Ms. Hardman

Addyson Hardman3 December 2015EDE 344 Comprehensive Project-Reading StationsTitle: The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog! Author: Mo Willems Genre: Comedy and Humor Lexile Level: AD300LGrade Level Equivalent: 1st Interest Level: K-2nd I chose the story The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog because of its humor and readability. In first grade what better way is there to catch a student’s attention than by using humor? Also, the story has an appropriate level of vocabulary for first grade, so it should be a fairly easy to grasp for most students at this grade level. The story also demonstrates different types of fonts and sizing, so students are introduced to unconventional types of print. In a classroom setting, this would be something I could either read aloud in a whole group or even have students read together in small groups. Each literacy station has this story incorporated into it in some way. For example, the vocabulary station will be using the word “taste” which is used in the story when the Pigeon is describing his hot dog. Text Complexity-Qualitative Considerations:For most students, this story should not pose a problem in understanding. However, there are some elements that might be confusing for some students. These include the different fonts and size of letters throughout the story. These concepts might need better explanation, which if I were to do so I would tell the students it is to show different expression and tone. There is also a spread in the story which is almost a comic-book set-up; the students may need reminded of the print convention that print is read from left to right and top to bottom. This text has a single-level of meaning. The text has a conventional structure, as the characters are posed a problem which they then solve at the end. The language itself is clear; however the different fonts might make it harder for the students to understand. The pictures add clarity to the story, as they match the emotions and actions exhibited by each character on that current page. Activity OneVocabulary“Rock n’ Rollin Vocab”1.RV.3.1 Identify words and phrases in stories, poems, or songs that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses (touch, hearing, sight, taste, smell).1.RV.3.2 Ask and answer questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a nonfiction text.The learning target of this activity is for the students to better understand the more challenging vocabulary words throughout our, The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog!Description: Here, the students will choose one of the vocabulary words from the story. There will be six activities and the student will have a six-sided dice. The student will roll their dice and match the number to the correlating activity. The student will need to complete all six activities in the allotted time. The students will have a worksheet on which they can complete all of their activities. These activities will be as follows:Write the word in a sentenceWrite the word three timesFind the definition of the wordIllustrate the wordWrite a synonym for the wordWrite an antonym for the wordResources: adventuresofroom129. (found through pinterest)Activity 2Literature“Salad Bowl Story”1.RL.4.1 Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events.1.RL.2.2 Retell stories, fables, and fairy tales in sequence, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson.Through this activity, the students will better understand how illustrations help to describe a character or event. They will also be able to give key details in sequence in order to gain a better understanding of literary conventions, as well as demonstrating an understanding of the central lesson. Finally, the students will also make prediction about what happens after the end of the story. This should help with the students understanding that all of these elements contribute to the full story.Description: For this activity, students will have a set of activities and questions to complete on the construction paper provided. Students will do activities such as, “making a drawing of the main characters,” and answer questions like, “what was the problem and the solution to that problem?” After they have completed all of these activities, they will cut out their construction paper and put it into the mixing bowl. Each student will contribute their work. This is to help with the understanding that all of these key elements make up the story.Resources: PinterestActivity 3Phonological Awareness “Construction Worders”1.RF.3.2 Blend sounds, including consonant blends, to produce single- and multi-syllable words.1.RF.3.3 Add, delete, or substitute sounds to change single-syllable words.This activity is to build upon student’s ability to blend single sounds, as well as consonant and vowel digraphs using common sight words found in The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog! Students will also be able to further their understanding of adding, deleting and substituting sounds to change single syllable words. Description: During this activity, students will be using the file folder word builders provided. These will consist of single letters, consonant digraphs and vowel digraphs. The station will also provide common sight words found in the story. Using these sight words, students will build each individual word using the digraphs and letters provided in the file folder. Students will check off each word they complete. If they complete all of the words, they may show their check list to the teacher for a sticker. Resource: Pinterest ................

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