3. Homes

Explore what homes were like in the past and how homes have changed. Learn about the different types of homes people in Ireland live in. Investigate static electricity.

|Notes |

|A printable KWL template is available on FolensOnline. This may be useful when introducing new topics. |

|Static electricity is the build-up of electrical charge on the surface of an object and it is caused by things rubbing together. |

|Materials |Books |Useful Links |

|Balloon |Cardboard |Homes in the Past by |YouTube: 9 Awesome Science Tricks Using |

|Woolly jumper |Ribbon |Sian Smith |Static Electricity by Brusspup |

|Tissue paper |Stopwatch |Eyewitness Science: Electricity by Steve | |

| | |Parker | |

|Key Vocabulary |

|History |Geography |Science |

|past |fridge |detached |estate |static electricity |

|radio |washing machine |semi-detached |beside |charge |

|television |bath |terraced |behind |lightning |

|phone |shower |apartment |opposite |electrical |

|computer |indoor toilet |bungalow | |plug |

|kettle |same |caravan | |socket |

|toaster |different |hotel | | |

|microwave | |farmhouse | | |

|Integration |

|Language: As Gaeilge, cover the theme of Sa bhaile. |

|Visual Arts: 3D construction – Children could construct their home using Lego bricks or junk materials. |

|Maths: Representing and interpreting data – Create a pictogram to illustrate the results of the survey on homes. |

|Drama: Role play the story of The Three Little Pigs. |

|Home/Parental Involvement |

|Where possible, ask your child to interview a grandparent or older person about their home when growing up. You may also talk to your child |

|about your experiences and help your child to find out more about their own home. |

|Theme Overview |

|D indicates an Explorers Digital Resource on FolensOnline. |

|P indicates an Explorers Print Resource in the Explorers Student Book. |


|HISTO|Focus: Interview about homes in the |Focus: Homes long ago |Focus: How homes have changed |

|RY |past | | |

| |P What were homes like in the past? p. |D Homes Then and Now: Flashcards |P How have homes changed? p. 21 |

| |20 |Use the flashcards to compare and contrast old |Discuss the home pictured. |

| |Interview a grandparent or older person|homes and modern homes. |Children stick in or draw a picture of their |

| |about the home they lived in growing |Ask children to imagine they live in one of the |home. Discuss. Then list things that are the |

| |up. |old houses, without the modern conveniences on p.|same and different. |

| |Tick the things they had in their home.|20 of the Student Book. Write a diary entry about|Children find out more about their home or a |

| | |a day in their life at this home. |home in the local area and answer the questions|

| |Use the questions on the bottom of the | |on the bottom of the page. |

| |page to guide the interview. | | |

| |Record their answers. | | |

|GEOGR|Focus: Our homes |Focus: Types of homes in Ireland |Focus: Guess the home |

|APHY | | | |

| |Discuss the children’s homes: What |P What types of home are there in Ireland? pp. |D Types of Home: Label |

| |rooms do they have/need? How many |22–23 |Label the different types of home. |

| |storeys? What is it made from? What is |D Types of Home: Explore |Game: Guess the home. Each child describes a |

| |beside each home? |Explore the homes. |type of home while others guess what it is. |

| |Children complete a drawing or painting|Count and record the number of each type of home.|P What types of home are there in Ireland? pp. |

| |of their own home and compare it to a |Discuss the materials used to build the homes. |22–23 |

| |friend’s home. |Find the places listed. |Pair work: One child chooses a building on the |

| |Put individual homes together to create|Challenge: Choose two places on the map. Ask |map. Their partner asks questions about the |

| |a class streetscape/display. |children to describe how they would get from A to|appearance, size and location of the building |

| | |B. What roads would they take? What would they |to work out what it is. |

| | |pass on the way? | |

|SCIEN|Focus: Electricity |Focus: Static electricity |Focus: Does the number of rubs affect the |

|CE | | |static? |

| |Record on a KWL chart what the children|Introduce static electricity and how it can be |Recap the investigation on static electricity. |

| |know and want to know about |caused by things rubbing together, e.g. clothes |P Investigate: Does the number of rubs affect |

| |electricity. |stuck together coming out of a dryer, lightning, |the static? p. 25 |

| |Discuss the importance of electricity: |brushing your hair. |Rub the balloon against the woolly jumper five |

| |What would we do without lights, TV and|P Investigate: Static Electricity p. 24 |times and stick the balloon to the wall. Use |

| |wifi? |Touch the balloon to each item and record what |the stopwatch to time how long it stays stuck. |

| |Discuss where the electricity comes |happens. |Try rubbing the balloon a different number of |

| |from. |Then rub the balloon up and down the woolly |times. Predict whether it will stay stuck for |

| |D Electrical Items: Sort |jumper. Touch the balloon again to each item and |more or less time. Test it again. Record how |

| |Decide whether or not each item uses |record what happens. |long it stays stuck each time. Compare findings|

| |electricity. For the items that do, |Touch the charged balloon to a wall. Record what |with the rest of the class. |

| |discuss whether they are powered by |happens. |Add to the L section of the KWL. |

| |batteries or need to be plugged in. | | |

|Curriculum Information |

|History |

|Strand and Strand Unit |Skills |

|Change and continuity: Continuity and change in the local environment |Working as a historian |

|Visit, explore and become aware of elements in the local environment which show |Time and chronology |

|continuity and change |Change and continuity |

|Listen to and record memories of older people about such places |Cause and effect |

|Myself and my family: When my grandparents were young |Using evidence |

|Explore and record aspects of the lives of people when his/her grandparents were |Synthesis and communication |

|young |Empathy |

|Listen to adults talking about their own past | |

|Compare lives of people in the past with the lives of people today, noting | |

|differences and similarities | |

|Geography |

|Strand and Strand Unit |Skills |

|Human environments: Living in the local community |A sense of place and space |

|Homes and shelter |A sense of place |

|Recognise that people live in a variety of homes |A sense of space |

|Describe his/her home, its location and surroundings |Maps, globes and graphical skills |

|Record some of these features using simple drawings, plans, displays, models and |Using pictures, maps and globes |

|sketches |Geographical investigation skills |

|Investigate materials used to construct homes and identify materials of local origin|Questioning |

| |Observing |

|Develop an awareness and appreciation of different types of homes in the locality |Predicting |

|and in other areas |Investigating and experimenting |

| |Estimating and measuring |

| |Analysing |

| |Recording and communicating |

|Science |

|Strand and Strand Unit |Skills |

|Energy and forces: Magnetism and electricity |Working scientifically |

|Explore the effects of static electricity |Questioning |

|Become aware of the uses of electricity in school and at home |Observing |

|Identify some household appliances that use electricity |Predicting |

| |Investigating and experimenting |

| |Estimating and measuring |

| |Analysing |

| |Recording and communicating |

| |Designing and making |

| |Exploring |

| |Planning |

| |Making |

| |Evaluating |


1st and 2nd class Teacher's Guide

1st and 2nd class Teacher's Guide


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