
Conversion Between US Customary Units & Metric Systems Sheet A conversion factor is a way to represent the same quantity using different units of measurement with their corresponding numerical values. Often the units are abbreviated.Write the abbreviation for each unit:Teaspoon ___________ 8) Milliliter ___________ Tablespoon ___________ 9) Liter ___________Cup ___________ 10) Gram ___________Quart ___________ 11) Milligram ___________Gallon ___________ 12) Kilogram ___________Ounces ___________ 13) Pint ____________Pounds ___________Kitchen math often requires converting quantities. The following examples show how to use conversion factors in equations. The following tables provide the conversion factors to convert from metric to US customary units or US customary units to metric.Example conversion236.9ml (1 cup) beet juice 100% juice, no sugar added 28.3g (2 tbsp) gelatin To Convert Cups into Milliliters2 cup X 0.236588236 liter X 1000 millilter = 473.8 ml cup literTo Convert Tablespoons into Grams4 tablespoons X 14.15 gram = 56.6 g tablespoonConvert 1 C into MillilitersConvert 2 Tablespoons into GramsTables for Conversion Factors Table 1. From Metric to US Customary Units To ObtainMultiplyConversion FactorConversion UnitTeaspoons Milliliters0.202884136Milliliters/TeaspoonsTablespoons Milliliters0.0676280454Milliliters/TablespoonsTablespoonsGrams0.0782368Grams/TablespoonsCups Liters4.22675284Liters/CupsQuarts Liters1.05668821Liters/QuartsGallons Liters0.2641720524Liters/GallonsOunces Grams0.03527396195Grams/OuncesPounds Kilograms2.204622622Kilograms/PoundsTo ObtainMultiplyConversion FactorConversion UnitMilliliters Fluid Ounces29.57352956Ounces/MillilitersMilliliters Teaspoons4.92892159Teaspoons/MillilitersMilliliters Tablespoons14.7867648Tablespoons/MillilitersMillilitersCups236.588Cups/MillilitersLiters Cups0.236588236Cups/LitersLiters Quarts0.946352946Quarts/LitersLiters Gallons3.785411784Galloons/LitersGramsTablespoons14.15Tablespoons/GramsGrams Ounces28.34952313Ounces/GramsKilogramsPounds0.45Pounds/KilogramsTable 2. From US Customary Units to Metric UnitAbbreviationMeaningmega-M106kilo-k103hecto-h102deca-dk101deci-d10-1centi-c10-2milli-m10-3micro-?10-6nano-n10-9Table 3. Metric Units of Mass and VolumePractice by converting:20 teaspoons of a liquid to milliliters. ________________5 milliliters of a liquid to teaspoons. ________________5 ounces of a powder to grams. _______________2 grams of powder to ounces. ________________2 cups of a liquid into milliliters. ____________________5 grams to tablespoons. _____________________10 tablespoons to grams. ____________________1 pound to kilograms. _____________________1 kilogram to pounds. _____________________1 liter to cups. ________________________ ................

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