Math 5 – Section 1

Math 5 – Section 45041?Calculus, Short CourseRiverside City CollegeSummer 2016Day/Time: MTWTh 10:00am - 12:50pmClassroom: MTSC 147Instructor:Elena or elena.seager@ Optional Textbook:Applied Calculus, by Soo T. Tan, 10th editionRequired Materials:WebAssign access code (homework with e-book) purchased within the first two weeks of the semester. The access code can be purchased from the RCC bookstore or online at .You must create a WebAssign account and enroll in the class by Tuesday, June 21, 10:00 am. You have to maintain an active account throughout the semester, or you will be dropped from the course.The class key required to register for this course in WebAssign is: ?rcc 7222 1005Calculator: A scientific calculator is required. Only scientific calculators will be allowed on exams. No cell phones, other electronic devices, or graphing calculators may be used; no sharing of calculators is allowed during exams. If those rules are not followed on an exam, you may receive a zero score for that assignment.Prerequisite: Math 35 - Intermediate Algebra or equivalent.Course Description: Calculus for majors in economics, business management, biological and social sciences. Emphasis on problem solving and applications. Topics include: functions, graphs, limits, differentiation, integration, exponential and logarithmic functions. 4.0 units.Student Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:1. Employ the concept of functions, limits and continuity.2. Apply differentiation rules and integration techniques to algebraic functions.3. Use derivatives and integrals to solve real world problems.4. Determine derivatives and integrals of exponential and logarithmic functions.Important Dates:Last Date to Add: 06/24/16Last Drop Date with Refund: 06/24/16Last Drop Date without “W”: 06/28/16Last Drop Date with “W”: 07/20/16Homework:Homework is important part of this course. It provides you with the practice necessary to reinforce the skills and processes discussed in class. Quiz and exam questions will be chosen to be similar in difficulty to those assigned from the homework. Therefore, it is to your advantage to complete every assignment. Section Assignments in WebAssign: The homework (section assignments) is set up in WebAssign, . All section assignments are to be submitted through WebAssign by the end of Sunday, 11:59 pm, after the lecture on that material, or as announced at the end of the lecture on that material and indicated in WebAssign. No late or make-up work will be accepted. Please do not wait until the day it is due to begin an assignment. You may not be able to finish the majority of it. Please, take advantage of the SI sessions and the tutoring services available in the Math Learning Center to have your questions answered before an assignment is due. Section assignments in WebAssign are worth 10% of your grade.WebAssign Notebook: It will consist of all of your handwritten work for the homework assigned in WebAssign. Your notebook must be properly labeled. That is, section and problem numbers and complete solutions to all problems are to be written out. Start every section on the top of a new page and boldly write the section number on the top of every page. Make sure you circle/box/highlight your answers. Neatness counts. Your WebAssign notebook is due at the beginning of the exams and covers the sections included in the particular exam. No late work will be accepted. WebAssign notebook is worth 5% of your grade.Quizzes: Mid-chapter and chapter quizzes are also set up in WebAssign. The quizzes are timed and designed to check your knowledge on the material and to help you prepare for the exams. The quizzes are to be submitted through WebAssign by 11:59 pm of Sunday after the lecture on that material, or as announced at the end of the lecture on that material and indicated in WebAssign. No late or make-up work will be accepted. Please do not wait until the day it is due to begin a quiz. You may not be able to finish it. Quizzes are worth 10% of your grade.Exams:There will be four written in-class exams given throughout the semester in addition to a cumulative final exam at the end of the term. You must show all work to receive full credit. An answer without any work shown to support it will receive no credit. Please, see the schedule for the tentative exam dates. No make-up exams will be given. Notes, textbooks, or any electronic devices, (except a scientific calculator) will not be allowed on the exams. Cheating or using a graphing calculator, cell phone, or another electronic device during an exam will result in a zero score. The final exam mandatory and it will be on Thursday, July 28th, from 10:00am to 12:50pm. Failure to take the final exam will result in an “F” grade in the course. The final exam will be cumulative and worth 30% of your grade.Grades: Your grade will be based on the following:Homework (Section Assignments in WebAssign)10%Homework (WebAssign Notebook) 5%Quizzes10%Exams 45%Final Exam30%Grading Scale:90-100%A80-89.99%B70-79.99%C60-69.99%Dbelow 60%FAttendance: Regular attendance is necessary in order to be successful in this math class. An attendance roster will be distributed in every class meeting. You are responsible for indicating your presence with your signature. If you fail to sign the attendance roster, you are considered absent for the day. Leaving early or arriving late is disrespectful and disruptive, and will count as an absence. Any student with three absences or two consecutive absences may be dropped from the course. Please, do not assume that I have dropped you. Students who choose not to continue in the course are responsible for dropping the course. Attendance will be taken at the discretion of the professor. If you miss any lecture, you will be responsible for the material or any announcements presented on that day. I strongly encourage you to exchange phone numbers with at least two classmates, so that you can obtain any information you missed due to an absence.Academic Honesty Policy: I expect every student to do his or her own work. All exams will be completed without the aid of the book or notes. Using them during an exam will result in a zero score. Cheating is a very serious offense and violates the Standards of Student Conduct. Cheating also includes letting someone copy your work. If you are caught cheating you will receive a zero for that exam or assignment. The offence will be reported.Cell phones and other electronic devices should be turned off before you come to class. Place your device in your purse or backpack. Do not place your phone on your desk or lap. Talking/texting or charging electronic devices is not allowed in class. I may ask a student to leave if those rules are not followed.No eating or drinking is allowed in the classroom (whether or not the class is in session).Persons not enrolled in the course are not allowed to be in the class while the class is in progress.Students are expected to exhibit proper conduct. I reserve the right to ask you to leave should your behavior become disruptive. For more information refer to the Standards of Student Conduct as listed in the Student Handbook.The instructor reserves the right to modify this syllabus. Any changes will be announced during a class session, sent via email, and/or posted as an announcement in WebAssign. Those students who are absent are responsible for any announced changes to the syllabus.Instructor Assistance: Please feel free to contact me for help. If you have a documented disability requiring accommodation in this class, please contact me and the Disability Resource Center, DRC. We will be happy to work with you in determining appropriate accommodations to meet the educational limitations resulting from your disability. Riverside City Campus - ADM 121, phone (951)222-8060. DRC testing arrangements must be made in advance.Math 5-45041? - Calculus, Short CourseTentative Schedule6/20/2016Introduction, 1.1, 1.216/21/20161.2, 1.3, 1.4?6/22/20162.1, 2.2, Exam 1 (Ch.1)6/23/20162.2, 2.3, 2.4 ?6/27/20162.5, 2.6, ??26/28/20163.1, 3.2??6/29/20163.3, 3.4??6/30/20163.5, Exam 2 (Ch. 1-2 )7/4/2016No classes?37/5/20163.6, 3.7??7/6/20164.1, 4.2, 4.3?7/7/20164.4, 4.5??7/11/20165.1, 5.2??47/12/20165.3, Exam 3 (Ch 3 & Ch 4)7/13/20165.4, 5.5??7/14/20165.6??7/18/20166.1, 6.2??57/19/20166.3, 6.4, 6.5?7/20/20166.6, 6.7??7/21/20167.1, Exam 4 (Ch 5 & 6)7/25/20167.2, 7.3??67/26/20167.4, 7.5??7/27/2016Final Exam prep.?Quiz Final Exam Practice due 7/28, 10 am7/28/2016Final Exam?Note: Tentative schedule. Subject to change at discretion of instructor.Addition The lowest HW score will be dropped at the end of semester.The lowest Quiz score will be dropped at the end of semester.The percentage you earn on your Final Exam can replace the percentage score of your lowest Exam. All work must be shown or no credit will be given.You should keep all written work from the computer in the binder (HW). When you begin a new section, you should highlight the chapter and the section number.You must follow the due days on Webassign. ................

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