TERM - Curriculum

Work Schedule

Learning Area: Natural Sciences Grade 7

|TERM |LOs and ASs |Integration |Content in |Resources |Assessment Forms, Methods |Teaching and Learning Strategies |

| | | |Context | |and Tools | |

|Term 1 |LO 1: SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATIONS |SOCIAL SCIENCES (GEOGRAPHY) |Life and living |Books, pictures |Assessment Task |Learners in groups will: |

| |AS: Plans investigations: |LO 1: Identifies and selects a |Different food types-proteins, fats, |School grounds |Assignment |Investigate the sources functions of |

| |Identifies factors to be considered in |variety of geographical and |carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, |Different types of food|Form |different types of food |

| |investigations and plans ways to collect data on |environmental sources relevant |water. | |Simulation |Identify the different food types |

| |them, across a range of values. |to an enquiry. |Absorption of food | |Interview |Each group presents its findings |

| |AS: Conducts investigations and collects data |LIFE ORIENTATION | | |Concept map |completes worksheets on different types |

| |Collects and records information |LO 1: HEALTH PROMOTION |Requirements for photosynthesis | |Role play |of food |

| |AS: Evaluates data and communicates findings: |Plans an action in which laws |Storage organs in plants-roots, stem,| |Descriptions |Learners will: |

| |Considers the extent to which the conclusions |and/or policies for protecting |leaves | |Written |Investigate what the products of |

| |reached are reasonable answers to the focus question|environmental health are applied| | |Presentation |photosynthesis are |

| |of the investigation. |to address an environmental | | |Functional writing |Conduct experiments to test for these |

| | |health issue. | | |Questionnaire |products |

| |LO 2 CONSTRUCTING SCIENCE KNOWLEDGE | | | |translation |Conducts experiments to investigate the |

| |AS: Recalls meaningful information: At the minimum, | | | | |requirements f or photosynthesis |

| |recalls procedures, processes and complex facts. | |Matter and materials | |Method |Collect examples of different types of |

| | | | | |Teacher |plants to show storage of food. |

| | | |Different types of solutions |Different types of |Peer | |

| | | |Solubility-solvent, solute. |solutions, heating | | |

| | | |Phases of matter-properties-physical |equipments, beaker, |Tools |Discuss different types of |

| | | |changes-melting, evaporation, |salt, sugar, copper |Worksheet |solutions-saturated and unsaturated |

| | | |condensation, solidification, |sulphate etc |Observation sheet |solutions and solubility |

| | | |diffusion, and heating by conduction | | |Experiments on factors affecting |

| | | |crystalline structure/ | | |solubility |

| | | |compressibility/ non-compressibility | | |Crystallisation-experiments |

| | | | | | |Crystals and properties |

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|TERM |LOs and ASs |Integration |Content in |Resources |Assessment Forms, Methods and|Teaching and Learning Strategies |

| | | |Context | |Tools | |

|Term 1 | |LANGUAGES |Energy and change |Books, pictures, | |Learners will: |

| |LO 2 CONSTRUCTING SCIENCE KNOWLEDGE |LO5: THINKING AND REASONING |Energy transfer and systems Types of |School grounds |Assessment Task: |investigate transfer of energy and |

| |AS: Categorises information: Applies classification |AS: Collects and records |energy-potential energy, kinetic | |Research project |effects |

| |systems to familiar and unfamiliar objects, events, |information in different ways |energy | |Form |Experiments on potential and kinetic|

| |organisms, and materials. | |Uses of energy, examples of energy | |Assignment |energy |

| |AS: Interprets information: | |transfer and systems-electrical, | |Practical activity |Do experiments on electricity |

| |Interprets information by translating tabulated data| |gravitational, mechanical, chemical, | |Translation |–series and parallel connections |

| |into graphs, by reading data off graphs, and by | |nuclear, solar, biomass, optical | |presentation | |

| |making predictions from patterns. | |(light). | | | |

| |AS: Applies knowledge: Applies conceptual knowledge | | | | | |

| |to somewhat unfamiliar situations by referring to | |Earth and beyond | | | |

| |appropriate concepts and processes | |Solar system | |Form |Discussion and research on eclipse, |

| | | |Celestial motion |Charts, models, pictures, |Project |tides etc |

| |LO 3 Science Society and the | |Phases of moon |videos/ |Tests | |

| |Environment | |Eclipses |DVDs |investigation | |

| |AS: Understands science as a human endeavour: | |Tides and phases of moon and eclipses| | | |

| |Identifies ways in which people build confidence in | | | |Method | |

| |their knowledge systems | | | |Teacher | |

| |AS: Understands sustainable use of the earth’s | | | |Group | |

| |resources: Identifies information required to make a| | | | | |

| |judgement about resource use. | | | |Tools | |

| | | | | |Rating scale | |

| | | | | |Rubric | |

| | | | | |Checklist | |

|TERM |LOs and ASs |Integration |Content in |Resources |Assessment Forms, Methods and|Teaching and Learning Strategies |

| | | |Context | |Tools | |

|Term 2 | |MATHEMATICS |Life and living | | | |

| |LO 1: SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATIONS |LO 1: NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND |Interaction in the |Charts, pictures |Tests |Learners will investigate different |

| |AS: Plans investigations: |RELATIONSHIPS |environment-ecosystems-food chain | |investigation |ecosystems |

| |Identifies factors to be considered in |AS: Solves problems in |,food web | | |Observe food relationships |

| |investigations and plans ways to collect data on |measurements | | | |Draw food chains and food webs |

| |them, across a range of values. |LO 2: MEASUREMENT |Classification of animals-vertebrates| | |Investigate and present |

| |AS: Conducts investigations and collects data |AS: Calculates, by selecting and|and invertebrates-different classes, |pictures | |Examples of vertebrates |

| |Collects and records information |using appropriate formulae: |Characteristics | | | |

| |AS: Evaluates data and communicates findings: |AS: Estimates, compares, |Matter and materials | | | |

| |Considers the extent to which the conclusions |measures |Acids and bases, indicators | | | |

| |reached are reasonable answers to the focus question| |Household acids and bases, salts and | |Assessment Task: |Investigate household acids and |

| |of the investigation. | |neutral solutions | |Investigation |bases |

| | | |Reactions and changes of | |Form |Do practical activities to identify |

| |LO 2 CONSTRUCTING SCIENCE KNOWLEDGE | |materials-acids and |chemical kit and apparatus|Assignment |acids and bases |

| |AS: Recalls meaningful information: At the minimum, | |bases-characteristics, |household materials |Practical activity |Make predictions |

| |recalls procedures, processes and complex facts. | |Household acids & bases |indicators |Translation |Make a presentation |

| | | |Indicators | |presentation | |

| | | |Neutralization | | | |

| | | |Products of neutralization | | | |

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| | | | | |Method | |

| | | | | |Teacher | |

| | | | | |Group | |

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| | | | | |Tools | |

| | | | | |Rating scale | |

| | | | | |Rubric | |

| | | | | |Checklist | |

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|TERM |LOs and ASs |Integration |Content in |Resources |Assessment Forms, Methods and|Teaching and Learning Strategies |

| | | |Context | |Tools | |

|Term 2 |LO 1: SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATIONS |ACROSS |Energy and change |Books, charts, pictures |Form |Learners will: |

| |AS: Plans investigations: |TECHNOLOGY |Fossils, fossil fuels | |Investigation |Use questionnaire to find out what |

| |Identifies factors to be considered in | | | | |sources of energy are used in their |

| |investigations and plans ways to collect data on |LO 2: TECHNOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE |Renewable (wind, sun and | |Method |communities |

| |them, across a range of values. |AND UNDERSTANDING |water) and non renewable (fuels, | |Teacher |Investigate how to sustain non |

| |AS: Conducts investigations and collects data | |coal, gas and oil) sources of energy.| | |renewable resources |

| |Collects and records information |AS: Demonstrates knowledge and |Energy and change | |Tools | |

| |AS: Evaluates data and communicates findings: |understanding of how electrical |Atmosphere –layers of the atmosphere | |Questionnaire, | |

| |Considers the extent to which the conclusions |circuits with more than one |Atmospheric gases | |Observation sheet, |Discussion and research on layers of|

| |reached are reasonable answers to the focus question|input or control device will |Properties of atmosphere at different| |Worksheet |atmosphere |

| |of the investigation. |work based on different logic |elevations to protect earth from | | | |

| | |conditions (‘AND’ and ‘OR’ |harmful radiations | | | |

| |LO 2 CONSTRUCTING SCIENCE KNOWLEDGE |logic), and represents them | | | | |

| |AS: Recalls meaningful information: At the minimum, |using circuit diagrams, systems | | | | |

| |recalls procedures, processes and complex facts. |diagrams and truth tables. | | | | |

| | |Capacity building, jobs). | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | |Assessment Task: | |

| | | | | |Controlled test/Examination | |

| | | | | |Form: short questions, | |

| | | | | |structured questions, | |

| | | | | |translation, | |

| | | | | |concept map, mind map | |

| | | | | |descriptions, explanation | |

|TERM |LOs and ASs |Integration |Content in |Resources |Assessment Forms, Methods and|Teaching and Learning Strategies |

| | | |Context | |Tools | |

|Term 3 |LO 2 CONSTRUCTING SCIENCE KNOWLEDGE | |Life and living | |Form | |

| |AS: Categorises information: Applies classification |ECONOMIC AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES|Cell-animal and plant cell - | |Investigation | |

| |systems to familiar and unfamiliar objects, events, | |structure and functions |Pictures, charts, models | |Identify systems, |

| |organisms, and materials. | | | |Method |Make drawings |

| |AS: Interprets information: |LO 2: SUSTAINABLE GROWTH AND |Life processes-breathing system, | |Teacher |Explain functions |

| |Interprets information by translating tabulated data|DEVELOPMENT |excretion-elimination of waste, | | | |

| |into graphs, by reading data off graphs, and by |AS: Investigates how the RDP |Importance of water-kidney, skin, | |Tools | |

| |making predictions from patterns. |could have been used to |stomata | |Questionnaire, | |

| |AS: Applies knowledge: Applies conceptual knowledge |stimulate economic growth and |Matter and materials | |Observation sheet, | |

| |to somewhat unfamiliar situations by referring to |restructuring (e.g. |Origin of raw materials. |Light kits |Worksheet | |

| |appropriate concepts and processes |SOCIAL SCIENCES | | | | |

| | | |Radiation-dark coloured and light |Dark coloured substances | | |

| |LO 3 Science Society and the |LO 3: EXPLORING ISSUES |coloured substances |Light coloured substances,|Assessment Task: Case study | |

| |Environment |AS: Identifies challenges to | |clothes |Forms: interviews, | |

| |AS: Understands science as a human endeavour: |societies and settlements |Conductors, |Conductors |translation activities, |Learners will: |

| |Identifies ways in which people build confidence in |associated with the use and |Resistors |Resistors |presentation |Investigate how radiation occurs |

| |their knowledge systems |abuse of people and natural |Pure substances and mixtures |Electricity kit | |Do practical activities to find out |

| |AS: Understands sustainable use of the earth’s |resources [identifies the |Methods of separation of | | |the difference between good |

| |resources: Identifies information required to make a|issue]. |mixtures-physical |Filter paper, distiller | |conductors/ resistors. |

| |judgement about resource use. | |separation-filtration, distillation, | | |Record the observation |

| | | |evaporation, chromatography | | | |

| | | | | | |Conduct experiments for separating |

| | | | | | |the liquids using different methods |

|TERM |LOs and ASs |Integration |Content in |Resources |Assessment Forms, Methods and|Teaching and Learning Strategies |

| | | |Context | |Tools | |

|Term 3 | |ACROSS |Energy and change | |Assessment Task: |Learners will: |

| | |MATHEMATICS |Wood as a source of energy and its | |Translation |Use questionnaire to find out what |

| | |LO 1: NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND |renewability | |Forms: graph, tables, |sources of energy are used in their |

| | |RELATIONSHIPS |Earth and beyond | |sketches, maps, concept maps,|communities and discuss the energy |

| | |AS: Solves problems in |Mining-in different provinces | |descriptions, written |crisis in South Africa |

| | |measurements |Significance of mining to man | |presentations, explanation, |Investigate how to sustain non |

| | |LO 2: MEASUREMENT | | |drawings |renewable resources such as wood. |

| | |AS: Calculates, by selecting and| | | |Discuss mining and its effect on |

| | |using appropriate formulae: | | | |economy and social life |

| | |AS: Estimates, compares, | | | | |

| | |measures | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|TERM |LOs and ASs |Integration |Content in |Resources |Assessment Forms, Methods and|Teaching and Learning Strategies |

| | | |Context | |Tools | |

|Term 4 |LO 1: SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATIONS |ACROSS |Life and living |Charts, pictures, models, |Assessment Task |Learners will: |

| |AS: Plans investigations: |SOCIAL SCIENCES (GEOGRAPHY) |Circulatory system-structure and | |:Investigation |Discuss the structures and functions|

| |Identifies factors to be considered in |LO 3: EXPLORING ISSUES |functions. | |Forms |of circulatory system |

| |investigations and plans ways to collect data on |AS: Investigates possible ways | | |Assignment |Identify parts |

| |them, across a range of values. |of reducing resource |Reproduction in plants-pollination |flowers, fruits, seeds |Practical activity |Explain the functions |

| |AS: Conducts investigations and collects data |consumption. |fertilization, fruits and seeds | |translation activity | |

| |Collects and records information |AS: Makes suggestions to guide | | |Presentation |Collect different types of flowers, |

| |AS: Evaluates data and communicates findings: |in sustainable living practices.| | | |fruits, and seeds |

| |Considers the extent to which the conclusions |TECHNOLOGY | | | |Identify monocots and dicots |

| |reached are reasonable answers to the focus question|LO 1: Investigates | | |Method |Investigate the process of |

| |of the investigation. |AS: Investigates the background | | |Teacher |pollination |

| | |context, the nature of the need,| | |Self |Discuss the stages |

| |LO 2 CONSTRUCTING SCIENCE KNOWLEDGE |the environmental situation, and| | | | |

| |AS: Recalls meaningful information: At the minimum, |the people concerned when given | | |Tools |Experiments on |

| |recalls procedures, processes and complex facts. |a problem, need or opportunity | | |Rubric |Conduction and |

| |LO 3 Science Society and the |set in a national relevant |Matter and materials |Magnets, iron filings |Observation sheet |Convection and discuss |

| |Environment |context. |Magnetism-magnetic fields, polarity | | |differences |

| |AS: Understands science as a human endeavour: | |Energy and change |Metals, liquids, heating | | |

| |Identifies ways in which people build confidence in | |Heat transfer-conduction, convection,|utensils | | |

| |their knowledge systems | |radiation | | | |

| |AS: Understands sustainable use of the earth’s | |Earth and beyond |Books, newspaper, | | |

| |resources: Identifies information required to make a| |Mining- |internet | | |

| |judgement about resource use. | |Advantages and disadvantages | |Assessment Task: |Make a project to find out which |

| | | |Safety and environmental impacts. | |Controlled test/Examination |minerals are mined in the different |

| | | | | |Form: short questions, |provinces |

| | | | | |structured questions, |Discuss the dangers and safety |

| | | | | |translation, |measures |

| | | | | |concept map, mind map | |

| | | | | |descriptions, explanation | |


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