Preparing our students for a 21st Century WorldAs I sit back and think of the way education has changed since I was in school, began teaching (12years ago), and where we are now it is amazing to me.? Education is an ever changing field and we must be willing to change with it or we will not reach all of our students or adequately prepare them for their future.? Also, we have the task of teaching students how to best use the internet to maximize their learning.? Students need to understand the internet is more than a search engine, and have a deeper understanding of the content that is embedded within it.Alan November, suggested we as educators need to allow students control of their learning, design their learning, and become more globally connected.? When students are connected globally they may have more empathy for people around the world.? He also talked about how it requires skillful teachers to allow students control of their own learning.? In order for teachers to create this type of environment students need to understand the end goal for the class. Teachers need to instruct students on how to manage their time in order to achieve this goal.? Students need to understand where they are in their current learning.? They also need to focus on activities and lessons that may help move them down the right path for the course.Educators need to encourage skills that prepare students for the paths they may take in their future. ?According to Fisher (2017) collaboration, creativity, communication, and critical thinking are all very important skills for students to master while in school to prepare for the work place.? Blended learning is a combination of online instruction and teacher lead lessons (Fisher 2017).? Personalized learning is differentiating the content and learning experiences in order to help students successfully complete the tasks, assignments, and content of the course Fisher (2017).? These two models are different because blended learning is the approach teachers can take to teach the content.? It is a way to structure their course in order to effectively engage and motivate students to take more control in their learning.? Fisher (2017) feels personalized learning can scaffold students along the way to a teacher lead path, or it can give students the freedom to move through the course content at their pace.I teach third grade in a Title 1 school with a decent amount of technology available to the staff.? However, many staff members do not always use all the technology we have available.? One of my goals is to become more familiar with the Web 2.0 tools I could integrate into my lessons. I also want to have a better understanding of how to use blended learning to create a 21st century classroom environment.? Coaching other teachers in my school to become more familiar with the Web 2.0 tools available can also be achieved with my knowledge of a blended learning environment.I am already familiar with and use many Web 2.0 tools in my instruction.? I use Edmodo in my classroom to have students answer discussion questions that originated from class content.? I promote collaboration in my classroom by having students respond to other classmates’ posts.? I-Respond is another great tool I use to have students respond to classroom quizzes and tests.? This gives me real time updates on students who are understanding the material verses students who are struggling.? I also tweet pictures to our school Twitter account of creative classroom projects and science lab projects we are completing.?I am very excited about incorporating Screencast in my lessons! ?This tool will be helpful in my classroom for remediation during center time.? Recording myself teaching lessons will allow students to go back and revisit the lessons if they missed key information during the whole class instruction time.I want to learn more about the flipped classroom approach in the future.? This teaching style may benefit some of the third grade students in my co-taught classroom.? A flipped classroom can give students background knowledge on whole group lessons which may allow students to participate in class.? Struggling students would feel more confident in their answers.?? Web 2.0 tools can help to give diverse learners the support they need by seeing the content material in a variety of different ways and different learning styles.? These students learn best from hands on lessons and being able to create models in order to actively be a part of their learning.? Web 2.0 tools may help to facilitate this in the classroom on a daily basis.?Web 2.0 tools are the building blocks in 21st century classrooms because they allow the teacher resources to differentiate students’ lessons.? These tools allow the students to control the pace and delivery method of their learning to better meet their instructional needs.?Blended Learning Models. (n.d.). Retrieved August 23, 2018, from , J. F. (2017, September 12). What's the difference between blended and personalized learning? Retrieved August 23, 2018, from , G., & Schrum, L. (2014). Web 2.0: How-to for educators (2nd ed.). Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education.What blended learning is – and isn't. (n.d.). Retrieved August 23, 2018, from 2.0 ToolsFlipped Classroom and the use of Web 2.0 ToolsWeb 2.0 tools are a quick, accurate, and engaging way to assess student learning.? These tools give immediate feedback to the teacher on which students are still struggling and what skills they need remediation on in order to be successful.? Exploring the Web 2.0 tools has opened a new door to me for assessment ideas and strategies to use in my third grade classroom.? I find it hard to grade tests and quizzes and use those results to drive my instruction for flexible student groups.? However, with the use of tools like Kahoot, Poll Everywhere, and The Answer Pad I can have the results as soon as the students finish the quiz.? Kahoot is a very popular tool, and there is a very large database of quizzes teachers can choose to use for assessments (Davis, 2018).? Teachers can also create their own quizzes (Kahoot, 2018).? After receiving the immediate results, I can move students to different groups based on if they need remediation or acceleration on a skill.? Wow, what more can a teacher ask for!? A great way to incorporate some of the web based tools is in a flipped classroom.? Flipped classrooms are where the teacher is a guide on the side and not a sage on the stage (100 Videos and Counting, 2018).? The teacher is a learner in the room just like the students.? In a flipped classroom students are free to listen to the class lecture anywhere and anytime that is best for them.? Students are able to listen to the lecture at their own pace and they can rewind or fast forward the information based on what their individual needs are for a lesson.? A great Web 2.0 tool to use in the flipped classroom is EdPuzzle.? This tool allows teachers the ability to see how much of the content students are viewing on the web and how long they are spending on the site (EdPuzzle, 2018).? EdPuzzle gives teachers an accountability piece they can add to the classroom to make sure students are doing their part in the learning process. Web 2.0 tools are great to use for students with disabilities and ESOL (English Second Language) students.? There are some great note taking tools that are available for students who are struggling with the content in the course.? The tool NotePub is a great interactive note taking tool for students to use.? NotePub allows students to take notes on what they are reading and share it with classmates and the teacher (Solomon and Schrum, 2014).? If a student had a question about any of the content they could make a note and keep reading or watching the presentation.? The teacher or another student could help them at a later time on what they did not understand.? The tool Quizlet is great for ESOL students to use for reviewing for a test or just extra practice.? Quizlet allows students to take any content in subject areas and turn it into flashcards (Solomon and Schrum, 2014).? Students can review by themselves, take quizzes, and play games while using the tool. ?Read the Words is another tool that I plan to incorporate into my classroom.? This tool converts the text of any media on the computer screen to speech (Solomon and Schrum, 2014).? This may be very beneficial to students who are struggling readers and have a hard time reading through websites and PowerPoints that have been posted.? Students who struggle with the traditional form of teaching may benefit from these interactive, engaging, and student paced web 2.0 tools.Screencast-O-MaticI created a Screencast-O-Matic for the web 2.0 tools Kahoot and Quizlet.? This was my first time using this tool.? I struggled at first trying to figure out the timing of my PowerPoint and what all I wanted to say that was not on the slides.? However, after several tries I got the timing down and finished the presentation.? This may be very useful in my classroom during my center rotation time.? I have PowerPoints from previously taught lessons that students view and take notes.? Screencast-O-Matic can now allow me to talk the students through the slides.? Students that missed the instruction or are struggling with the lesson will be able to hear the information again at their own pace!? This allows for blended learning to take place in my classroom on a daily basis during center time.? Students have the option to watch the lesson as many times as they needed to in order to understand the skills being taught.? Students would then be able to complete the assignment or task for that center successfully.? I could also post the lessons to my classroom blog and students and their parents would be able use them at home while they are completing homework.? This may be a very helpful tool for parents since many of them do not understand all the math strategies we use in class.? Screen-O-Matic could help make the parents part of the lesson so they can truly understand what information their child is responsible for learning. ??? 100 Videos and Counting: Lessons From a Flipped Classroom. (n.d.). Retrieved September 5, ?????2018, from ?Davis, V. (n.d.). Fantastic, Fast Formative Assessment Tools. Retrieved September 5, 2018, from . (n.d.). Retrieved September 5, 2018, from . (n.d.). Retrieved September 5, 2018, from , G., & Schrum, L. (2014). Web 2.0: How-to for educators (2nd ed.). Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education.Twitter and Podcast in EducationUsing Twitter in EducationI originally created a Twitter account because everyone seemed to have one and they were very excited about tweeting.? Many of my friends would post to Twitter and upload their pictures to Instagram.? I created my Twitter account and then left it alone for two years.? I recently got plugged back into Twitter when I started discovering all the ways to use it for communication with parents.? I used to be the Head Girls Track Coach and at Hillgrove.? We had a twitter account for the track athletes and we would post results from track meets on there, or send out reminders/information to parents.? We also posted pictures of outstanding performances from some of our athletes.? Dowell, the school I teach third grade at, started using Twitter to showcase all the learning students were doing throughout the day!? My class even had a picture taken for our school account showing a STEM activity we were creating with marshmallows to make Igloos!? Most parents have twitter so it is a fun way for them to see all that is going on at the school during the day.? You can also use Twitter accounts to connect with other schools and teachers in your community, state, and even country wide.?Reading the articles and watching the videos this week showed me many ways you can use Twitter accounts in education.? Twitter can be used to contact parents and students in your classroom, expand your professional learning community, and you can even do professional development!? First you need to create the Twitter account, then you can work on developing your PLN (Professional Learning Network).? A PLN is great to be a part of because it helps you to keep current on issues and trends that are going on in education today (Building your PLN with Twitter, 2015).? Educators can also use Twitter to publicize their expertise, engage with others, and build a consistent, professional, digital presence (Solomon and Schrum, 2014).? I did not realize before this module that the hashtags are searchable.? You can search different categories of hashtags, for example #CommonCore, #ClassroomDesign, #ProjectBased, #EdLeaders, and it will pull up information/tweets about those topics.? Hashtags are used as a quick way to organize tweets and to pull up the information quickly that you are searching for in your Twitter account.There are many different ways to use Twitter in the classroom!? I may incorporate some of the ideas that I learned through reading this module in my third grade classroom this year.? My goal is to create a Twitter account for Third Grade at Dowell.? I am the Team Leader this year, and I think it would be a great way to get information out to all the third grade parents.? Using twitter in my classroom would be great for keeping students and parents aware of upcoming tests and projects.? Also, I could give recognition to students or groups that went above and beyond in their learning or on assignments for a particular subject.? If you want to follow me on Twitter my personal account handle name is @TackettLindsey.?Podcasts for EducatorsPodcast are a great way to discuss current topics and trends in education, technology, and many other areas.? I researched some Podcasts on Podomatic.? I found a channel that I really enjoyed listening to their “talks”.? It is called The Instructional Coaching Corner.? They even have their own website .? The current Podcast they uploaded was on 10 learning goals for the school year.? The goal I connected with the most was “Learning by Doing” for the school year.? They talked about how you can research and read about topics and programs but until you actually try them in your curriculum you will never truly learn.? I think that connects to my life and my current position of going back to school to receive my Educational Specialist Degree in Instructional Technology.? Technology is an area I have always been interested in and wanted to know more about, but it is also something that has not come easy to me in the past.? I have had a difficult time implementing it into my classroom for a different number of reasons.? However, I have decided to put that mindset aside and I am doing something about it!? I am furthering my education and dream of being a technology coach, and guess what I am learning… Technology is not so difficult after all if you practice and keep trying!?I created a Podcast through the website Anchor FM.? It was the first Podcast I have created, and I am quite proud of it!? Here is the link to my Podcast going through the process of creating a Podcast, I can definitely see using this tool in my classroom.? This would give the students a platform to share information that they have learned about on certain topics, and give their opinions on content we are studying in Social Studies.? Podcast are a great way for students to collaborate and learn from each other.? They could be used as a great way to open up meaningful classroom discussions.? For example, in third grade we teach a long unit of study on the Native Americans and Explorers during the second and third quarter of the school year.? Podcasts could be used to divide students into groups and have them research and record what life was like for the different Native Americans and Explorers.? The students would be able to address the collaboration element of the 4 c’s by working together to produce a script highlighting all the research from different members of the group.? This would open up a great classroom discussion on all the contributions that were made to America and all the struggles these two groups went through during this time.? Podcasts may be a great way for the diverse learners in my classroom to present their research in order to minimize the writing component that most projects require.? Students would be able to present their information orally using notecards, graphic organizers, or a script to help them while they are recording the Podcast.? Also, Podcast take the pressure off of students to present in the classroom setting because they have already record their presentation.? Students would play the Podcast for the group they were assigned to present too, or for the whole class.? Then the class or group members could participate in a discussion about the information that students included in the presentation.? I am very excited to try this assignment with my third grade class.??Building your PLN with Twitter: A Beginner's Guide. (2015, September 30). Retrieved September 20, 2018, from , G., & Schrum, L. (2014). Web 2.0: How-to for educators (2nd ed.). Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education.Adobe Spark and Browser ExtensionsAdobe SparkI created my first Adobe Spark video!? There are so many creative and engaging ways to incorporate this in your classroom.? Out of all the tools I have explore and used this one is by far my favorite!? I have seen videos created with Adobe Spark before, and thought it probably took someone a long time to create that content.? I am very proud at what I created, and I am going to incorporate this tool into more of my lessons.The video I created was for my third grade students during our unit on rocks and minerals.? I started the video with the standard students are learning.? Then I went on to explain the three types of rocks.? I added pictures and music to the video!? My goal at the end of the video was for my students to understand the way the three types of rocks were formed.? Students would then be split into groups of four in order to observe and record their findings for the types of rocks.? In the past I have displayed this information in a PowerPoint.? Now, I have an engaging video to share with my students about the three types of rocks.Adobe Spark helps to support visual learning by showing the content being displayed on the video through pictures/images/diagrams, graphic organizers, or through flow charts.? The video features are very helpful for students who are visual learners.? Adobe Spark helps to support project based learning in your classroom.? Students can create their own videos on the content they are learning as a presentation for the class.? Students can use this tool to demonstrate mastery of a subject and it would not require writing like formal reports.? This is beneficial for ELL (English Language Learners) and students with disabilities.Adobe Spark would be a great tool to use during my unit on Native Americans with my students.? My students would be able to create a video highlighting all the information they learned on a specific tribe.? I would allow my students to work in groups in order to help each other with the video process.? Adobe Spark is great to incorporate during our unit of study on the Georgia Regions for visual learners.? This tool is helpful because I would be able to display pictures and videos actually taken from the region and the areas around where we live.I think it is very important for students to understand what Creative Commons is and how they can use it in their projects such as Adobe Spark.? I never knew there were ways to incorporate media that had copyright laws into your creative projects.? If students understand these rules at young age it will allow them to be more creative in their projects and assignments.? The Creative Commons copyright licenses and tools give a balance inside the traditional “all rights reserved” created by copy rights (About the Licenses, 2017). These tools give everyone from individual creators to large companies and institutions a simple, standardized way to grant copyright permissions to their creative work (About the Licenses, 2017).? Works can have different licenses such as Attribution Share-Alike which lets people build on or tweak your work for others as long as they give you credit (About the Licenses, 2017).? I believe it is very important for students to understand all the different licenses and how they can use them in their media being created.Goggle Add-Ons and Browser ExtensionsI chose to research the Goggle Add-Ons Group Maker, Comment Maker, Teacher Newsletter, and Goggle Classroom: List Doc.? These tools do a great job of allowing the 4 c’s to be present during learning and classroom instruction.? Group maker allows for collaboration in the classroom by providing a quick and easy way for teachers to group students in the class.? Comment maker allows the teacher to provide communication with individual students, groups of students, or the whole class through email.? Teacher newsletter allows the teacher to communicate with students by providing individual ways to highlight praise and success in the classroom.? Goggle Classroom: List Doc provides the teacher with communication in the classroom by providing a way to organize and provide feedback to the students.? The browser extensions that I researched were Grammarly, Google Dictionary, and Apps for Common Core.? Grammarly promotes communication among students by providing a tool that will check the spelling and grammar of comments made on blogs, Facebook, or Twitter etc.? Google Dictionary allows for critical thinking by providing the meaning to unknown words on websites and online lessons.? This will help students to understand the content material in order to take their learning to a deeper level.? Apps for Common Core helps teachers to be creative in their lesson plans.? Teachers can go to one app to find many different websites or programs to help students practice the common core standards.These tools I researched help to support differentiation by providing ways to help students and teachers succeed in areas that might be a struggle for them.? For example Google Dictionary helps students who struggle with vocabulary to instantly know the definitions to any word in their lessons in order to better understand the content.? Google classroom: List Doc helps the teacher to stay organized by keeping up with all the assignments students are turning in online.? Students with disabilities would really benefit from the Apps for Common Core.? This program provides one place to look for websites and apps that go along with what students are learning in the common core standards.? This allows teacher to use more technology in their lessons for students to practice grade level content.?I plan to incorporate the Teacher Newsletter in my classroom.? I believe this would be a very motivational tool to highlight students working hard and going above and beyond in the classroom.? When teachers focus on the positive things students are doing it makes them work harder in school.? Students want to know that their teacher believes in them and sees the effort they are putting into their classwork!?About The Licenses. (November 7, 2017). Retrieved October 3, 2018, from , Critical Thinking, and BYODWeb 2.0 ToolsI really enjoyed exploring the Web 2.0 tools PicMonkey, Voicethread, Wordle, Popplet, Anchor, and SKYPE.? These tools are all very easy to use and download.? Certain tools I classified as great for K-2 students for example Wordle and Popplet, and others I thought would be better for 3-5 students Voicethread, SKYPE, Anchor, and PicMonkey.? However, it really just depends on your class and the level of experience students have with Web 2.0 tools because you could adapt them all to meet the needs of your students.? I really enjoyed learning about PicMonkey.? This is a tool I will have my students use during their final projects on the Georgia Regions.? This tool allows students to present their information in a collage format.? My students could gather their pictures from the different regions and highlight animals and plants that live there.? Then the students can present their projects to their classmates.? This is a great summative assessment to use that does not require writing!I have heard about SKYPE before, but I have never used it.? In college I had a roommate that would SKYPE her parents every week because they lived in another country and it was cheaper than calling them.? The great thing for her was she could see them while she talked too!? I think I just always thought of SKYPE as a way to connect with family members.? This tool would be great to use in the classroom for collaboration with other third grade students!? Students could share projects/ideas with students at another local school or even another country!? The possibilities for the ways teachers could use this tool in their classrooms to support collaboration are endless.? This is one tool that I will definitely be using in the future!The tool Voicethread is a great tool to use to increase critical thinking in the classroom.? When students create a Voicethread they are talking about a certain topic on the screen.? Students can share their Voicethread with others and they can reply to comments made in the presentation or they can ask questions on their own.? Students can then go back and reply to any feedback that other students left for them.? This is a great way for students to deepen their understanding on a topic and truly teach other students about a topic they researched.These Web 2.0 tools are great examples of ways that students can show what they know and collaborate with other students without a lot of writing involved.? This is great advantage for the English Language Learner students and the Students with Disabilities.? However, students in these subgroups and other students in the classroom do need to practice grade level writing sometimes in their projects.? The disadvantage of these tools is the lack of writing or minimal writing that many of them require.? Students need to be able to practice a written report and know how to present it to their classmates.? I think the teacher must use best practices with Web 2.0 tools and know when and how to incorporate them into the lesson.BYOD in ClassroomsI use BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) in my classroom.? My third grade class was the pilot class in my school for BYOD 4 years ago.? However, four years later there are still only two third grade classes at my school out of eight classes that participate in BYOD.? Many of the teachers at my school find it challenging with elementary aged students due to lack of properly working devices.? I teach at a Title One school and many of our families due to money have one I-Pad that works properly and they might give that one to the older siblings to take to their BYOD School.? The feeder middle school and high school are all BYOD.? I have been incorporating this into my lessons for four years and each year I have maybe five students on a weekly basis that have devices working properly and they bring them regularly to school.? Web collaboration is already seen across many school today.? In the future, we will start to see teachers creating online textbooks and students learning virtually (Solomon & Schrum, 2014).? Roblyer & Hughes (2019), talk about how in the future BYOD will not use be I-Pads or laptops but also watches!? Many of my students have smart watches and I am just now getting acquainted with all that they can do!? BYOD is not going away.? Therefore, as teachers we need to find a way for our students to make it successful in the classroom.I managed BYOD in my classroom by having the parents sign a BYOD contract that our Technology Coach help my committee create.? Students have to write down the serial number of their device and parents and students must sign the rules for how to use BYOD.? Since this is many of my students first experience with BYOD we spend a lot of time going over the correct way to use devices in school.? Also, BYOD is only on Thursdays in my class.? We use a lot of our independent reading time in guided reading to research science or social studies topics.We do have a problem quite often with students not being able to log on the network.? The technology coach is available to help with these issues but they are not always available at our school every day.? My classroom is very lucky since we are a Systems 44 class we have 13 laptops, 2 desktops, and 4 I-Pads in our classroom.? This helps all students to be able to have access to technology when they are researching and creating projects during independent center time on Thursday.? Having other options for students to use when their devices do not work helps them to be able to move on in their lessons.?In the future I want to incorporate more of the Web 2.0 tools from this course into our BYOD Thursday for research and creating presentations.? My students would do a great job creating Podcasts and I plan to have them use Anchor to create their presentations on the Native Americans and Explorers.Roblyer, M.D. & Hughes, J. (2019).?Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching.?New York: Pearson.Solomon, G., & Schrum, L. (2014). Web 2.0: How-to for educators (2nd ed.). Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education.MUVEs and Digitial DivideVirtual Reality Learning EnvironmentsTeachers use educational MUVEs (multiuser virtual environments) to engage students promote learning, and encourage creative thinking (Solomon & Schrum, 2014).? Virtual reality can even help reading teachers.? Students who have been to places they are reading about are able to picture in their minds what is going on in the text about a beach for example (Pilgrim & Pilgrim, 2016).? In the past this would give these students an advantage over students who have never been to a beach, and might be struggling to read the passage.? Now with virtual reality students can take a “trip” and actually see a beach to help them picture in their mind what it would be like to go there one day!? Virtual realities can help to support the students with diverse learning needs in your classroom by giving them background knowledge on a topic to help understand grade level material.? It can also help by encouraging students through “play” to become motivated to move to different levels.? Teachers can incorporate curriculum questions for students to answer in order to build and move their avatars.? One example of this is Prodigy that I use in my classroom during my technology math centers.? Check out my Screen-casto-Matic below for more information on Prodigy.? Virtual reality is thought to one day change and shape every industry from the military, healthcare, entertainment, and education (Pilgrim & Pilgrim, 2016).? It is exciting to see what our future holds with virtual reality to help our students succeed and to become better educators.I researched Google Tour and found it to be a very useful tool for teachers to use in the classroom setting.? Teachers can use this as an activating strategy for social studies lessons when they want to show students specific places on Earth that they will be learning about.? Students can zoom in on the location and see what is surrounding the area.? I watched a video on BRAC (an international development organization based in Bangladesh).? It was amazing to see how the teachers are helping the students in their community learn and provide them with education for a better future.? Through Google Tour I was able to see the area that the school was in on a map and it made the video and presentation come to life even more for me.? This tool would help students to visualize the areas they are learning about in class!Google Streets is also a great tool to use in your classroom.? This was my first time exploring this tool.? It gives students a virtual 360 degree tour of different places all over the world!? The students really get to feel like they are visiting the area and everything looks so real.? I have never had to chance to go out of the country, but my hope is someday I will!? Until then, this an amazing experience to watch.? I watched a tour on Costa Rica and I really felt like I was there at the beach.Club Penguin Island was a MUVEs I researched in this module.? This MUVEs was created by Disney and can be used by teachers in the classroom or by parents at home.? The age group this virtual reality is geared towards is first through fifth grade students.? Teachers can use this program in the classroom as a reward or an incentive for following classroom rules and procedures.? Also, teachers can use it to help promote teamwork and following directions.? This program is great for representing the 4 C’s.? Students can collaborate throughout this virtual reality by meeting up in different places and talking to each other to try and work together to get to next level.? Their avatars can communicate with speech bubbles to try and help others achieve success.? Students are taught how to communicate effectively by practicing how to give steps/advice to other players to help them move up a level.? The student has to understand what to do and then be able to restate in a way to make sense to their audience to follow their directions to move forward in the game.? This game also teaches students to be creative in trying to visualize and find a way to move forward in the game.? It promotes problem solving and applying sequential order in order to be successful to accomplish goals throughout the program.? Students can also practice their critical thinking skills by making as few moves as possible and collecting the most amount of points in order to get higher scores throughout the program.?Digital DivideMany students in my third grade classroom do not have access to the internet at home.? They have i-Pads but they are used to play free games, or apps that came with the purchase.? They do not have access to WiFi.? I always ask my students’ parents at conferences if they have access to internet at home because there are many resources that we have at our school that can benefit students to practice skills at home.? The parents that do have internet mainly have it on their cell phones.? The programs that we have purchased for students are harder to see and use on a cell phone.? Susannah Holz (2018), found research reveals that the sector of the population that relies mainly on mobile internet access is the poor population (less than $20,000 household income per year).? Therefore, students in my class benefit mainly from flashcards/worksheets for practice of skills at home.? It has been my goal as their third grade teacher to have my students use as much technology to create projects/presentations at school as I can to try and bridge the gap.? In my classroom we have a Smartboard, 13 laptops, 4 I-Pads, 2 desktop computers, and 2 VCRs, and 1 DVD player.? We have a research center built into our guided reading time to help students use the technology in our class.? Students can create their project they are working on during this time usually for a science or social studies standard.? I wish that my students could check out some of the laptops that we have in my classroom to use at home.? When my students get to middle school they will be able to check out laptops, so that will be very helpful to them!My school has a large amount of technology for each of the classrooms that the school district has provided us with for our students.? Last year we used some of our Title 1 funds to purchase another I-Pad cart with 30 new I-Pads.? We now have access to 4 I-Pad carts and 2 Laptop carts with 30 devices on each that we can check out and use with the students in our classroom.? If you check the logs on which teachers check these carts out each weekly you will see the same teachers names on them (except for weeks that are close to Holiday breaks when teachers just want students to play games or do something fun).? My goal as the third grade team leader and through all the knowledge I am acquiring with my Specialist degree is to change this at my school!? Technology is so much more than just a time filer and access to games for students.? Students should be using technology every day to learn from and get more acquainted with in their learning and presentations.? I want the students at my school to leave fifth grade with all the knowledge and technology skills they need to be successful in our feeder BYOD middle school.At my school we have a homework center that helps students with assignments assigned by the teacher.? The center is run by different teachers that take turns staying after school.? I think a great idea we could implement during this time would be to allow students access to technology to complete assignments and do research.? This would be a great way to bridge the gap for some students that do not have technology access at home.? We have a computer lab teacher at our school that students see for a Specials rotation.? It would be great to have her be a part of the after school program on certain days to train students on different programs to use to help with research or presentations.? I am on the Technology Vertical Committee Meetings at my school and I have also brought up the idea of having a technology night for parents.? We could educate parents on ways that students can use technology to help them in their education.? This might help parents to see the importance to save up for devices for their child, or encourage them to take their child to the Public Library for free access to the internet and computers.? I think if educators work together we can overcome the Digital-Divide that some of our students are experiencing in school.Solomon, G., & Schrum, L. (2014). Web 2.0: How-to for educators (2nd ed.). Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education.Internet SafetyInternet Safety and Digital CitizenshipWow, school has changed since I was growing up!? I can remember thinking computers were just something we used in our typing class to practice where the letters were located.? I still have my certificate from middle school that says “I am a typing Wizard” because I passed all the levels.? Student knowledge and use of technology in the classrooms today has come a long way since then!? Technology is now used for students to learn, present projects, and collaborate with other students in different schools every day in our classrooms.? Teachers and administrators in the 21st century classrooms must keep their students safe during the school day in the physical buildings and online when they are at school and when they go home.? It can be a challenging task.? However, with the right tools and knowledge a school can set rules and guidelines for students to practice digital citizenship, which will help keep students safe online!? My third grade classroom is BYOD (Bring Your Own Device).? I have worked on a vertical committee in my school to create a PowerPoint for our families on how students should use technology devices that they bring to school.? We focused mainly on the safety of the devices and what students can do with them at school.? As a team we created a contract for teachers to use if they want their classroom to be a BYOD room.? All students and parents must sign the contract and provide the serial number of the device they are bringing into school before they start.? However, after reading the articles and watching the videos in this module I have learned a lot about internet safety.? In the future for the 2019-2020 school year I am going to present this information to my committee so we can include resources for parents to have in order to help keep their child safe online.? Also, instead of giving every teacher a pre-copied contract for their students and parents in the classroom to sign, I believe teachers should allow students to be a part of the process to make the rules and procedures.? This will allow students to take more ownership in the process and hopefully buy into following the online safety rules.? Digital citizenship are the guidelines students should follow when using online technology.? Staying safe online is very important to teach students in order to ensure they are using technology the way it was intended and getting the most out of online and blended learning in the classroom.? If students know what to do and are educated about online safety they can prevent dangerous situations or even identity theft from happening to themselves.? Listed Below you will find some online websites that I found to help teachers and students stay safe online.The first website I found very helpful on my search to find great strategies to keep students safe online is .? This website is for teachers to read and share with students strategies to stay safe.? On this website teachers can find information about how to stop Cyberbullying, Sexting, and Inappropriate Content in their schools.? A great activity for educators to do with their students is make a technology contract and go over the rules students should follow when they are online.? Students can then sign the contract to make it official so they know they are being monitored to make sure they stay safe when they are online.? Also, make sure to include students in the process of making the rules in order for them to take ownership of the rules.? Teachers can encourage students to make sure their peers are following the rules and encourage them to stay safe online. Another important procedure for schools to implement is a reporting system.? This will allow students or parents to report any unsafe or incorrect behavior they may see going on while students are using the internet.? Educators can also download the KnowBullying App and get a list of warning signs of internet bullying and conversation starters to use in the classroom with their students during classroom meeting times.Another great website for teachers to be aware of is Common Sense Education .? This website educates teachers about an important law COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy and Protection Act).? Educators can find a list of requirements companies must use when making a website or app for children who are under the age of 13.? There is also a list of suggestions for teachers to use when keeping their students at school safe online.? One suggestion is when students are signing up for an account to a program online make sure it is for education purposes and not recreation or fun.? Another suggestion is to avoid websites, apps, or games that have a lot of outside advertising on them.? Finally, let the parents of the students in your class know about the internet tools their child will be using in your class this year. The last website I found was one that is geared towards students to read.? It is called ?.? I really liked this website because it has rules for students to read over and reference back to about online safety, and there are Podcast that students can listen to about different safety topics.? There is also a FAQ section that parents and students can read and it gives many statics about online safety.? I would use this website in my classroom to go over whole group with my students.? Then I would create a web quest for students to use with this website to let them read some of the rules by themselves and answer questions about what they had read.?Global Collaboration ProjectsThe first Global Collaboration Project I researched was Pen Pal Schools.? This website is really amazing and there are so many ways you can incorporate it into your classroom!? In my third grade classroom I found a great community we can join which is all about Protecting the Planet.? Each community tells you what ages it is geared towards and the Essential Questions about what all the other students are learning and posting on.? This particular project will go along with our science standards that we teach during the third quarter of the year which are: S3L2. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the effects of pollution (air, land, and water) and humans on the environment. a. Ask questions to collect information and create records of sources and effects of pollution on the plants and animals. b. Explore, research, and communicate solutions, such as conservation of resources and recycling of materials, to protect plants and animals.? This project would be great for students to develop their cultural awareness and collaboration skills.? Students are able to talk to other students around the world about their environment and ways we can protect our planet.? Students can learn great advice from other students in different communities about what they do to make our Earth better.? I love the part where students explain difficulties in their communities and environmental issues they face.? This will help students to have an awareness of what challenges others face in different areas of the world.? There are so many great resources in these projects that the students in my classroom would benefit from.? I think a challenge in my room would be finding the time to implement this project.? We have a very structured schedule due to so many students being pulled out of my room at different times for specialized classes.? However, one way I could incorporate it would be to utilize this during center time.? I would go over the instructions for the lesson during center time and students would be able to complete the online activities at their own pace.? This is a great time to incorporate this project because I have a paraprofessional in my classroom during center time with my co-teacher and I.? She would be able to assist certain students while they are online completing the project.? Two great Web 2.0 tools that I would have my students use during this project would be and Mind42.? Both of these tools are for students to keep track of notes in a graphic organizer format and they can work in teams to complete the graphic organizers.? Students can use these tools when they are researching different environmental issues in their communities and their Pen Pals’ communities.? This would be a great way for them to keep track of their notes and ideas on topics.?The second Global Collaboration Project I researched was Edmodo.? Edmodo is a way for students to participate in online discussions on course content posted by the teacher or other students on a topic in their learning.? Students can offer feedback on other students’ projects and ideas that they are learning about in class with students in different communities to capture a larger audience that cares about their work.? When using this project it is important for students to understand and use the online safety rules as they participate in the discussion threads.? I have used Edmodo before a few years ago in my classroom.? However, in the future I plan to do more lessons with my whole class on digital citizenship and internet safety.? I believe this will help Edmodo to be successful in my classroom.? This is a great tool for teachers to use as assessments on certain topics students are leaning about.? Instead of answering quizzes and tests or doing projects students can answer questions on posts the teacher creates or they can comment on peer posts or make their own.? The possibilities are endless with this global collaboration project!? When I use this in my classroom I plan to use the Web 2.0 tools Popplet and Quizlet with this project.? My students will use Popplet to help organize their information for their posts that I will create for an end of topic grade.? The students can even share their Popplet they created in Edmodo and their peers can comment and help them add information!? I will also use Quizlet with this project.? The students can make flashcards on vocabulary words they are learning about in science and social studies to help them become more fluent in their posts with new vocabulary words. ................

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