Grade 7

Grade 7 |Eastern Upper Peninsula Writing Curriculum | |

|Grammar and Usage |6 Traits |The Writing Process |Best Practices To Teach Writing |

|     Use style conventions |Ideas - heart of the message; |Focus: Informational Writing |Teach the students the language |

|(reference format) and a variety |content; main theme; details |     Students should have many|they need to think and speak like |

|of grammatical structures in |that enrich and deepen theme |opportunities to take |writers. |

|writing to include: participle |Voice - the soul; the magic; |informational pieces through |Read, score, and justify your |

|phases, adverbial subordinate |the wit; the feeling and |the Writing Process. |scores on sample pages. |

|clauses, superlative |conviction of the individual |Prewriting |Practice and Revision: |

|adjectives/adverbs, |writer; the sense of |     Brainstorm interesting |Working with a partner or small |

|present/past/future and |involvement, punch, flair, |topics |group |

|continuous verb tenses, |style, and courage |     Discuss intended topics, |Working on an anonymous sample |

|parentheses, singular and plural |Organization - the internal |audience, and purpose |Revising for one trait at a time |

|possessive forms, and indefinite |structure; the thread of |     Use graphic organizers to|Literature Connection: |

|pronouns |central meaning; the logical, |develop ideas |Using printed material of all |

|W.GR.07.01 |intriguing pattern of the |     Use pattern guides |kinds to illustrate |

| |ideas; purposeful sequencing |Drafting |strengths/weaknesses in writing |

| |Sentence Fluency - rhythm and |     Write a variety of |Authentic Modeling of Teacher/Peer|

| |flow of the language; sound |narrative and informational |Work |

| |word patterns; varied sentence |texts |R.A.F.T.S. (Role, Audience, |

| |length and sentence beginnings |     Create text features: |Format, Topic, Strong Verb) and |

| |Word Choice - use of rich, |table of contents, boldface |Other Prompts |

| |colorful, precise language; |words, sidebars, captions, |Activities & Trait-Focused Lessons|

| |strong verbs; vivid images; |indexes, bibliography, etc. |Student Goal-Setting and the |

| |memorable moments |     Pattern writing after a |Mentoring Process |

| |Conventions - looks clean, |core genre | |

| |edited and polished; mechanical|Revising | |

| |correctness in spelling, |     Revise drafts for | |

| |grammar and usage, and |clarity, narrative elements, | |

| |paragraphing; use of capitals |organizational patterns, | |

| |and punctuation |traits, and textual features | |

| | |Editing | |

| | |     Edit own and others’ | |

| | |writing for grammar, usage, | |

| | |mechanics, and spelling using | |

| | |a checklist or rubric | |

| | |Publishing | |

| | |     Publish texts using a | |

| | |variety of forms and media | |

| | |W.PR.07.02, W.PR.07.03, | |

| | |W.PR.07.04, W.PR.07.05 | |

|Spelling: | |Research: |Authentic Assessment: |

|     Correctly spell the | |Inquiry & Research Question |  |

|derivatives of bases and affixes | |Generation | |

|in the context of writing | |     Use student generated | |

|W.SP.07.01 | |topics that are based on focus| |

| | |questions | |

| | |     Formulate assumptions and| |

| | |generalizations | |

| | |Use of Resources | |

| | |     Make selective use of a | |

| | |wide variety of resources | |

| | |     Support or refute | |

| | |hypotheses | |

| | |     Determine the | |

| | |point-of-view of resources | |

| | |Analyzing & Organizing | |

| | |Information | |

| | |     Create hypotheses related| |

| | |to focus questions | |

| | |     Use evidence to support | |

| | |the hypotheses | |

| | |     Use writing strategies | |

| | |for analyzing and organizing | |

| | |information | |

| | |W.GN.07.03 | |

|Handwriting: | |

|     Write legibly in all compositions W.HW.07.01 | |

|Evaluation: | |

|     Student Monitoring Sheet and Class Monitoring Sheet | |

| | | | | |



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