

Subject: English

Grade: 9th

Lesson: Learning Proofreader’s Marks using current technology to instruct, practice, and demonstrate concept.


Students should have prior knowledge of basic grammar and punctuation skills at a grade level expectation of 8th grade or higher. Students will complete a grammar and punctuation review test to demonstrate prior knowledge in this subject area. Students should also have prior knowledge on basic formatting of paragraphs and typed reports. Students will participate in class discussion to review and demonstrate prior knowledge in this subject area.

Students need to apply their prior knowledge by learning to identify and correct the mistakes in their written work and the written work of others. Students need to use a universal marking system to identify and mark mistakes in written work. Students also need to be able to read the marks and make corrections in written work as needed.

Proofreader’s marks provide the universal system needed to allow students to connect concepts of correct grammar, punctuation, and written document formatting. These marks will allow students to demonstrate their knowledge of the concepts through universal symbolic marks. This unit is a four-step process with duration of approximately three to four 50-minute class sessions or one to two 90-minute class sessions.

Design and Development:

Main Objective:

Students will learn to read and correct written and typed documents using universal proofreader’s marks.

Sub Objectives:

• Students will demonstrate prior knowledge of grammar and punctuation skills by completing a review test and participating in class discussion.

• Students will demonstrate prior knowledge of written and typed format of paragraphs and reports by participating in a class activity with the SmartBoard.

• Students will learn proofreader’s marks by listening to instructor presentation and examples with the SmartBoard, student interactive activity with the SmartBoard, and individual practice with correcting and typing a document on the computer.

Show-Me Standards:

CA-1 Speaking and writing Standard English

CA-4 Writing Formally

2. Review and revise communication to improve accuracy and clarity

2.7 Use technology tools to exchange information and ideas

Resources and integration:

➢ Grammar/punctuation review test

o Necessary to prove prior knowledge base

o Quick tool that can be reviewed and discussed in class

➢ SmartBoard, projector, and teacher computer

o Necessary for teacher instruction and review process

o Visual and hands on learning by interactive student lesson

➢ Student computer lab

o Necessary for student assessment/practice

o Hands on learning with current technology


1) Give short review to students

2) Review test with students

3) Discuss paragraph/written format with students by pulling up example documents on the SmartBoard and having students comment about correct format and incorrect format.

4) Teach proofreader’s marks by using a pre-made notebook presentation with the SmartBoard software. The presentation should include the marks and examples to work through with students.

5) Give students handout of typed paragraph. Students will have 10 minutes to review the document for mistakes and suggested changes.

6) Students will participate in interactive activity with the SmartBoard by writing in proofreader’s marks on the same document projected on the SmartBoard. Students will make corrections to their handouts as they see needed if they missed something on their handout.

7) Students will complete an individual activity in the student computer lab. Students will open a passage on the computer, use the drawing tools and keyboard to insert proofreader’s marks. Students will print the marked document. Students will then make the corrections in the passage and print out a final corrected copy to demonstrate understanding of the concept.

Assessment Tools:

Completed in class handout practice (CA-1, CA-4, 2.2)

Interactive class activity (CA-1, CA-4, 2.2, 2.7)

Individual paragraph review with marks and corrected copy (CA-1, CA-4, 2.2, 2.7)


Activity should be implemented according the sequence and structure listed above. Students should engage in review of prior knowledge, learning new knowledge, practicing new knowledge, and demonstrating new knowledge learned.

|Anticipated Concerns |Suggested Solutions |

|Weak prior knowledge |Re-teach grammar, punctuation, and document formatting |

|SmartBoard, Projector, Computer Malfunction |Make back-up arrangements to utilize equipment available in |

| |another area. (i.e. Library) |

|Computer lab unavailable |Continue interactive practice with SmartBoard until lab is |

| |available |

|Weak basic computer skills |Review basic computer functions with students |


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