
Title: India and Its Neighbors

Developed by Bobby Jetelina


1.  The students will create a database which compares India and its neighboring countries.

2.  The students will use the Find and Sort features of the database to analyze and answer questions.

Timeline: two to three 45 minute class periods

|Content Area: |Grade Level: |

|Materials/Resources: World Cultures and Geography by McDougal Littell (textbook),|Technology Focus: |

|India and It’s Neighbors Data sheet, India and It’s Neighbors Analysis sheet, | Database |

|Facts on File World Atlas or other current atlas, Microsoft Access, Internet | |

|access | |

|TEKS: |

|Subject Area - §113.22.3(A, B, C) |

|Technology Applications - §126.12.1(A, B, C, E, F), §126.12.2(A), §126.12.3(B), §126.12.4(A), §126.12.5(B), §126.12.6(A), §126.12.7(C), §126.12.8(E), §126.12.11(A)|


Before Coming to the Computer Lab

Download and make student copies of the following files:

    India and Its Neighbors Data sheet

    India and Its Neighbors Analysis sheet

In the Computer Lab

Get Started and Create Fields

     1.          Go to Start > Programs > Microsoft Access.

     2.          Click Blank Database.

     3.          In the Save in box, click the down arrow and navigate to the student’s folder.

     4.          In the File name box, type:  India.

     5.          Click the Create button.

     6.          Double click the Create table in Design view link.

     7.          In the first Field Name box, type:  Country.

     8.          In the Data Type column, make sure Text is selected.

     9.          Repeat steps 7 and 8 for the following fields:

a.     Capital City

b.     Religions

c.     Government Type

d.     Languages

e.     Literacy rate

f.      Population

g.     Currency

 10.          Go to View > Data Sheet View.

 11.          Click Yes.

 12.          Type the following as a name for the table:  India and Its Neighbors.

 13.          Click OK.

 14.          Choose No on the Primary Key window.

Enter Data

     1.          In the Country field, enter the following countries:

a.     India

b.     Pakistan

c.     Afghanistan

d.     Nepal

e.     Bangladesh

f.      Bhutan

g.     Sri Lanka

h.     Student Name

*Note:  Remind students that a column is a field and a row is a record (all information related to country).

     2.          Use the student worksheet to enter database information.

Adjust Column Width

     1.          Position the cursor on the line between the Country heading and Capital City heading. (cursor should change to a double arrow).

     2.          Double click. The column should automatically adjust to the correct width.

     3.          Automatically adjust the width of the remaining columns.

Print the table

     1.          Go to File > Print Preview > Setup.

     2.          On the Margins tab, change all boxes to 0.5.

     3.          Click the Page tab and choose Landscape.

     4.          Click OK.

     5.          Go to File > Print > OK.

     6.          Close the table.

Sort, Find, and Analyze

     1.          Hand out the India and Its Neighbors Analysis sheet to students.

     2.          Open Microsoft Access and the India and Its Neighbors table if it is not already open.

     3.          Click inside the Literacy Rate column.

     4.          Click the Sort Ascending button [pic].

     5.          Answer question number one on the analysis sheet.

     6.          Click inside the Population column.

     7.          Click the Sort Ascending button.

     8.          Record the answer for question two on the analysis sheet.

     9.          Click inside the Currency column.

 10.          Click the Sort Ascending button.

 11.          Find and record the answer to question three on the analysis sheet.

 12.          Analyze the information in the Religion column to answer question number four.

 13.          Click inside the Government Type column.

 14.          Click the Find button [pic].

 15.          In the Find What box, type parliamentary (be sure to spell all words correctly).

 16.          Make sure the Match Case box at the bottom of the window is unchecked.

 17.          Click the Find Next button and record the answer.

 18.          Click the Find Next button again and continue to record any additional answers.

 19.          When record searching is finished, click OK > Cancel.

 20.          Save and close the database.

Assessment: Completed India and Its Neighbors data sheet; Completed India and Its Neighbors analysis sheet; Printed database table

|Modifications: Require fewer countries |Extensions: Formulate questions which analyze life expectancy and provide the |

|Provide partially completed information sheets |answers |

|Additional Resources: Facts on File World Atlas (subscription) |


Computer Fundamentals

|Identify basic computer hardware and peripheral devices: |( |

| |when complete |

|Scanner | |

|Demonstrate Computer Management Skills | |

|Delete a file | |

|Ethical/Legal Issues | |

|Copyright and plagiarism | |

|Internet Safety | |

|Keyboarding | |

|Demonstrate touch keyboarding techniques for alpha, numeric, punctuation |X |

|and symbol keys | |

|Enter data at a rate of 25 wpm | |


|Manage a database |Skills utilized in the|

| |project |

|Identify parts of a database (field, record, form) |X |

|Create a blank database |X |

|Enter data in a consistent form |X |

|Create a table |X |

|Add/Delete records |X |

|Move through records |X |

|Edit data |X |

|Change column width |X |

|Query data | |

|Find data |X |

|Sort records |X |



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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