Hanover Area School District

Math 7 SyllabusSchool Year: 2019-2020Course: Math 7Instructor: Mr. GriffithContact Information: Phone (570) 831-2300 ext. 227 Email: mgriffith@ Room: A27 (lower level) Textbook: GoMath Middle School Grade 7 Online textbook: Supplemental Materials: Classroom Expectations: I expect excellent work habits, self-motivation and a cooperative spirit. In order to create an atmosphere conducive of learning, it is important that students show mutual respect for each other’s rights and feelings. Students are expected to arrive each day on time, prepared for class activities with the class textbook, a notebook, and a pen/pencil. An organized notebook is not only required, but is also essential to the process of understanding the material presented. Notebooks are to include the daily bell ringer along with class notes dated and organized in chronological order. It is also expected that students are active participants in classroom activities. Calculators: A classroom set of scientific calculators is available for students to use during class. However, these calculators are to remain in the classroom. Therefore, it is recommended that students have access to a scientific calculator for homework use. Attendance: Attendance is mandatory. If a class is missed for whatever reason, it is the responsibility of the student to obtain the assignments missed and make up the work.Make-Up Policy: Any tests, quizzes, or other assignments and assessments that are missed must be made up within the amount of days missed from the date of return to class. That is, if you miss one day you have one day to make up assignment, if you miss two days you have two days to make up assignment, etc … Failure to make up work will result in a grade of zero for that assessment.Classroom rules:1) School wide policies also apply in this classroom2) Be Respectful 3) Be Preparedi.e. Bring notebook, textbook, writing utensil and folder to class 4) Be a Participanti.e. Do the bell ringer, your homework, raise your hand to answer/ask questions 5) No Food or Drink in the classroomConsequences(Three strike):1) Student will be asked to stop disruptive behavior. 2) Student will be warned that since behavior has continued or is repetitive parents will be notified. 3) Second phone call home to parents followed by a referral to principal and no participation grade for the day. Course Evaluation: Following are the various methods for which students will be evaluated on the course material: 1) Homework assignments (usually daily 3 pts each assignment)2) Quizzes (pop or to separate a long chapter into 2) 3) Notebook quizzes (Two per quarter 50 pts each) 4) Khan Academy Assignments (One per week, Variable amount of points)5) Tests (either written or on-line) at the conclusion of a topic 6) Final exam (at the conclusion of the school year) Homework: Research studies have shown that students who practice math problems after school, as well as in school retain more information, and consequently score better on tests. Therefore, homework is an essential part of this course of study. Unless otherwise specified, homework assignments are due on the next scheduled class period. Each assignment should have the student’s name and date on the top of the page. Khan Academy:Khan Academy is a free online resource for teachers and students. Each student will begiven a login the second week of school. Assignments will be issued on Monday, and arerequired to be completed by Sunday. If Internet is not available, students may stay afterschool in the library to complete tasks from 2:05 – 2:35 every day. Assignments may beattempted as many times as needed to receive required score. This resource will help thestudents prepare for the state assessment in April. There will be no more Khan Academyassignments after PSSA’s. Teacher Website: ParentsTeacher DirectoryMichael Griffith Academic Honesty/Integrity: Cheating on any work will result in a grade of 0 for that assignmentCourse Assessment: Students will receive points for activities, assignments and assessments. Tests are worth 100 points. Three tests are planned for each marking period. Notebooks will be evaluated via a notebook quiz worth 50 points. Unless otherwise indicated, classwork/homework assignments are worth 3 points each. At the conclusion of the marking period, the total number of points earned will be divided by the total number of points possible, to determine the grade. For example, if a student earned 480 out of 500 points, his/her grade would be 480/500 = 96%. Math 7 Course outlineQUARTER 1: Proportional RelationshipsCalculating Unit RatesConstant of Proportionality(tables, graphs, equations)Interpret ordered pairsMulti-Step ratio and percent problems Mark up/ Mark Down TESTScale DrawingsConnect Constant of Proportionality to Scale DrawingsTESTReal NumbersInteger OperationsIntergers on a number lineRational operations Rational numbers on a number linePEMDAS, Laws of exponentsTEST QUARTER 2: ProbabilityProbability (Simple Events, Compound Events, Dependent Events)TEST Algebraic ExpressionsSimplifying ExpressionsEquivalent ExpressionsDistributive PropertiesTEST Solving Equations and InequalitiesAlgebraic ExpressionsOne-Step Equations with Rational CoefficientsWriting Two-Step EquationsSolving Two-Step EquationsWriting and Solving One-Step InequalitiesWriting Two-Step InequalitiesSolving Two-Step InequalitiesTEST MID YEAR EXAMQUARTER 3:Angles Complementary And Supplementary AnglesVertical and Adjacent AnglesParallel Lines cut by a transversal Alternate Interior, exterior anglesCorresponding AnglesTESTTrianglesProperties of TrianglesTriangle Inequality Theorem TEST Volume/ Area / 3D figuresSlicing 3D FiguresArea and Circumference of CirclesArea of PolygonsArea of Compound FiguresSurface Area and Volume of prisms (Compound)TEST Data AnalysisDetermine Randomness of Samples Estimate and predict measures of center and variability TESTQUARTER 4: PSSA Review FunctionsDetermining FunctionsIdentifying domain and rangeRepresenting FunctionsSolving equations (one variable)TEST EXAM FINAL EXAM ................

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