Diagnostic Test & Answers - Glendale Community College

Diagnostic Test & Answers

Directions: Select the best word to complete the statment and then mark the

corresponding letter on your scantron.

6. An essay that explains something is using __exposition_.

a. exposition b. causal analysis c. description d. narration e. classification

7. _Coherence__ allows readers to move easily from one sentence to the next without feeling that there are any gaps in the sequence of your ideas.

a. unity b. completeness c. order d. coherence e. all of these

9. Following are four types of diction: 1) colloquial 2) popular 3) slang and

4) learned. Which of the following reflects an order from informal to formal?

a. 3 2 1 4 b. 4 2 3 1 c. 3 1 2 4 d. 4 1 3 2 e) 1 3 2 4

3) slang, 1) coloquial, 2) popular, 4) learned

10. A comparison between a historical, literary, or mythological event or person and the subject under discussion is called a:

a. analogy b. allusion c. personification d. metaphor e. none of these

11. The word cursor is an example of what kind of language:

a. slang b. popula c. colloquial d. learned e. jargon

13. Identify the times that it is necessary to document sources: 1) use a direct quotation. 2) copy a table, chart or diagram, 3) construct a table from data provided by others 4) summarize a passage 5) paraphrase a passage:

a. 1 & 5 b. 1 & 2 & 5 c) 1 & 2 & 4 d) 1 & 2 & 3 & 5 e) all of them

14. Which of the following is incorrectly written:

a. Caucasian b. Phi Delta Kappa c. Sociology course d. Greek festival

e. department meeting.

Directions: Determine if there are any errors in grammar or usage in the following sentences. If the sentence is correct mark (a) if there is an error mark (b).

17. Gerard manley Hopkin's short poem God's Grandeur (use quotes for short poems) is a sonnet.

18. Unlike the audience that attends The Gerry Springer Show, Opra Winfreys (Winfrey's needs apostrophe) audience is generally well behaved.

19. Confined to a hospital bed, Rachel had to vote in absentia. (foreign words italicized)

Directions: Mark column (a) for True or column (b) for False.

24. Reading to revise is another name for proofreading. F. p. 77

30. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc is the name of the fallacy which occurs when part of what has to be proved is assumed to be true. F. 146

31. The red herring fallacy uses the introduction of an unrelated issue to divert attention from the real issue. T. p. 146

33. A denotation is an implicit meaning, an implied or suggested attitude that is not stated outright. F p. 227

37. Paraphrasing requires you to think through what the author has said and then restate the information in your own words. T p 358

38. Information that is paraphrased requires documentation. T p 372

39. All quotations must be placed within quotation marks. F p. 370

46. Writing is not considered plagiarism as long as the writer acknowledges the source and documents the passage with a parenthetical reference. F 374

49. In the MLA documentation style readers can locate complete information about your sources only in a list of Cited Works which comes at the end of the paper. T p 378

51. All items in the Works Cited section must be in alphabetical order byTitle. F 380

53. Use of the second person "you" is innapropriate for formal college essays unless one is quoting from another source or writing a process essay when "you" is understood.


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