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3390900-248920COMMUNICATIONUnit 2 – WORKPLACEName: ______________________________________________ Start Date: _______________________ End Date: _______________________Workplace Tracking CarDWorkplace Project AssignmentsDate CompletedValueMarkThe Essentials – Basic Sentence Review – Get Booklet from InstructorPrepositions and Prepositional Phrases20Objects of the preposition5Clauses10Compound, Complex and Compound Complex Sentences5Parts of Speech Review10Paragraph Writing10Final Mark for Grammar Essentials60/10Final Mark for Basic Sentence Review50 /10The Project – Workplace AssignmentsAssignment 1 Workplace Skills/TraitsIdentifying Skills/15Analyzing Skills/15Assignment 2 Employability Skills Demonstration of Personal Employability Skills/40Assignment 3 ReflectionWho Am I? /10Assignment 4 Learning StylesSurvey and Analysis/5Assignment 5 Building a ResumeSelf-Reflection and Resume Writing /25Assignment 6 WHMIS and OHSOH&S & WHMIS Tests and Reflection/10Project MarK /120 /15 /25Outcomes: 1.1Research relevant information about work-related topics1.2Evaluate critically and respond appropriately to a range of complex workplace oriented questions and directions1.3Produce a variety of work-related writing and other forms of representation characterized by increasing complexity of thought, structure and conventionsWORKPLACE ASSIGNMENTSAssignment 1: Workplace Skills/Trait (15 marks)Suggested Resource: Conference Board of Canada – List of Essential Skills (Handout – List of Essential Skills)5285740203200Options for Setting up Assignment 1 – Part A and B If you can cover information for both parts simultaneously, do one assignment. If you need to break it into two parts, do two assignments. The assignments can be done using the same technique or using different techniques…your choice.Option 1 – for the ALP student who enjoys using the computer and/or presenting information orallyUsing an online tool like Prezi () or PowerPoint create an organized presentation about fundamental, personal and teamwork skills making sure you give a clear picture of what each involves and why each is important in the workplace and for Part B, how you demonstrate your expertise in these skills. You could also arrange to discuss these skills with your instructor.49250601657355277485461010Option 2 – for the artistic ALP student who enjoys cutting and pasting and/or drawingCreate an, organized, visually attractive and informative poster or other visual piece about fundamental, personal and teamwork skills making sure you give a clear picture of what each involves and why each is important in the workplace and for Part B, demonstrating your expertise in these skills.47720252759710Option 3 – for the ALP student who enjoys writingCreate an organized essay (no more than two pages double spaced) about fundamental, personal and teamwork skills making sure you give a clear picture of what each involves and why each is important in the workplace and for Part B, demonstrating your expertise in these skills.Part A Identifying Skills You need Essential Skills list to complete this assignment.IN YOUR OWN WORDS or STYLE, describe the four fundamental skills you need to be successfully employed. Next, IN YOUR OWN WORDS or STYLE, describe the five personal management skills you need to be successfully employed. Finally, IN YOUR OWN WORDS or STYLE, describe the two teamwork skills you need for successful employment. Part BAnalyzing Skills (15 marks)Looking at the fundamental skills you have identified illustrate your areas of strength. Give one example for each identified skill and describe how you have demonstrated this strength on the job, at school, or in everyday life.3943985415290Next, looking at the personal management skills you have identified, illustrate your areas of strength. Give one example for each identified skill and describe how you have demonstrated this strength on the job, at school, or in everyday life. Finally, looking at the teamwork skills you have identified, illustrate your areas of strength. Give one example for each identified skill and describe how you have demonstrated this strength on the job, at school, or in everyday life.Identify and describe any areas where you need to work on your skills. Give an example for each, describing how it has had a negative impact on your work, your schooling or your personal life. Describe what you will do to improve in each area. Assignment 2: Employability Skills (40)Part A: Fundamental Skills Assessment (10 marks) the assessmentReflect (written or visual arts piece) on the skills you need to work on and why. Part B: Fundamental Skills Practice (30 marks marks)You are required to complete a skills self-assessment booklet that covers specific workplace skills. Please DO NOT WRITE in the booklet. Instead, write/type your answers on a separate piece of paper. Number each and clearly identify which topic they cover. Include the required heading. Academic students are required to do the Level Three Plus section of the booklet in addition to the graduate level assignments. The Self-Assessment Booklet includes resource materials and questions for:Document Use Level One and Two (5)Level Two and Three (5)Academic Only – Level 3+Reading Text Level One and Two (5)Level Two and Three (5)Academic Only – Level 3+NumeracyLevel One and Two (5)Level Two and Three (5)Academic Only – Level 3+Part C: Write a one paragraph reflection of your experience doing the test bookletsBottom of FormAssignment 3: Who I Am and What Am I Doing Here? (1.3)52685951905Options for Setting up your AssignmentOption 1 – for the ALP student who enjoys using the computerUsing an online tool like Prezi () or PowerPoint create an organized presentation that gives a clear message about who you are and where you are going. 526796066675Option 2 – for the artistic ALP student who enjoys cutting and pasting and/or drawing, painting, poetry writing, etc.Create an, organized, visually attractive and informative poster or collage that gives a clear message about who you are and where you are going. You could also do a painting or write a poem. Show your creative side.50514255922010Option 3 – for the ALP student who enjoys writingCreate an organized five paragraph essay that gives a clear message about who you are and where you are going. Use the following prompts describe who you are, where you came from, what your previous experience is, what skills you have and how you arrived at NSCC in the ALP program. Finally, describe where you want to go from here.In other words, you are describing – WHO you are, WHAT you have done, WHY you have done things, WHERE you are from, WHEN things happened and SO WHAT or WHAT’S NEXT?Use the information you have compiled in previous assignments to help you with the skills part of this assignment.Introduction/Title Introduce topic and outline to the reader/viewerSection 2Explain WHAT has been going on in your life – education, work, family, interests and WHEN things happened to encourage you to make a change.Section 3 Explain WHY you decided to come to ALP and the WHAT’s next for you. Conclusion WRAP IT UP – An idea for your conclusion would be to discuss an action plan to move forward. For example: Four things I will continue do to (in my work and learning environments) to make the change I want to see are … Section 1Explain WHO you are (what you are like as a person, physical attributes and personality traits, etc.) and WHERE you are from (geographic and cultural backgrounds).3177540130175Assignment 4: Learning StylesSurvey: (1.1) It is important to have an understanding of how you learn. Recognizing what works best for you will help you as you proceed in ALP and beyond. Go to the Seeing, Learning and Doing Quiz at . Before completing the survey, identify any terms you are unfamiliar with. Make sure you understand their meaning before you begin. Once you are satisfied you understand all the terminology, complete the survey and submit for results. Print off your results to submit with your project package. If you cannot login to the above site, try Results Analysis (1.2) (1.3)Create a summary of your learning style. How do you learn best? Give an example of how you know this.What will you do while you are in school to make sure that you accommodate your learning style? Find two sources of information on how to accommodate your learning style. Use APA documentation to cite these sources both in text and on a separate reference page.Assignment 5: Introductory Steps to Creating an Effective Resume and Portfolio (1.2) (1.3) Using the information you have compiled in Assignments 1, 2, 3 and 4 (workplace skills, learning style, etc.) create a resume file. In this file, you will be collecting information to include in your resume and portfolio. This is an ongoing assignment that will continue to identify your strengths and competencies and help you set and achieve workplace and school goals. This will not count as your final portfolio for careers but can be a stepping stone to complete this. Gathering InformationTo write an effective resume, you need to understand why you are writing one. In general, if you are applying for a specific job, you need to tailor your resume to meet the requirements of the position. For this assignment, you will be creating a personal file to start storing your information to use in resume and portfolio development.Part A:Using what you know about yourself, your work history and your skills, complete the resume building form. Hand this form in to your instructor. Once it is returned, you can go on to Part B. (10 marks)Part B:Using a resume template or your own design and the information above, create a personal resume. (15 marks)Part C: Using the folder provided, start to build your own portfolio mega-data file. This mega-file is an important step in managing your career. Continue to add to it as you take on new jobs, attend classes, etc. This will make it much easier in the future! (5 marks)Part D:Finally, write a brief reflection that touches on the following (5 marks)What do I do best?What skills do I want to use in my next job?What skills have I developed?What work experience(s) have I found satisfying?What is important about my education? (This usually includes degrees and perhaps specific courses.)Are there unique experiences or talents I want to share?Take time to answer these questions thoughtfully. Doing so will make the task of creating a resume easier. Then organize your materials to answer these questions. There may be some overlap, and that's okay.RESUME BUILDING FORM: Complete each category in the form below. Be as detailed as you can with.CAREER SUMMARY OR CAREER OBJECTIVE – Write a few notes about what your overall career path has been or what you want it to be,.Example 1: A qualified Mechanical Engineering Technologist with experience in automotive heavy metal stampingExample 2 Seeking a position as a junior production editor. Desire position with opportunity for career growthEDUCATIONList the schools or colleges you have attended and diplomas or degrees you have received. You may also include any subjects or programs you specialized in and any honours or awards you have received. You may also list programs you are currently studyingExample: 1995 AutoCad – Advanced Level Certificate, NSCC, Halifax, NSSKILLS AND ABILITIESIdentify any business or other skills and abilities you have gained in school on a job or in other situations, and any activities you have participated in that relate to the job you want.Example: Computer Skills: Skilled on both MAC and PC computers. Studied both in junior high and high school Completed on-the-job training with New Books Publishing. Familiar with Word, Excel and OutlookWORK EXPERIENCEList your work experience, beginning with your most recent job. Include volunteer work if it relates to the job you are applying for. If you have not had work experience, omit this part and concentrate on your Skills and Abilities list.Example: 2005 – 2006 Food Production Specialist at Subways, 99 Wyse Road, Dartmouth, NSProcessed ordersFollowed detailed instructionsMaintained a clean and safe work areaFollowed company proceduresReceived “Employee of the Month” award six times in 2006.INTERESTSList any interests you feel would enhance your chances of getting the job you are applying for.Example: Cross-country skiing, tennis, swimming, chess and home renovationsHONOURS and ACTIVITIESList any awards, certificates, diplomas, clubs and/or associations you have received or been involved withExample: Dean’s List, 2011 Highest Achievement, APA Program, 2010REFERENCESMake a list of at ten possible references that you could use on a resume. Usually, it is adequate to type “References available upon request” but you should have a prepared list of references you can use. Most employers do not want personal references, so include a maximum of three of these on this list.Your reference list should include, Name, Title, Business (if applicable), Phone # and email. Assignment 6: OH&S and WHMIS OH&S and WHMIS Tutorials and Tests (1.1) Complete the tutorials and tests for both WMHIS and OHS by?following the login instructions below.? You must show provide of completion. After you have successfully completed both tests, run off the certificate and place it in your file.NOTE: If you already have your WHMIS and/or OH&S, you do not need to do these tests but you must show proof of completion and you must write a three paragraph essay about the importance of having this knowledge in the workplace. See Part 2 below. To access the tutorials and tests, go to . At the prompts, enter the following log in information:User Name - Use your Student ID proceeded by a capital W (lower case will not work) - Example:? W0002222Password - first four letters of your last name -?If your last name is 4 letters or less, use your whole name - Example:? Last Name Williams - WILL / Example: Last Name Coe - COEWhen you successfully complete your tests - run of the verification page and submit both with your project package. Shortly after completing these tests, you will receive certification cards for both OH&S and WHMIS. You may include this information on your resume. OH&S and WHMIS Reflections (1.2) (1.3)Reflect on the importance of having WHMIS and OH&S knowledge on the job.? Describe what you learned, what surprised you, what you will use in the workplace, what you found irrelevant, etc. For each reflection you must hand in your brainstorm, outline and the final assignment. 5361940353695Options for Setting up Assignment 6 Part 2Option 1 – for the ALP student who enjoys using the computerUsing an online tool like Prezi () or PowerPoint create an organized presentation that gives a clear message about the importance of both WHMIS and OH&S. Make sure your assignment shows the difference between the two. 5287010142875Option 2 – for the artistic ALP student who enjoys cutting and pasting and/or drawing, painting, poetry writing, etc.Create an, organized, visually attractive and informative poster or collage that gives a clear message about the importance of both WHMIS and OH&S. Make sure your assignment shows the difference between the two. Option 3 – for the ALP student who enjoys writingIntroductionCreate an organized five paragraph essay that gives a clear message about the importance of both WHMIS and OH&S. Make sure your assignment shows the difference between the two. Conclusion“Juicy” Detail ................

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