or a copy of the SF 120 signed by the person disposing the items and the date the items were removed for inventory should be added to the PPM SharePoint Site.

The PPMO and the CPC will work in partnership to ensure compliance with regulations or to resolve inventory issues or discrepancies.

100.6.13 Furniture.

Although not captured as inventory in PPM, excess and surplus furniture is personal property and, as such, must be excessed or surplused in accordance with regulation. The Assistant Director, Finance and Accountability will designate a Furniture Coordinator to be responsible for coordinating the excess or surplus of furniture associated with an office relocation or space project TIGTA-wide. The Furniture Coordinator will complete a SF-120. The SF-120 will be attached to an Excess Property Request form and submitted to the PPMO via the PPM SharePoint site. The PPMO will process and coordinate with GSA and others. For excess/surplus furniture not associated with an office relocation or space project, the office with custody of the items will complete a SF-120. The SF-120 will be attached to an Excess Property Request form and submitted via the PPM SharePoint site.

The excess process requires a minimum of forty (40) working days and may require additional days due to mandated coordination requirements. Therefore, the PPMO must receive the completed SF-120 no later than forty (40) working days prior to the desired date of excess. All furniture must remain in its current location until the processing and coordination have been completed. Excess and surplus furniture may involve a removal cost. In the event that there is a removal cost, the office that will surplus the furniture will bear the cost.

100.6.14 Telecommuting Equipment.

Telecommuting equipment generally falls into another property category. For example, the OIT inventories all ADP equipment used for telecommuting (e.g., printers, routers) as part of the computer inventory within PPM. However, some telecommuting assets, such as file cabinets, are not tracked within PPM.

TIGTA managers are responsible for tracking furniture and other equipment assigned to employees for use at a telecommuting location by use of a completed and signed Form 1930. The manager will maintain the completed/signed Form 1930 in the employee drop file. Generally, other than ADP equipment, the only authorized telecommuting equipment is file cabinetry acquired in accordance with telecommuting guidelines. Managers and employees are responsible for safeguarding this equipment and adhering to excess and surplus regulations. Employees are responsible for returning furniture and other equipment assigned to them for telecommuting purposes to a TIGTA office at their expense. TIGTA will not collect or pay for the collection of personal property from an employee’s residence. When non ADP telecommuting property is returned, the manager should retrieve the Form 1930, validate the information with the employee and annotate the return. The employee may request a copy of the annotated Form 1930.

When non-ADP telecommuting equipment is determined to be excess or surplus, the office with custody must complete a SF-120. The completed SF-120 will be attached and submitted via an Excess Property Request form located on the PPM SharePoint site. The equipment must remain in TIGTA space until approval and coordination have been completed. In some cases, the removal of this type of property may generate a cost. In the event that there is a removal cost, the cost will be borne by the office with custody. See Section 100.6.10 regarding the disposition of ADP telecommuting equipment.

100.7 Preparing a SF-120 Report of Excess Personal Property, and Related GSA Requirements.

A SF-120 must be properly completed to excess or surplus government owned personal property. The SF-120 must be completed and signed prior to transferring or destroying government property.

An electronic version of SF-120 is available to TIGTA laptop users. From Microsoft Word, select File – New. From the General tab, double-click on the SF-120 template.

The SF-120 should be completed as follows:

Block 1. Report No. – Leave blank, will be completed by the PPMO

Block 2. Date Mailed – Actual date SF-120 submitted to Inventory Program Coordinator

Block 3. Total Cost – Total aggregate cost of all property listed on SF-120

Block 4. Type of Report – Check a. Original

Block 5. To – Address of the office the SF-120 will be sent to

Block 6. Approp or Fund to be - Leave blank, will be completed by the PPMO

Block 7. From – Address of the office reporting excess or surplus property

Block 8. Report Approved – Inventory Program Coordinator signature and date

Block 9. For Further Information – Type in the name and address of the person submitting the SF-120

Block 10. Agency Approval – Leave blank, will be completed by the PPMO

Block 11. Send Purchase – Leave blank, will be completed by the PPMO

Block 12. GSA Control – Leave blank, will be completed by the PPMO or GSA

Block 13. FSC Code – Type in 203200

Block 14. Location of – Type in the complete address of where the excess/surplus property is physically located

Block 15. Reim. Reqd. – Leave blank

Block 16. Agency Control – Leave blank, will be completed by the PPMO

Block 17. Surplus Release – Type in the date that the property is available for release

Block 18(a). Item No. – Type in as a line item number. First item would be 001A and each line item following would be 002A, etc.

Block 18(b). Description – Type in a full description of the property including serial numbers, make, model, etc.

Block 18(c). Cond. – This is a code that describes the condition of the property, as follows:

1...Property that is in new or unused condition and needs no repair

4...Property that shows some wear but can be used without significant repair

7…Property that is unusable in current condition but can be economically repaired

X…Property that has value in excess of basic material content, but repair is impractical or uneconomical

S…Property that has no value except for basic content (scrap)

Block 18(d). Unit – How is the property issued, each, by the box, by the foot, etc. If each, show Ea.

Block 18(e). Number of Units – Type a numerical value showing quantity

Block 18(f). Per Unit – Type in the acquisition cost per unit

Block 18(g). Total – Type in the total cost for all units on the line item

Block 18(h). Fair Market Value – Leave blank

Most portions of the SF-120 must be completed as described above. An attachment to the SF-120 is permitted only for the full description of the property. When completing a SF-120, scrap and usable equipment must be separate requests. This will facilitate quicker processing of the SF-120 and simplify subsequent record keeping.

For equipment that has inherent value and may be of particular interest to other agencies, the GSA has instituted its GSAXcess system to advertise availability of equipment to other federal, state and local agencies, and some charitable organizations. The GSAXcess system supports the inclusion of digital photographs to better represent equipment type and condition. Digital pictures must accompany the SF-120 when 1) property has a unit acquisition cost of $5,000 or more, 2) property is in traditional high demand and low supply, and 3) furniture is being excessed.

GSA requires that pictures be digital photos (scanned photos will not be accepted). File format must be .jpg and resolution must be 400 x 400 pixels. Variation from the 400 x 400 pixel requirement will not be permitted. Lastly, GSA will not accept more than twelve (12) pictures per item.

100.8 Lost, Damaged or Stolen Personal Property.

All employees are required to notify their immediate supervisor, in writing, upon discovery of the loss, theft, or damage to government-owned personal property. Written notification must be made within 24 hours of such discovery. Supporting documentation must include all pertinent circumstances of the loss, theft or damage, and action taken, if any, to retrieve or repair the property. In cases of theft or damage that were reported to local law enforcement, the employee should also include a copy of the police report. Where damage occurs to a vehicle, photos representative of the damage must also be submitted with the notification.

The immediate supervisor will review the notification and documentation to ensure that pertinent information is included and forwarded, in memo format, to the Board of Survey (BOS) Coordinator at *TIGTA BOS, within one day of receipt of notification.

Additionally, if the property that has been lost, damaged or stolen is computer or non-ADP equipment assigned to the employee, the employee or supervisor will notify the Helpdesk staff immediately. The Helpdesk can be reached via the intranet Helpdesk self-service site; e-mail, &TIGTA OMS IT Customer Support (Helpdesk ) or phone 1-866-246-7548.

All employees and managers are required to complete an employee clearance process when leaving the employment of TIGTA. Should employees fail to return or otherwise account for personal property issued to them, the first line manager will prepare written notification of the circumstances and forward the notification to the Property Office at *TIGTA OMS PPM immediately after the completion of the employee clearance.

100.8.1 Review of Reports of Lost, Damaged or Stolen Property.

The BOS Coordinator and Chairperson will review all reports of lost, damaged or stolen government-owned personal property. All BOS reports will be centrally located in a SharePoint site. This site will allow board members read access to reports once posted by the BOS Coordinator.

The BOS Coordinator will review all reports for completeness of information. If incomplete, the BOS Coordinator will contact the initiating office to assist in the completion of the report.

All reports and supporting documentation will be provided to the BOS Chairperson. The Chairperson will review the reports to either authorize the removal of the property from the inventory system or convene a Board when criteria for convening a Board are met (See 100-8.2 below).

In some instances reports and supporting documentation for serialized property of value, such as computers and sensitive equipment, will be forwarded to the Internal Affairs Division (IAD). If warranted, IAD will follow up with the local police to verify National Crime Information Center (NCIC) entry or forward to the Technical and Firearms Support Division for posting on NCIC.

100.8.2 Criteria for Convening TIGTA Board of Survey.

The Chairperson will convene a Board if any of the following apply:

• Reports involve property with a single or aggregate value of $1,000 or more. Value is defined as original purchase price.

• Reports indicate willful misconduct, negligence, or deliberate unauthorized use.

• Reports involve sensitive property that is defined to include firearms, badges and credentials, vehicles, investigative equipment, radio and communications equipment, and forensic equipment.

• Reports indicate a pattern of missing or damaged property that is determined as a result of a physical inventory.

OI is authorized to make necessary repairs on damaged sensitive property in order to place the property back in service. Repairs to property and a Board review will be conducted simultaneously. After property is repaired, copies of the repair receipts will be forwarded to the BOS Coordinator for inclusion in the report documentation, which may be reviewed by the Board.

100.8.3 TIGTA Board of Survey Membership.

The Director, Support Services, will serve as the Chairperson. When the Chairperson determines that the Board must convene, each function will appoint a representative to serve on the Board. The representative must be a manager at the GS-15 level or above. Board of Survey (BOS) SharePoint site.

The property office will grant read-only permission to Board members to the BOS SharePoint site. The BOS SharePoint site maintains the monthly BOS reports prepared by the property office for review by Board members.

The Board Chairperson will send an e-mail to the *TIGTA BOS mailbox when membership changes. The property office will contact the appropriate team member from Applications Development and Support, requesting the removal and addition of the old and new Board members. New Board members will be notified upon completion of this process.

100.8.4 Role and Responsibilities of the TIGTA Board of Survey.

The extent of the review conducted by the Board is dependent on the circumstances of each case. The Board will ensure that all reviews are conducted in a fair and consistent manner and its conclusions and recommendations are reached without undue delay. The Board may request any information needed to arrive at a conclusion, which may include a physical examination of the property and any other documentation available.

Based upon its review, the Board may prepare memorandum referring the matter to the employee’s immediate supervisor for appropriate action. Also, a copy of the Board’s memorandum and documentation will be sent to the appropriate function head.

If, there is an indication of willful misconduct or deliberate unauthorized use, the Board’s memorandum and all documentation will be forwarded to IAD for investigation as outlined in Chapter (200)-60. If circumstances warrant opening a case, IAD will notify the Chairperson and the appropriate function head that an investigation has been initiated and the Board will adjourn. At the conclusion of the investigation, IAD will forward a final report to the Chairperson for inclusion in the review file and proper annotation in the inventory system. This report should not include any sensitive information regarding the exact nature of the action taken.

If circumstances do not warrant opening a case, the memorandum and accompanying documentation will be returned to the Board for further action.

Copies of all findings and supporting documentation will be forwarded to the Chairperson for inclusion in the review file. Reports and supporting documentation should not include sensitive information regarding the exact type of action taken.

100.8.5 Disciplinary Action.

When the Chairperson will submit the Board’s memorandum and supporting documentation to the employee’s immediate supervisor, the supervisors should contact the Office of Chief Counsel at (202) 622-4068 or *TIGTA Counsel Office for guidance concerning the disciplinary process. The immediate supervisor will submit to the Chairperson a report outlining whether action was or was not taken. This report should not contain sensitive information on the exact action taken.

100.8.6 Appeal and Grievance Process.

Employees subject to the disciplinary process regarding the loss, theft, or damage to personal property may have the right to appeal the action to the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) or through TIGTA’s Grievance Procedure. The appeal or grievance rights will be provided to the employee during the disciplinary process. See Chapter (600)-70.8.2, Agency Grievance Procedure.

100.8.7 Maintenance of Files and Reports.

The BOS Coordinator will maintain all Board files and report documentation in accordance and ensure proper annotation in the inventory system.

100.9 Inventory Reconciliation.

Managers should routinely survey their offices to ensure that any items no longer functional or needed are identified as excess/surplus and that the appropriate functional Inventory Program Coordinator is notified.

In addition to working with the various Inventory Property Coordinators in the completion of the annual inventory reconciliation, the PPMO will also perform ad hoc audits of the various inventory databases to check for completion of data, conformity to naming conventions and issuance records. Discrepancies or issues will be resolved between the PPMO and the appropriate Inventory Program Coordinator.

100.9.1 Annual Reconciliation.

All TIGTA Inventory Property Coordinators, regardless of the type of inventory they are responsible for, will certify that the inventory is accurate by conducting a physical inventory on an annual basis. Physical inventory may be completed by the Inventory Coordinator or through other parties, such as the actual custodian of the property. This certification is due to the PPMO on February 15 of each year. The PPMO will maintain this certification.

The PPMO will compare the results of the physical inventory and the certification with the data in PPM. Should the results of this comparison show discrepancies, a further review will be made to determine if the problem is systemic or failure to adhere to policies and procedures. Reports of discrepancies resulting from failure to adhere to policies and procedures will be sent to the appropriate Principal Deputy, Associate Inspector General, Chief Counsel and the TIGTA Staff Accountant as necessary.

Coinciding with the certification, the PPMO will prepare an annual report for the AIGMS on the status of the Personal Property Program as represented by the state of the property inventories. This report will be submitted annually to the AIGMS by March 10th.

100.9.2 Fiscal Year Purging of PPM Inventory Records

With the closing of each fiscal year, a purge of records with a final disposition in the PPM databases will be performed according to current applicable general records schedules. Once this process is completed, no additional records marked final will be removed from the system until the close of the next fiscal year.

100.9 Reports.

The PPM system provides a variety of reports to support inventory-tracking efforts. Additionally, the PPMO and Inventory Program Coordinators may export data for ad hoc data analysis as needed to meet special needs. Managers may request inventory reports at any time by contacting the appropriate Inventory Program Coordinator or the PPMO. The PPMO will run management requested reports as well as ad hoc reports to check and validate inventory data. As appropriate, reports and analysis may be shared with management and Coordinators to ensure that program policies and regulations are being adhered to.


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