Directions: Below are assignments choices that will help you to understand the 8 vocabulary words about government. Using the notes from class, complete the following:

a) ONE of the assignments from the DEFINITONS category

b) TWO assignments from the UNDERSTANDING category.

Each of the 8 vocabulary words needs to be used in ALL 3 of the assignments you complete. As a reminder, all 8 vocabulary words are listed in the table below.


|Ways Governments Distribute (Share) Power |Role of the Citizen |Forms of |

| |(Citizen Participation) |Democratic Governments |

| | | |

|confederation |autocratic |parliamentary democracy |

|federal (federation) |oligarchic |presidential democracy |

|unitary |democratic | |


|CROSSWORD PUZZLE: Create a crossword puzzle using all 8 words. Make sure that you include |COMPARE & CONTRAST: Create THREE compare and contrast graphic organizers (venn diagrams). One should include the |

|the clues at the bottom. You CANNOT use the exact definition your teacher gave you – you |differences between the three ways government distribute power. The second one should cover the three different types|

|must create your OWN clues. |of citizen participation. The third one should cover the two forms of democratic governments. |

|CIRCLE MAP: create a circle map for all 8 vocabulary words that include their definitions |CONTINUUM: Create a continuum for BOTH distribution of power and citizen participation. Distribution of power should |

|and characteristics. |be set up from most central authority to least central authority. Citizen participation should be set up from most |

| |citizen participation to least citizen participation. You should include forms of democratic governments on the |

| |citizen participation continuum. |

|BUBBLE MAP: Create and complete a bubble map that uses all 8 vocabulary WORDS, their |SIMILIES: Create a simile for EACH of the EIGHT vocabulary words. A simile is a comparison of two things or ideas |

|DEFINITIONS, and CHARACTERISTICS. |using the words “like” or “as”. It is not enough just to write the simile, you must explain it too. Example: |

| |____________ is as unfair as _____________ because . . . |

|FRAYER ORGANIZER: Complete a vocabulary frayer model for each term. |CONCRETE WORD: create a concrete word illustration for EACH of the EIGHT vocabulary words. |

|MAKE YOUR OWN ASSIGNMENT (if you have an idea not listed, run it by your teacher) |MAKE YOUR OWN ASSIGNMENT (if you have an idea not listed, run it by your teacher) |


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