Computers, part of your life Grade 10

Computers, part of your life Grade 10

A textbook for Computer Applications Technology

Sandra Jacobs Reinet Barnard Keith Gibson Ellen Labuschagne Pam Macmillan Pam Miller Chris Noom?

Karin Stoffberg Ulza Wassermann


Published by Study Opportunities PO Box 52654, Dorandia, 0188 Tel: (012) 565-6469 Fax: (012) 546-5313 E-mail: September 2011 ISBN: 978-1-919867-80-9 ? Study Opportunities Copyright strictly reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

DTP, layout and design by Ronelle Oosthuizen Printed by Intrepid Printers (Pty) Ltd - 7572



Dear learner Congratulations! You have made an incredibly wise and exciting choice in selecting Computer Applications Technology (CAT) as a subject. You are going to develop skills which you will be able to use for the rest of your life ? irrespective of your career path. The subject can even open up some career paths. We've been involved in writing CAT textbooks for a number of years. As teachers we have seen, first-hand, what works, and we have learned just how to adapt and customise our material to best suit our customers ? you, the learner. We have left no stone unturned in smoothing the way for you, or in tapping into the fun and enjoyment of the subject. This book will support you and your teacher every step of the way. We know that in three years' time you will look back and say that CAT was one of the best decisions you ever made! The authors



1 Page

Section 1 System Technologies and Implications


1.1 Introduction to computers...2 1.2 Software...17 1.3 Hardware...28 1.4 File management...43 1.5 ICT in perspective...57 1.6 Extended software concepts...65 1.7 Extended hardware concepts...74 1.8 The impact of ICT...91

Page 99

Section 2 Network and Internet Technologies


2.1 Introducing networks...100 2.2 Network basics...106 2.3 The Internet and WWW...112 2.4 Electronic communication...125 2.5 Safe Internet use...141

Page 153

Section 3 Word Processing


3.1 Start working with text...154 3.2 Formatting of pages and paragraphs...169 3.3 Editing...182 3.4 Adding graphics...195 3.5 Further formatting of pages and paragraphs...212 3.6 Tables...232 3.7 Columns, comments, protection and hyperlinks...254



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Page 267

Section 4 Spreadsheets


4.1 Introduction to spreadsheets...268 4.2 Calculations...287 4.3 Analysing data...298 4.4 Charts...311

Page 321

Section 5 Presentations


5.1 Creating and editing presentations...322 5.2 Effective presentations...337

Page 343

Section 6 Information Management


6.1 A strategy for solving problems...344 6.2 Finding information...351 6.3 Using and processing information...358 6.4 Presenting solutions and information...364

Page 369

Section 7 Integrated Skills


7.1 Working smarter...370 7.2 Practical problem solving...379 7.3 Case studies...387

Page 393



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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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