INFO298Peer Mentoring for INFO203Tamara FosterTranscript for Grammarly Video TutorialJanuary 23, 2017Grammarly is a free download that works with your web browser to correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors anywhere that you write on the Internet – available on the website . I use it with Firefox and Chrome, but you can also use it with Safari.If you use social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr or LinkedIn, Grammarly works there. It works on Gmail, it works in Goodreads, it works on Wordpress or anywhere else you like to blog.There are options to use Grammarly Answers, an online community for asking and answering writing questions, Grammarly Handbooks, an online guide to English grammar and style, and the Grammarly blog for daily tips, commentary and insights into writing and grammar. But for now I just want to show you how Grammarly works on one of the site that we students at iSchool use most often, our beloved Canvas.So let’s say that I’m writing a discussion board post for one of my classes. And as you can see, I’ve made quite a few spelling and grammar errors. If you look at the bottom of my draft post, there is a little red circle with a number in it. That’s Grammarly telling me how many “critical errors” I’ve made. So I have two options for how to correct my errors…One option is to click on each underline word or phrase and make the corrections one by one. For example, if I click on I’m, you’ll see the correction options that come up. And again, clicking on “typing” Grammarly shows me three correction options.But another way to correct a sentence or a few sentences if you have lots of errors – like I do in these 2 sentences – is to click on the red circle with the number 5. On the left side are my sentences and on the right are the suggested corrections. I want to show you each of these corrections so that you get a feel for the kinds of errors grammarly corrects.Just so you get a taste of what kind of mistakes Grammarly corrects, I’m going to walk you through the 5 errors I made.So first I forgot an apostrophe with “I’m”, then I misspelled “typing.” Next there isn’t article and noun agreement here, so Grammarly suggests that I change “a” to “an.” And I also left out a comma after the introductory phrase, so that gets changed. And at the end of my second sentence, I need to capitalize Gramamrly, separate the two words and choose between the 3 options listed. Since it seems appropriate to the presentation, I’m going to choose “Grammarly rocks,” because by now you’ve seen that it indeed does.?“Im typin a response to a discussion board post. As a example I'm making many errors so that you can see how grammarlywroks.”And if I’m not happy with what is suggested, I can hover over the green suggestion and see other alternatives. Sometimes I might find what I’m looking for there, sometimes not. You can always Ignore a suggestion by hitting the X option. And Grammarly is interactive – you can teach it things, add words to the dictionary that it currently doesn’t recognize, which is also cool.So the free version of Grammarly corrects up to 100 points of Grammar, while the Premium version corrects 250 for $29.95 a month, or $140 a year. I’ve been happy with the basic version, and haven’t felt the need to upgrade, I think it’s a huge help all on its own just as a basic grammar checker.Okay, so thanks for watching my video tutorial about Grammarly. I hope you’ll check it out to use for whenever you’re writing on the web. ................

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