[Pages:27]VIRGINIA STANDARDS OF LEARNING Spring 2009 Released Test


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?2009 by the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Education, P.O. Box 2120, Richmond, Virginia 23218-2120. All rights reserved. Except as permitted by law, this material may not be reproduced or used in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner. Commonwealth of Virginia public school educators may reproduce any portion of these released tests for non-commercial educational purposes without requesting permission. All others should direct their written requests to the Virginia Department of Education, Division of Student Assessment and School Improvement, at the above address or by e-mail to Student_Assessment@doe..


Directions Read each question and choose the best answer.


Dolphin Jellyfish Crab These animals are grouped together because all of them A live in the water B are fish C are warm-blooded D lay eggs



76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66

Mass (kg)

Dog Data







The line graph shows five years of data about a dog. What information does the graph show?

A How the mass of the dog changed B How much food the dog consumed C What kinds of food the dog consumed D When the dog was measured each month

2 All of these can be inherited by people EXCEPT -- F height G eye color H blood type J language


3 Which of the following is an example of static electricity? A A dry-cell battery connected to wires lights up a light bulb. B A balloon sticks to a wall after it is rubbed with a piece of wool. C A magnet sticks to a refrigerator door made of metal. D A light switch that is turned on runs a ceiling fan.

4 During which phase does the Moon receive sunlight only on the side facing away from Earth? F Full Moon G New Moon H Waning gibbous J Waxing gibbous



Rubber Band


Rubber Band Data Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 3.7 cm 3.9 cm 3.7 cm 3.4 cm

Trial 5 3.6 cm


2.5 cm 2.7 cm 2.8 cm 2.7 cm 2.7 cm

A lab group measured how far two rubber bands stretched when attached to 100-gram masses. Five measurements were made for each rubber band. What is the range of the data collected for rubber band B?

A 0.3 cm B 0.5 cm C 2.7 cm D 2.8 cm

6 A coal-burning facility is constructed in an area containing several pond ecosystems. How will this human activity most likely affect the pond ecosystems? F More nutrients will be available. G Organism diversity will increase. H Disease will become less common. J Water quality will be reduced.


7 Which characteristic is used to classify frogs into a different phylum from squid, snails, and jellyfish?

A Frogs are predators. B Frogs breathe oxygen. C Frogs have backbones. D Frogs live on land.






The illustration shows a wave. The wave's wavelength is the distance between points --

F 1 and 2 G 1 and 4 H 2 and 3 J 2 and 4


9 Which is an SI metric unit of measurement that is used to record the heat transfer of a solution in a classroom investigation? A Liter B Newton C Volt D Degree Celsius

10 Black bears roam over large territories. What effect would building shopping centers in these territories have on the bears? F Promote an increase in black bear reproduction G Stabilize the black bear population H Reduce the black bears' habitat J Introduce a new bear population to the area



C + O2


According to this equation, what happened to the carbon and oxygen?

A They combined chemically to form a new compound. B They combined chemically to form carbon and oxygen. C They combined physically to form a new mixture. D They combined physically to form a new element.

12 The average distance from Earth to the Moon is 384,401 km. How is the distance from Earth to the Moon expressed in scientific notation?

F 3.84 ?103 km G 384 ?103 km H 3.84 ?105 km J 3.84 ?106 km

13 Which energy transformation occurs first in a coal-burning power plant? A Chemical energy to thermal energy B Thermal energy to mechanical energy C Thermal energy to electrical energy D Mechanical energy to electrical energy



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