WAAIM Grade 6 Performance Tasks 2017-2018

Washington Access to Instruction and Measurement (WA-AIM)Grade 6 Performance Tasks2018–2019AdaptationsAll examples and items presented in the following Performance Tasks are allowed to be adapted to meet each individual student’s learning style and preferred mode of receptive and expressive communication. Teachers are encouraged to present the Performance Task components in styles that most closely resemble how daily instructional materials are presented to the student. Below are typical adaptations and ideas for presenting the Performance Tasks. This is not an all-inclusive or exhaustive list.Use graphics and/or physical modelsEnlarge text/graphicsSimplify text/directionsUse tactile graphicsUse pictorial/word/object representations for numbers and graph partsWritten material may be read aloud (unless the PT specifically requires the student to read)Reenactments or computer simulations may be used to represent scenariosFor items that require the student to do physical tasks, teacher may do the physical tasks if directed by the student (ie-MS PS3-3)Replace provided graphics with graphics commonly used by studentTeacher can use real-life objects when asking questionsText and vocabulary can be tailored to the student’s vocabulary in cases where the vocabulary is not a key element of the conceptUse graphics student is most familiar withPlace answer choices on word cards or choice boardENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTSGrade 6Strand: Reading: LiteratureSubstrand: Key Ideas and DetailsACCESS POINTS Built on Three Levels of ComplexityMore Complex>>>>>>>>Intermediate>>>>>>>>>>>> Less ComplexStudent will identify details important to the theme or central idea in a text.Student will identify a detail related to the theme or central idea in a text.Student will identify the theme or central idea.RL.6.2 Reading Literature-Key Ideas and DetailsGrade 6ACCESS POINT (More Complex) RL.6.2.M. Student will identify details important to the theme or central idea in a text.PERFORMANCE TASKRequirements:Every performance task must have at least five unique items/questions. The five items must relate to multiple texts. Source material must be a literary text with an easily identifiable theme.In a multiple-choice item, a minimum of three answer choices must be provided.Restrictions: NoneNote to Teacher: The source material for this task MUST BE LITERARY TEXT. Tasks using informational text will be marked “Not Scorable.”Example ItemsItems 1–3:Teacher Directions: Here is a story about two friends. The theme of the story is “friends help each other.” Follow along as I read the story to you. As I read, think about how the details help you understand how friends help each other. (Read the story to the student.)The ChoresLola and Sara wanted to go to a movie with some friends. Lola’s dad said she had to do her chores first. “First I have to clean up my room,” said Lola.“I can help!” said Sara. Sara put Lola’s books on the shelves.“Next I must put the dishes away and sweep the kitchen floor,” said Lola. “I will sweep the floor for you,” replied Sara.The girls worked together. Soon the dishes were put away, and the floor was clean. “One more job,” said Lola. “I need to take the trash outside.”Sara helped Lola take the trash out. Then they checked each room to make sure it was clean.“Dad, Sara helped me do my chores, and everything is clean. May we go to the movie now?” asked Lola. Lola’s dad said, “If you’re sure it is clean, you may go.”“We’re sure!” the girls chimed.Here is a highlighter. (Provide the student with a highlighter.) Highlight three details that show how friends help each other.Answer Key (for teacher use only):Items 1–3: Details may include:“I can help!” said Sara. Sara put Lola’s books on the shelves.“I will sweep the floor for you,” replied Sara.The girls worked together.Sara helped Lola take the trash out.Then they checked each room to make sure it was clean.Dad, Sara helped me do my chores, and everything is cleanRL.6.2 Reading Literature-Key Ideas and DetailsGrade 6ACCESS POINT (Intermediate Complex) RL.6.2.I. Student will identify a detail related to the theme or central idea in a text.PERFORMANCE TASKRequirements:Every performance task must have at least five unique items/questions. The five items can relate to one text or to multiple texts. Source material must be a literary text with an easily identifiable theme or central idea.In a multiple-choice item, a minimum of three answer choices must be provided.Restrictions: NoneNote to Teacher: The source material for this task MUST BE LITERARY TEXT. Tasks using informational text will be marked “Not Scorable.”Example ItemsItem 1:Teacher Directions: Here is a story about a brother and sister who want to buy a watch for their grandmother. Follow along as I read the story to you. As I read, think about why they are successful. (Read the passage to the student.)Wake Up, Wake Up!Snow had fallen overnight, so Marcy and Bob knew how they could earn some money: shovel snow! The two siblings wanted to buy their grandmother a new watch. They needed to earn fifty dollars for the watch. They needed to get ahead of other kids who wanted to earn money. Bob and Marcy were the first ones out shoveling. They earned enough for the watch. They were very happy. Their grandmother was happy too, but also very proud of her grandchildren.The theme of the passage is “the early bird gets the worm.” Which picture shows why Marcy and Bob were able to earn the money for the watch? (Present the answer choices to the student.)A. B. C. Multiple Items:Teacher Directions: Here is a poem about a mom. (Present the poem.) The theme of the poem is “Mom is wonderful.” Follow along as I read the poem to you. As I read, think about which words help you know the mom in the poem is wonderful. (Read the poem to the student.)MomKindBusyHugSmile CookMy mom is wonderful.MotherHighlight the details that help you know the mom is wonderful. (Provide the student with a highlighter.) Answer Key (for teacher use only)Item 1: C, child shoveling snowMultiple Items: Each highlighted detail may count as one item. Details may include:KindHugSmileCookMy mom is wonderful.RL.6.2 Reading Literature-Key Ideas and DetailsGrade 6ACCESS POINT (Less Complex) RL.6.2.L. Student will identify the theme or central idea.PERFORMANCE TASKRequirements:Every performance task must have at least five unique items/questions. The five items must relate to multiple texts. Source material must be a literary text with an easily identifiable theme or central idea.In a multiple-choice item, a minimum of two answer choices must be provided.Restrictions: NoneNote to Teacher: The source material for this task MUST BE LITERARY TEXT. Tasks using informational text will be marked “Not Scorable.”Example ItemsItem 1:Teacher Directions: Here is a story about two friends. Follow along as I read the story to you. As I read, think about the theme or big idea of the story. (Read the story, to the student.)Sam and LouSam and Lou walk to school together every day. They play together on weekends. Sam and Lou always help each other.Which word tells the theme or big idea of the story? (Read the answer choices to the student.)A. friendshipB. spaceshipAnswer Key (for teacher use only)Item 1: A, friendshipENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTSGrade 6Strand: Reading: Informational TextSubstrand: Key Ideas and DetailsACCESS POINTS Built on Three Levels of ComplexityMore Complex>>>>>>>> Intermediate >>>>>>>>>>>> Less ComplexStudent will use details to provide information about an important individual, event, or idea that is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in a text.Student will identify a detail that elaborates upon an important individual, event, or idea introduced in a text.Student will identify an important individual, event, or idea in a text.RI.6.3 Reading Informational Text-Key Ideas and DetailsGrade 6ACCESS POINT (More Complex) RI.6.3.M. Student will use details to provide information about an important individual, event, or idea that is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in a text.PERFORMANCE TASKRequirements:Every performance task must have at least five unique items/questions. Task can include five items that require the student to provide information about:an individual an event an idea or a combination of all threeSource material must be an informational text that contains an illustration supporting the text. In a multiple-choice item, a minimum of three answer choices must be provided.Restrictions: NoneNote to Teacher: The source material for this task MUST BE INFORMATIONAL TEXT WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. Tasks using literary text OR without illustrations will be marked “Not Scorable.” This task is distinguished from Intermediate in that the information should be related to the illustration(s) and goes beyond simple identification of a detail from the text.Example ItemsItem 1:Teacher Directions: Follow along as I read an article about the number of people who live in the United States. (Present a map that shows the populations of California, Washington, and Wyoming. You may include the population numbers on the map.) As I read and show you a map, think about which state has the most people. (Point to the three states on the map.)Population of the United StatesMore than 300 million people live in the United States. Some parts of the United States have a lot of people living there. California has the most people. More than twenty-six million people live in California. Washington has almost seven million people. Wyoming has the fewest people of these three states. There are just over five-hundred thousand people living in Wyoming.Which state has the most people? (Read the answer choices to the student.)A. CaliforniaB. WashingtonC. WyomingAnswer Key (for teacher use only)Item 1: A, CaliforniaResources:Map- Where America LivesRI.6.3 Reading Informational Text- Key Ideas and DetailsGrade 6ACCESS POINT (Intermediate Complex) RI.6.3.I. Student will identify a detail that elaborates upon an important individual, event, or idea introduced in a text.PERFORMANCE TASKRequirements:Every performance task must have at least five unique items/questions. Task can include five items that require the student to identify a detail that elaborates upon:an individualan eventan idea or a combination of all threeSource material must be an informational text.In a multiple-choice item, a minimum of three answer choices must be provided.Restrictions: NoneNote to Teacher: This task is distinguished from the Less Complex in that the detail must provide elaboration, or information about the individual, event, or idea.Example ItemsItem 1 (elaboration of an idea item):Teacher Directions: Follow along as I read an article about a special building in Seattle, Washington, called the Space Needle. As I read, listen for words that describe the Space Needle. (Read the article with accompanying visuals, as necessary, to the student.)The Space NeedleThere is a special building in Seattle, Washington. It is called the Space Needle. It does not look like other buildings. It is a tall building. It is 605 feet tall and has a restaurant at the top that revolves. The Space Needle looks like a building from the future.An important idea in the text is how the Space Needle looks. Which detail elaborates on the detail “It (the Space Needle) does not look like other buildings”? (Read the answer choices to the student.)A. It is in Seattle.B. It looks like a house.C. It looks like a building from the future.Item 2 (elaboration of an idea item):Which detail tells more about the size of the Space Needle? (Read the answer choices to the student.)A. It is in Seattle, Washington.B. It does not look like other buildings. C. It is 605 feet tall.Item 3 (elaboration of an event item):Teacher Directions: Follow along as I read an article about the naming of Washington State. As I read, listen for the name that Washington was once called. (Read the article with the student.)Naming Washington StateWashington State was named for President George Washington, the first president of the United States. It is the only state named after a president. It is located in the northwest section of the United States. The area now called Washington was once called Columbia, after the Columbia River. The Columbia River forms part of the border between Washington and Oregon. Washington was also part of the Oregon Territory.Which sentence elaborates on why Washington was once called Columbia? (Read the answer choices to the student.)A. It is the only state named after a president.B. The Columbia River forms part of the border between Washington and Oregon.C. Washington State was named for President George Washington, the first president of the United States.Answer Key (for teacher use only)Item 1: C, It looks like a building from the future.Item 2: C, It is 605 feet tall.Item 3: B, The Columbia River forms part of the border between Washington and Oregon.RI.6.3 Reading Informational Text- Key Ideas and DetailsGrade 6ACCESS POINT (Less Complex) RI.6.3.L. Student will identify an important individual, event, or idea in a text.PERFORMANCE TASKRequirements:Every performance task must have at least five unique items/questions. Task can include five items that require the student to identify:an individualan event an ideaor a combination of all threeSource material must be an informational text.In a multiple-choice item, a minimum of two answer choices must be provided.Restrictions: NoneExample ItemsItem 1 (identification of an individual item):Teacher Directions: Listen as I read this article. As I read, think about whom the article is about. (Read the article to the student. Include a picture of President Johnson signing a document.)President Lyndon Baines JohnsonPresident Lyndon Johnson was born in Texas. He was the 36th president of the United States. President Johnson signed many important laws.Who is this article about? (Read answer choices to the student.)A. President JohnsonB. ConstitutionItem 2 (identification of an event OR idea item):Teacher Directions: Listen as I read this article. As I read, think about what the article is about.Naming Washington StateWashington State was named for President George Washington, the first president of the United States. It is the only state named after a president.The president live in Washington, D.C.Washington State was named after George Washington.Answer Key (for teacher use only)Item 1: A, President JohnsonItem 2: B, Washington State was named after George Washington.ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTSGrade 6Strand: WritingSubstrand: Text Types and PurposesACCESS POINTS Built on Three Levels of ComplexityMore Complex>>>>>>>>Intermediate>>>>>>>>>>>> Less ComplexStudent will write to share information supported by details.Student will write to introduce a topic and convey a fact, detail, or other information related to the topic.Student will write a statement about a topic by selecting one fact, detail, or other information about the topic.W.6.2 Writing-Text Types and Purposes Grade 6ACCESS POINT (More Complex) W.6.2.M. Student will write to share information supported by details.PERFORMANCE TASKRequirements:Every performance task must have at least five unique items/questions. The student must include at least two details.Restrictions: Items may not be multiple-choice.Example ItemsItems 1:Teacher Directions: Think about your favorite season. Now write a sentence that tells about your favorite season. (Present the student with appropriate writing materials.) Write at least two sentences with details that explain why this is your favorite season.Answer Key (for teacher use only)Item 1: Correct if student write a topic sentence and includes at least two details.W.6.2 Writing-Text Types and PurposesGrade 6ACCESS POINT (Intermediate Complex) W.6.2.I. Student will write to introduce a topic and convey a fact, detail, or other information related to the topic.PERFORMANCE TASKRequirements:Every performance task must have at least five unique items/questions.Task can include five items that require the student to: introduce a topic and convey a fact introduce a topic and convey a detailintroduce a topic and convey other related information or a combination of all threeRestrictions: Items may not be multiple-choice.Note to Teacher: This task requires introduction of topic AND one fact, detail, or related information per item.Example ItemsItem 1:Teacher Directions: Think about your favorite class at school. Using the words and phrases provided, write a topic sentence about your favorite class. (Present sentence strips, phrase strips, or word cards the student can use to write a topic sentence and supporting information. Words and phrases can be used multiple times. Some possible words include: the, is, are, my, favorite, class, music, art, writing, PE, technology, reading, science, social studies, band, why I like it, fun, interesting, I learn a lot, I like, the teacher, to draw, to play my guitar, trumpet, drums, ball, etc. Provide the student with materials to write a topic sentence. Provide a sentence starter.)My favorite class is .Let’s read your topic sentence. (Have the student read the topic sentence, or read it together.) Using the words and phrases, write a sentence that tells why this is your favorite class.I like it because .Answer Key (for teacher use only)Item 1: Correct if student chooses a favorite class AND provides a fact, detail, and/or related information.W.6.2 Writing-Text Types and PurposesGrade 6ACCESS POINT (Less Complex) W.6.2.L. Student will write a statement about a topic by selecting one fact, detail, or other information about the topic.PERFORMANCE TASKRequirements:Every performance task must have at least five unique items/questions.Task can include five items that require the student to select:a facta detail other information or a combination of all threeSource material must be an informational text.Restrictions: Items may not be multiple-choice.Example ItemsItem 1:Teacher Directions: Look at the picture of the monarch butterfly. (Present the picture to the student.)We are going to visit a site about monarch butterflies. Using the words provided, select the detail to complete a sentence bout the butterfly. (Present sentence strips and word cards with facts and/or details about the butterfly- possible words include: wings, antennae, colors, etc.). Possible sentence starters include: The butterfly is________.The butterfly has_______.The butterfly eats_______.Item 2:Teacher Directions: Here is an article about wolves. Listen as I read it to you. (Read the story, with accompanying visuals, to the student.)WolvesWolves are excellent hunters and have been found all over the world. They live and often hunt in groups. Wolves can run very fast for long distances. Their thick fur has two layers, which protects them in very cold temperatures. In warmer weather they flatten their fur to keep cool.Select a fact from the story that would allow you to complete this statement:Wolves are ________________.Answer Key (for teacher use only)Item 1: Correct if student completes a sentence starter with an appropriate word.Item 2: Correct if student completes statement with a fact, detail, or other related information from the text. Answers may include: excellent hunters, found all over the world, or fast.ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTSGrade 6Strand: Speaking and ListeningSubstrand: Comprehension and CollaborationACCESS POINTS Built on Three Levels of ComplexityMore Complex>>>>>>>>Intermediate>>>>>>>>>>>> Less ComplexStudent will engage in collaborative discussion, sharing information or seeking information from others, and will engage in appropriate behaviors.Student will share information, following simple rules for discussions while contributing information.Student will ask a familiar listener a question relevant to a topic, text, or issue under discussion.SL.6.1 Speaking and Listening-Comprehension and CollaborationGrade 6ACCESS POINT (More Complex) SL.6.1.M. Student will engage in collaborative discussion, sharing information or seeking information from others, and will engage in appropriate behaviors.PERFORMANCE TASKRequirements:Every performance task must have at least five unique items/questions.The five items can relate to one topic or to multiple topics. Rules for collaboration include, but are not limited to: staying on topic, taking conversational turns, actively listening to others, asking/answering questions, sharing information, etc.Appropriate behaviors may include, but are not limited to: maintaining appropriate proximity, eye contact, etc.Restrictions:Multiple-choice items must not be used.Example ItemsMultiple-Items 1:Teacher Directions: Here is a passage about television. Listen as I read it to you. (Read the passage to a small group of students.)Some people think television is a bad influence on children. Other people disagree and think television provides many good opportunities for children.Talk with your partner (or group) about whether or not television is a bad influence on children. (Have students share their answers with others in order to start a discussion. Note the student’s behaviors and tally appropriate behavior.)BehaviorActivity:The student actively listens to other speakers.Multiple Items 2:Teacher Directions: Choose one of the topics, and talk about it with a partner (or group). (Present a list of topics suitable for groups of students in class along with accompanying visuals, as needed. Information on the topics may also be provided by the teacher. Note behaviors and tally appropriate behavior.)BehaviorActivity:The student actively listens to other speakers.Answer Key (for teacher use only)Multiple Items 1: Teacher must identify the targeted behavior and criteria for success. An example would be to count each opportunity of “actively listens to other speakers” as an item.Multiple Items 2: Teacher must identify the targeted behavior and criteria for success. An example would be to count each opportunity of “actively listens to other speakers” as an item.SL.6.1 Speaking and Listening-Comprehension and CollaborationGrade 6ACCESS POINT (Intermediate Complex) SL.6.1.I. Student will share information, following simple rules for discussions while contributing information.PERFORMANCE TASKRequirements:Every performance task must have at least five unique items/questions.The five items can relate to one topic or to multiple topics. Student must be in a group or a pair and sharing information.Simple rules for discussion include, but are not limited to: staying on topic, taking conversational turns, attentive listening to others, maintaining appropriate proximity, etc.Restrictions:Multiple-choice items must not be used.Example ItemsMultiple Items:Teacher Directions: I would like you to think about a movie you recently watched with your classmates. Think about whether it was funny or sad. Was it long or short? Was it about something real or pretend? Did you like it? Why or why not? (Pass out question cards. Ask the students to discuss the movie using the question cards. Use a tally sheet for noting the student’s proficiency in two of the rules of discussion. Tally student discussion behavior, focusing on one or two attributes at a time. Sharing information is the main focus. Prepare a list of appropriate questions and give one to each student.)StudentSharesInformationListensAttentivelyTakes Conversational TurnsStays on TopicStudent AAnswer Key (for teacher use only)Multiple Items: Teacher should determine targeted behaviors and criteria for success.SL.6.1 Speaking and Listening-Comprehension and CollaborationGrade 6ACCESS POINT (Less Complex) SL.6.1.L. Student will ask a familiar listener a question relevant to a topic, text, or issue under discussion.PERFORMANCE TASKRequirements:Every performance task must have at least five unique items/questions.The five items can relate to one topic or to multiple topics. Task can include five items that require the student to ask a question relevant: to a topic to a text to a discussion or a combination of all threeIn a multiple-choice item, a minimum of two answer choices must be provided.Restrictions: NoneExample ItemsItem 1:Teacher Directions: Follow along as I read a passage about the Washington State Fair. As I read the passage, think about a question you would ask about the fair. (Read the passage, with accompanying visuals, to the student.)The fair takes place every year. It has animals, rides, a rodeo with a parade, and concerts. It is fun.Which question would you ask about the fair?A. When can we go out for recess?B. What are some things to see at the fair?Multiple Items: Teacher Directions: Use a tally sheet count the number of times within a given period of time that a student asks a question related to the topic, text, or issue being discussed. Topics may include something the student has been doing or studying, or a place the student may have been (the library, recess, a field trip, PE, etc.). BehaviorActivity:Activity:The student asks a familiar listener (friend, teacher) a question related to the current topic, text, or discussion.Answer Key (for teacher use only)Item 1: B, What are some things to see at the fair?Multiple Items: Teacher determines criteria for success.ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTSGrade 6Strand: LanguageSubstrand: Conventions of Standard EnglishACCESS POINTS Built on Three Levels of ComplexityMore Complex>>>>>>>>Intermediate>>>>>>>>>>>> Less ComplexStudent will spell untaught words phonetically.Student will identify and/or use basic capitalization rules (common proper nouns, beginnings of sentences).Student will identify and/or use question marks at the ends of written questions.L.6.2 Language-Conventions of Standard EnglishGrade 6ACCESS POINT (More Complex) L.6.2.M. Student will spell untaught words phonetically.PERFORMANCE TASKRequirements:Every performance task must have at least five unique items/questions.The five items must relate to five different words. In a multiple-choice item, a minimum of three answer choices must be provided.Restrictions: NoneNote to Teacher: If appropriate this task may be combined with the Grade 6 Writing Performance Task. Example ItemsItem 1:Teacher Directions: You are going to spell a word. Listen: Lamp. A lamp provides light. I turn on the lamp at night. Lamp. Think about how to spell the word lamp. What is the correct spelling of the word “lamp”? (Point to, but do not read the answer choices.)A. lampB. loseC. laughItem 2:Teacher Directions: You are going to spell a word. Listen: Button. This is a picture of a button.A button holds clothes together. I button my coat. Button. Think about how to spell the word “button.”Now spell the word “button.”Answer Key (for teacher use only)Item 1: A, LampItem 2: Item should be counted correct if the student’s spelling is phonetically correct.L.6.2 Language-Conventions of Standard EnglishGrade 6ACCESS POINT (Intermediate Complex) L.6.2.I. Student will identify and/or use basic capitalization rules (common proper nouns, beginnings of sentences).PERFORMANCE TASKRequirements:Every performance task must have at least five unique items/questions.The five items can relate to one topic or to multiple topics. Task may include five items that require the student to: identify words that follow capitalization rulesfollow basic capitalization rules or a combination of bothIn a multiple-choice item, a minimum of three answer choices must be provided.Restrictions: NoneNote to Teacher: If appropriate this task may be combined with the Grade 6 Writing Performance Task. Example ItemsItem 1: Teacher Directions: Follow along as I read this sentence. As I read, think about where a capital letter is needed. (Read the sentence to the student.)we went to school today. Which word in the sentence should begin with a capital letter? (Reread the sentence strip to the student. Read the answer choices to the student.)A. WeB. SchoolC. TodayItem 2:Teacher Directions: Follow along as I read this sentence to you. (Read the sentence to the student.)Patty was born on october 14th.Which word should be capitalized in this sentence? (Read the answer choices to the student.)A. WasB. BornC. OctoberItem 3:Teacher Directions: Follow along as I read these sentence. As I read, think about which sentence uses appropriate capitalization rules.A. jaspar likes the book Almost Home by joan bauer.B. Jaspar likes the book Almost Home by Joan Bauer.C. jaspar like the book Almost Home by Joan Bauer.Answer Key (for teacher use only)Item 1: A, weItem 2: C, OctoberItem 3: B, Jaspar like the book Almost Home by Joan Bauer.L.6.2 Language-Conventions of Standard EnglishGrade 6ACCESS POINT (Less Complex) L.6.1.L. Student will identify and/or use question marks at the ends of written questions.PERFORMANCE TASKRequirements:Every performance task must have at least five unique items/questions.The five items must relate to five different questions. Task may include five items that require students to: identify question marks use question marks or a combination of bothIn a multiple-choice item, a minimum of two answer choices must be provided.Restrictions: NoneExample ItemsItem 1:Teacher Directions: Follow along as I read this sentence to you. As I read, think about which punctuation mark to use. (Present the sentence strip and read the question to the student.)Where is the bookWhich punctuation mark should be used? (Present the student with index cards with “.” and “?” on them. Reread the sentence strip to the student. Read the answer choices to the student.)A. . (period)B.? (question mark)Item 2:Teacher Directions: Follow along as I read this sentence to you. As I read, think about which punctuation mark to use. (Present the sentence strip and read the question to the student.)How are youPlease add the correct punctuation to the sentence. (Hand the student a pencil, pen, or other writing instrument.)Answer Key (for teacher use only)Item 1: B, question markItem 2: Correct if student adds a question markMATHEMATICSGrade 6Cluster: GeometryCluster: Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, surface area, and volumeACCESS POINTS Built on Three Levels of ComplexityMore Complex>>>>>>>>Intermediate>>>>>>>>>>>> Less ComplexStudent will count unit squares to determine the area of a composite figure made up of two rectangles.Student will count unit squares to determine the area of a rectangle.Student will count unit squares to determine the area of a rectangle with one dimension equal to 1.6.G.1 Geometry- Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, surface area, and volumeGrade 6ACCESS POINT (More Complex) 6.G.1.M. Student will count unit squares to determine the area of a composite figure made up of two rectangles.PERFORMANCE TASKRequirements:Every performance task must have at least five unique items/questions.Task must include items with different dimensions. In a multiple-choice item, a minimum of three answer choices must be provided.Restrictions: NoneExample ItemsItems 1Teacher Directions: This figure is a composite figure. This composite figure is made of up of two rectangles, a blue and a green. The composite figure is covered with tiles. Each tile is 1 square unit. (Point to the figure.)What is the area, in square units, of the figure? (Read the answer choices to the student.)A. 8 square unitsB. 10 square unitsC. 16 square unitsItem 2:Teacher Directions: This figure is a composite figure. This composite figure is made of up of two rectangles, a blue and a green. The composite figure is covered with tiles. Each tile is 1 square unit. (Point to the figure.)What is the area, in square units, of the figure? (Read the answer choices to the student.)A. 16 square unitsB. 10 square unitsC. 6 square unitsItem 3: Teacher Directions: This figure is a composite figure. This composite figure is made of up of two rectangles, a blue and a green. The composite figure is covered with tiles. Each tile is 1 square unit. (Point to the figure.)What is the area, in square units, of the figure?Item 4:Teacher Directions: This figure is a composite figure. This composite figure is made of up of two rectangles, a blue and a green. The composite figure is covered with tiles. Each tile is 1 square unit. (Point to the figure.)What is the area, in square units, of the figure?Item 5:Teacher Directions: This figure is a composite figure. This composite figure is made of up of two rectangles, a blue and a green. The composite figure is covered with tiles. Each tile is 1 square unit. (Point to the figure.)What is the area, in square units, of the figure?Answer Key (for teacher use only)Item 1: B, 10 square unitsItem 2: A; 16 square unitsItem 3: 12 square unitsItem 4: 19 square unitsItem 5: 17 square units6.G.1 Geometry- Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, surface area, and volumeGrade 6ACCESS POINT (Intermediate Complex) 6.G.1.I. Student will count unit squares to determine the area of a rectangle.PERFORMANCE TASKRequirements:Every performance task must have at least five unique items/questions.Task must include items with different dimensions. Both dimensions of the rectangle must be greater than 1 unit.In a multiple-choice item, a minimum of three answer choices must be provided.Restrictions: NoneNote to Teacher: This task requires the use of dimensions greater than 1 unit AND different dimensions. Items with dimensions equal to one OR with the same dimensions (squares or repeated items) will be marked “Not Scorable.”Example ItemsItem 1:Teacher Directions: To find the area of this rectangle, a student covered it with tiles. Each tile is 1 square unit. (Point to the rectangle.)What is the area, in square units, of the rectangle? (Read the answer choices to the student.)A. 8 square unitsB. 10 square unitsC. 12 square unitsItem 2:Teacher Directions: To find the area of this rectangle, a student covered it with tiles. Each tile is 1 square unit. (Point to the rectangle.)What is the area, in square units, of the rectangle? (Read the answer choices to the student.)A. 10 square unitsB. 15 square unitsC. 20 square unitsItem 3:Teacher Directions: To find the area of this rectangle, a student covered it with tiles. Each tile is 1 square unit. (Point to the rectangle.)What is the area, in square units, of the rectangle? (Read the answer choices to the student.)A. 28 square unitsB. 24 square unitsC. 22 square unitsItem 4:Teacher Directions: To find the area of this rectangle, a student covered it with tiles. Each tile is 1 square unit. (Point to the rectangle.)What is the area, in square units, of the rectangle? (Read the answer choices to the student.)Item 5:Teacher Directions: To find the area of this rectangle, a student covered it with tiles. Each tile is 1 square unit. (Point to the rectangle.)What is the area, in square units, of the rectangle? (Read the answer choices to the student.)Answer Key (for teacher use only)Item 1: A, 8 square unitsItem 2: B, 15 square unitsItem 3: A, 24 square unitsItem 4: 12 square unitsItem 5: 40 square units6.G.1 Geometry- Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, surface area, and volumeGrade 6ACCESS POINT (Less Complex) 6.G.1.L. Student will count unit squares to determine the area of a rectangle with one dimension equal to 1.PERFORMANCE TASKRequirements:Every performance task must have at least five unique items/questions. At most, two items can have the same dimensions, but must be oriented differently (e.g., one item that is 2 x 1 and one item that is 1 x 2).In a multiple-choice item, a minimum of two answer choices must be provided.Restrictions: NoneNote to Teacher: Items with repeating dimensions MUST be oriented differently. Items with repeated dimensions NOT oriented differently will be marked “Not Scorable.”Example ItemsItem 1:Teacher Directions: To find the area of this rectangle, a student covered it with tiles. (Point to the rectangle.)How many tiles were used to cover the rectangle? (Read the answer choices to the student.)A. 4 tilesB. 10 tilesItem 2:Teacher Direction: This is a rectangle. (Point to the 1 inch by 3 inch rectangle.)Here are some tiles. (Place 1 inch tiles on the work surface.) Cover the rectangle without any gaps and without any overlaps. How many tiles did you use to cover the rectangle?Item 3:Teacher Directions: To find the area of this rectangle, a student covered it with tiles. (Point to the rectangle.)How many tiles were used to cover the rectangle?Item 4:Teacher Directions: To find the area of this rectangle, a student covered it with tiles. (Point to the rectangle.)How many tiles were used to cover the rectangle?Item 5:Teacher Directions: To find the area of this rectangle, a student covered it with tiles. (Point to the rectangle.)How many tiles were used to cover the rectangle? Answer Key (for teacher use only)Item 1: A, 4 tilesItem 2: 3 tilesItem 3: 8 tileItem 4: 5 tilesItem 5: 6 tilesMATHEMATICSGrade 6Domain: Expression and EquationsCluster: Reason about and solve one-variable equations and inequalitiesACCESS POINTS Built on Three Levels of ComplexityMore Complex>>>>>>>>Intermediate>>>>>>>>>>>> Less ComplexStudent will identify an algebraic equation that represents a one-step real- world problem (where the variable does not represent the sum or difference).Student will identify an algebraic equation that represents a real-world problem involving addition where the variable represents the sum.Student will identify a numerical equation involving addition that represents a modeled real- world problem.6.EE.7 Expressions and Equations- Reason about and solve one-variable equations and inequalitiesGrade 6ACCESS POINT (More Complex) 6.EE.7.M. Student will identify an algebraic equation that represents a one- step real-world problem (where the variable does not represent the sum or difference).PERFORMANCE TASKRequirements:Every performance task must have at least five unique items/questions.In a multiple-choice item, a minimum of three answer choices must be provided.Restrictions: NoneNote to Teacher: Items where the variable represents the sum or difference will be marked “Not Scorable.”Example ItemsItem 1:Teacher Directions: Tim has three pencils. (Point to the pencils.)Tim found some more pencils. Now Tim has five pencils. (Point to the pencils.)Teacher direction: Which equation can be used to find the number of pencils Tim found? In each equation, p means pencils. (Read the answer choices to the student.)Item 2:Teacher Directions: Shana had ten marbles. She gave some to her friend. She now has four marbles. Which equation can be used to find the number of marbles, m, Shana gave to her friend? In each equation, m means marbles.A. 10 + m = 4B. 10 – m = 4C. 4 – m = 10Item 3: Teacher Directions: Jon walked 6 laps at first recess. He walked some more laps at lunch. Jon walked a total of 14 laps. Which equation can be used to find the number of laps, l, Jon walked at recess? In each equation, l means laps.A. 6 + l = 14B. 14 + l = 6C. 6 – l = 14Item 4:Teacher Directions: Brenna earned $15 on Wednesday. She earned some more money on Thursday. She now has $23. Which equation can be used to find how much money, m, Brenna earned on Thursday? In each equation, m means money.A. $23 + m = $15B. 15 – m = $23C. $15 + m = $23Item 5:Teacher Directions: Pete had some money. He spent $9 to go to a movie. Peter has $10 left. Which equation can be used to find the amount of money, m, Pete had before going to a movie? In each equation, m means money.A. m + $10 = $9B. m – $9 = $10C. m + $9 = $10Answer Key (for teacher use only)Item 1: A, 3 + p = 5Item 2: B, 10 – m = 4Item 3: A, 6 + l = 14Item 4: C, $15 + m = $23Item 5: B, m – $9 = $106.EE.7 Expressions and Equations- Reason about and solve one-variable equations and inequalitiesGrade 6ACCESS POINT (Intermediate Complex) 6.EE.7.I. Student will identify an algebraic equation that represents a real- world problem involving addition where the variable represents the sum.PERFORMANCE TASKRequirements:Every performance task must have at least five unique items/questions.Each item must include at least one different addend. In a multiple-choice item, a minimum of three answer choices must be provided.Student must choose from three algebraic equations.Restrictions: NoneExample ItemsItem 1:Teacher Directions: Tim has five pencils. (Point to the pencils.)Tim found two more pencils. (Point to the pencils.) Which equation shows the number of pencils Tim has in all? In each equation, p means pencils. (Read the answer choices to the student.)A. B. C. Item 2: Teacher Directions: Shana had 8 marbles. Her friend gave her 3 more. Which equation shows the number of marbles Shana has in all? In each equation, m means pencils. (Read the answer choices to the student.)A. 3 – 8 = mB. 8 – 3 = mC. 8 + 3 = mItem 3: Teacher Directions: Brenna earned $10 on Friday. She earned $5 more on Saturday. In each equation, m means money.Which equation shows how much money Brenna earned in all?A. $10 + $2 = mB. $5 – $10 = mC. $10 + 5 = mItem 4:Teacher Directions: Cayden solved 12 math problems before lunch. After lunch she solved 9 more. In each equation, p means problems.Which equation shows how much math problems Cayden solved in all?A. 9 – 12 = pB. 12 + 9 = pC. 12 –9 = pItem 5:Teacher Directions: Dean practiced the violin for 14 minutes before school. After school he practiced the violin for 20 minutes. In each equation, m means minutes.Which equation shows how many minutes Dean practiced the violin in all?A. 14 + 20 = mB. 14 – 20 = mC. 14 + 2 = mAnswer Key (for teacher use only)Item 1: A, 5 + 2 = pItem 2: C, 8 +3 = mItem 3: C, $10 + $5 = mItem 4: B, 12 + 9 = pItem 5: A, 14 + 20 = m6.EE.7 Expressions and Equations- Reason about and solve one-variable equations and inequalitiesGrade 6ACCESS POINT (Less Complex) 6.EE.7.L. Student will identify a numerical equation involving addition that represents a modeled real-world problem.PERFORMANCE TASKRequirements:Every performance task must have at least five unique items/questions.Each item must include at least one different addend. In a multiple-choice item, a minimum of two answer choices must be providedStudent must choose from two given numerical equations.Restrictions: NoneExample ItemsItem 1:Teacher Directions: Tim has five pencils. (Point to the pencils.)Tim found two more pencils. (Point to the pencils.)Which equation shows the number of pencils Tim has in all? (Read the answer choices to the student.)A. B. Answer Key (for teacher use only)Item 1: A, 5 + 2 = 7MATHEMATICSGrade 6Domain: The Number SystemCluster: Apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbersACCESS POINTS Built on Three Levels of ComplexityMore Complex>>>>>>>>Intermediate>>>>>>>>>>>> Less ComplexStudent will determine the distance from zero to a given point on a number line.Student will identify a number line (or other real- world scale such as a thermometer) that shows an amount less than zero.Student will identify a model of zero.6.NS.5 The Number System- Apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbersGrade 6ACCESS POINT (More Complex) 6.NS.5.M. Student will determine the distance from zero to a given point on a number line.PERFORMANCE TASKRequirements:Every performance task must have at least five unique items/questions.The set of five items must include at least:one item with a positive numberone item with a negative numberIn a multiple-choice item, a minimum of three answer choices must be provided.Restrictions: NoneExample ItemsItem 1 (negative number item):Teacher Directions: The integer –3 is plotted on this number line. (Point to –3 on the number line.)How far is –3 from 0? (Read the answer choices to the student.)A. 3 units B. 4 units C. 6 unitsItem 2 (positive number item):Teacher Directions: (Place an enlarged number line on the floor.) I am standing on 4 on this number line. (Stand on the number line.) Count the number of steps I take to reach 0. (Take four steps to zero) How far is 4 from 0?Item 3:Teacher Directions: The integer –4 is plotted on this number line. (Point to –4 on the number line.)How far is –4 from 0? (Read the answer choices to the student.)A. 7 units B. 5 units C. 4 unitsItem 4: Teacher Directions: The integer 7 is plotted on this number line. (Point to 7 on the number line.)How far is 7 from 0?Item 5:Teacher Directions: The integer –8 is plotted on this number line. (Point to–8 on the number line.)How far is -8 from 0?Answer Key (for teacher use only)Item 1: A, 3 unitsItem 2: 4 units/stepsItem 3: C, 4 unitsItem 4: 7 unitsItem 5: 8 units6.NS.5 The Number System- Apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbersGrade 6ACCESS POINT (Intermediate Complex) 6.NS.5.I. Student will identify a number line (or other real-world scale such as a thermometer) that shows an amount less than zero.PERFORMANCE TASKRequirements:Every performance task must have at least five unique items/questions.The set of five items must include at least: one item that uses a number lineIn a multiple-choice item, a minimum of three answer choices must be provided.Restrictions: NoneNote to Teacher: One of the five items MUST use a number line.Example ItemsItem 1 (number line item):Teacher Directions: Which number line shows a point plotted at a number less than 0? (Point to, but do not read, the answer choices for the student.)A. B. C. Item 2 (non-number line item):Teacher Directions: Which thermometer shows a temperature less than 0? (Point to, but do not read, the answer choices for the student.)B. C. Item 3: Teacher Directions: Which number line shows a point plotted at a number less than 0? (Point to, but do not read, the answer choices for the student.)A. B. C. Item 4:Teacher Directions: Which number line shows a point plotted at a number less than 0? (Point to, but do not read, the answer choices for the student.)A. B. C. Answer Key (for teacher use only)Item 1: A, -6Item 2: B, about -10Item 3: C, -8Item 4: A, -16.NS.5 The Number System- Apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbersGrade 6ACCESS POINT (Less Complex) 6.NS.5.L. Student will identify a model of zero.PERFORMANCE TASKRequirements:Every performance task must have at least five unique items/questions.In each item, the number of objects in the wrong answer must be different. A maximum of one item can involve a number line. In a multiple-choice item, a minimum of two answer choices must be provided.Restrictions: NoneExample ItemsItem 1:Teacher Directions: Tim has 0 pencils. Which shows the number of pencils Tim has? (Point to, but do not quantify, the answer choices for the student.)Item 2 (number line item):Teacher Directions: Here is a number line. (Point to the number line.)Point to the number 0 on the number line.Answer Key (for teacher use only)Item 1: B, rectangle with no pencilsItem 2: Correct if student points to 0MATHEMATICSGrade 6Domain: Ratio and Proportional RelationshipsCluster: Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problemsACCESS POINTS Built on Three Levels of ComplexityMore Complex>>>>>>>>Intermediate>>>>>>>>>>>> Less ComplexStudent will generate a ratio based on a model or a real-world situation.Student will identify a model of a given simple ratio.Student will identify a model that represents a 1:1 ratio.6.RP.1 Ratio and Proportional Relationships-Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problemsGrade 6ACCESS POINT (More Complex) 6.RP.1.M. Student will generate a ratio based on a model or a real-world situation.PERFORMANCE TASKRequirements:Every performance task must have at least five unique items/questions.Task must include five items that are based on: a model a real-world situation or a combination of bothRatios must have both numbers greater than or equal to 2. Given ratios should be part to part.Restrictions: Items must not be multiple-choice.Note to Teacher: Both quantities used in the ratios MUST by greater than or equal to 2.Example ItemsItem 1:Teacher Directions: Here are some shapes. (Point to the shapes.) What is the ratio of squares to triangles? (Provide the student with a ratio template:___ to .)Item 2:Teacher Directions: There are seven students at a table. There are three girls and four boys. Here are some number cards. (Place number cards 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 on the work surface.) Use these numbers to write the ratio of girls to boys. (Provide the student with a ratio template:___ to.)Answer Key (for teacher use only)Item 1: 3:2Item 2: 3:46.RP.1 Ratio and Proportional Relationships-Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problemsGrade 6ACCESS POINT (Intermediate Complex) 6.RP.1.I. Student will identify a model of a given simple ratio.PERFORMANCE TASKRequirements:Every performance task must have at least five unique items/questions.The five items must include five different ratios. Task must include five items that are based on: a modela real-world situationor a combination of bothRatios must include at least one number that is greater than or equal to 2.Given ratios should be part to part.In a multiple-choice item, a minimum of three answer choices must be provided.Restrictions: NoneExample ItemsItem 1:Teacher Directions: James needs one pencil for every two pieces of paper. The ratio of pencils to paper is one pencil to two pieces of paper. This is written as a ratio of 1 to 2. (Point to the ratio.)1 to 2Which shows a ratio of pencils to paper that is equal to 1 to 2? (Point to the answer choices.)A. B. C. Item 2:Teacher Directions: Which shows a ratio of squares to triangles that is 2 to 3? (Point to the answer choices.)A. B. C. Answer Key (for teacher use only)Item 1: C, one pencil, two pieces of paperItem 2: B, two squares, three triangle6.RP.1 Ratio and Proportional Relationships-Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problemsGrade 6ACCESS POINT (Less Complex) 6.RP.1.L. Student will identify a model that represents a 1:1 ratio.PERFORMANCE TASKRequirements:Every performance task must have at least five unique items/questions.In a multiple-choice item, a minimum of two answer choices must be provided.Restrictions: NoneExample ItemsItem 1: Teacher Directions: Ms. Trimble places one pencil with each piece of paper. Which shows one piece of paper with one pencil?? (Point to the answer choices.)Item 2:Teacher Directions: (Collect three paper plates and three spoons. Place the paper plates in front of the student from left to right.) Here are three paper plates. (Point to the paper plates. Place the spoons in a group in front of the student.) Here are three spoons. (Point to the spoons.) Place one spoon on each paper plate.Answer Key (for teacher use only)Item 1: A, one paper, one pencilItem 2: Correct if student places one spoon on each plate.MATHEMATICSGrade 6Domain: Statistics and ProbabilityCluster: Summarize and describe distributionsACCESS POINTS Built on Three Levels of ComplexityMore Complex>>>>>>>>Intermediate>>>>>>>>>>>> Less ComplexStudent will identify the median of a set of ordered data (with an odd number of data points).Student will identify the greatest value and least value of a set of ordered data.Student will identify the object that appears most frequently (mode) in a set of ordered data.6.SP.5 Statistics and Probability-Summarize and describe distributionsGrade 6ACCESS POINT (More Complex) 6.SP.5.M. Student will identify the median of a set of ordered data (with an odd number of data points).PERFORMANCE TASKRequirements:Every performance task must have at least five unique items/questions.For each item, a minimum of five pieces of data must be provided. In a multiple-choice item, a minimum of three answer choices must be provided.Restrictions: NoneExample ItemsItem 1:Teacher Directions: This list shows the number of pieces of mail Kayla received each day. (Point to and read the list of numbers to the student.)1, 2, 3, 5, 8What is the median number of pieces of mail Kayla received in one day? (Read the answer choices to the student.)A. 2B. 3C. 5Item 2:Teacher Directions: This table shows the number of points scored by five basketball players. (Point to and read the table to the student.)Player NameNumber of PointsAnne6Bren7Dee12Shelby13Theresa15Who scored the median number of points?Answer Key (for teacher use only)Item 1: B, 3Item 2: Dee6.SP.5 Statistics and Probability-Summarize and describe distributionsGrade 6ACCESS POINT (Intermediate Complex) 6.SP.5.I. Student will identify the greatest value and least value of a set of ordered data.PERFORMANCE TASKRequirements:Every performance task must have at least five unique items/questions.The set of five items must include at least: one item identifying the greatest value one item identifying the least valueFor each item, a minimum of five pieces of data must be provided. In a multiple-choice item, a minimum of three answer choices must be provided.Restrictions: NoneExample ItemsItem 1 (greatest value item):Teacher Directions: This list shows the number of pieces of mail Kayla received each day. (Point to and read the list of numbers to the student.)1, 2, 3, 5, 8What is the greatest number of pieces of mail Kayla received in one day? (Read the answer choices to the student.)A. 3B. 5C. 8Item 2 (least value item):Teacher Directions: This table shows the number of points scored by five basketball players. (Point to and read the table to the student.)Player NameNumber of PointsAnne6Bren7Dee12Shelby13Theresa15Who scored the least amount of points?Answer Key (for teacher use only)Item 1: C, 8Item 2: Anne6.SP.5 Statistics and Probability-Summarize and describe distributionsGrade 6ACCESS POINT (Less Complex) 6.SP.5.L. Student will identify the object that appears most frequently (mode) in a set of ordered data.PERFORMANCE TASKRequirements:Every performance task must have at least five unique items/questions.For each item, a minimum of five objects must be provided.The objects should be relatively the same size.Each item must model a different ratio. In a multiple-choice item, a minimum of two answer choices must be provided.Restrictions: NoneNote to Teacher: The ratio between modeled objects MUST be different for each item. Items with repeated ratios will be marked “Not Scorable.”Example ItemsItem 1:Teacher Directions: Here are some shapes. (Point to each shape and name.) Which shape appears more often? (Point to the answer choices.)Item 2:Teacher Directions: Collect two nickels and six pennies. (Place the coins on the work surface in front of the student in an organized manner.) Here are some nickels and pennies. (Point to the nickels and the pennies.) Which coin appears most often?Answer Key (for teacher use only)Item 1: B, trapezoidItem 2: pennyGlossary of TermsAddend: Any number that is added to another posite Figure: A figure that is made up of two or more geometric shapes.Example: This composite figure is made of two different rectangles.Difference: In a subtraction equation, the answer or value following the equal sign.Distractor: An incorrect answer in a multiple-choice rmational Text: Informational text is non-fiction and is organized by topic with supporting details and is often further organized with headings, graphics and captions. Examples: biographies and autobiographies; books about history, social studies, science and the arts; technical text, including directions, forms, and information displayed in graphs, charts, or maps; and digital sources on arrange of topics. Literary Text: Literary Text includes stories, dramas and poetry.Examples: children’s adventure stories, folktales, legends, fables, fantasy, realistic fiction, myth, staged dialogue, nursery rhymes, and the subgenres of narrative poems.Median: A measure of center in a set of numerical data, computed by adding the values in a list and then dividing by the number of values in the list.Mode: In a set of data the value or object that appears the most often.Sum: In an addition equation, the answer or the amount following the equal sign.Theme: A broad idea, message, or moral of a literary text.Variable: A missing number in an equation represented by a letter. ................

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