Grade 8

Grade 8


|C.8.1 Orally communicate information, opinions, and ideas effectively |D.8.2.1 Demonstrate effective writing, speaking, listening, and |

|to different audiences for a variety of purposes |nonverbal communication skills |

|( Observe the appropriate etiquette when expressing thanks | |

|and receiving praise | |

|C.8.3 Participate effectively in discussion |D.8.2.1 Demonstrate effective writing, speaking, listening, and |

|( Participate in discussion by listening attentively, |nonverbal communication skills |

|demonstrating respect for the opinions of others, and | |

|responding responsibly and courteously to the remarks of | |

|others | |

|( Accept and use helpful criticism | |

|( Establish and maintain an open mind when listening to | |

|others’ ideas and opinions | |


|N/A |- |


|G.8.1 Identify and investigate the skills people need for a career in |H.8.1.1 Demonstrate an understanding of educational levels (e.g., work- |

|science or technology and identify the academic courses that a |based learning, certificate, two-year, four-year, and professional |

|person pursuing such a career would need |degrees) and performance skills needed to attain personal and |

| |career goals |

| |H.8.1.4 Give examples of how behaviors and attitudes affect one’s |

| |future educational achievement and career success |

|G.8.2 Explain how current scientific and technological discoveries |I.8.1.1 Use career planning strategies and tools to develop career |

|have an influence on the work people do and how some of |awareness and a career plan H.8.1.5. Develop an action plan to |

|these discoveries also lead to new careers |enhance educational achievement and attain career goals. |

|G.8.3 Illustrate the impact that science and technology have had, both |I.8.2.1 Recognize and demonstrate the use of various decision-making |

|good and bad, on careers, systems, society, environment, and |styles and their effect on career planning |

|quality of life | |

| | |

|H.8.3 Understand the consequences of decisions affecting personal |F.8.1.3 Demonstrate techniques for managing daily stress and conflict |

|health and safety issues | |

Grade 8


|B.8.10 Analyze examples of conflict, cooperation, and interdependence |E.8.1.3 Apply effective conflict resolution skills to a current issue or |

|among groups, societies, or nations |problem |

|B.8.11 Summarize major issues associated with the history, culture, |D.8.1.1 Respect differences in ethnic and cultural diversity, as well as |

|tribal sovereignty, and current status of the American Indian |diversity in other forms (e.g., national origin, gender, disability, |

|tribes and bands in Wisconsin |economic status, religion, sexual orientation, or other factors of |

| |human difference) |

| | |

|C.8.1 Identify and explain democracy’s basic principles, including |D.8.1.1 Respect differences in ethnic and cultural diversity, as well as |

|individual rights, responsibility for the common good, equal |diversity in other forms (e.g., national origin, gender, disability, |

|opportunity, equal protection of the laws, freedom of speech, |economic status, religion, sexual orientation, or other factors of |

|justice, and majority rule with protection for minority rights |human difference) |

| | |

|D.8.1 Describe and explain how money makes it easier to trade, |I.8.2.3 Demonstrate the use of information (e.g., about oneself; local, |

|borrow, save, invest, and compare the value of goods and |national, and global economic trends; and educational options) |

|services |to consider in career decisions. |

|D.8.2 Identify and explain basic economic concepts: supply, demand, |I.8.2.3 Demonstrate the use of information (e.g., about oneself; local, |

|production, exchange, and consumption; labor, wages, and |national, and global economic trends; and educational options) |

|capital; inflation and deflation; market economy and command |to consider in career decisions. |

|economy; public and private goods and services | |

|D.8.6 Identify and explain various points of view concerning economic |I.8.2.3 Demonstrate the use of information (e.g., about oneself; local, |

|issues, such as taxation, unemployment, inflation, the national |national, and global economic trends; and educational options) |

|debt, and distribution of income |to consider in career decisions. |

|D.8.9 Explain why the earning power of workers depends on their |I.8.2.3 Demonstrate the use of information (e.g., about oneself; local, |

|productivity and the market value of what they produce |national, and global economic trends; and educational options) |

| |to consider in career decisions. |

Grade 8


|E.8.2 Give examples to explain and illustrate how factors such as |I.8.2.2 Give specific examples of how education, work, and family |

|family, gender, and socioeconomic status contribute to individual |experiences influence career decisions |

|identity and development | |

|E.8.3 Describe the ways in which local, regional, and ethnic cultures |I.8.3.2 Define how one’s own ethnicity, culture, gender, disability, or |

|may influence the everyday lives of people |family traditions may affect career choices and plans |

|E.8.4 Describe and explain the means by which individuals, groups, |I.8.3.2 Define how one’s own ethnicity, culture, gender, disability, or |

|and institutions may contribute to social continuity and change |family traditions may affect career choices and plans |

|within a community | |

|E.8.5 Describe and explain the means by which groups and institutions |I.8.3.2 Define how one’s own ethnicity, culture, gender, disability, or |

|meet the needs of individuals and societies |family traditions may affect career choices and plans |

|E.8.6 Describe and explain the influence of status, ethnic origin, race, |D.8.1.1 Respect differences in ethnic and cultural diversity, as well as |

|gender, and age on the interactions of individuals |diversity in other forms (e.g., national origin, gender, disability, |

| |economic status, religion, sexual orientation, or other factors of |

| |human difference) |

|E.8.7 Identify and explain examples of bias, prejudice, and |D.8.1.1 Respect differences in ethnic and cultural diversity, as well as |

|stereotyping, and how they contribute to conflict in a society |diversity in other forms (e.g., national origin, gender, disability, |

| |economic status, religion, sexual orientation, or other factors of |

| |human difference) |

|E.8.8 Give examples to show how the media may influence the |E.8.1.3 Apply effective conflict resolution |

|behavior and decision-making of individuals and groups | |

|E.8.9 Give examples of the cultural contributions of racial and ethnic |D.8.1.1 Respect differences in ethnic and cultural diversity, as well as |

|groups in Wisconsin, the United States, and the world |diversity in other forms (e.g., national origin, gender, disability, |

| |economic status, religion, sexual orientation, or other factors of |

| |human difference) |

|E.8.10 Explain how language, art, music, beliefs, and other components |D.8.1.1 Respect differences in ethnic and cultural diversity, as well as |

|of culture can further global understanding of cause |diversity in other forms (e.g., national origin, gender, disability, |

|misunderstanding |economic status, religion, sexual orientation, or other factors of |

| |human difference) |

|E.8.11 Explain how beliefs and practices, such as ownership of property |D.8.1.1 Respect differences in ethnic and cultural diversity, as well as |

|or status at birth, may lead to conflict among people of different |diversity in other forms (e.g., national origin, gender, disability, |

|regions or cultures and give examples of such conflicts that have |economic status, religion, sexual orientation, or other factors of |

|and have not been resolved |human difference) |

Grade 8


|E.8.12 Describe conflict resolution and peer mediation strategies used |E.8.1.3 Apply effective conflict resolution |

|in resolving differences and disputes | |

|E.8.13 Select examples of artistic expressions from several different |D.8.1.1 Respect differences in ethnic and cultural diversity, as well as |

|cultures for the purpose of comparing and contrasting the beliefs |diversity in other forms (e.g., national origin, gender, disability, |

|expressed |economic status, religion, sexual orientation, or other factors of |

| |human difference) |

|E.8.14 Describe cooperation and interdependence among individuals, |G.8.2.1 Demonstrate the ability to work in and across groups by |

|groups, and nations, such as helping others in times of crises |applying teamwork skills in preparation for the world of work |


|C.8.9 Come up with ideas and carry them through to completion of an |E.8.1.1 Develop an action plan to achieve short- and long-term goals |

|original work of art | |

| | |

|D.8.6 Know about problem-solving strategies that promote fluency, |E.8.1.2 Identify alternative ways of achieving a goal |

|flexibility, elaboration, and originality | |

| | |

|I.8.1 Use art to understand their own emotions |E.8.1.1 Develop an action plan to achieve short- and long-term goals |

|I.8.3 Talk or write about feelings in a variety of works of |G.8.2.2 Demonstrate effective communication skills, including writing, |

|art |speaking, listening, and nonverbal behavior |

| | |

|K.8.1 Connect their knowledge and skills in art to other areas, such |B.8.1.4 Demonstrate the ability to organize and apply academic |

|as the humanities, sciences, social studies, and technology |information from a variety of sources |

|K.8.5 Know about a range of art activities, such as museum curation, |I.8.3.1 Demonstrate openness to exploring and considering a wide |

|historic preservations, collecting, and writing about art and |range of occupations and career paths, including those that may |

|design |be considered new or nontraditional for individuals based on |

| |gender, race, culture, ability, or other characteristics |

| | |

|L.8.2 Develop a base of knowledge and skills from which to create |A.8.3.1 Demonstrate the ability to develop a broad range of interests |

|new ideas |and abilities |

Grade 8


|A.8.4 Demonstrate an awareness to language bias |D.8.1.1 Respect differences in ethnic and cultural diversity, as well as |

| |diversity in other forms (e.g., national origin, gender, disability, |

| |economic status, religion, sexual orientation, or other factors of |

| |human difference) |

|A.8.7 Research and present a speech relating to career choices |D.8.2.1 Demonstrate effective writing, speaking, listening, and |

| |nonverbal communication skills |

|A.8.9 Demonstrate and interpret nonverbal cues |D.8.2.1 Demonstrate effective writing, speaking, listening, and |

| |nonverbal communication skills |

|A.8.10 Demonstrate respect for differences in regional and |D.8.1.1 Respect differences in ethnic and cultural diversity, as well as |

|multicultural communication |diversity in other forms (e.g., national origin, gender, disability, |

| |economic status, religion, sexual orientation, or other factors of |

| |human difference) |

|A.8.12 Identify barriers to communications |G.8.2.2 Demonstrate effective communication skills, including writing, |

| |speaking, listening, and nonverbal behavior |

|A.8.14 Describe the steps of problem-solving negotiations |E.8.1.3 Apply effective conflict resolution skills to a current issue or |

| |problem |

|A.8.15 Describe the characteristics of an effective team |G.8.2.1 Demonstrate the ability to work in and across groups by |

| |applying teamwork skills in preparation for the world of work |

| | |

|G.8.2 Identify major holidays in various cultures and discuss how |D.8.1.1 Respect differences in ethnic and cultural diversity, as well as |

|they are celebrated |diversity in other forms (e.g., national origin, gender, disability, |

| |economic status, religion, sexual orientation, or other factors of |

| |human difference) |

|G.8.3 Identify international cultural differences in food, |D.8.1.1 Respect differences in ethnic and cultural diversity, as well as |

|dress, and social behavior of countries |diversity in other forms (e.g., national origin, gender, disability, |

| |economic status, religion, sexual orientation, or other factors of |

| |human difference) |

Grade 8


|J.8.1 Identify leadership styles |- |

|J.8.2 Demonstrate the ability to work with others |G.8.2.1 Demonstrate the ability to work in and across groups by |

| |applying teamwork skills in preparation for the world of work |

|J.8.3 Provide examples of how behavior affects the feelings of |G.8.2.1 Demonstrate the ability to work in and across groups by |

|others |applying teamwork skills in preparation for the world of work |

|J.8.4 Discuss the importance of honesty when working with others |G.8.2.1 Demonstrate the ability to work in and across groups by |

| |applying teamwork skills in preparation for the world of work |

|J.8.5 Discuss the importance of integrity |G.8.1.2 Demonstrate knowledge of work values and needs |

|J.8.6 Describe different cultural behaviors and expectations |D.8.1.1 Respect differences in ethnic and cultural diversity, as well as |

| |diversity in other forms (e.g., national origin, gender, disability, |

| |economic status, religion, sexual orientation, or other factors of |

| |human difference) |

|J.8.9 Demonstrate respect for others who are different from oneself |D.8.1.1 Respect differences in ethnic and cultural diversity, as well as |

| |diversity in other forms (e.g., national origin, gender, disability, |

| |economic status, religion, sexual orientation, or other factors of |

| |human difference) |

|J.8.10 Describe characteristics of a team working together |G.8.2.1 Demonstrate the ability to work in and across groups by |

|successfully |applying teamwork skills in preparation for the world of work |

| | |

|K.8.1 Identify own talents and interests |G.8.1.1 Demonstrate individual abilities, strengths, skills, and talents |

|K.8.2 Identify own strengths and weaknesses with examples |I.8.4.1 Identify skills and how they are transferable from one situation |

| |or area of interest to another |

|K.8.3 Assess how one’s strengths and weaknesses relate to a variety |I.8.4.1 Identify skills and how they are transferable from one situation |

|of career options |or area of interest to another |

|K.8.4 Compare one’s skills and aptitudes with various career options |H.8.1.3 Identify individual learning styles and understand how to apply |

| |them in different learning and work situations |

|K.8.5 Describe several occupations within the business occupational |I.8.5.3 Give examples of how career clusters and pathways can be used |

|cluster |in career planning |

|K.8.6 Initiate a lifework plan to assess self, select high school |H.8.1.5 Develop an action plan to enhance educational achievement |

|courses, and identify potential career options |and attain career goals |

Grade 8


|K.8.7 Create a career portfolio that includes career research materials |I.8.5.1 Demonstrate the ability to find and use different types of career |

| |information resources (i.e., occupational, educational, economic, |

| |and employment) to support career planning |

|K.8.8 Compare education options |H.8.1.1 Demonstrate an understanding of educational levels (e.g., work- |

| |based learning, certificate, two-year, four-year, and professional |

| |degrees) and performance skills needed to attain personal and |

| |career goals |

|K.8.9 Use a variety of resources to gather information about careers |I.8.5.1 Demonstrate the ability to find and use different types of career |

| |information resources (i.e., occupational, educational, |

| |economic, and employment) to support career planning |

|K.8.10 Relate career interests to opportunities in the global economy |H.8.1.4 Demonstrate the ability to use technology to retrieve and manage |

| |career information that inspires educational achievement |

|K.8.11 Describe habits needed for career success |I.8.2.3 Demonstrate the use of information (e.g., about oneself; local, |

| |national, and global economic trends; and educational options) |

| |to consider in career decisions |

|K.8.12 Demonstrate effective interpersonal skills |G.8.1.2 Demonstrate knowledge of work values and needs |

| |G.8.1.4 Give examples of how behaviors and attitudes affect one’s |

| |future educational achievement and career success |

|K.8.13 Describe appropriate etiquette for work situations |G.8.2.1 Demonstrate the ability to work in and across groups by |

| |applying teamwork skills in preparation for the world of work |


|---- |- |

Grade 8


|A.2. Describe several significant, broad, continuing concerns of the |I.8.2.2 Give specific examples of how education, work, and family |

|family |experiences influence career decisions |

| | |

|B.1. Analyze the parts of the practical reasoning process |B.8.1.2 Apply critical thinking skills for making successful academic |

| |transitions |

|B.2. Explain how each part works and the relationships among the |E.8.1.2 Identify alternative ways of achieving a goal |

|parts of the practical reasoning process | |

|B.3. Apply practical reasoning to a current family-related issue or |E.8.1.2 Identify alternative ways of achieving a goal |

|concern described in the media, such as what should be done to | |

|ensure food safety in the home or workplace, and what should be | |

|done to resolve conflict | |

|B.4. Detect and correct errors in using the parts of the practical |E.8.1.2 Identify alternative ways of achieving a goal |

|reasoning process | |

| | |

|C.1. Understand and use communication to reach understanding and |D.8.2.1 Demonstrate effective writing, speaking, listening, and |

|agreement about what to do |nonverbal communication skills |

| |G.8.2.2 Demonstrate effective communication skills, including writing, |

| |speaking, listening, and nonverbal behavior |

|C.2. Understand and use reflection in everyday life |G.8.2.2 Demonstrate effective communication skills, including writing, |

| |speaking, listening, and nonverbal behavior |

| | |

|D.1. Explain what it means to take informed, socially responsible |G.8.1.3 Demonstrate positive behaviors and attitudes about the world of |

|action |work |

|D.2. Survey the school, neighborhood, or community to identify a |I.8.2.2 Give specific examples of how education, work, and family |

|family-related issue or concern |experiences influence career decisions |

Grade 8


|D.3. Develop, implement, and assess an individual, family, or |E.8.1.1 Develop an action plan to achieve short- and long-term goals |

|community action plan designed to reach specific goals | |

|D.4. Apply leadership skills during classroom discussions or |G.8.2.1 Demonstrate the ability to work in and across groups by |

|FHA-HERO chapter meetings; such as skills in perceiving |applying teamwork skills in preparation for the world of work |

|problems and thinking them through, presenting ideas, | |

|understanding others’ views, understanding and responding to | |

|conflicts and disagreements that arise during discussion, and | |

|applying citizenship values (including honesty, respect, and | |

|responsibility) | |

|D.5. Set an individual, family, or community action goal and record |E.8.1.2 Identify alternative ways of achieving a goal |

|progress toward accomplishment of the goal | |

| | |

|E.4. Describe some factors and conditions that affect the development |I.8.2.4 Show how beliefs, culture, work values, personal priorities, and |

|of individuals, families, and society |knowledge of the broad range of career opportunities will |

| |influence career decisions |

|E.5. Access, analyze, and evaluate selected sources of information |B.8.1.3 Apply the study skills necessary for academic success at each |

|about human growth and development |level |

| | |

|F.1. Demonstrate the ability to attend to learning tasks |- |

|F.2. Demonstrate the ability to set learning goals |E.8.1.1 Develop an action plan to achieve short- and long-term goals |

|F.3. Demonstrate the ability to monitor attitudes |E.8.1.1 Develop an action plan to achieve short- and long-term goals |

|F.4 Demonstrate the ability to use self-evaluation skills |G.8.1.4 Give examples of how behaviors and attitudes affect one’s |

| |future educational achievement and career success |

Grade 8


|A.3. Opinions: Students will state personal preferences and feelings |G.8.1.1 Demonstrate individual abilities, strengths, skills, and talents |

|with some explanation | |

|A.4. Problem-solving: Students will give possible solutions to a |E.8.1.3 Apply effective conflict resolution skills to a current issue or |

|problem related to a personal need |problem |

| | |

|D.1. Patterns of interaction: Students will interact with respect using |D.8.1.1 Respect differences in ethnic and cultural diversity, we well as |

|culturally appropriate patterns of behavior in everyday informal |diversity in other forms (e.g., national origin, gender, disability, |

|and social situations |economic status, religion, sexual orientation, or other factors of |

| |human difference) |

|D.2. Cultural activities: Students will experience cultural and social |D.8.1.1 Respect differences in ethnic and cultural diversity, we well as |

|activities common to students of similar age in the target |diversity in other forms (e.g., national origin, gender, disability, |

|cultures |economic status, religion, sexual orientation, or other factors of |

| |human difference) |

|D.3. Beliefs and attitudes: Students will identify some common |D.8.1.1 Respect differences in ethnic and cultural diversity, we well as |

|beliefs and attitudes within the cultures studied and compare |diversity in other forms (e.g., national origin, gender, disability, |

|them to their own beliefs and attitudes |economic status, religion, sexual orientation, or other factors of |

| |human difference) |

| | |

|E.1. Objects and symbols: Students will compare objects and |D.8.1.1 Respect differences in ethnic and cultural diversity, we well as |

|symbols, such as flags or currency, from other cultures to those |diversity in other forms (e.g., national origin, gender, disability, |

|found in their own culture |economic status, religion, sexual orientation, or other factors of |

| |human difference) |

|E.2. Contributions: Students will examine the role and significance |D.8.1.1 Respect differences in ethnic and cultural diversity, we well as |

|of the contributions of other cultures in today’s world |diversity in other forms (e.g., national origin, gender, disability, |

| |economic status, religion, sexual orientation, or other factors of |

| |human difference) |

|E.3. Mutual influences: Students will discuss how historical and |D.8.1.1 Respect differences in ethnic and cultural diversity, we well as |

|contemporary influences from other cultures shape people’s |diversity in other forms (e.g., national origin, gender, disability, |

|views of the world and their own attitudes toward issues facing |economic status, religion, sexual orientation, or other factors of |

|the world |human difference) |

Grade 8


|A.8.1 Describe the interrelationship of mental, emotional, social, and |F.8.1.2 Demonstrate the skills needed to cope effectively with peer |

|physical health during adolescence |pressure |

| |F.8.1.3 Demonstrate techniques for managing daily stress and conflict |

|A.8.2 Analyze how environments and personal health are interrelated |F.8.1.4 Demonstrate the ability to set personal boundaries and advocate |

| |for oneself when these boundaries are violated |

|A.8.3 Describe ways to enhance health and reduce risks during |F.8.1.3 Demonstrate techniques for managing daily stress and conflict |

|adolescence | |

|A.8.6 Describe how family and peers influence the personal health of |F.8.1.2 Demonstrate the skills needed to cope effectively with peer |

|adolescents |pressure |

| | |

|B.8.1 Explain the importance of assuming responsibility for personal |F.8.1.1 Describe the emotional and physical dangers of substance use |

|health behaviors |and abuse |

|B.8.3 Distinguish between risky behaviors which may be dangerous |F.8.1.1 Describe the emotional and physical dangers of substance use |

|or harmful and those which should be relatively safe |and abuse |

|B.8.4 Demonstrate strategies to improve and maintain personal and |F.8.1.3 Demonstrate techniques for managing daily stress and conflict |

|family health | |

|B.8.6 Demonstrate ways to avoid and reduce threatening situations |E.8.1.3 Apply effective conflict resolution skills to a current issue or |

| |problem |

| | |

|C.8.1 Demonstrate the ability to individually and collaboratively |F.8.1.4 Demonstrate the ability to set personal boundaries and advocate |

|apply a decision-making process to health issues |for oneself when these boundaries are violated |

|C.8.2 Analyze how health-related decisions are influenced by |F.8.1.2 Demonstrate the skills needed to cope effectively with peer |

|individuals, family, and community values |pressure |

|C.8.3 Analyze how decisions regarding health behaviors have |F.8.1.1 Describe the emotional and physical dangers of substance use |

|consequences for themselves and others |and abuse |

| |F.8.1.2 Demonstrate the skills needed to cope effectively with peer |

| |pressure |

|C.8.4 Develop and implement a personal health plan addressing |G.8.1.1 Demonstrate individual abilities, strengths, skills, and talents |

|personal strengths, needs, and health risks | |

Grade 8


|E.8.1 Analyze how culture influences health behaviors and services |D.8.1.1 Respect differences in ethnic and cultural diversity, we well as |

| |diversity in other forms (e.g., national origin, gender, disability, |

| |economic status, religion, sexual orientation, or other factors of |

| |human difference) |

|E.8.2 Analyze how messages from the media and other sources |F.8.1.2 Demonstrate the skills needed to cope effectively with peer |

|influence health behaviors |pressure |

|E.8.4 Analyze how information from peers influences health |F.8.1.2 Demonstrate the skills needed to cope effectively with peer |

| |pressure |

| | |

|F.8.1 Demonstrate effective verbal and nonverbal communication |D.8.2.1 Demonstrate effective writing, speaking, listening, and |

|skills to enhance health |nonverbal communication skills |

|F.8.2 Demonstrate healthy ways to express needs, wants, and feelings |D.8.2.1 Demonstrate effective writing, speaking, listening, and |

| |nonverbal communication skills |

|F.8.3 Demonstrate ways to communicate care, consideration, and |D.8.1.1 Respect differences in ethnic and cultural diversity, we well as |

|respect for themselves and others |diversity in other forms (e.g., national origin, gender, disability, |

| |economic status, religion, sexual orientation, or other factors of |

| |human difference) |

|F.8.4 Demonstrate communication skills to build and maintain |D.8.2.1 Demonstrate effective writing, speaking, listening, and |

|healthy relationships |nonverbal communication skills |

|F.8.5 Analyze possible causes of conflict |F.8.1.3 Demonstrate techniques for managing daily stress and conflict |

|F.8.6 Demonstrate strategies to resolve conflict in healthy ways |E.8.1.3 Apply effective conflict resolution skills to a current issue or |

| |problem |

Grade 8


|C.8.1 Pursue information related to various dimensions of personal |I.8.4.1 Identify skills and how they are transferable from one situation |

|well-being and academic success |or area of interest to another |

|C.8.4 Demonstrate self-motivation and increasing responsibility for |B.8.1.1 Demonstrate the importance of motivation to achieve individual |

|their learning |potential |

| | |

|D.8.1 participate productively in workgroups or other collaborative |G.8.2.1 Demonstrate the ability to work in and across groups by |

|learning environments |applying teamwork skills in preparation for the world of work |

| | |

|E.8.1 Analyze the parts of the problem-solving process |E.8.1.2 Identify alternative ways of achieving a goal |

|E.8.2 Apply problem-solving skills to a current issue or concern |E.8.1.3 Apply effective conflict resolution skills to a current issue or |

| |problem |

| | |

|I.8.5 Identify and describe the various kinds of leadership and |G.8.1.2 Demonstrate the skills needed to cope effectively with peer |

|leadership behaviors |pressure |

|I.8.6 Identify and apply to various roles and responsibilities of a |G.8.1.2 Demonstrate the skills needed to cope effectively with peer |

|leader within an organization |pressure |


|N/A |- |


|A.1 Understand how career choice, education, skills, |I.8.2.3 Demonstrate the use of information (e.g., about oneself; local, |

|entrepreneurship, and economic conditions affect income |national, and global economic trend; and educational options) to |

| |consider in career decisions |

|A.3 Explain how income affects lifestyle choices and spending |I.8.2.4 Show how beliefs, culture, work values, personal priorities, and |

|decisions |knowledge of the broad range of career opportunities will |

| |influence career decisions |

| | |

|B.3 Develop a financial vision based on an examination of personal |G.8.1.1 Demonstrate individual abilities, strengths, skills, and talents |

|values. | |

| | |

|D.5 Demonstrate ability to use decision-making processes in making |E.8.1.1 Develop an action plan to achieve short- and long-term goals |

|financial decisions related to planning, saving, and investing | |

| | |

|F.2 Practice skills related to fiscal responsibility and personal |E.8.1.2 Identify alternative ways of achieving a goal |

|decision making | |

Grade 8


|A.8.4 Describe the relationship between a healthy lifestyle and |F.8.1.4 Demonstrate the ability to set personal boundaries and advocate |

|simply feeling good |for oneself when these boundaries are violated |

| | |

|D.8.4 Recognize physical activity as a vehicle for self-expression |C.8.1.1 Participate in co-curricular and community experiences to |

| |enhance the school experience |

| | |

|F.8.1 Identify positive and negative peer influence |F.8.1.2 Demonstrate the skills needed to cope effectively with peer |

| |pressure |

|F.8.2 Solve problems by analyzing causes and potential solutions |F.8.1.3 Demonstrate techniques for managing daily stress and conflict |

|F.8.3 Make choices based on the safety of self and others |F.8.1.2 Demonstrate the skills needed to cope effectively with peer |

| |pressure |

|F.8.4 Consider the consequences when confronted with a behavior |F.8.1.4 Demonstrate the ability to set personal boundaries and advocate |

|choice |for oneself when these boundaries are violated |

|F.8.5 Resolve interpersonal conflicts with a sensitivity to rights and |F.8.1.4 Demonstrate the ability to set personal boundaries and advocate |

|feeling of others; find positive ways to exert independence |for oneself when these boundaries are violated |

|F.8.6 Work cooperatively with a group to achieve group goals in |G.8.2.1 Demonstrate the ability to work in and across groups by |

|competitive as well as cooperative settings |applying teamwork skills in preparation for the world of work |

|G.8.1 Recognize the role of sports, games, and dance in modern |D.8.1.1 Respect differences in ethnic and cultural diversity, as well as |

|culture |diversity in other forms (e.g., national origin, gender, disability, |

| |economic status, religion, sexual orientation, or other factors of |

| |human difference) |

|G.8.2 Identify behaviors that are supportive and inclusive in physical- |G.8.2.1 Demonstrate the ability to work in and across groups by |

|activity settings |applying teamwork skills in preparation for the world of work |

|G.8.3 Display sensitivity to the feelings of others during interpersonal |G.8.2.1 Demonstrate the ability to work in and across groups by |

|interactions |applying teamwork skills in preparation for the world of work |

|G.8.4 Respect the physical and performance limitations of self and |G.8.1.1 Demonstrate individual abilities, strengths, skills, and talents |

|others | |


|A.8.5 Analyze how cultures and groups value technology |I.8.3.2 Define how one’s own ethnicity, culture, gender, disability, or |

|differently and how these values influence the |family traditions may affect career choices and plans |

|development and acceptance of technology | |

| | |

|C.8.1 Research and develop a set of solutions to solve a problem not |E.8.1.2 Identify alternative ways of achieving a goal |

|knowing all constraints | |


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