Curriculum Vitae


1995 Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D), Forestry Dissertation: Construction of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) using Ordinary Kriging Interpolation on point sampled data

1984 Komensky University, Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Candidatus of Sciences (CSc equivalent to Ph.D), Geography Dissertation: Regional geographical study of Banovce Basin and adjacent Carpathian Mountains

1978 Komensky University, Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Resum Naturis Doctor (RNDr), Geography, Environmental Sciences, Thesis entitled: Environmnetal Resource Management in the Banovce Basin.

1974 Komensky University, Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Bachelor of Science, Double Major: Biology, Geography. Cum Laude. Thesis entitled: The Mapping of Complex Physical Geographical Profile of Povazsky Inovec, Nitran Extension of Danubian Lowland and Tribec Mountains.


2013 – present Liverpool Hope University at Liverpool, United Kingdom

Head of Department of Geography and Environmental Science

▪ Serving Liverpool Hope University in Liverpool, UK and students, in leading academic programs at baccalaureate, master and doctoral levels in physical and human geography, geographic information science and environmental sciences; providing vision for research and education, organizing recruitment, serving on faculty board and developing international relations via Erasmus program; increasing research focus and publications for the next REF period.

▪ Serving on the Faculty Board and University Senate, overseeing University documents and proposals for new programs, approving changes in curriculum, hearing reports of committees, validating proposed changes in organizational structure of University and participating in decision making process regarding university provisions, managing departmental staff representation at key University committees.

▪ Managing departmental budget and administration, overseeing and approving travel, expenditures, purchase of research equipment, hiring new personnel and chairing committees for hiring new faculty/staff members, managing workloads, overseeing field trips and their budget, overseeing assessment, evaluating staff performance, managing budget for interns and student workers.

Selected accomplishments:

▪ Establishing modern technology (geographic information systems) into education and environmental sciences. This includes proposals for ArcGIS 10.2 software, training of staff at the University of New Castle and incorporating GIS into integrating curriculum and negotiating new GIS Lab in the science building; establishing Environmental Science Lab in new Science building, purchasing radioactive sensors and soil analyzers. Developing “wet lab” facility that enhance science and technology curriculum and field work.

▪ Establishing international research projects with Constantine Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia and University of Education in Krakow, Poland. The purpose of this project is to study movement of toxic metals between the soil and biosphere in southwestern region of Slovakia. The project was established by funding from Liverpool Hope University.

▪ Supporting departmental good practice and increasing research inform teaching based on science and technology. Developing relationship with government agencies and private industry; providing real world experience for students in classrooms and in field trips; developing an integrated course work that leads towards applied education in geosciences and environmental science.

2007 – 2014 United States Military Academy, West Point, New York, USA.

Chair of Regional Studies and Professor

• Serving United States Military Academy as an expert in research and organizing regional studies group, developing vision, concepts and strategies for the purpose of better informed Army. Conduct world class research in the spatial science and its applications in palynology, forensic analysis and homeland security.

• Developing intergovernmental cooperation between key security institutions such as Homeland Security, Defense Intelligence and Central Intelligence Agencies, Texas A&M University and Biomedware in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

• Developing and conducting study abroad programs to Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic and Vietnam.

• Developing sponsored research in connection to Army Research Laboratory; the research focused mainly on geostatistical applications to environmental science, forensic analysis and karst hazards.

2004 – 2007 Austin Peay State University at Clarksville, Tennessee

Director of the School of Agriculture and Geosciences (SOAG) and Associate


• Serving Austin Peay State University as the Director of School consolidating and supervising three interdisciplinary programs: geology, geography and agriculture, in addition, supervising geographic information center and environmental center, providing administrative support to Dean of Mathematics and Sciences, serving on Faculty board, APSU President’s Board and Provost’s committee.

• Managing over million dollar budget for geosciences, GIS Center, agriculture program and the Environmental Center, overseeing contracts with the City of Clarksville and Montgomery County and Sheriff’s Office.

• Hiring faculty and staff, working with students appeals, evaluating faculty/staff for promotion, participating in APSU governance committees

1997 - 2004 Stephen F. Austin University, College of Forestry at Nacogdoches, Texas

Assistant Professor/Coordinator East Texas Natural Resource Project

• College served over 400 students and to Geographic Information Center with main focus of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, participated in decision making process regarding fund raising and East Texas Stem-Volume Assessment

• Supervising research in Geographic Information Science and thesis writing, supervising master ad Ph.D students, assisting Forest Research Institute, developing cooperation with Temple Inland Company, coordinated research in forest inventory and developed collaboration with BioMedware Research Institute in Ann Arbor Michigan.

• Served College of Forestry in teaching undergraduate courses in geographic information science for forestry and environmental science and graduate level courses in spatial analysis and geostatistics

1997 – 1999 Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas, USA

Research Scientist, Mapping Sciences Laboratory

• Serving Mapping Sciences Laboratory, private and government institutions, collaborating on research projects concerning mapping natural resources, developing integrative research across departments and support Department of Forestry with research in spatial analysis and GIS.

1995 – 1997 Constantine Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia

Assistant Professor, Department of Geography

• Serving Department over hundred students providing teaching in new technology, developing collaboration with Czech Institute of Technology in Prague, teaching courses in geographic information science (GIS), quantitative methods and

• Serving as a representative for SPOT imagery in Slovak Republic, organizing meetings, planning sales and marketing.

1990 – 1995 Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA

Research Associate, Department of Forestry and Geography

Teaching undergraduate courses in Introduction to Physical Geography and working on GIS projects in Mapping Sciences Laboratory.

1988 -1990 International School of Duesseldorf (ISD), Federal Republic of Germany

Tutor at the Department of Mathematics

• Teaching classes in mathematics, geography, biology

• Organizing regional and cultural excursion to Czechoslovakia

1986 – 1987 Agrokomplex, Nitra, Slovakia

Research Assistant, Museum of Agriculture

• Serving public, organizing and participating in collecting significant agricultural tools of historical significance, writing articles and translating from English into Slovak

1986 – 1987 Slovak Academy of Sciences, Nitra, Slovakia

Research Scientist, Institute of Landscape Ecology

• Co-finding the branch of Slovak Academy of Sciences, developing applied research, participating in meetings of international significance.

1978 – 1984 Komensky University, Bratislava Slovakia

Assistant Professor, Department of Regional Geography

• Serving about two hundred students, teaching courses in soils, regional geography, landscape analysis, supervising undergraduate thesis, serving at the hiring committees.



Siska, P.P., Goovaerts P. and I-K Hung (2014). Assessment of doline susceptibility to collapse. Bulletin of Geology (submitted).

Siska P. and Stefan Polacik (2014). Influence of environmental parameters on spatial

distribution of pollen grains in Columbia Basin. Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Power Systems, Energy, Environment. Interlaken, Switzerland. Pgs.98-104.

Watson, J. R., Siska, P.P. and R. L. Wolfel (2013). Assessing Gains in Language

Proficiency, Cross-Cultural Competence and Regional Awareness during Study Abroad: A Preliminary Study. Foreign Language Annals Vol. 46 (1), pp 62-79.

Siska, P. P, I.K. Hung and V.M. Bryant. (2012). The Mapping Composite Pollen from

Point Sampled Data and Cartographic Generalization. Papers of Applied Geography Conferences, Volume 35(2012): 192-201.

Siska, P. P. and V. Lauko (2011). Strategic Missile Deployment: A Geographic Perspective.

Applied Geography. Elsevier Science. Applied Geography Volume (31): 829-838.

Siska, P.P. and L.J. Hummel (2011). The Regional Knowledge System: A Complex

Response to Complex Conflicts. American Intelligence Journal. Vol 29, No: 2. 107-115.

Siska, P. P. (2009). The Deployment of Ground Based Mid-Course Missiles in Central

Europe: Regional Perception and Viability. Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences. Volume 32 (2009): 105-114.

Kemmerly, P.R. and Peter P. Siska (2008). Karst Modeling and Hazard Assessment on the

Pennyroyal Plain and Western Highland Rim. Journal of Geography (Geografický

Časopis). 60(3): 217-240.

Siska, P. P. and P. R. Kemmerly (2008). Doline Feature Database (DFD) Development

and Assessment of Hazards Using Co-Regionalization Model. In: Papers of the

Applied Geography Conferences. Volume (31): 34-42.

Siska, P.P. Bryant, V.M. and I-Kuai Hung (2006). Determining Spatial Correlation in

Distribution of Southern Pine Biome and Dispersion of Pine Pollen Using Geographic Information Science. Journal of Geography (Geograficky Casopis). 58 (4): 239 – 258.

Siska, P. P. Goovaerts, P., Hung, I-Kuai, and V. M. Bryant (2005). Predicting the

Ordinary Kriging Errors Caused by Surface Roughness and Dissectivity. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 30(6): 601 – 612.

Siska, P. P. and V. M. Bryant Jr. (2005) Digital Ecosystem Analysis. Papers of the Applied

Geography Conferences. Volume (28): 32-139.

Siska, P. P. (2004) A Multivariate Spatial Model for Determining Urban Development Sites

in Flood Prone Coastal Areas. Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences. Volume 27(2004): 75 - 83.

Erikson, M. and P.P Siska (2003). Replay to Marcotte‘s Comments on Understanding

Anisotropy Computations. Journal of Mathematical Geology. 35(5) 683 – 700.

Siska, P. P. Nelson, R. and A. Bhowmick (2003) Lidar Data in Geographic Information

Systems: Component Object Modeling (COM) Approach. Papers of Applied

Geography Conferences. Volume (26): 242-248.

Siska, P. P. Bryant, M. V. and J. Jones (2001). Spatial Modeling of Modern Pollen Rain in

Big Bend National Park. Palynology: Journal of American Society of Stratigraphic Palynologists. 25(2001): 199-216.

Siska, J. J. Hurburgh, C. R. and P. P. Siska (2001). The Impact of Instrument Engineering

Parameters on Spectral Reproducibility Across Filter Instruments. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy Volume (9): 97-105.

Siska, P. P., and I – Kuai Hung, (2001) Progression of Errors in Applied Spatial Analysis.

Papers and Proceedings of Applied Geography Conferences. Vol. 24(2001): 284-290.

Eriksson, M., and P. P. Siska (2000). Understanding Anisotropy Computations. Journal of

Mathematical Geology. 32(6): 683-700.

Siska, P. P., Hung, I. K., Riggs (2000). Quality of Spatial Data in Applied GIS Analysis.

Papers and Proceedings of Applied Geography Conferences. Volume 23(2000): 37-45.

Siska, P. and D. M. Holzer (1999). Prediction of Potential Flood Hazards Using GIS and

Spatial Analysis. Papers and Proceeedings of Applied Geography Conferences. Volume 22 (1999): 135-141.

Siska, P. P. Siska, J. and R. C. Maggio (1998). The Significance of Spatial Modeling for

Nitrogen Concentrations in Southern Pines using Near Infrared Reflectance, GIS and Geostatistics. Geographical and Environmental Modeling. 2(2): 175-183.

Siska, P. P. Eriksson M. and R. C. Maggio (1997). Ordinary Kriging and the Construction

of a Digital Elevation Model. Geographical Journal 49(2): 91 - 113.

Siska, P.P. and R. C. Maggio. (1997) The Role of Relief Dissectivity in Distribution of

Kriging Errors from Digital Elevation Modeling. Papers and Proceedings in Applied Geography Conferences. Volume 20(1997): 186-194.

Siska, P. P., Maggio, R. and N. Castiaux (1996). Determining Spatial Anisotropy Using Geographic Information System. Journal of Geography (Geograficky Casopis), Slovak

Academy of Sciences 48(1): 63-71.

Siska, P. (1983). Contribution to the Understanding of Bánovce Soil Cover. Acta

Geographica Universitatis Comenianae. Volume 22(1983): 306-311.

1. Books and book chapters.

Siska, P.P. (2006). Satellite Based Mapping, Navigation and Communication Systems:

Global Security Concerns. In: Forest J.F. editor: Homeland Security, Protecting

America’s Targets. Vol. 3. Pgs. 354 – 371. Publisher: Praeger Security International, Westport, Connecticut, London.

Siska, P. P. (2003) Catholic Dissidents Translation: Jan Cardinal Korec: The Night of the

Barbarians. Published by Bolchazy- Carducci Inc. Publishers, Wauconda, IL in 2003.

2. Other publications (non-peer reviewed).

Menhart, J. Siska, P., and M. Hendricks (2012). The Influence of Spatial Orientation on Regional Expertise. Proceedings of 20th Army Research Laboratory Symposium. USMA, West Point.

Siska, P. 2012. Geostatistical Analysis of Pollen for Developing Anti-Terrorist Tracking

System. Hwang, G. and D. Masters: Forensic Geolocation Challenge: Is Pollen Analysis the Answer? Mitre Corporation, McLean, VA. Pgs. 20-22.

Siska, P.P., Polacik and V.M. Bryant Jr. (2011). Factor and Geostatistical Analysis of

Pollen Distribution Patterns for Developing Anti-Terrorists Tracking System. Proceedings of 19th Symposium of Army Research Laboratory, Ocean City, NJ

Siska, P.P. (2011). Journey to Vietnam. West Point Magazine, West Point, New York.

Volume 1, Issue 1, Winter 2011, pp. 22-26.

Siska, P. P., I-Kuai Hung and V. M. Bryant (2006). Correlation Between Pollen Dispersion

and Forest Spatial Distribution Patterns in the Southeastern United States. In: Prisley, S. Bettinger, P. Hung, I-Kuai. and J. Kushla eds. Proceedings of the 5th Southern Forestry and Natural Resources GIS Conference, Asheville, NC. Pgs. 159 – 171.

Siska, P.P. and I - Kuai Hung (2004). Advanced Digital Terrain Modeling and Analysis.

ESRI User’s Conference in San Diego. Proceedings of ESRI Conference. San Diego, California. (Published on CD).

Bhowmick, A. Siska, P.P., and R. Nelson (2003) Developing “COM“ links for

Implementing Lidar Data in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to Support Forest Inventory and Analysis. Second International Precision Forestry Symposium, Seattle University of Washington (Published on CD).

Siska, P. P. and I - Kuai Hung (2001). Assesment of Kriging Accuracy in GIS Environment.

Proceedings of ESRI Conference. CD Publication, San Diego, CA.

Siska, P. P. and I - Kuai Hung (2001). Geospatial Analysis of NDVI and Reflectance Values

in Angelina Forest Ecosystem. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on

Geospatial Analysis in Agriculture and Forestry. CD Publication. Denver, Colorado.

Siska, P. Bryant, V. M. Jr., and R. C. Maggio (1997). Palynology, GIS and Geostatistics Interactions: Searching for New Avenues in GIS Applications. Proceedings of GIS/LIS Conference. Cincinnati, Ohio.

Maggio, R. C., Meyer, T. H. and P. P. Siska (1997). Spatial Education Using Relational Databases. Proceedings of GIS/LIS Conference Cincinnati, Ohio.

Siska, P., Maggio, R. and Eriksson M. (1994). The Bounded Kriging Based Estimates for Sensitive Spatial Analysis. Proceedings GIS/LIS Conference, Phoenix, Arizona pgs.


Siska, P. 1993. Geomorphic Parameters of the River Basin. Physical Geography Lab Manual. Department of Geography, Texas A(M University, College Station.

Siska, P. 1988. The Visit in the Land of Enchantment. Lide a Zeme (Geographic and Popular

Scientific Journal), Academia, Prague Vol. 5. pgs. 277 – 282.

Siska, P. 1987. Big Bend National Park. Lide a Země, Academia Prague Vol. 2, pgs. 12- 17.

3. Technical Reports

Siska, P.P. (2009). General Regional Assessment Network Test. United States Military

Academy, West Point.

Siska, P. P. (2008). Strategic Stability of Central and Eastern Europe in lieu of Theatre

Missile Defense Deployment. Institute of National Security, Air Force, Colorado.

Siska, P. P. (2008) . Regional Expertise – the Key to Understanding Culture and

Language. Center for Language, Culture and Regional Studies. Department of Foreign

Languages. USMA, West Point, NY.

Siska, P. P. 2001. Excerpts from “From the Barbaric Night“ The Autobiography of Jan

Chryzostom Korec. KOSMAS Journal, 14(1), pgs. 120 – 133.

Siska, P. (1996). Geostatistical methods for construction of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) from Provisional Topographic Maps. GIS Frontiers in Business and Science.

International Conference. Proceedings II, Brno, Czech Republic.

Siska, P. (1996). Geostructural Analysis of Strike-Slip Faults in Owl Creek-Bridger

Mountains in Wyoming Based on Landsat-TM Data. GIS Frontiers in Business andScience. International Conference. Proceedings II, Brno, Czech Republic.

Siska, P. (1985). Soil Cover and Soil Regions in Zobor Natural Preservation. Institute for Tribec Mountains Nature Preservation. Nitra, Slovakia.


Siska, P. (2014). Influence of Environmental Parameters on Spatial Distribution of Pollen Grains in Columbia Basin. Recent Advances in Power Systems, Energy, Environment. Interlaken, Switzerland, February 22.

Siska, P. and S. Polacik (2014). Pollen Distribution Patterns in Basin Environment: Factor Analysis Approach. The Royal Geographical Society International Conference, London, United Kingdom, August 27.

Siska P. (2013). Karst Geomorphology and Prediction of Sinkhole Collapse.

Departmental Seminar. Liverpool Hope University. United Kingdom. October, 2014.

Siska, P.P. Glen, A. and V.M. Bryant (2012). Pollen Rain and its Potential for Developing

Biologic Sensor Capabilities. 20th Army Research Laboratory Symposium. Ocean City, NJ, November 29.

Menhart, A. D. and P. P. Siska (2012). Developing Regional and Cultural Expertise.

20th Army Research Laboratory Symposium, Florham, New Jersey. November 29.

Siska, P.P, Bryant V.M. and I-K Hung (2012). Mapping Composite Pollen in Big Bend

National Park and Cartographic Generalization. The Applied Geography Conferences, Minneapolis, Minnesota. October, 12.

Siska, P. P (2012). Factor and Geostatistical Analysis of Pollen Grains. Potential for

Developing Anti-Terrorist Tracking System. Pollen Coalition Network Meeting. McLean, VA. September 12, 2012.

Bryant, V., Siska, P. and J. Sweet. (2012). Pollen and Vegetation Relationship. Panel

Discussion. Pollen Coalition Network. McLean, VA. September 12.

Siska, P.P., Polacik, S. and V. M. Bryant (2012). Influence of Environmental Parameters on

Spatial Pattern of Pollen Distribution in Columbia Basin: Factor Analysis Approach. Annual Conference of Association of American Geographers, New York. February, 28.

Siska, P.P. (2011). The Effect of Study Abroad Programs on Regional geographical

Knowledge and Propensity. Middle States Association of American Geographers

Conference. Kean University, New Jersey.

Peter P. P., Polacik, S., V.M. Bryant (2011). Factor and Geostatististical Analysis of Pollen

Grains: Potential for Developing Anti-Terrorist Tracking System. Army Research Laboratory, 19th Symposium, Atlantic City, NJ.

Siska, P.P. Bryant, V. M., Goovaerts, P.and I-K. Hung (2010). Spatial Analysis of Pollen Data and its Potential for Forensic Analysis. American Association of Stratigraphic

Palynologists (AASP), Geological Association of Canada Paleontology Division (GAC) and Canadian Association of Palynologists (CAP), Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Siska, P.P, Bryant, V.M., Hung, I-K. and P. Goovaerts (2010). Pollen Spatial Distribution

Patterns in Northwest Region: Potential for Forensic Studies. American Association of

Geographers Conference, Washington, D.C. April 2010.

Siska, P.P. (2010). Spatial Analysis of Pollen and Forensics. Army Research Laboratory

Annual Convention, Ocean City, NJ. November.

Siska, P.P. (2010). New Avenues in Regional Geography. Association of American

Geographers, Middle States Division Annual Conference. West Point, New York.

Siska, P.P. Goovaerts, P. and P. R. Kemmerly. (2009). Predicting Karst Hazards Using

Indicator Geostatistics. Annual Meeting of Association of American Geographers (AAG). Las Vegas, Nevada.

Siska, P.P. (2009). Czech and Polish Differences in Perception of Missile Deployment.

Applied Geography Conferences. Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Siska, P.P. (2009). Matching Pollen Distribution Patterns and Vegetation in Columbia Basin. Annual Meeting of Association of American Geographers, Middle States Division Annual Conference. New Paltz, New York.

Siska, P.P. and P. R. Kemmerly (2008). Environmental Hazards Assessment in Doline Karst

Areas. Annual Meeting of Association of American Geographers, Boston, Massachusetts.

Siska, P.P and P.R. Kemmerly(2008). Development of GIS database for Dolines and

Mapping of Sinkhole Hazards. Applied Geography Conferences, Wilmington, Delaware.

Siska, P.P (2008). Modern Methods of Spatial Analysis for Geography: “Kriging and

Sequential Gaussian Simulation.” Middle States Division of the AAG, Annual Meeting,

Millersville University, Pennsylvania.

Siska, P.P. and P. R. Kemmerly. (2008). Environmental Hazards Assessment in Doline Karst

Areas. Association of American Geographers (AAG). Boston, Massachusetts.

Siska, P. P. (2008). Cross Cultural and Regional Competence in the Military. A New Avenue

in Applied Geography. Applied Geography Conferences. Wilmington, Delaware. Panel Organizer and Panelist.

Kemmerly, P. P. and Peter P. Siska. (2008). Quantitative Modeling of Karst Terranes:

Insights, Progress and Problems. 42nd Annual Meeting Geological Society of America South-Central Session. Richmond, Virginia.

Siska, P. P. and P. R. Kemmerly. (2007). Assessment of Accuracy in Sinkhole Mapping

Using Geospatial Technology. Tennessee Geographic Information Council. Chattanooga Convention Center. Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Siska, P. P. and V.M. Bryant (2007) Microregional and Demographic Changes in Central

Europe. Does Capitalism Still Work? Applied Geography Conferences, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Kemmerly, P. R. and P. P. Siska. (2006). Modeling Doline Geometry and Assessing Kars

Geohazards Using GIS. Geological Society of America (GSA) Conference,


Siska, P. P. and P. R. Kemmerly (2006). Sinkhole Mapping and Analysis in Mid

Tennessee Region. Tennessee Geographic Information Council, Franklin, Tennessee.

Siska, P.P and I-Kuai Hung (2006). Correlations Between Pollen and Forests Distribution

Patterns in the Southeastern Region of the US. Asheville, North Carolina.

Siska, P. P. and P. R. Kemmerly. (2006). Procedures for Estimating Doline Volume and

GIS Mapping of the Mid-Tennessee Karst. East Tennessee Regional Geographic Information Council Conference, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee.

Siska, P. P. (2005). Estimating Total Stem Tree-Volume Using GIS and Remote Sensing

Tennessee Geographic Information Council, Franklin Tennessee.

Siska, P. P. and P. Goovaerts (2005). Fusion of Remote Sensing and Ground Data via

Sequential Gaussian Simulation to Evaluate Forest Resource Parameters. American Society for Photogrametric Engineering and Remote Sensing. Baltimore, Maryland.

Siska, P. P. (2005). Developing and Programming Terrain Parameters in Arc Macro

Language. Applied Geography Conferences, Washington D.C.

Siska, P. P. (2004). Predicting Flood Prone Areas Using HEC Model and Geographic

Information Systems. Applied Geography Conferences Saint Louis, Missouri.

Siska, P. P. and A. Bhowmick. (2003). Developing New Functions for Arc GIS: Component

Object Modeling Approach. Applied Geography Conferences, Colorado Springs, CO.

Siska, P. P. and A. Bhowmick. (2002). Estimating Biometric Parameters Using Profiling

Laser Data. South Western Association of American Geographers (SWAAG)

Conference, Laredo, Texas.

Siska, P. P. and I – Kuai Hung, (2001). Variogram Modeling of Remote Sensing Data

3rd International Conference on Geospatial Analysis in Agriculture and Forestry, Denver, Co.

Siska, P. P. Legg, M. and I. Kuai Hung (2001). Mapping Angelina Forest Ecosystem for

Recreation Purposes. SWAGG Conference, Fort Worth Texas.

McDonnel, D. and Siska, P. (2000). The Significance of Internet 2 for University Education.

SWAGG Conference, College Station, Texas.

Siska, P. P. Bryant, V. M, Jr., and R. C. Maggio (1998). Spatial Modeling of the Modern

Pollen Rain in the Big Bend National Park Region of West Texas. Abstracts of Annual AASP Meeting, October 27-31, 1998 – Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico.

Siska, P. (1997). Soil Catena on Danubean Lowland. Geography Conference in Honor of

Professor Michal Luknis, Zlate Moravce, Slovakia.

Siska, P. (1996). Ordinary Kriging and Construction of Digital Elevation Model.

International GIS Conference. Brno, The Czech Republic.

Siska, P.P. (1996). Using Remote Sensing for Detection of Strike-Slip Faults. International

GIS Conference. Brno, The Czech Republic.

Siska, P.P. Maggio, R. C. and M. Eriksson. (1994). Maximizing the Ordinary Kriging

Values. GIS/LIS Conference in Phoenix, Arizona.

Siska, P. P. (1993) Arsenic Pollution of Bryan Lakes. Ocean Drilling Program Conference.

Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.

Siska, P. P. (1992). Slovakia at the turn of 21st century. Southwestern Association of

American Geographers (SWAGG), Austin, Texas.

Siska, P. P. (1992). The Region and Methods of Regionalization. Southwestern Association of American Geographers.(SWAGG). Austin, Texas.

Siska, P. P. (1991). Statistical Analysis of Arsenic Pollution in the Three Lakes in Bryan, Texas. Ocean Drilling Symposium, Ocean Drilling Program in College Station.

Siska, P. P. (1985). Regional Geography of Czechoslovakia( The Physical and Socio-

Economic Geography. SWAGG Annual Conference, Texas - Tech University, Lubbock, Texas.

2. Invited Presentations

Siska, P. (2014). The New Avenues in Regional Geography in the Context of Cultural

Practitioner. Landscape Geography Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia. 6. November.

Siska, P. (2014) The Cultural “Tions” and Spaces for Potential Misunderstanding. First

Symposium on Affectivity: Exploring/Negotiating Socio-Spatial Cultural Productions of Identity. 17. July 2014. Liverpool Hope University.

Siska, P.P. (2012). Spatial Analysis and Precision Mapping of Pollen Grains for Developing

Anti-Terrorist Tracking System. MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA.

Bryant, V.M. and P.P. Siska (2012). Forensic Geolocation Research. MITRE Corporation

and Department of Homeland Security, McLean, Virginia (Panelist).

Siska, P.P. (2011). How Europe Shaped its Destiny: A Historical Geography Perspective.

Department of History, United States Military Academy, West Point, NY. Billionair

Siska, P.P. (2011). Geostatistical Methods for Pollen and Ecosystem Analysis.

Central Intelligence Agency, Washington D.C.

Siska, P.P. (2011). The Role of Geography in Europe's, Political, Economic and Social

Development. Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, United States Military

Academy. West Point.

Siska, P. P. (2010). Application of Kriging Techniques in Mapping Natural Resources and

Environmental Hazards. Developmental Seminar. Department of Environmental.

Geographic & Geologic Sciences, Lehman College, CUNY, New York.

Siska, P.P. (2009). Assessing Regional Knowledge. Developing Intercultural Adaptability in

the Warfighter. Human Social Culture Behavior Modeling. Orlando, Florida.

Siska, P.P. (2009). Geostatistics for Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Studies: Regional Expertise. Department of Geosciences, Murray State University, Kentucky.

Siska, P.P. (2009). Geopolitical Sensitivity to the Deployment of Ground Based Mid-Course

Defense (GMD) System and Regional Stability in Central Europe. DIA Washington, D.C.

Siska, P.P. (2008). Dichotomy in Central European Regions and its Role in the Strategic

Balance Between East and West. Defense Intelligence Agency, Washington D.C.

Siska, P.P. (2008). Understanding Karst Geomorphology and its Role in Fighting Terrorism in

Afghanistan. Defense Intelligence Agency, Washington D.C.

Siska, P.P. (2004). Construction of Dimensional Elevation Models for Education Purposes.

Environmental Science Conference, Jefferson, TX

Siska, P. P. (2003). Modeling Spatial Continuity in Environmental Research Initiatives.

Houston Advanced Research Center, Woodlands, Texas.

Siska, P.P. (1999). Spatial Distribution of Major Pollen Species in Big Bend National Park.

College of Forestry, Nacogdoches, Texas.

Siska, P.P. (1998). Applications of Ordinary Kriging Methods to Digital Elevation Modeling

and Palynology. Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, Louisiana.

Siska, P. (1996). Contribution of American Education System to Freedom and Democracy.

Institute of Methodology and Education, Nitra, Slovakia.

Siska, P. P. (1993). Slovakia, the Heart of Europe. The Slavic Student Association, Texas

A(M University in College Station, Texas, Texas.

Siska, P.P. (1990). The School System and Education in Czechoslovakia. Bryan Independent School District. Bryan, Texas.

Siska, P. (1987). The Regional Geography of the United States of America. Slovak Academy

of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia.

Siska, P. (1984). Eastern Europe( A historical overview and contemporary political and cultural scene. The Slavic Club, Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages, Texas Tech University, Lubbock. Texas.

1. Outreach

Siska, P.P. (2009). Spatial Analysis Techniques for Environmental Data. Faculty

Developmental Seminar, Environmental Science and Engineering Program, United States Military Academy, West Point, New York.

Siska, P.P. (2009). Regional Knowledge and Assessment. 5th Annual Samuel G. Saldívar and

Sheila R. Ackerlind Mentorship Colloquium. Department of Foreign Languages, United States Military Academy, West Point, New York.

Siska, P.P. (2006) . Agriculture in Slovakian Village and New Developments in Eastern

Europe. Farm Bureau Women’s Club, Clarksville, Tennessee.

Siska, P. P. (2005). Downfall of Iron Curtain and New Avenues and Challenges in Market

Oriented Society in Slovakia. American War Veterans Summer Meeting. Clarksville, Tennessee.

Siska, P. P. (2004). Rapid Changes in the Central European Region and their Impact on the

World Economics. Rotary Club, Clarksville, Tennessee.

Siska, P.P. (2003). Developing GIS Database for Forest Historical Data in East Texas.

Temple Inland Co. Lufkin and Stephen F. Austin University, Nacogdoches, Texas.

Siska, P. P. (1996). Construction of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) using Kriging Interpolation on Point Sampled Data. Department of Forest Science, Texas A(M University, College Station, Texas.

Siska, P. P. (1995). The Use of Geostatistics in GIS Spatial Analysis. Department of Forest Science, Texas A(M University, College Station, Texas.

Siska, P. P. (1994). The Spatial Analysis and Synthesis in Pre-GIS Mapping Epoch.

Departmental Seminar, Department of Forest Science, Texas A(M University, College

Station. Texas.

Siska, P. P. (1993). The Soil Catena in Danubean Lowland, Quantitative Soil Parameters:

The Problems of Ecotopic Taxonomy. Department of Geography, Texas A(M

University, College Station. Texas.

Siska, P. P. (1991). The Regional Geography of Bánovec Basin and the Adjacent Carpathian Mountains. Departmental Seminar, Department of Geography Texas A(M, University,

College Station.


1. Service to discipline

Board of Directors Member for Applied Geography Conferences Inc. since 2002-2010. AGC is nationally recognized institutions whose goal is to provide scholarly forum for researchers in applied geography. Duties include active participation on annual conferences, review submissions, organize sessions, organizing panel discussions, chairing sessions and evaluating students presentations.

Editorial Board Member for “Geographical Journal” since 2003. The Journal is published by Slovak Academy of Sciences and it is the top scholarly journal in the field of geography in Slovakia.

Reviewer of Scholarly Work. This sections includes working with scholarly articles such as International Journal of Geographic Information Systems, Papers of Applied Geography Conferences, Earth Processes and Landforms, Geographical Journal, Applied Geography Journal, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing and book and book chapters.


1. Leading Staff Development Seminars

1. USMA West Point

2. TAMU College Station

2. New Instructors Training (NIT)

1. Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering, USMA

2. Department of Foreign Languages, USMA

3. Research advisor for Junior staff

1. Research advisor to new staff

2. Research initiator and advisor for staff

3. Advisor for Instructors and Assistant Professors

4. Workshop co-organizer


Siska, P. (2014). Spatial Analysis of Soil Contamination in Danubean Lowland. Research in

cooperation with Constantine Philosopher University in Nitra. £3000.

Siska, P.P. (2012). Spatial Distribution of Pollen and Development of Anti-Terrorist-

Tracking System (ATTS) using Geospatial Technology and Factorial Analysis. $5200.

Siska, P.P. and Donald Campbell (2011). The Development of Assessment Tools for

Testing Regional Aptitude. FD Research Fund $1450

Siska, P. (2011). Developing regional assessment tools for Study Abroad Program.

Research Proposal to ARL ($1100).

Siska, P. (2011). Using geographic information science (GIS) for tracking crime activities.

Research Proposal to ARL ($2800).

Siska, P. (2010). Advanced Academic Development travel Grant. US Department of Defense

International Affairs Office. (funded $20,000).

Siska, P. (2010). Advanced Academic Development travel Grant. US Department of Defense

International Affairs Office. ($20,000).

Siska, P. (2009). Advanced Academic Development travel Grant. US Department of Defense

International Affairs Office. ($30,000).

Siska, P. (2009). Geostatistical and geospatial analysis for forensic research and military

intelligence application. Army Research Laboratory(ARL) funds. $2950 (funded)

Siska, P. (2008). Geospatial Analysis for Intelligence. Academic Proposal $2000 (funded)

Siska, P. (2008). Advanced Academic Development travel Grant. US Department of Defense

International Affairs Office. ($30,000).

Siska, P. (2007). Viability of Missile Deployment in Poland and Czech Republic for

National Security and Peace in Europe. INSS Proposal $3000 (funded).

Siska, P. (2007). Fusion of Remote Sensing and Ground Data Using Geostatistics. Academic

Research Proposal $1100.

Beasley, R. S, Kroll, J., Coble, D., Siska, P., Unger, D. Hung, I-K., Funding for Geospatial

Center at Arthur Temple College of Forestry, SFASU Nacogdoches, TX $ 4.5 mil.

Siska, P., Williams, H. and Unger, D. (2003). Developing a Digital Geographic Database

from Historical East Texas Forest Inventories and Analyzing Environmental Change Using GIS. Temple-Inland Inc. $20,000 for two year period.


Language skills:

English, Slovak (active and proficient), Czech, German, Russian (writing,

reading, and communicative speaking), Latin (reading and limited understanding), Polish (reading and limited speaking).

Software skills:

STIS – Terra Seer Bio-Medware, SAS, Matlab, Fortran, Pascal, Geo-Eas, Geostatistical Toolbox, Arc/Info, ArcView, Intergraph MGE, SPANS, Erdass, ArcView 3.2, ArcGIS 9.3. Excel, Delta Graph, Power Point, Microsoft Word, ArcGIS 9.3. Terra Lidar.

Geovar 2.0 This software was developed in cooperation with the Department of

Nuclear Engineering, Texas A&M University. Software computes autocorrelation Coefficients such as: Geary’s „C“ coefficient and Moran’s „I“ coefficient in moving windows environment. Software also calculates additional spatial parameters such as local variogram and fundamental statistical parameters such as arithmetic mean, variance, standard deviation and coefficient variation in moving windows. The main objective of this software is to determine „proportional effect“ in a spatial data and local variations in autocorrelation parameters within a study area. The program runs in the following: DOS, VMS, VAX.


Advanced GIS training, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, UK.

Sampling Field Research, Tennessee and Oakwood National Laboratory, Tennessee

Research and Training in Selected Statistical Methods for Environmental and Spatial

Data: Logistic Regression Approach. Department of Statistics, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan (July 2011).

Spatial Analysis and Raster Data Files Workshop. Spatial Fountains, Schenactady, New

York (April 2011).

Geographic Information Systems Training Workshop I. Spatial Fountains,

Schenectady, New York (September 2010).

Geographic Information System Training in Raster Data Applications II, Spatial

Fountains, Schenectady, New York, (September 2010)

Geostatistical Interpolation Methods Using Space Stat. Bio-Medware, Ann Arbor, Michigan ( September 2010).

Geostatistical research and analysis: applications in environmental and natural

resources. BioMedware Inc. Ann Arbor, Michigan, (July 2009).

Geostatistical analysis of environmental data. University of Florida, Gainesville (August


Digital elevation modeling with Aster data. Rice University,

Houston, TX. (Jun 2002).

ERDASS Imagine Fundamentals Forest Research Institute,

Nacogdoches, TX. (May 2002).

Satellite image analysis in GIS. GIS-SATELLITE IMAGE ANALYSIS Johnson Space

Center, University of Texas, Austin. (March 2000).

Integraph MGE Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. (Spring 1995).

Trimble GPS Training Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. (Spring 1993).


TNGIC Award for Data Integration in GIS and Spatial Analysis. (Tennessee Geographic Information Council) 2004.

PHI BETA DELTA International Scholar. The honor society for international scholars, Texas A&M University, College Station 1993

DIPLOMA of Excellence. Komenský University, Bratislava, Slovakia. 1974.


Board of Directors, Member. Applied Geography Conferences, Inc.

AAG Member (Association of American Geographers). Member.

ASPRS (American Society for Photogrametry and Engineering), Member.

SAF – Society of American Foresters. Member.

Czech Educational Foundation in Texas, Member

GAMMA SIGMA DELTA. The Honor Society for Agriculture

XI SIGMA DELTA. The Honor Society of Foresters

Slovak Academy of Sciences. Member

GTU Honor Society. Member.


Tim Bakken, Professor of Law, Blg 606, Room 427, United States Military Academy,

West Point, NY 10996. Tel: 845-938-5544, FAX: 845.938.5541, E-Mail

Vaughn Bryant Jr. Professor and Director, Department of Anthropology, Texas A&M

University, College Station, TX 77843-4352, Tel(1): 979-845-5255, Tel(2): 979-845-9334. FAX: 979-845-4070. E-mail:

Mingteh Chang, Professor Emeritus Arthur Temple College of Forestry and

Agriculture Stephen F. Austin State University P.O. Box 6109, SFA, Nacogdoches, Texas 936-468-2195, 936-468-2489 (Fax),

John Devine, Pro Vice Chancellor, Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool, L16 9JD,UK, or

St Mary's Priory Smith Street, Warrington, WA1 2NS +441925 635664, +447951032803


Mel Finkenberg. Professor Emeritus, Head of Department of Kinesiology, Stephen F.

Austin University, Nacogdoches, TX. E-mail: mfinkenberg@

Mehmet Dorak, Professor of Biology, Faculty of Health Science, Liverpool Hope

University, Liverpool, UK, phone: +441512913236, E-mail:


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