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Reading Suggestions:



Alther Kinflicks

Anonymous Go Ask Alice

Paul Auster Moon Palace

Axline Dibs, in Search of Self

Beryl Bainbridge Harriet Said

Baldwin Go tell it on the mountain

Barstow Joby

Behan Borstal Boy

E. Bowen The Little Girls

The Death of the Heart

C. Bronte Jane Eyre

E. Bronte Wuthering Heights

Ch. Bukowski Ham on Rye

A. Burgess A Clockwork Orange

W. Cather The Song of the Lark

Truman Capote Other Voices, Other Rooms

R. Dahl Going Solo

Delaney A Taste of Honey

Ch. Dickens Great Expectations

Hard Times

Little Dorrit

Oliver Twist

David Copperfield

E.L. Doctorow Billy Bathgate

R. Doyle Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha

B.E. Ellis Less Than Zero

B. Emecheta Gwendolen

J. Fowles The Collector

L. Glaister Digging to Australia

W. Golding Lord of the Flies

G. Greene Brighton Rock

L. Hartley The Go-Between

Susan Hill I'm the King of the Castle

Barry Hines A Kestrel for a Knave

S.E. Hinton The Outsiders


Evan Hunter The Blackboard Jungle

T. James Young Lonigan

James Joyce A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Jack Kerouac On the Road


John Knowles A Separate Place

Jerzy Kozinsky The Painted Bird

D.H. Lawrence Sons and Lovers

H. Lee To Kill a Mockingbird

L. Lee Cider with Rosie

U. LeGuin A very Long Way from Anywhere Else

David Lodge Out of the Shelter

Alison Lurie Only Children

R. Macaulay They were Defeated

M. MacCarthy Birds of America

Carson McCullers The Member of the Wedding

The Heart is a Lonely Hunter

I. McEwan Cement Garden

I. Murdoch The Flight from the Enchanter

The Sandcastle

Edna O'Brien The Country Girls

Girl with Green Eyes

Ch. Palliser The Quincunx

S. Plath The Bell Jar

Ch. Potok The Chosen

My Name is Asher Lev

Davita's Harp

James Purdy The Mourners Below

Raverat Period Piece

L. Reid Banks The Writing on the Wall

Roth Goodbye Columbus

When She was Good

J.D. Salinger Catcher in the Rye

Franny and Zooey

Peter Shaffer Equus P

A. Sillitoe The Loneliness of the Long-distance Runner

Muriel Spark The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

The Girls of Slender Means

Stallworth This time Next Year

Francis Thomas Dear Comrade

S. Townsend The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole

The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole

Anne Tyler A Slipping Down Life

M. Twain Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Fred Uhlmann Reunion

John Wain Young Shoulders

K. Waterhouse Billy Liar

Ch. Webb The Graduate

Thomas Wolfe Look Homeward Angel

Richard Wright Black Boy

J. Wyndham Chocky


Desmond Bagley The Golden Keel

Saul Bellow The Adventures of Augie March

John Buchan The Thirty-nine Steps

Roald Dahl My Uncle Oswald

Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe

The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders

A. Conan Doyle The Lost World

Henry Fielding The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling

I. Fleming - all his books James Bond

Frederick Forsyth - all his books suspense

Graham Greene Our Man in Havana

H. Rider Haggard King Solomon's Mines

Anthony Hope The Prisoner of Zenda

H. Innes Campbell's Kingdom

John LeCarré - all his books espionage

C.S. Lewis Out of the Silent Planet

John D. MacDonald Death Trap

Alistair MacLean - all his books

Redmond O'Hanlon In Trouble Again

Ch. Palliser The Quincunx

T. Pratchett The Colour of Magic

Irvin Shaw Nightwork

Sir Walter Scott Waverley

Alan Sillitoe A Start in Life

W. Smith Shout at the Devil

J.R.R. Tolkien The Hobbit

Lord of the Rings

M. Twain Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

John Wain Hurry on Down

P. Wrightson The Ice is Coming


Chinua Achebe Arrow of God Nigeria

Ngugi A Grain of Wheat Kenya

Weep not Child Kenya

Nadine Gordimer My Son's Story South A.

July's People

Doris Lessing The Grass is Singing S.A.

Rebecca Njau Ripples in the Pool

André Brink The Wall of the Plague

Coetzee Waiting for the Barbarians

Tom Sharp Riotous Assembly '

Indecent Exposure '

Braithwaite To Sir with Love


Dreiser An American Tragedy

B.E. Ellis Less Than Zero

F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby

F. Kennedy Ironweed

N. Mailer An American Dream

A. Miller Death of a Salesman P

Bernard Shaw Rich Man, Poor Man

John Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath


Kingsley Amis Lucky Jim

The Alteration

The Anti-Death League

Ending Up

One Fat Englishman

Barstow A Kind of Loving

John Braine Room at the Top

Life at the Top

S. Delaney A Taste of Honey

William Motley Knock on any Door

John Osborne Look Back in Anger

Inadmissible Evidence


Alan Sillitoe Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

The Loneliness of the Long-distance Runner

Men, Women and Children

The Ragman's Daughter

The Widower's Son

John Wain Hurry on Down

The Young Visitors

Keith Waterhouse Billy Liar

Colin Wilson Outsider


Richard Adams Watership Down rabbits

Shardik bear

The Plague Dogs

Adamson Born Free

Bach Jonathan Livingstone Seagull

H.Mortimer Batten Starlight

Sheila Burnford The Incredible Journey

Edgar R. Burroughs Tarzan of the Apes

Gerald Durrell Three Singles to Adventure

A Zoo in my Luggage

The Overloaded Ark

R. Farre Seal Morning

Francis High Stakes


Paul Gallico The Snow Goose




John Gardner Grendel

Ernest Hemingway The Old Man and the Sea

J. Herbert The Rats

James Herriot - all his books a vet's practice

Barry Hines Kes or A Kestrel for a Knave

W. Horwood Duncton Wood

Kipling The Jungle Books

Doris Lessing Particularly Cats

Jack London The Call of the Wild

White Fang

Bernard Malamud God's Grace

Herman Melville Moby Dick

George Orwell Animal Farm

Peter Shaffer Equus P

John Steinbeck The Red POny

Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels IV

Virginia Woolf Flush


Saul Bellow The victim

Cristopher Isherwood Goodbye to Berlin

Jerzi Kozinski The Painted Bird

Bernard Malamud The Fixer

The Assistant

The Tenants

Arthur Miller Focus

I.B. Singer The Slave

William Styron Sophies Choice

Fred Uhlman Reunion


Bainbridge, Beryl An awfully big adventure

Carter, Angela Wise children

Cary, Joyce The horse's mouth

Chatwin, Bruce Utz

Heller, Joseph Picture this

Maugham. William Somerset The moon and sixpence

Potok, Chaim My name is Asher Lev

The gift of Asher Lev

Ure, Jean A proper little Nooryeff

White, Patrick The Vivisector

Wilde, Oscar The picture of Dorian Gray


P. Carey Oscar and Lucinda

B. Chatwin The Songlines

M. Franklin My Brilliant Career

R. Hall Kisses of the Enemy

R. Hughes Fatal Shore

H. Jacobson Redback

E. Jolley The Sugar Mother

Th Keneally Woman of the Inner Sea

D. Malouf Remembering Babylon

H.H. Richardson The Getting of Wisdom

N. Shute A Town Like Alice

On the Beach

G. Turner The Sea and Summer

P. White A Fringe of Leaves


M. Angelou I know Why the Caged Bird Sings

Anonymous Go ask Alice

R. Dahl Boy

Going Solo

G. Durrell My Family and other Animals

H. Keller The Story of my Life

Frank McCourt Angela's Ashes

Malcolm X The autobiograpy of Malcolm X


M. Allingham The Tiger in the Smoke London

S. Bellow Herzog Chicago

Brett Easton Ellis Less than Zero

F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby New York

P. Gallico Mrs Harris in New York

Mrs. Gaskell Amos Barton Manchester

C. Isherwood Goodbye to Berlin

J. Lear Death in Leningrad

Jay McInnerney Bright Lights, Big City New York

Chaim Potok The Chosen New York

M. Richler The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz Montreal

G. Turner The Sea and Summer Melbourne

J. Weidman Fourth Street East New York

D. Westlake Gangway San Fransisco


J.D. Garrow Bearing the Cross on M.L. King

A. Bullock Hitler: A Study in Tyranny

S. Kybett Bonnie Prince Charlie


C. Achebe Things Fall Apart

Andre Brink A Dry White Season

A Chain if Voices

J.M. Coetzee Waiting for the Barbarians


The Life and Times of Michael K.

In the Heart of the Country

Nadine Gordimer A guest of Honour

The Conservationist

Burger's Daughter

July's People

Doris Lessing The Grass is Singing

Alan Paton Cry, The Beloved Country

Debbie, Go Home

Too late the Phalarope

Tom Sharpe Roitous Assembly

Indecent Exposure

East Africa:

Ngugi A Grain of Wheat


Amis, Martin Other people

Angelou, Maya I know why the caged bird sings

Baldwin, James Go tell it on the mountains

The fire next time

TelI me how long the train's been gone

If Beale street could talk

Brown, Claude Manchild in the promised land

Cleaver, A Soul on Ice

Ellison, Ralph Invisible Man

Haley, Alex Roots

Hughes. Langston Not without laughter

Harris, Joel Chandler

Kain, G. Blues child baby

Lee. Harper To kill a mockingbird

Malamud, Bernard The tenants

Malcolm X Autobiography

McCullers, Carson Clock without hands

Steinbeck, John Travels with Charley

Styron, William The Confessions of Nat Turner

Taylor, L.D. Roll of thunder, hear my cry

Twain, Mark The adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Walker. Alice The color purple

Williams. John A. sons of darkness, sons of light

Wright, Richard Native Son

Black boy


A. Burgess A Clockwork Orange

R.F. Delderfield To Serve them all my Days

Ch. Dickens Great Expectations

B.E. Ellis Less than Zero

J. Fowles The Collector

J. Irving Prayer for Owen Meany

H. Lee To kill a Mockingbird

W.S. Maugham Of Human Bondage

Ch. Palliser The Quincunx

Ch. Potok The Chosen

The Promise

J.D. Salinger Catcher in the Rye

A. Sillitoe The loneliness of the long Distance Runner

M. Twain Huckleberry Finn

Tom Sawyer


Kingsley Amis Lucky Jim

Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice

John Braine Room at the Top

Life at the top

R. Chandler The Long Good-bye

Ch. Dickens Hard Times

B. Disraeli Sybil

Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby

Elizabeth Gaskell North and South

Thomas Hardy Tess of d'Urbervilles

Jude the Obscure

J. Kozinski Being There

W. Langland Piers the Ploughman

D.H. Lawrence Sons and Lovers

Lady Chatterley's Lover

Katherine Mansfield The Garden Party

Norman Mailer Ancient Evenings

Thomas Malory Le Morthe d'Arthur

George Orwell Road to Wigan Pier

John Osborne Look back in Anger

Salmon Rushdie Midnights Children

William Shakespeare Hamlet

Alan Sillitoe Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

Mark Twain The Prince and the Pauper

Oscar Wilde The Importance of Being Earnest


Marion Zimmer Bradley The Firebrand epic retelling fall of Troy

Geoffrey Chaucer Troilus and Creseyde long Poem middle ages

L. Davies The Iron Hand of Mars

Robert Graves Claudius the God

E.G Bulwer-Lytton The Last Days of Pompeii

I, Claudius

Colleen McCullough The Grass Crown

N. Mitchison The Corn King and the Spring Queen

Mary Renault The King Must Die

The Last of the Wine

The Bull from the Sea

Fire from Heaven

The Persian Boy

The Praise Singer

Shakespeare Julius Caesar play

Troilus and Cressida play

H. Treece Electra


Gore Vidal Julian

Thornton Wilder The Woman of Andros

The Ides of March


R. Blythe Akenfield

Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights

M. Bragg Josh Lawton

Bruce Chatwin On the Blach Hill

I. Colegate The Shooting Party

Thomas Hardy Under the Greenwood Tree

Tess of 'dUrbervilles

A. Hughes Diary of a Farmer's Wife

L. Lee Cider with Rosie

Llewellyn How green is my Valley

V.S. Naipaul The Enigma of Arrival

S. Sassoon Memoirs of a Foxhunting Man

Graham Swift Waterland

F. Thompson Lark Rise to Candleford

John Trollope A Passionate Man


H.E. Bates Fair Stood the Wind for France

S. Crane Red Badge of Courage

Ernest Hemingway For whom the Bell Tolls

A Farewell to Arms

Chr. Hudson The Killing Fields

Jerzy Kozinsky The Painted Bird

Norman Mailer The Naked and the Dead

C. Ryan A Bridge too Far

Nevil Shute On the Beach

J. Steinbeck The Moon is Down

William Styron Sophie's Choice

Leon Uris Exodus


Evelyn Waugh Men & Arms


J. Agee A Death in the Family

Martin Amis Money

Ending Up

Saul Bellow Seize the Day

Truman Capote In Cold Blood

D. Delillo Libra

William Faulkner As I Lay Dying

Light in August

John Fuller Flying to Nowhere

G. Greene A Burnt-out Case

Judith Guest Ordinary People

Ernest Hemingway The Snows of Kilimanjaro

Susan Hill In the Sprintime of the Year

Ian McEwan The Cement Garden

Jay McInerney Ransom

Sylvia Plath The Bell Jar

William Shakespeare Hamlet

King Lear

I. Southall A City out of Sight

Muriel Spark Memento Mori

Not to Disturb

John Steinbeck Of Mice and men

Anne Tyler Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant

Leon Uris QB VII

John B. Wain Young Shoulders

Evelyn Waugh The Loved One

A.N. Wilson The Sweets of Pimlico


Detective writers:

Bardin, J.F. Devil Take the Blue-Tail Fly

Carr, J.D. Death Watch

Chandler, Raymond

Chesterton, G.K. The Innocence of Father Brown

Christie, Agatha

Condon, R. The Manchurian Candidate

Crispin, E. The Moving Toyshop

Cussler, C. Cyclops

Deighton, Len Mamira

Dick, Philip

Dickinson, P. The Lively Dead

Doyle, Arthur Conan Hound of the Baskervilles

DuMaurier, Daphne Jamaica Inn

Easterman, D. Name of the Beast

Follett, K. Lie down with Lions

Francis, Dick

Fraser, Antonia

Freeling, Nicolas

Gardner, Erle Stanley

Greene, Graham The Third Man

Harris, Th. Silence of the Lambs

Highsmith, Patricia

Innes, M Stop Press

James, P.D. The Skull Beneath the Skin

Kemelman, Harry Tuesday the Rabbi Saw Red

McCabe, C. The Face on the Cutting-room Floor

Peters, Ellis

Rendall, Ruth

Sayers, Dorothy Murder Must Advertize

Stout, R. Plot it Yourself

Tey, Josephine

Wallace, Edgar

Wentworth, Patricia


Anonymous Go ask Alice

James Boswell London Journal

Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe

Highsmith, Patricia Edith's Diary

Sue Kaufman Diary of a Mad Housewife

Samuel Pepys Pepys' Diary

Sue Townsend The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole

Alice Walker The color Purple


Achebe A man of the People

Things Fall Apart

Girl at war and other Stories S

No Longer at Ease

Maya Angelou I know Why the Caged Bird Sings

Baldwin If Beale Streat Could Talk

Go Tell it on the Mountain

Going to meet the Man

Giovanni's Room

The Fire Next Time

Bowen Two Centuries of African English

Braithwaite To Sir with Love

Ralph Ellison The Invisible Man

E.M. Forster A Passage to India

Gordimer Some Monday for Sure

July's People

My Son's Story

Haley Roots

Jerzy Kozinsky The Painted Bird

Harper Lee To kill a Mockingbird

Doris Lessing The Grass is Singing

Nine African Stories

Malamud The Tenants

The Fixer

Carson McCullers The Heart is A Lonely Hunter

Toni Morrison The Bluest Eye


Ngugi A Grain of Wheat

Secret Lives

Alan Paton Cry, the Beloved Country

H.Beecher Stowe Uncle Tom's Cabin

Tlali Muriel at Metropolitan

Leon Uris Trinity

Alice Walker The Color Purple

Richard Wright Native Son

Black Boy

John Wyndham The Chrysalids

Malcolm X The Autobiography of Malcolm X


Bellow, Saul Herzog

Corman, Avery Kramer versus Kramer

Drabble, Margaret The waterfall

The needle's eye

Fitzgerald, F. Scott Tender is the night

French, Marilyn The women's room

Highsmith, Patricia Edith's diary

Jong, Erica How to save your own life

Lessing, Doris A proper marriage

Updike, John Of the farm


Amis, Kingsley One fat Englishman

The green man

Anonymous Go ask Alice

Bawden, N. The Birds on the trees

Baldwin, James Blues for Mr. Charlie

Boyle, T. Coraghessan Budding prospects

Burroughs. W.B.S. Junkie

Cain, James M. Blues child baby

Castaneda, Carlos Journey to Ixtlan

Tales of power

Cheever, John Falconer

Du Maurier, Daphne The house on the strand

Easton, Brett Ellis Less Than Zero

Garner Monkey Grip

Gordon I'm dancing as fast as I can

Greene, Graham The power and the glory

Highsmith, Patricia The glass cell

Huxley, Aldous The doors of perception

Kerouac, Jack The Dharma Bums


Kotzwinkle, William The Fan-Man

Lowry, Malcolm Under the volcano

Maclean Puppet on a Chain

McInnerney, Jay Bright lights, big city

Russell, Willy Educating Rita

Susann Valley of the Dolls

Wolfe, Tom The Electric-Kool-Aid acid test


Le Carré The Spy who came in from the Cold

Deighton Funeral in Berlin

Greene, Graham The Human Factor

Wain The Young Visitors


R. Brautigan The Abortion: A Historical Romance

J. Cleland Fanny Hill

R. Dahl My Uncle Oswald

D.H. Lawrence Lady Chatterley's Lover

V. Nabokov Lolita

Ph. Roth Portnoy's Complaint

P. Theroux Dr. Slaughter

L. Thomas Onward Virgin Soldiers

Stand Up Virgin Soldiers

G. Vidal Myra Breckinridge


Buchan, John The thirty-nine steps

Conrad, Joseph The secret agent

Deighton, Len

Greene, Graham Our man in Havana

The human factor

Le Carre, John

Ludlum, Robert

Maclnnes, Helen


J. Baldwin If Beale street could Talk

R. Ellison Invisible Man

Ales Haley Roots salvery

Ira Levin Boys from Brazil

Doris Lessing The Grass is Singing

Alan Paton Cry, the beloved country

Nevil Shute A Town like Alice women's camp

William Styron Sophie's Choice

Mark Twain Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

B. Unsworth Sacred Hunger slavery

Leon Uris QB VII WW II, crimes in Camps


Jane Austen Northanger Abbey love

Beryl Bainbridge Sweet William

Elizabeth Bowen The Death of the Heart

Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre

Willa Cather The song of the Lark

Avery Corman Kramer versus Kramer divorce

Charles Dickens David Copperfield

David Lodge How far can you go marriage/sex

Rose Macaulay They were Defeated

Iris Murdoch The Flight from the Enchanter

Chaim Potok The Chosen loneliness, growing up

Lynne Reid Banks The Writing on the Wall

J.D. Salinger The Catcher in the Rye

FACTION facts and fiction

Bowles, Paul The sheltering sky

Bradley, David The Chaneysviiie incident

Bryan, D.C. Friendly fire

Bulwer-Lytton, S.G. The last days of Pompeii

Capote, Truman In cold blood

Graves, Robert I Claudius

Claudius the God

Hanff, Helene , Charing Cross Road

Apple of my eye

Mailer, Norman The armies of the night

The executioners song

Mitford, Nancy Voltaire in love

Renault, Mary The last of the wine

The king must die

Fire from heaven

The Persian boy

The praise singer

Funeral games

Vonnegut, Kurt jr Slaughterhouse five


W. Faulkner The Sound and the Fury

John Galsworthy The Forsyth Saga

Alex Haley Roots

C. Stead The Man who Loved Children

John Steinbeck East of Eden

Evelyn Waugh Brideshead revisited


Adams, Richard Watership down

The plague dogs

Auel, Jean M. The Clan of the Cave Bear

Baum, Frank, L The Wonderful World of Oz

Carroll, Lewis Alice's adventures in wonderland

Through the looking-glass

Doyle, Arthur Conan The Lost World

Faulkner, William Sartoris

Grahame, Kenneth The Wind in the Willows

Lewis, C.S. Out of the Silent Planet

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Milne, A.A. Winnie-the Pooh

Morris, William The wood behind the world

Nesbit, E The Railway children

Peake. M. Titus' groan

Titus' home

Pratchett, Terry Colour of Magic

Rushdie, Salmon Haroun and the sea of stories

Shakespeare, William A Midsummer night's dream

Swift, Jonathan Gulliver's travels

Tolkien, J.R.R. The hobbit

The lord of the rings -

Winterson, Jeanette The Passion

Sexing the Cherry

Wrightson The Ice is Coming


Cary, Joyce Mister Johnson

Conrad, Joseph Almayer's folly

Lord Jim

Desai, Anita The village by the sea

Farrow, J.G. The siege of Krishnapur

Forster, E.M. A passage to India

Greene, Graham The quiet American

Han Suyin A many splendoured thing

Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer Heat and dust

How I became a holy mother

Kaye, M.M. The far pavilions

Shadow of the moon

Kipling, R. Kim

Letters of an Indian Judge to an English gentlewoman

Momaday, N. Scot House made of dawn

Naipaul, V.S. India, a wounded civilisation

Orwell, George Burmese days

Rushdie, Salman Midnight's children


Scott, P. The jewel in the crown

The day of the scorpion

Welch, Denton Maiden voyage


Ch. Dickens Tale of two Cities Fr. Revolutie

L. Douglas The Robe

C.S. Forester Death to the French Napoleonic Wars

The Gun Napoleonic Wars

B. MacLaverty Cal N. Ireland

M. Monsarrat Runing Proud

B. Moore Black Robe

Ch. Palliser The Quincunx

M. Roberts The Wild Girl

J. Rogers Mr Wroe's Virgins

B. Unsworth Sacred Hunger Slavery

L. Uris Exodus

P. White Voss


J.R. Ackerley We think the World of You

Alther, Lisa Other women

D. Baker Cassandra at the Wedding

Baldwin, James Giovanni's room

Another country

Brown, Rita M. Rubyfruit jungle

Burroughs, W.S. The wild boys

Capote, Truman Other voices, other rooms

Forster, E.M. Maurice , written /

Han Suyin Winter love in: Cast but one shadow

Isherwood, Chr A single man

Lawrence, D.H. The fox

Leavitt, David The lost language of cranes

Family Dancing

Murdoch, Iris The sea, the sea

Purdy, J. Malcolm

Pym, B. A Glass of Blessings

Renault, Mary The Persian boy

Stein, Gertrude Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas

Vidal, Gore The city and the pillar

Walker, Alice The color purple

White, Edmund A boy's own story

Wilde, Oscar The Picture of Dorian Gray

Wilson, A.N. The sweets of Pimlico


M. Amis Money

K. Amis One Fat Englishman

Anon Go Ask Alice

J. Baldwin Blues for Mr Charlie

T. Boyle Budding Prospects

W.S. Burroughs Junkie

J.M. Cain Blues Child Baby

C. Castaneda Journey to Ixtlan

Tales of Power

Bruce Chatwin Utz

R. Dahl My Uncle Oswald

D. DuMaurier House on the Strand

Brett E. Ellis Less Than Zero

F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby

J. Fowles The Collector

H. Green I Never Promised You a Rosegarden

G. Greene The Power and the Glory

D. Halberstam The Amateurs

P. Highsmith The Glass Cell

A. Huxley The Doors of Perception

Jack Kerouac The Dharma Bums


W. Kotzwinkle The Fan-Man

Ira Levi The Stepford Wives

M. Lowry Under the Volcano

J.McInnerney Bright Lights, Big City

V. Nabokov Portnoy's Complaint

R.L. Stevenson Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde

T. Wolfe Electric Kool Aid Acid Test


R. Alcorn Deadline

W.P. Blatty The Exorcist

L. Burkett The Conspiracy

John D. Carr The Men Who Explained Miracles

D. DuMaurier The Birds

Don't Look Now

J. Fowles The Collector

D. Hammet The Maltese Falcon

Thomas Harris The Silence of the Lambs

James Herbert Moon

The Survivor

Stephen King Pet Semetary

Night Shift



James Ghost Stories of an Antiquary

Ira Levin Rosemary's Baby

Iris Murdoch The Unicorn

F. Peretti This Present Darkness

The Oath

E. A. Poe Tales of Mystery

Ruth Rendell Live Flesh

Miranda Seymour The Reluctant Devil

M. Shelley Frankenstein

I.B. Singer Satan in Goray

Summers The Supernatural Omnibus

John Updike The Witches of Eastwick

Edgar Wallace The Four Just Men

H. Walpole The Casle of Otranto

F. Weldon The Life and Loves of a She-Devil

Wheatley The Satanist

See also the index of "DEADLINE"


Hannah Green I never Promised You a Rosegarden

Jan de Hartog The Hospital

John Irving The World according to Garp

Ken Kesey One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest

Sylvia Plath The Bell Jar

Frank Mc Mahon Angela's Ashes

HUMOUR and Irony

Douglas Adams The Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy

Alther, Lisa Kinflicks

Amis, Kingsley Ending Up

Lucky Jim

Bates Oh, to be in England

The Darling Buds of May

Boyd A Good Man in Africa

R. Bradbury The History Man

Caroll, Lewis Alice Adventures in Wonderland

Through the Looking Glass

W. Congreve The Way of the World

Dahl, Roald My Uncle Oswald

L. Durrell Stiff Upper Lip

Fielding, Henry The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling

Irving The World according to Garp

Cider House Rules

Jerome K. Jerome Three men in a boat

Edward Lear The Book of Nonsense

D. Lodge Changing Places

Bernard Malamud The Natural

The Tenants

God's Grace

Mikes, George How to be an Alien

How to be Decadent

Milligan, Spike Adolf Hitler, my part in his Downfall

Nabokov, Vladimir Pnin

Priestley, J.B. An Inspector Calls P

T. Robbins Even Cowgirls get the Blues

Ph. Roth Portnoy's Complaint

Saki The best of Saki -

W. Shakespeare A Midsummer Night's Dream

As You Like it

Sharpe, Tom All his works.....

G.B. Shaw Arms and the Man P

Man and Superman P

Pygmalion P

J. Swift Gullier's Travels

Thurber, James The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

The Thurber Carnival

Townsend, Sue The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole

The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole

True Confessions

M. Twain Huckleberry Finn

Vonnegut, Kurt Slapstick or Lonesome no more

Welcome to the Monkey house

Waterhouse, K. In the Mood

Billy Liar

Office Life

P.G. Wodehouse every book recommendable

Wilde, Oscar The Importance of being Earnest P

Comedy Thrillers:

D. Ames Murder, Maestro, Please

E. Ambler The light of Day

P. Branch The Wooden Overcoat

R. Condon Prizzi's Honour

C.S. Forester The African Queen


M.R. Anand Untouchable

U. Chatterjee The Last Burden

J.G. Farrell The Siege at Krishnapur

V. Fitzgerald Zemindar

E.M. Foster A Passage to India

R. Golden Caromandel Sea Change

R. Prawer Jhabvala Heat and Dust

Esmond in India

A Backward Place

R. Kipling Kim

T.N. Murari Taj

R.K.Narayan The Vendor of Sweets

S. Rushdie Midnight's Children

P. Scott The Raj Quartet

V. Seth A Suitable Boy

A. Zamenzad Cyrus, Cyrus


Beckett, Samuel A Belfast woman

Behan Borstal Boy

M. Binchy Echoes

C. Boylan Holy Pictures

Cochrane. I. A streak of madness

R. Doyle The Van

Farroll, J.G. Troubles

J. Johnston The Captains and the Kings

The Shadows on our Skin

J. Joyce A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Dubliners S

M Keane Good Behaviour

J. McGahem Amongst Women

P. McGinley The Trick of the Ga Bolga

MacLaverty, Bernard Cal

B. Moore Lies of Silence

Murdoch, Iris The red and the green

Murphy, Dervla Wheels within wheels

O'Brien, Edna The country girls

Girl with green eyes

Flan O'Brien Datkey Archive

At Swim-Two-Birds

O'Faolain, Julia No country for young men

J. Plunkett Strumpet City

Ch. Ramo The Dark of Cork

Shaw Rich Man, Poor Man

Sudd A Breed of Heroes

Trevor, William Fools of fortune

Mrs Eckdorff in O'Neills Hotel

Uris, Leon Trinity


Austen Pride and Prejudice

G. Chaucer The Merchant's Tale th C

G.B. Shaw Candida P

W. Shakespeare Othello P

The Winter's Tale P

Anne Tyler Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant

Fay Weldon The Life and Loves of a She-Devil


Bellow, Saul Dangling Man

Humboldt's Gift

Seize the Day

Gold, Herbert

Heller, Joseph Catch

Good as Gold

Jong, Erica

Kozinski The Painted Bird

Levin, Ira Boys from Brazil

N. Mailer An American Dream

Malamud, Bernard The Assistant

The Fixer

The Tenants

Potok, Chaim In the Beginning

The Chosen

The Promise

Book of Lights

Davita's Harp

Roth, Philip Goodbye Columbus

My Life as a Man

When She was Good

Salinger. J.D.

Singer, Isaac B.

Updike, John Marry Me

Uris, Leon Exodus

Wood, Bari The Tribe


Kingsley Amis Lucky Jim

James Baldwin If Beale Street Could Talk

Truman Capote In Cold Blood

Cain The Postman Always rings Twice

Avery Corman Kramer Versus Kramer

Charles Dickens Bleak House

John Grisham The Client

The Partner

The Verdict ??

Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter

Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird

B. Malamud The Fixer

Reginald Rose Twelve Angry Men

Shakespeare The Merchant of Venice

Leon Uris QB VII


Anonymous Go ask Alice

Anita Brookner A Start in Life


Hotel du Lac

D. Defoe Robinson Crusoe

Ralph Ellison The Invisible Man

John Fowles The Collector

The French Lieutenant's Woman

Paul Gallico Love of Seven Dolls

Ernest Hemingway The Old Man and the Sea

Susan Hill In the Springtime of the Year

Isherwood A Single Man

Sue Kaufman Diary of a Mad Housewife

Kennedy Ironweed

Jack Kerouac On the Road

The Lonesome Traveller

Doris Lessing The Grass is Singing

Carson McCullers The Member of the Wedding

The Ballad of the Sad Cafe

Chaim Potok The Chosen

The Book of Lights

James Purdy In a Shallow Grave

J. Raban Foreign Land

J.D. Salinger The Catcher in the Rye

Nine Stories

William Shakespeare King Lear

Alan Sillitoe The Loneliness of the LOng-distance Runner

Anne Tyler Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant

Keith Waterhouse Maggie Muggins


Behan Borstal Boy

Ch. Dickens Little Dorrit

John Fowles The Collector

Jackson Soledad Brother

Keneally Schindler's List

K. Kesey One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Stephen King Mysery

Koestler Darkness at Noon

Malamud The Fixer

G. Orwell

Alan Sillitoe The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner

Solzhenitsyn Cancer Ward

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich


Amis, Martin The Rachel papers

Austen, Jane Northanger Abbey

Pride and Prejudice

J. Baldwin If Beale Street Could Talk

Barstow A Kind of Loving

A Raging Calm

The Right True End

Bates Fair Stood the Wind for France

Love for Lydia

A Moment in Time

R.D. Blackmore Lorna Doone

Bowen, Elisabeth The death of the heart

Braine Room at the Top

Bronte, Charlotte Jane Eyre

Bronte, Emily Wuthering heights

Brookner, Anita Providence

Brophy, Brigit The snow ball

Byars, Betsy Cybil War

Ch. Dickens The Happy Prisoner

Margaret Drabble The Garrick Year

The Waterfall

D. DuMaurier Frenchman's Creek


Faulkner Light in August

Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby

The last Tycoon

Fowles, J. The French Iieutenant's woman

Greene, Graham The heart of the matter

The end of the affair

L. Haire-Sargeant Heathcliff

Th. Hardy Tess of D'Urbervilles

L.P. Hartley The Go-Between

Caroline Harvey Legacy of Love

Hawthorne, Nathaniel The scarlet letter

Hemingway, Ernest A farewell to arms

For Whom the Bell Tolls

Georgette Heyer Cotillion

Irving, John The world according to Garp

The Cider house rules

H. James The Europeans

The Portrait of a Lady

Lawrence, D.H. Women in love

Lady Chatterley's lover

The virgin and the gipsy

Lessing The Summer before the Dark

The Grass is Singing

Levin, Ira A kiss before dying

MacLaverty, Bernard Cal

Maugham, W. Somerset The painted veil

Cakes and Ale

Margaret Mitchell Gone with the Wind

Mitford The Pursuit of Love

Murdoch, Iris The sandcastle

The Italian girl

The Black Prince

The Bell

Orwell Burmese Days

Raphael The Glittering Prizes

Jean Rhys The Wide Sargasso Sea

Roth, Philip Goodbye, Columbus

E. Segal Love Story

Shakespeare, William Othello

Romeo and Juliet

Shaw, Bernard Candida

Shute, Nevil Pastoral

A Town LIke Alice

A. Sillitoe Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

Singer, lsaac B. Sosha

Thomas, Francis Dear comrade

Trapido, Barbara Brother of the more famous Jack

Trevor, William Fools of fortune

Tyler, Anne Searching for Caleb

Updike, John Rabbit, run

Marre me

Wharton, E. Summer

Wilson, A.N. The sweets of Pimlico

Love Unknown

Winterson, Jeanette The passion


J. Buchan The -Steps

Ch. Dickens Oliver Twist

L. Fleischer Rainman

Fr. Forsyth Day of the Jackal

Th. Hardy Mayor of Casterbridge

Jude the Obscure

A. Huxley Brave New World

I. Levin The Boys from Brazil

N Shute On The Beach

P. Theroux The Mosquito Coast


R. Brown The Siblings

R. Condon Any God Will Do

Cook, David Walter

Winter doves

Drabble, Margaret The ice age

M. Forster The Bride of Lowther Fell

S. Hill The Bird of Night

K. Kesey One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest

Doris Lessing The Fifth Child

Mortimer, John Joe Egg

W. Perriam Sin City

S. Plath The Bell Jar

J. Rhys Good Morning, Midnight

P. Sayer The Comforts of Madness

Steinbeck, John f mice and men

Swift, Graham Waterland

Vonnegut Slaughterhouse

E. Waugh The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold

A. White Beyond the Glass

Wordsworth, William The idiot boy poem,


Martin Amis Money

Jane Austen Complete Works

G. Chaucer The Pardoner's Tale

Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe

Theodore Dreiser The Financier

George Eliot Silas Marner

F.Scott Fitzgerald Tender is the night


The Great Gatsby

Dick Francis Hot Money

J. Galsworthy The Forsyth Saga

B. Glanville The Financiers

William Dean Howells The Rise of Silas Lapham

Henry James The Spoils of Poynton

E. Lathen Banking on Death

Bernard Malamud The Assistant

John Dos Passos The Big Money

S. Richardson Pamela

William Shakespeare The Merchant of Venice

Chr. Stead House of all Nations

Paul Theroux Doctor Slaughter

Mark Twain The Prince and the Pauper

J. Weidman A Family Fortune

D.E. Westlake Bank Shot


Banks, Lynn Read The L-Shaped Room

Drabble, Margaret The Millstone

Forster, A. Mother, Can You hear me?

Friday, Nancy My Mother, My Self

Irving, John The World According to Garp

Lawrence, D.H. Sons and Lovers

Miller, Sue Good Mother

Mortimer, Penelope The Handyman

Murdoch, Iris The Italian Girl

Park, Christine Joining the Grown-Ups

Roth, Philip Portnoy's Complaint

Shaw, Bernard Mrs. Warren's Profession

Tyler, Anne Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant

Weldon, Fay Down Among the Women

Wharton, William Dad


E. Hemingway For Whom the Bell Tolls

Reed Alive

Joe Simpson Touching the void

This Game of Ghosts

Stroud Shadows on the Wasteland


L. Alther Kinflicks

Bawden The Afternoon of a Good Woman

Billington A Woman's Age

Kate Chopin The Awakening

M. French Bleeding Heart

The Women's Room

D. Lessing The Golden Notebook

The Summer befpre the Dark

McCarthy The Group

M. Mead Male and Female

Fay Weldon Down Among the Women

V. Woolf Mrs. Dalloway

A Room of one's Own


Anonymous Go Ask Alice

C.Bernstein & R. Woodward All the President's Men

C.D.B. Bryan Friendly Fire

Truman Capote In Cold Blood

Dahl, Roald Going Solo


Frank Mc Mahon Angela's Ashes

N. Mailer Executioner's Song

P.P. Reid Alive

Joe Simpson Touching the void

L. Uris Exodus


Bainbridge, Beryl Sweet William

Banks, Lynn Read The L-shaped room

Corman, Avery Kramer versus Kramer

Drabble, Margaret The millstone

Emecheta, Buchi Head above water

Irving, John The world according to Garp

McCullers, Carson The member of the wedding

Rossner, Judith Any minute I can split


M.R. Anand Untouchable

J.G. Ballard Empire of the Sun China

J. Baldwin If Beale Streat Could Talk USA

J. LeCarré Little Drummer Girl

E.M. Forster A Passage to India

V.S. Naipaul A House for Mr. Biswas West Indies

A Paton Cry the Beloved Country SA

Salman Rushdie Midnight's Children India

Nevil Shute On the Beach Australia

Amy Tan The Joy Luck Club China

L. Uris Exodus Israel


S. Butler The Way of All Flesh

M. Forster Private Papers

Mothers' Boys

D.H. Lawrence Sons and Lovers

Edna O'Brien Time and Tide

John Updike The Centaur


P.S. Buck The Good Earth

M. Bragg Josh Lawton

The Miad of Buttermere

E. Brontë Wuthering Heights

E. Caldwell God's Little Acre

Bruce Chatwin On the Black Hill

J. Cheever Bullet Park

I. Colegate The Shooting Party

N.M. Gunn The Well at the World's End

Thomas Hardy Far from the Madding Crowd

Jude the Obscure

S. Hill In the Springtime of the Year

John Irving The Cider House Rules

R. Kipling Kim

A. Laurents The Way we were

H. Lee To Kill a Mockingbird

Llewellyn How Green Was my Valley

B. MacLaverty Cal

M. Mitchell Gone with the wind

V.S. Naipaul The Enigma of Arrival

R.K. Narayan The Painter of Signs

J. Potts The Diehard

Graham Swift Waterland

John Steinbeck The Moon is Down

East of Eden

J. Trollope A Passionate man

M. Twain The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

A Walker The Color Purple


Jostein Gaarder Sophie's World

J. Gardam Crusoe's Daughter

R. Lehman The Balld and the ource

A Sea-Grape sequel to the above

A. Lurie Imaginary Friends

R. Macaulay The World My Wilderness

I. Murdoch The Philosopher's Pupil

B. Russell History of Western Philosohy

R. West The Thinking Read

V. Woolf Mrs. Dalloway


C. Achebe Anthills of the Savannah

J. Armado The Violent Land

Barstow A Raging Calm

Bernstein All the President's Men

R. Condon Mile High

B. Disraeli Coningsby

M. Dobbs House of Cards

M. Gellhorn A Stricken Field

Heller Good as Gold

A. Huxley Brave New World

A. Koestler Darkness at noon

Ira Levin This Perfect Day

N. Mailer The Presidential Papers

Th. More Utopia

G. Orwell Animal Farm

Homage to Catalonia

Solzhenitsyn Cancer Ward

M. Spark The Abbess of Crewe

J. Swift Gulliver's Travels

Vidal Washington DC

Wyndham The Kraken Wakes


Ch. Dickens Hard Times

Little Dorrit

G. Eliot Silas Marner

D.H. Lawrence Sons and Lovers

Frank McCourt Angela's Ashes

J. Steinbeck The Pearl

The Grapes of Wrath

PRISON AND PRISONSYSTEM also in a figurative sense

Abbott, Jack H. In the belly of the beast

Baldwin, James If Beale street could talk

Behan Borstal Boy

Cheever, John Falconer

Coetzee, J.M. Waiting for the Barbarians

Life & times of Michael K

Dickens, Charles liver Twist -

David Copperfield -

Little Dorrit -

Great expectations -

J. Fowles The Collector

Highsmith, Patricia The glass cell

Himes, Chester Cast the first stone

Kesey, Ken One flew over the cuckoo's nest

Stephen King Mystery

Koestler, Arthur Darkness at noon

Malamud, Bernard The fixer

Motley, Willard Knock on any door

Murdoch, Iris The unicorn

Sillitoe, Alan The loneliness of the long-distance runner

Vonnegut, Kurt Jailbird


Amis Ending up

Bagley The Spoilers

Anon Go ask Alice

Bagden The Birds on the Trees

Baldwin Go Tell it on the Mountain

Bellow Seize the Day

Bowen The Writing on the Wall

A. Burgess A Clockwork Orange

Burroughs The Naked Lunch

Capote In Cold Blood

P. Carey Oscar and Lucinda

Ch. Dickens Great Expectations

Oliver Twist

M. Dickens The Happy Prisoner

B. Easton Elis Less than Zero

Fowles The Collector

Garner Monkey grip

Gordon I'm Dancing as Fast as I can

Hartley The Go-Between

Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter

Highsmith Edith's Diary

Huxley The Doors of Perception

Kesey One Flew over the cuckoo's nest

MacClean Puppet on a Chain

Mc Cullers The Heart is A Lonely Hunter

McEwan The Cement Garden

Mortimer The Pumpkin Eater

Rhys The Wide Sargasso Sea

Shaffer Equus

Spark Not To Disturb

Memento Mori

Steinbeck Of Mice and Men Madness

The Grapes of Wrath

Susann Valley of the Dolls Drugs

Waugh The Loved One

Wolfe The Electric Koll-Aid Acid Test


K. Amis One Fat Gentleman

W.B.S. Burroughs Junkie

Gr. Greene The Power and The Glory

M. Lowry Under the Volcano

I. McEwan Cement Garden

W. Miller A Canticle for Leibowitz SF, Phylosophy,religion

J. McInnerney Bright Lights, Big City

T. Wolfe The Electric-Kool-Aid Acid test


Amis, Kingsley Stanley and the women

Gordon, Barbara l'm dancing as fast as I can

Green, Hannah I never promised you a rosegarden

Kesey, Ken One flew over the Cuckoo's nest

Levin, Ira Rosemary's baby

Pirsig, Robert M. Zen and the art of motorcyde maintenance

Plath, Sylvia The bell jar

Sacks, Oliver The man who took his wife for a hat

Schreiber, Flora Rheta Sybil

Shaffer, Peter Equus

Stevenson, R.L. The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Thomas. D.M. The white hotel

Wharton, William Birdy


Anonymous Go Ask Alice

Leon Uris Exodus




Amis, Kingsley Ending up

Hill, Susan A change for the better

Lessing, Doris The diaries of Jane Somers -

Lovely, Penelope Perfect happiness

Mortimer, Penelope The handyman

Murdoch, Iris A fairly honourable defeat

Pym, Barbara Quartet in autumn

Spark, Muriel Memento mori

Trevor, William The boarding house

Wharton, William Dad

Wilson, A.N. The sweets of Pimlico


Amis, Kingsley The alteration

Baldwin, James Go tell it on the mountain

Bunyan, John The Pilgrims Progress

Burgess, Anthony Earthly powers

The Kingdom of the Wicked

Douglas, Lloyd The robe

The Big Fisherman

Eliot, T.S Murder in the cathedral

Fuller, John Flying to nowhere

Greene, Graham The power and the glory

The heart of the matter

A burnt-out Case

Monseigneur Quichote

J. Heller God Knows

Joyce, James A portrait of the artist as a young man

Kenneally, Thomas Three cheers for the paraclete

Lodge, David How far can you go?

Maclaverty, B. Cal

Malamud, Bernard The fixer

Moore, Brian Catholics

The Colour of Blood

Moore, G. The Brook Kerith

W. Th. Ngugi The River Between

Potok, Chaim The Chosen

The Promise

The Gift of Asher Lev

Davita's Harp

J. Rogers Mr. Wroe's Virgins

Salinger, J.D. Franny and Zooey

Spark, Muriel The Abbess of Crewe

Tuchman, B. Bible and Sword

Waugh, Evelyn Brideshead Revisited

West, Morris The devil's advocate

Wilder, Thornton M. The bridge of San Luis Ray

Winterson, Jeanette Oranges are not the only fruit

Boating for beginners

Wilson, Angus Kindly light

Ungarded hours

Gentlemen in England


Blythe, Ron Akenfield

Bronte, Emily Wuthering heights

Chatwin, Bruce On the black hill

Hardy, Thomas Under the Greenwood tree

Tess of the d'Urbervilles

Hughes, Anna The diary of a farmer's wife -

Lee, Laurie Cider with Rosie

Read, Miss

Sassoon, Siegfried Memoirs of a foxhunting man

Thompson, Flora Lark rise to Candleford


Th. Hardy Jude the Obscure

I. McEwan Cement Garden

N. Shute On the Beach


Bradbury, Ray Eating people is wrong

The history man

Heller, Joseph Catch-

Huxley, Aldous Point counter point

Kosinsky, Jerzy Being there

Lewis, Sinclair Main Street


Lodge, David Changing places

Mitford, Nancy The pursuit of love

Love in a cold climate

Don't teIl Alfred

Orwell, George Animal Farm

Purdi, James Malcolm

Saki The best of Saki -

Sharpe, Tom Wilt

Spark, Muriel Memento mori

Swift, Jonathan Gulliver's travels

Thackeray, W.M.

Twain, Mark A Connecticut Yankee at King Arthur's court

Waugh, Evelyn Decline and fall

A handful of dust

Wilson, Angus Anglosaxon attitudes


Amis, Kingsley Lucky Jim

Beerbohm, M Zuleika Dobson

Boyd, William School Ties

Good and Bad at Games

Bradbury, Malcolm The History Man

Rates of Exchange

Stepping Westward

Eating People is Wrong

Braithwaite, E.R. To Sir, with Love

Brookner, Anita Providence

Brontë, Anne Agnes Grey

Byars, Betsy Cybil War

John le Carre Call for the Dead

Dahl, Roald Boy

G. Daniel The Cambridge Murders

Delderfield R.F. To Serve Them All My Days

Charles Dickens Nicholas Nickleby

Fitzgerald, F.Scott This side of Paradise

Hilton, James Goodbye, Mr Chips

Hughes, M.V. A London child of the s

A London Girl of the s

A London home in the s

Hughes, Thomas Tom Brown's School Days

Hunter, Evan The Blackboard Jungle

J. Joyce A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

A. Judd The Noonday Devil

Knowles, John A separate place

Lodge, David Changing Places

Small World

Nice Work

Lurie, Alison The War between the Tates

Nabokov, Vladimir Pnin

Peyton, K.M. A Midsummer Night's Death

B. Pym Crampton Hodnett

Rhue, M. The Wave

Salinger, J.D. The Catcher in the Rye

Sayers, Dorothy Gaudy Night

Sharpe, Tom Porterhouse Blue

Vintage Stuff

Snow, C.P. The Masters

The Affair

Tey, Josephine Miss Pym disposes

Thomas, Francis Dear Comrade

Uhlman, Fred Reunion

Waugh, Evelyn Decline and Fall

Wilson, Angus Anglo-Saxon Attitudes


Adams, Douglas The hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy

Aldiss, B.W. Space and Nathaniel

Child of time

Asimov, lsaac Fantastic voyage

The Gods Themselves

Ballard The Four-Dimensional Nightmare

The Terminal Beach

I.M. Banks Against a Dark Background

G. Bear Anvil of Stars

Bellow Mr Sammler's Planet

Bradbury, Ray The Martian chronicles


Burgess, Anthony A clockwork orange

A.C. Clarke Rendezvous with Rama

Dick, Philip K. The man in the high castle <

Disch, Th. M. Camp concentration

The MD

Feist, Raymond E. Prince of the blood

Follett, Ken Eye of the needie

Harrison, Harry Technicolor time machine

Heinlein The Puppet Masters

Herbert, Frank

Hoyle Into Deepest Space

The Black Cloud

Huxley, Aldous Brave new world


LeGuin, Ursula

Lessing, Doris The memoirs of a survivor

Levin, Ira This perfect day

Lewis, C.S. It can't happen here

Out of the silent planet

Lucas Star Wars

Malamud, Bernard God's grace

McCarthy A Source of embarrassment

W. Miller A Canticle for Leibowitz

Naipaul, V.S In a free state

Niven, Larry Ringworld

Orwell, George Nineteen-eighty-four

F. Pohl The World at the end of Time

T. Pratchett Small Gods

Shaw Orbitsville

Shute, Nevil On the beach

Susann, jacqueline Yargo

Vance, Jack The blue world

Vidal Kalki

Vogt, A.E. van Slan

Vonnegut, Kurt Player piano

Slapstick or lonesome no more

Welcome to the monkey house

Shute, N. On the Beach

Wells, H.G. The war of the worlds

The time machine

The invisible man

The food of the Gods

Wilson, Angus The old man and the zoo

Wyndham, John The day of the Triffids

The Chrysalids


The Midwich cuckoos

Zamyatin We

Zelazny, Roger Nine princes in Amber


G. Mackay Brown Greenvoe

L. Grassic Gibbon A Scots Quair

A. Gray Lanark

N.M. Gunn Morning Tide

C. Mackenzie The Monarchof the Glen

W. Scott The Heart of Midlothian

R.L. Stevenson Kidnapped

J. Webster Colliers Row


Alther, L. Kinflicks

Axline Dibbs - in search of self

Ellison, R. Invisible man

Fowles The Magus

Greene, H. I Never Promised You a Rosegarden

Kerouac On the Road

Lessing The Summer before the Dark

Lawrence Sons and Lovers

McCarthy Birds of America

McCullers, C The Member of the Wedding

Plath, S. The Bell Jar

Potok My Name is Asher Lev

Powell What's Become of Waring?

Read Polonaise

Salinger The Catcher in the Rye

Wain Hurry on Down

Webb The Graduate


J. Rogers Mr. Wroe's Virgins


S.T Coleridge Rime of the Ancient Mariner

J. Conrad The Nigger of the Narcissus

J. Dickson The Blind Barber

Forester The African Queen

Fr. Forsyth The Devil's Alternative

P. Gallico The Poseidon Adventure

Hemingway The Old man and the Sea

R. Kipling Captain Courageous

H. Neville Moby Dick

C. Nordhoff & J. Hall Mutiny on the Bounty

E.A. Proulx The Shipping News

P. Rodgers To Kill a God

W. Shakespeare The Tempest

N. Shute On the Beach

Stevenson Treasure Island

Swift Gullivers Travels

H. Wouk The Caine Mutiny


M. Boyd Nuns in Jeopardy

D. Defoe Robinson Crusoe

W. Golding Pincher Martin

M. Spark Robinson

K. Vonnegut Galapagos

P. White A Fringe of Leaves


J. Kerouac On the Road

T. Wolfe The Electric-Kool-Aid Acid Test

J. Baldwin Blues for Mr Charlie

P. Highsmith The Glass Cell


Brink, Andre A dry white season

The wall of the plague

A chain of voices

Coetzee, J.M. Duskslands

In the heart of the country

Waiting for the Barbarians

The life and times of Michael K.

Age of iron

Gordimer, Nadine A guest of honour

The conservationist

Burger's daughter

July's people

my son's story

Lessing, Doris The grass is singing

Paton, Alan Cry, the beloved country

Debbie, go home

Too late the Phalarope

Sharpe, Tom Riotous assembly

Indecent exposure


Alan Sillitoe The Loneliness of the Long-distance Runner


LeCarré Call for the Dead

The Honourable Schoolboy

A Murder of Quality

The Spy who came in from the Cold

Crisp The Odd Job Man

Deighton Funeral in Berlin

The Ipcress File

Spy Story

Yesterday's Spy

Forsyth The Odessa File

Greene A Confidential Agent

A Gun for Sale

Our Man in Havanna

The Quiet American

see also : espionage


Anon Go Ask Alice

J.M. Coetzee Waiting for the Barbarians

W. Faulkner Light in August

F. S. Fitzgerald Tender is the Night

L. Hartley The Go-Between

A. Huxley Brave New World

K. Ishiguro Remains of the Day

J. Joyce Portrait of the Artist as a Young man

W. kennedy Ironweed

K. Kesey One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest

D. Lodge How Far can you go

B. Maclaverty Cal

I. McEwan Cement Garden

G. Orwell

Ch. Potok My Name is Asher Lev

Davita's Harp

D. Thomas White Hotel


Burgess, Anthony A clockwork orange

Bronte Wuthering Heights

Chopin, Kate The Awakening

Christie Sparkling Cyanide

Green, Hannah I never promised you a rosegarden

Guest, Judith Ordinary people

Hill, Susan I'm the King of the Castle

The Bird of Night

Huxley Brave New World

Murdoch The Nice and the Good

Nobbs The Rise and Fall of Reginald Pernin

Orwell Burmese Days

Plath, Sylvia The Bell Jar

Salinger, J.D. Nine Stories

Shakespeare, William Romeo and Juliet

Shute On the Beach

Spark, Muriel The public image

Not to disturb

Styron, William Lie down in darkness


Blackwood, A. Tales of terror & darkness

Dickens, Charles Litle Dorrit

Golding, William Lord of the flies

James, Henry The Turn of the Screw

Lovecraft, H.P.

Murdoch, Iris The Unicorn

Poe, Edgar Allen

Stoker, Abraham Dracula


Amis, Martin Other people

Bagley, Desmond Bahama crisis

Running Blind

Banks, lan The wasp factory

Beckford, William Vathek, an Arabian tale

Block Mayday

Bowles, Paul The sheltering sky

Up above the world

Carter, Angela

Chase Tiger by the Tail

Davis Control Tower

DuMaurier Jamaica Inn

Duncan Dragons at the Gate

Fowles. John The collector

Forsyth, F.

Greene, G. The Confidential Agent

Hadley Chase, James

Haggard, H. Rider She

Hammett, D. The Maltese talcon

Highsmith Deep Water

James, Henry The turn of the screw

King, Stephen The Dead Zone

Kosinski, J. Cockpit

Leonard, Elmore

Levin, Ira A kiss before dying

Rosemary's baby

The Stepford Wives



MacInnes Above Suspicion

Agent in Place

Prey for a Brave Heart

The Snare of the Hunter

Murdoch, Iris The Italian Girl

Poe, Edgar Allan

Radcliffe, Anne The mysteries of Udolpho

Shelley, Mary Frankenstein

Streiber The Wolfen

Walpole, Hugh The castle of Otranto


Ackerley, J.R. Hindoo holiday

Bowles, Paul Up above the World

Bradbury, Malcolm Rates of exchange

Christie, Agatha Murder on the Orient express

Death on the Nile

Cookridge, E.H. Orient express

Conrad, J. Lord Jim

Heart of Darkness

Fermor, P.L. A Time of Gifts

Fleming, lan From Russia with love

Garfield, Leon Jack Holborn

Garrard, A. Cherry The worst journey: the world

Greene, Graham Stamboul train

The lawless roads

Travels with my aunt

Moorhouse, Geoffrey Om

Murphy, Dervla Wheels within wheels

O'Hanlon, Redmon In trouble again

Post, Laurens van der Venture into the interior

The lost worlds of the Kalahari

Journey into Russia

Steinbeck, John Travels with Charley

Swift, Jonathan Gulliver's travels

Theroux,Paul The great railway bazar

The old Patagonian express

The kingdom by the sea

The Mosquito coast

Thomas, Leslie The Adventures of Goodnight and Loving

Welch, Denton Maiden voyage


R.F. Delderfield To Serve them All my Days

A. Hailey Hotel


James Herriot All his works Vet's Practice

J. Rogers Mr. Wroe's Virgins


Margaret Atwood The Handmaid's Tale

Anthony Burgess A Clockwork Orange

Anthony Burgess

Hartley Facial Justice

Aldous Huxley Brave New World


Ira Levin This Perfect Day

Thomas More Utopia

George Orwell

George Orwell Animal Farm

Russell Has Man a Future?

Shute, N. On the Beach

Jonathan Swift Gullivers Travels part IV

Vidal Kalki

H.G. Wells The Time Machine

Wyndham The Day of the Triffids

Y. Zamyatin We


Bryan, D.C Friendly fire

Caputo Ph. A rumor of war

Del Vecchio Thirteen valley

Greene, G. The Quiet American

Hammer One morning in the war

Herr, M. Dispatches -

Hudson, Christopher The killing fields

Mason Chickenhawk

O'Brien If I die in a Combat zone

Santoli, A. Everything we had

Webb Fields of fire

Wharton, William Birdy


Burgess, Anthony A Clockwork Orange

Easton Ellis, Brett An American Psycho

Kozinsky, Jerzy The Painted Bird


World War II:

Bates, H.E. Fair stood the wind for France

The Jacaranda Tree

The Day of Glory

The Purple Plain

How sleep the Brave

Burgess, Anthony A Clockwork Orange

Heller, Joseph Catch-

Hersey, J. Hiroshima

Hughes, David The Pork Butcher

Isherwood, Chr. Goodbye to Berlin

Jones, James From here to Eternity

Keneally, Th. Schindler's Ark

Kosinski, Jerzy The painted Bird

Mailer, Norman The Naked and the Dead

Mitford, N. Pigeon Pie

Monsarrat, Nicolas The Cruel Sea

Ryan, C A Bridge too far

Shute, Nevil Pied Piper


Steinbeck The Moon is Down.

Styron, William Sophie's Choice

Trevor, William The Killing Ground

Uris, Leon Exodus


Vonnegut, Kurt Slaughterhouse Five

Waugh, Evelyn Men & Arms

Officers and gentlemen

Unconditional Surrender

Sword of Honour

War in General:

Aldington, R. Death of a Hero WWI

Amis, M. Time's Arrow

Bailey, P. Old Soldiers

Bainbridge, B. Young Adolf

Ballard Empire of the Sun

Bellow Dangling Man

Boyd, William An Ice-cream War

Bowen, E. The Heat of the Day

Braddon The Naked Island

Conrad,J. Under Western Eyes

Crane, Stephen The Red Badge of Courage

Darrell At the Going down of the Sun

Deighton, Len Bomber

Berlin game

Drummond, E. Forget the Glory

Fairchild,W. The Poppy Factory

Forester, C.S. The Gun nap. wars

Death to the French nap. wars

Lord Hornblower

The Ship

Forsyth, Fr. The Odessa File

The fourth protocol

Gallico The Snow Goose

Greene, Graham The Quiet American

The tenth Man

The Power and the Glory

Hemingway, Ernest A Farewell to Arms

For Whom the Bell Tolls

Herr, M. Dispatches

Higgins, J. The Eagle has Landed

The Eagle has flown sequel

Hill, Susan Stange Meeting

Hudson The Killing Fields

Laker, R. This Shining Land

LeCarre The Little Drummer Girl

Lessing, D. The Good Terrorist

Maclaverty, Bernard Cal

Maclean, A. The Guns of Navaronne

Michener, J. The Source


Homage to Catalonia

Potok, Chaim The Book of Lights

Shakespeare Richard III

Shute, N. On the Beach

Wells, H.G. The War of the Worlds


Bates The Jacaranda Tree

The Purple Plain

The Scarlet Sword

Bromfield Night in Bombay

Conrad The Nigger of the Narcissus

Forster, E.M. A Passage to India

Greene The Heart of the Matter

The honorary Consul

The Quiet American

A Burnt-out Case

Hersey A Single Pebble

Lessing The Grass is Singing

Maugham Short Stories

Orwell Burmese Days

Scott The Day of the Scorpion

The division of the Spoils

The Jewel in the Crown

The Towers of Silence


Berger, Th. Little Big Man

Brand, M. Destry Rider Again

Cather, W. My Antonia

Clark, W.v T. The Ox-Bow Incident

Cooper, J.F. Last of the Mohicans

The Pioneers

The Prairie

The Pathfinder

The Deerslayer

Herlihy, J.L. Midnight Cowboy

McMurthy Anything for Billy

Michener, J. Chesapeake

Mitchell. M. Gone with the Wind

Ondaatje, M. Collected works of Bily the Kid

Ripley, A. Scarlett sequel to the above

Twain, M. Roughing it

Wister, O. The Virginian


Levin, Ira The Stepford Wives

John Updike The Witches of Eastwick

Roald Dahl The Witches

T.H. White The Book of Merlin


Alther, Lisa Kinflicks

Atwood, Margaret Surfacing

Austen, Jane Northanger Abbey

Banks, L.Reid The L-Shaped Room

Bawden, Nina Afternoon of a good woman

Blackwood, C. The stepdaughter

Bronte, Ch. Jane Eyre

Bronte, E. Wuthering Heights

Brown, Rita Mae Rubyfruit Jungle

Chopin, Kate The awakening

Eliot, George The mill on the floss

French, Marilyn The women's room

The bleeding heart

Gardam, J. Crusoe's Daughter

Gordimer, N. A Sport of Nature

Greer, Germaine The female Eunuch

Hulme, K. The Bone People

Jong, Erica Fear of flying

How to save your own life

Kaufman, Sue Diary of a mad housewife

Lawrence, D.H. Lady Chaterley's Lover

Lessing, Doris The golden notebook

The summer before the dark

McCarthy, Mary The group

Moore, Brian The emperor of icecream

Moore, G. Esther Waters

Mortimer, Penelope The handy-man

The pumpkin eater

O'Brien, Edna Girls in their married bliss

Pym, Barbara Excellent women

Less than angels

A glass of blessings

No fond return of love

Rhys, Jean Wide Sargasso sea

Shakespeare, W. Romeo and Juliet

Thomas White Hotel

Tyler, Anne A slipping-down life

Walker, Alice The color purple

Weldon, Fay A fat woman's Joke

Down among the women


Woolf, Virginia A room of one's own

Three guineas


Hardy, Th. Tess of D'Urberville

Far from the Madding Crowd

Lawrence, D.H. Lady Chatterley's Lover

Moore, G. Esther Waters

Sillitoe, A. Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

Key to the Door

Storey, David Pasmore


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