SETDA Teacher Survey

SETDA District Survey

Directions: This survey is about technology use by schools in your district. You will be asked about technology use, the availability of technology in your district, and district policies or resources related to technology.

In all questions that follow, “technology” refers to computers (including PDA’s or “Palm Pilots”) or equipment that is used with computers (e.g., scanners, printers, digital video recorders, etc.). Do not consider overhead projects, traditional (i.e. analog) VCRs, or tape recorders when answering these questions.

Most districts across the nation are not yet at the point where budgets, funding requirements, technology resources, etc. allow teachers, students, and administrators to use technology to its full potential. This survey will help identify specific areas of need and will help track changes in these issues over time. For the survey to be most useful, it is important that you respond as honestly as you can. Please be assured that individual responses will never be used for reporting.

Thank you for your help!!

Background Information

District Name:



NCES District ID (((((((

|D1 |

| |

|What position do you hold? |

|O a. Superintendent |

|O b. Assistant Superintendent |

|O c. District Technology Director |

|O d. Other Central Office Administrator |

|D2 |

| |

|How many students are enrolled in your district this year? |

|(((((( |

|D3 |

| |

|As of this year, how many schools does your district include? |

| |

|((( Elementary |

|((( Middle |

|((( High |

|((( Special |

|D4 |

| |

|By the end of this school year, how many years will you have been in your current position? |

|(( |

|D5 |

| |

|By the end of this school year, how many years will you have been a district administrator? |

|(( |


|D6 |

| |

|Are data being collected to determine if technology is impacting student achievement in the core content areas (reading, math, science, |

|social studies/sciences)? |

|O No |

|O Yes, to some extent |

|O Yes, definitely |

| |

|D7 |

| |

|Do those data clearly indicate that technology is positively affecting student achievement? |

|O No |

|O Yes, to some extent |

|O Yes, definitely |


|D8 |

| |

|Are data being collected to determine if technology is impacting students’ 21st Century Skills (like visual literacy, self direction, or |

|global awareness)? |

|O No |

|O Yes, to some extent |

|O Yes, definitely |

| |

|D9 |

| |

|Do those data clearly indicate that technology is positively affecting students’ 21st Century Skills (like visual literacy, self direction, |

|or global awareness)? |

|O No |

|O Yes, to some extent |

|O Yes, definitely |


|D10 |

| |

|Are data being collected to determine if technology is impacting students’ technology literacy? |

|O No |

|O Yes, to some extent |

|O Yes, definitely |

| |

|D11 |

| |

|Do those data clearly indicate that technology is positively affecting students’ technology literacy? |

|O No |

|O Yes, to some extent |

|O Yes, definitely |


|D12 |

| |

|Are data being collected to determine if technology is impacting student engagement? |

|O No |

|O Yes, to some extent |

|O Yes, definitely |

| |

|D13 |

| |

|Do those data clearly indicate that technology is positively affecting student engagement? |

|O No |

|O Yes, to some extent |

|O Yes, definitely |


|D14 | | | |

| | | | |

|Is there a district-wide expectation that students will have become proficient by the time|Elementary |Middle Schools |High Schools |

|they graduate from the school level indicated to the right in: |Schools | | |

|a. Understanding the fundamentals of technology systems (e.g., understanding distinctions | | | |

|between hardware and software; familiarity with basic computer functions) |( |( |( |

|b. Understanding ethical, legal, and societal issues related to technology use (e.g., the | | | |

|Internet and individual right to privacy) and to using technology in ethical ways |( |( |( |


|D15 | | | |

| | | | |

|Does your district collect data on student proficiency at the school levels indicated to |Elementary |Middle Schools |High Schools |

|the right in: |Schools | | |

|a. Understanding the fundamentals of technology systems (e.g., understanding distinctions |( |( |( |

|between hardware and software; familiarity with basic computer functions) | | | |

|b. Understanding ethical, legal, and societal issues related to technology use (e.g., the |( |( |( |

|Internet and individual right to privacy) and to using technology in ethical ways | | | |


|D16 |

| |

|For which technologies does your district specify grade levels and content areas where students will use this technology? |

|( a. Word processing/document processing |

|( b. Spreadsheets (for data analysis and management) |

|( c. Other data analysis (e.g., SPSS, Fathom, Mathematica) or database software (e.g., Microsoft Access, Filemaker Pro) |

|( d. Email (including attachment and address book features) and Web browsers (including book-marking, “back” or “home” features |

|( e. Presentation software (e.g., PowerPoint, Astound) |

|( f. Multimedia editing or authoring tools (e.g., Authorware, Hyperstudio Photoshop, Illustrator) or video editing technology |

|( g. Graphic editing and manipulation software (e.g., Photoshop, Illustrator) |

|( h. Web browsers – Basic functions and efficiency (e.g., book-marking, using the “back” or “home” features) |

|( i. Electronic information sources like the WEB, ERIC, EBSCO (searching for these efficiently, for example by using “and” / “or” to |

|narrow/expand your search, identifying synonyms or keywords) |

|( j. Technologies specific to your field (e.g., probeware in the sciences, geographic information systems in the social sciences) |


|D17 |

| |

|For which technologies does your district collect data on student proficiency? |

|( a. Word processing/document processing |

|( b. Spreadsheets (for data analysis and management) |

|( c. Other data analysis (e.g., SPSS, Fathom, Mathematica) or database software (e.g., Microsoft Access, Filemaker Pro) |

|( d. Email (including attachment and address book features) and Web browsers (including book-marking, “back” or “home” features |

|( e. Presentation software (e.g., PowerPoint, Astound) |

|( f. Multimedia editing or authoring tools (e.g., Authorware, Hyperstudio Photoshop, Illustrator) or video editing technology |

|( g. Graphic editing and manipulation software (e.g., Photoshop, Illustrator) |

|( h. Web browsers – Basic functions and efficiency (e.g., book-marking, using the “back” or “home” features) |

|( i. Electronic information sources like the WEB, ERIC, EBSCO (searching for these efficiently, for example by using “and” / “or” to |

|narrow/expand your search, identifying synonyms or keywords) |

|( j. Technologies specific to your field (e.g., probeware in the sciences, geographic information systems in the social sciences) |


| |

|Does your district require teachers to use technology for the specific purpose of improving achievement in: |

| | | | |

|D18 | | |Not Required/Suggested: |

| |Required |Suggested |Left to Teacher/School’s |

|Elementary Schools | | |Discretion |

|a. Writing |O |O |O |

|b. Mathematics |O |O |O |

|c. Science |O |O |O |

|d. Elective areas, where appropriate (arts, foreign language) |O |O |O |

| | | | |

|D19 | | |Not Required/Suggested: |

| |Required |Suggested |Left to Teacher/School’s |

| | | |Discretion |

|Middle Schools | | | |

|a. Writing |O |O |O |

|b. Mathematics |O |O |O |

|c. Science |O |O |O |

|d. Elective areas, where appropriate (arts, foreign language) |O |O |O |

| | | | |

|D20 | | |Not Required/Suggested: |

| |Required |Suggested |Left to Teacher/School’s |

| | | |Discretion |

|High Schools | | | |

|a. Writing |O |O |O |

|b. Mathematics |O |O |O |

|c. Science |O |O |O |

|d. Elective areas, where appropriate (arts, foreign language) |O |O |O |


|D21 |

| |

|When the district promotes a specific use of technology, or invests in technology programs for students, how often are those uses based in |

|research (i.e., is there research specifically demonstrating the effect of those uses)? |

|O Always or almost always |

|O Sometimes, or in some subject areas |

|O Currently we have no mechanism for reviewing research when integrating technology |

|O Not applicable; the district does not promote specific uses of technology |


|D22 |

| |

|In this district, teachers: |

|(Select one) |

|O Are expected to use technology regularly, as appropriate to their teaching assignment (e.g., once a week) |

|O Are expected to use technology a few times each year |

|O O Decide individually (or school-by-school) whether and how often they will use technology. There are no district-wide expectations for |

|how technology will be used. |


|D23 |

| |

|In this district, teachers in the same grade or subject-area: |

|(Select one) |

|O Share little or no common understanding about how technology will be used. Teachers decide individually whether and how they will use |

|technology |

|O Share some common understanding about how technology should be used; however, some teachers implement these uses and others do not. (For |

|example, your earth science curriculum guide identifies spreadsheets as the adopted way of teaching graphing and data analysis; however, |

|some teachers do not use technology for these purposes.) |

|O Share a common understanding about how technology will be used to enhance learning, and there are clear expectations that technology will |

|be used in these ways. (For example, your earth science curriculum guide identifies spreadsheets as the adopted way of teaching graphing and|

|data analysis, and every earth science teacher uses technology for these purposes.) |


|D24 |

| |

|My district has: |

|(Check all that apply) |

|O a. Identified specific skills (e.g., using technology to collect and organize data) that students must have in order to be technologically|

|literate |

|O b. A specific program or plan for helping students become technologically literate (e.g., responsibilities are officially assigned to |

|subject areas for covering different technology skills, or students take stand-alone courses to build technology literacy) |

|O c. A formal assessment of student technology literacy |


|D25 |

| |

|“Best practices with technology” are technology-supported teaching practices that either have a basis in educational theory or are supported|

|by research. |

| |

|Our district: |

|(Select one) |

|O Has a formal process for identifying best practices and then ensuring that every classroom teacher (for whom those uses are appropriate) |

|learns of those practices |

|O Has a formal process for identifying best practices and sharing them with school leaders, if they are interested. It is left to the |

|school’s discretion if and how those practices are disseminated to teachers. |

|O Does not identify best practices at the district-level |


|D26 |

| |

|How frequently does your district communicate information about innovations and best practice in teaching with technology to district |

|schools and teachers? |

|(Select one) |

|O On an ongoing basis |

|O Occasionally |

|O Almost never |


|D27 |

| |

|Has your district adopted or established technology standards for teachers that define what they should know and be able to do with learning|

|technologies? |

|O Yes |

|O No |


|D28 |

| |

|Which of the following is your district using? |

|(Select one) |

|O ISTE NETs for Teachers |

|O Our state’s technology standards for teachers |

|O District-developed technology standards for teachers |

|O Other |

|O Don’t know |


|D29 |

| |

|My district: |

|(Select all that apply) |

|( a. Assesses whether teachers have met these standards |

|( b. Has a formal process for certifying teachers who meet technology standards |

|( c. Has established a time frame by which new and existing teachers will meet technology standards |


| |D30 |D31 |D32 |

| | | | |

| |Offer teacher |Require teachers to either | |

|For which technologies does your district: |professional |demonstrate proficiency or | |

| |development (e.g., |participate in professional |Assess teacher |

| |workshops, courses) |development |proficiency |

|a. Word processing/document processing |( |( |( |

|b. Spreadsheets (for data analysis and management) |( |( |( |

|c. Other data analysis (SPSS, Fathom, Mathematica) or database |( |( |( |

|software (Microsoft Access, Filemaker Pro) | | | |

|d. Email (including attachment and address book features) and Web | | | |

|browsers (including book-marking, “back” or “home” features) |( |( |( |

|e. Presentation software (e.g., PowerPoint, Astound) |( |( |( |

|f. Multimedia editing or authoring tools (e.g., Authorware, | | | |

|Hyperstudio, Photoshop, Illustrator) or video editing technology |( |( |( |

|g. Graphic peripherals (e.g., scanners, digital cameras, etc.) |( |( |( |

|h. Electronic information sources like the WEB, ERIC, EBSCO | | | |

|(searching these efficiently, for example by using “and” / “or” to |( |( |( |

|narrow/expand your search, identifying synonyms for keywords) | | | |

|i. Technologies specific to your field (e.g., probeware in the | | | |

|sciences, geographic information systems in the social sciences) |( |( |( |

Rows A & B: C2-2; Item C: C2-3; Item D: C2-4; Item E: C2-5

| |D33 |D34 |D35 |

| | |Require teachers to either | |

| |Offer teacher |demonstrate proficiency on | |

|For which skills does your district: |professional |this skill or to participate |Assess teacher |

| |development (e.g., |in professional development |proficiency |

| |workshops, courses) | | |

|a. Planning technology supported instruction that meets content | | | |

|standards | | | |

| |( |( |( |

|(e.g., how technology might enhance students’ content-learning; | | | |

|selecting technologies based on research) | | | |

|b. Implementing technology-supported instruction | | | |

| | | | |

|(e.g., ways of using technology to meet diverse learning needs of |( |( |( |

|students; strategies for managing and organizing the classroom when | | | |

|technology is being used) | | | |

|c. Using technology to facilitate student assessment | | | |

| | | | |

|(e.g., using electronic gradebooks, or online tests, analyzing and |( |( |( |

|interpreting data on student progress). | | | |

|d. Assessing student work when it was produced using technology | | | |

| | | | |

|(e.g., assessing student work when it is a multi-media product or |( |( |( |

|electronic portfolio rather than the traditional essay) | | | |

|e. Using technology for one’s own professional work | | | |

| | | | |

|(e.g., using online resources for professional development, using |( |( |( |

|email to communicate with parents and colleagues, using | | | |

|administrative tools for tracking attendance and grades) | | | |


IMPORTANT: Questions D36 & D37 ask about technology in “a typical school.” For our purpose, “a typical school” is one that is neither at the high nor the low end of technology infrastructure – but rather represents what happens most frequently in your district.

|D36 | | | | |

| |1 student |2-5 |6-10 |11 or more |

|What is the ratio of students to computers in a typical… |to 1 computer |students to 1 computer |students to 1 |students to 1 |

| |(1:1) |(2:1 – 5:1) |computer (6:1 – 10:1)|computer (11:1 |

| | | | |+) |

|a. ELEMENTARY school building |O |O |O |O |

|b. MIDDLE school building |O |O |O |O |

|c. HIGH school building |O |O |O |O |


|D37-A |

| |

|In the typical ELEMENTARY school, what percent of computers (for students) are in each of the environments below? (Note: Total percent |

|should add up to 100) |

|a. % in classrooms | % |

|b. % on mobile carts | % |

|c. % in computer labs | % |

|d. % in libraries, media centers, or other public places | % |

|D37-B |

| |

|In the typical MIDDLE school, what percent of computers (for students) are in each of the environments below? (Note: Total percent should |

|add up to 100) |

|a. % in classrooms | % |

|b. % on mobile carts | % |

|c. % in computer labs | % |

|d. % in libraries, media centers, or other public places | % |

|D37-C |

| |

|In the typical HIGH school, what percent of computers (for students) are in each of the environments below? |

|(Note: Total percent should add up to 100) |

|a. % in classrooms | % |

|b. % on mobile carts | % |

|c. % in computer labs | % |

|d. % in libraries, media centers, or other public places | % |


|D38 |

| |

|Which best describes school and district access to student information? |

|O No access |

|O Some student information is available electronically |

|O All student information is available electronically |


|D39 |

| |

|District business information (including budgets) is: |

|O Not yet automated |

|O Partially automated through the use of office applications (e.g., spreadsheets, word processors) |

|O Automated through the use of a comprehensive fund accounting package |


|D40 |

| |

|District personnel records (e.g., sick days, pay scales, credentials) are: |

|O Not yet automated |

|O Partially automated or not centralized |

|O Completely automated in a centralized database |

Rows A-F: C3-3; Rows G-K: C3-1

|D41 | | | | | |

| |0 – 20% |21 – 40% |41 – 60% |61 – |81 – 100% |

|What percentage of schools in your district have: | | | |80% | |

|c. High speed Internet connectivity in computer labs |O |O |O |O |O |

|e. High speed Internet connectivity in the Principal/Assistant Principal’s offices |O |O |O |O |O |

|g. Data projectors for teachers (may be available for checkout or in classrooms) |O |O |O |O |O |

|i. Scanners for use by students and teachers |O |O |O |O |O |

|k. Digital video cameras for use by students and |O |O |O |O |

|teachers | | | | |

|a. Computers with high speed Internet or Intranet |O |O |O |O |

|connectivity | | | | |

|b. Printers |O |O |O |O |


| | | | | |

|D43 |At any time |By special arrangement |Only if their teacher has |Students do not |

| |(class time, |during free periods, |reserved space during a |have access to |

|In most MIDDLE SCHOOLS in your district, students |free periods, |lunch, recess |specified time period or if|this technology |

|have access to this technology during the school |lunch, recess) | |their teacher is teaching a|during the school |

|day: | | |particular unit/course |day |

| | | |(special arrangements are | |

| | | |typically not made) | |

|a. Computers with high speed Internet or Intranet |O |O |O |O |

|connectivity | | | | |

|b. Printers |O |O |O |O |


| | | | | |

|D44 |At any time |By special arrangement |Only if their teacher has |Students do not |

| |(class time, |during free periods, |reserved space during a |have access to |

| |free periods, |lunch, recess |specified time period or if|this technology |

|In most HIGH SCHOOLS in your district, students |lunch, recess) | |their teacher is teaching a|during the school |

|have access to this technology during the school | | |particular unit/course |day |

|day: | | |(special arrangements are | |

| | | |typically not made) | |

|a. Computers with high speed Internet or Intranet |O |O |O |O |

|connectivity | | | | |

|b. Printers |O |O |O |O |


|D45 | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|For what proportion of schools in this district are the following statements true?|0 – |21 – |41 – |61 – |81 – 100% |

| |20% |40% |60% |80 % | |

|c. A community resource (e.g. Community Center, district office, or local library)|O |O |O |O |O |

|provides students with access to computers before and after school. | | | | | |

|e. The majority of students have computers at home. |O |O |O |O |O |

Rows A & Rows C-F: C3-5; Row B: C3-3; Row G: C3-6; Row H: C3-4

|D46 | | | | | |

| |0 – |21 – |41 – |61 – |81 – |

|For what proportion of schools in this district offer students the following: |20% |40% |60% |80 % |100% |

|c. Electronic storage space (e.g., an eLocker or a folder on a server) |O |O |O |O |O |

|e. Online access to databases (e.g. , EBSCO, SIRS) |O |O |O |O |O |

Rows A-E: C3-5 Row F: C3-6

| |

| |

|To what extent does your district provide teachers in elementary, middle, high schools with: |

| | | | |

|D47 | | | |

| | | | |

|Elementary Schools |Yes, to all |Yes, to some schools |No |

| |schools | | |

|a. Server space for the purpose of posting their own web pages or class materials |O |O |O |

|(handouts, assignments, notes, practice exams) online | | | |

|b. Access to district resources (multi-media resources, professional development |O |O |O |

|materials) online (over the Internet or Intranet) | | | |

|c. Access to basic productivity software (presentation, word processing, spreadsheets) |O |O |O |

|d. Access to course management and delivery software (e.g., Blackboard, WebCT, and | | | |

|Bigchalk are software programs that allow courses to be delivered online) |O |O |O |

|e. Access to electronic administrative tools (e.g., electronic gradebooks) |O |O |O |

|f. Online curricula (e.g., Beyond Books) |O |O |O |

|g. Opportunities for distance learning (e.g., professional development offered over the |O |O |O |

|Internet or through video-conferencing) | | | |

| | | | |

Rows A-E: C3-5 Row F: C3-6

|D48 | | | |

| | | | |

|Middle Schools |Yes, to all |Yes, to some schools |No |

| |schools | | |

|a. Server space for the purpose of posting their own web pages or class materials |O |O |O |

|(handouts, assignments, notes, practice exams) online | | | |

|b. Access to district resources (multi-media resources, professional development |O |O |O |

|materials) online (over the Internet or Intranet) | | | |

|c. Access to basic productivity software (presentation, word processing, spreadsheets) |O |O |O |

|d. Access to course management and delivery software (e.g., Blackboard, WebCT, and | | | |

|Bigchalk are software programs that allow courses to be delivered online) |O |O |O |

|e. Access to electronic administrative tools (e.g., electronic gradebooks) |O |O |O |

|f. Online curricula (e.g., Beyond Books) |O |O |O |

|g. Opportunities for distance learning (e.g., professional development offered over the |O |O |O |

|Internet or through video-conferencing) | | | |

| | | | |

|D49 | | | |

| | | | |

|High Schools |Yes, to all |Yes, to some schools |No |

| |schools | | |

|a. Server space for the purpose of posting their own web pages or class materials |O |O |O |

|(handouts, assignments, notes, practice exams) online | | | |

|b. Access to district resources (multi-media resources, professional development |O |O |O |

|materials) online (over the internet or intranet) | | | |

|c. Access to basic productivity software (presentation, word processing, spreadsheets) |O |O |O |

|d. Access to course management and delivery software (for example, Blackboard, WebCT, and| | | |

|Bigchalk are software programs that allow courses to be delivered online) |O |O |O |

|e. Access to electronic administrative tools (for example, electronic gradebooks) |O |O |O |

|f. Online curricula (for example, Beyond Books) |O |O |O |

|g. Opportunities for distance learning (for example, professional development offered over|O |O |O |

|the internet or through video-conferencing) | | | |


| |

|Approximately what percent of elementary, middle, and high schools in your district have 2-way video learning equipment in the building? |

| | |

|D50 | |

| |( ( % |

|% of ELEMENTARY schools | |

| | |

|D51 | |

| |( ( % |

|% of MIDDLE schools | |

| | |

|D52 | |

| |( ( % |

|% of HIGH schools | |


|D53 | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|In a typical school in your district, |A few minutes |1/2 to 1 hour |1 to 4 hours |1/2 to 1 full day |2 to 5 days |

|how long does it take to do each of the| | | | | |

|following? | | | | | |

|c. Information about absences, | | | | | |

|behavioral referrals, or other related |O |O |O |O |O |

|issues | | | | | |

|c. Information about absences, behavioral referrals, or other related issues | | | |

| |O |O |O |

|a. Individual voice mailboxes for teachers |O |O |O |

|b. Individual voice mailboxes for administrators |O |O |O |

|c. Online grading |O |O |O |


IMPORTANT: Question D57 asks about different groups of students’ access to:

Technology for learning: Examples include access to up-to-date computers in the classroom, scheduled time in computer labs, etc.

|D57 |

| |

|Do all schools in your district that are at the same grade level (e.g., all elementary schools) have approximately the same level of access |

|to technology for learning? |

|O Don’t know |

|O Some schools have far less access and others have far more |

|O Some schools have somewhat less access and others have somewhat more |

|O There is no real difference between schools |


|D58 | |

| | |

|What percent of your Title 1 budget is allocated to technology-supported learning? Include amounts allocated for |( (% |

|technology-related staff development. | |


|D59 |

| |

|Does your district have a formal, written vision for how technology should be used by students and by teachers to improve teaching and |

|learning? |

|O Yes. Every school principal is familiar with it. |

|O Yes. Some principals are familiar with it and others are not. |

|O No. |


|D60 |

| |

|Which of the following groups were involved in the development of your vision statement? |

|(Check all that apply) |

|( a. District leaders |

|( b. District technology personnel |

|( c. School leaders |

|( d. School teachers |

|( e. School technology personnel |

|( f. Parents |

|( g. Businesses |

|( h. Other community representatives |

|( i. Students |


|D61 | | | |

| | | | |

|Answer this question ONLY if your district has a formal, written vision statement. |Very true |Somewhat true |Not at all true |

|Our vision statement: | | | |

|Specifically states that our school must prepare students for the technological age |O |O |O |


|D62 | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Our academic learning standards or content standards: |Very |Somewhat True |Not at all |I don’t know|

| |True | |True | |

|a. Specifically incorporate technology literacy |O |O |O |O |

|b. Specifically incorporate digital age literacies or 21st Century Skills (like |O |O |O |O |

|information literacy, visual literacy, self-direction, etc) | | | | |

| | | | | |

|D63 | | | | |

| | | | | |

|When teachers design curriculum and plan instruction, this district requires that they |Very |Somewhat True |Not at all |I don’t know|

|always consider: |True | |True | |

|21st Century Skills (like information literacy, visual literacy, global awareness, and |O |O |O |O |

|self-direction, etc.) | | | | |

| | | | | |

|D64 | | | | |

| |Very |Somewhat True |Not at all |I don’t know|

|In this district, we have assessments that: |True | |True | |

|a. Measure students’ technology literacy |O |O |O |O |

|b. Measure 21st Century Skills (like information literacy, visual literacy, global |O |O |O |O |

|awareness and self-direction, etc.) | | | | |

Rows A-C & Row F: C5-3; Row D: C5-8 Row E: C5-4

IMPORTANT: Questions D65-D67 ask about technology-related policies, training and incentives in your school or district. It is understood that some of the issues addressed in the questions are limited by budgets, funding requirements, or state/federal policies, and may not be in the control of school/district leadership. Please respond to each item as honestly as you can.

|D65 | |Agree |Disagree | |

| |Strongly | | |Strongly |

|Rate your agreement with the following statements. |Agree | | |Disagree |

|In my district: | | | | |

|a. We identify which technology practices have documented, positive results |O |O |O |O |

|b. We formally review such practices to determine whether they are appropriate for our |O |O |O |O |

|students | | | | |

|c. Our staff or leadership team sets year-long targets for district-wide adoption of these|O |O |O |O |

|technology solutions | | | | |

|d. Practices identified as research-based or “proven”– including lesson plans and |O |O |O |O |

|curricula – are posted online so that they are accessible by teachers throughout the | | | | |

|district | | | | |

|e. Incentives are provided for schools (and/or teachers) that adopt proven best practices |O |O |O |O |

|related to technology (e.g., laptops, conference attendance, stipends for professional | | | | |

|development) | | | | |

|f. Teacher salary scales include teachers’ participation in technology-related |O |O |O |O |

|professional development. | | | | |


|D66 | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|For what proportion of schools in your district are the following |0 – |21 – |41 – |61 – |81 – |I don’t |

|statements true? |20% |40% |60% |80 % |100% |know |

|c. Teachers are excited about learning new ways of improving student | | | | | | |

|learning in their content areas or grade levels |O |O |O |O |O |O |

|e. School leadership is willing to support – through funding or manpower – teachers’ efforts to innovate and integrate technology |

|( a. Release time for planning the use of technology |

|( b. Schedule changes so teachers have time to learn and plan collaboratively |

|( c. Classes or workshops related to technology integration |

|( d. Expectations/requirement that professional staff use technology |

|( e. Ability to check out school technology for use over the summer months |

|( f. Special purchasing plans for technology (e.g., discounts, paybacks through professional development, or interest- |

|free loans) |

|( g. Funding or grants for classroom-based and media center technology resources |

|( h. Access to a technology-based administrative/student information system |

|( i. Technology certification for teachers |

|( j. Salary incentives for teachers participating in technology related professional development |

|( k. Public acknowledgement or recognition (e.g., in newsletters or during school board meetings) of effective |

|teacher uses of technology |


|D68 | | | | |

| | | | | |

|During this school year, what percentage of schools will involve students in projects:|0 – |21 – |41 – |61 – |

| |20% |40% |60% |80 % |

|a. When making decisions about adding to or modifying school technology facilities or |O |O |O |O |

|resources, the community and how it might be served plays a role in our | | | | |

|decision-making process. | | | | |

|b. Schools and/or the Central District Office have increased parents’ and community’s |O |O |O |O |

|access to technology by allowing them to use our facilities. | | | | |


|D70 |

| |

|Has your school adopted technology standards for administrators [e.g., the Technology Standards for School Administrators (TSSA)]? |

|O Yes |

|O No |


|D71 |

| |

|If your school has adopted standards, are administrators assessed on their achievement of those standards? |

|O Yes |

|O No |


|D72 |

| |

|If administrators are assessed, what percent of administrators have achieved these standards? |

|O 0 – 20% |

|O 21 – 40% |

|O 41 – 60% |

|O 61 – 80% |

|O 81 – 100% |


|D73 |

| |

|Are technology outcomes specifically included in the evaluation criteria for district and building administrators? |

|O Yes |

|O No |


|D74 |

| |

|Which of the following best describes the schools in your district? |

|O Schools do not typically have a technology plan. Technology use is left up to individual teachers. |

|O Schools have a technology plan, but this is separate from the school-improvement plan. |

|O Schools have a school improvement plan that has integrated technology-related goals and strategies in a systematic way |


|D75 | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Professional development offered by my school or district: |Very True |Somewhat True |Not at all |I don’t |

| | | |True |Know |

|a. Prepares teachers to discuss specific research or theory upon which the training is |O |O |O |O |

|based. | | | | |

|b. Prepares teachers to assess student work produced with technology (e.g., when students |O |O |O |O |

|produce a research report using a variety of online resources) | | | | |

|c. Includes opportunities for teachers to see actual examples of technology applied to |O |O |O |O |

|learning in classrooms similar to their own | | | | |

|d. Allows teachers to practice skills acquired during professional development in a real or |O |O |O |O |

|simulated classroom settings | | | | |

|e. Includes time for teachers to work together, and to discuss and plan for using technology|O |O |O |O |

|in the classroom | | | | |

|f. Is flexible enough to change direction or focus, depending on teachers’ needs and |O |O |O |O |

|interests | | | | |

|g. Explicitly shows participants how specific technology uses are related to standards and |O |O |O |O |

|school improvement goals | | | | |

|h. Takes into account the resources, equipment and support available to teachers, and makes | | | | |

|certain in advance that the uses of technology covered during training can be implemented in|O |O |O |O |

|the classroom | | | | |

|i. Includes strategies for getting "behind the classroom door," that requires teachers to |O |O |O |O |

|observe and be observed by other teachers | | | | |

|j. Tracks teachers as they gain skills, and provides opportunities for even the most |O |O |O |O |

|advanced integrators of technology to enhance their skills | | | | |


|D76 |

| |

|Which of the following are schools required to document and report to your district? |

|(Check all that apply) |

|( a. Basic information about computer facilities, equipment, and capacity |

|( b. School technology programs and innovations |

|( c. Student achievement outcomes that are related to the use of technology |

|( d. Other student outcomes (e.g., 21st Century Skills, motivation) that are related to the use of technology |

|( e. A cost-benefit analysis of technology use for education |


|D77 | | | |

| | | | |

|To what extent does your district use information about each of the following to make decisions | | | |

|about funding, hardware/software acquisitions, and district policies about technology use? |Used |Used Somewhat |Not Used |

| |Extensively | | |

|a. Computer facilities, equipment, and capacity |O |O |O |

|b. Research and best practice related to learning technology |O |O |O |

|c. Student achievement outcomes resulting from the use of technology |O |O |O |

|d. The contributions technology can make to other student outcomes (for example, 21st Century |O |O |O |

|Skills; motivation) that are related to the use of technology | | | |

|e. The costs vs. benefits of technology use for education (i.e. a cost-benefit analysis) |O |O |O |


|D78 | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|In approximately what proportion of schools do: |0 – |21 – |41 – |61 – |81 – |I don’t |

| |20% |40% |60% |80 % |100% |know |

|c. School administrators track how teachers in each grade or | | | | | | |

|subject-area department use technology |O |O |O |O |O |O |


|D79 |

| |

|How equitable is technology funding ($$ per student enrolled) for schools serving similar grade levels (e.g., elementary schools) across your|

|district? |

|(Select one) |

|O Some schools have far less funding and others have far more |

|O Some schools have somewhat less funding and others have somewhat more |

|O There is little or no difference between schools serving similar grade levels |


|D80 |Non-Existen| | |Good |Excellent |

| |t |Very |Adequate or| | |

|In your district, how adequate is technology funding for each of the | |Poor/Barely |Pretty Good| | |

|following purposes? | |Adequate | | | |

|(Select one) | | | | | |

|c. Building network connectivity |O |O |O |O |O |

|e. Instructional support for teachers who want to use technology with their students |


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