PDF British-World Literature Reading List - Rose Gainard

British Literature Reading List

(The following reading list was taken from the Air Academy High School Reading List )

All reading for Mrs. Mathews' 12th grade English class MUST come from this list, or from one of the authors listed here. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Austen, Jane

Beckett, Samuel Blackmore, R.D. Bolt, Robert Boswell, James Bronte, Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bulwer-Lytton, Edward Bunyon, John Butler, Samuel Carroll, Lewis

Cary, Joyce Chaucer, Geoffrey Christie, Agatha Clarke, Arthur

Congreve, William Conrad, Joseph

Pride and Prejudice Emma Sense and Sensibility Mansfield Park Persuasion

Waiting for Godot

Lorna Doone

A Man for All Seasons

The Life of Samuel Johnson

Jane Eyre

Wuthering Heights

Last Days of Pompeii

Pilgrim's Progress

Way of All Flesh

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Through the Looking Glass

The Horse's Mouth

Canterbury Tales

All Works

The Other Side of the Sky Childhood's End 2001: A Space Odyssey

The Way of the World

Lord Jim Heart of Darkness and the Secret Sharer Heart of Darkness Secret Sharer

Defoe, Daniel Dickens, Charles

Doyle, Arthur C. DuMaurier, Daphne Eliot, George

Eliot, T. S. Fielding, Henry Forster, E. M. Fowles, John Frazer, Sir James Galsworthy, John Golding, William

Three Great Tales Victory Nigger of "Narcissus" Nostroms

Moll Flanders Robinson Crusoe

Tale of Two Cities Bleak House David Copperfield Great Expectations Hard Times Nicholas Nickeby Oliver Twist Our Mutual Friend Pickwick Papers

Hound of the Baskervilles

Frenchman's Creek King's General Rebecca

Adam Bede Middlemarch Mill on the Floss Silas Marner

Murder in the Cathedral

The History of Tom Jones Amelia Joseph Andrews

Passage to India Howard's End A Room With A View

The French Lieutenant's Woman

The Golden Bough

Modern Comedy Forsyte Saga

The Inheritors Lord of the Flies Pryamid

Goldsmith, William Graves, Robert Greene, Graham

Hardy, Thomas

Hilton, James Hudson, W. D. Huxley, Aldous James, Henry

Johnson, Ben Joyce , James

Kipling, Rudyard

Lawrence, D. H. Lessing, Doris

She Stoops to Conquer Vicar of Wakefield

I, Claudius

The Comedians The Quiet American Power and the Glory The Heart of the Matter

Return of the Native The Mayor of Casterbridge Tess of d'Urbervilles Far from the Maddening Crowd Jude, The Obscure The Trumpet Major

Goodbye, Mr. Chips

Green Mansions

Brave New World Island

The Portrait of a Lady Turn of the Screw Daisy Miller Washington Square

Epicene (Play) Volpone

Finnegan's Wake Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Dubliners Ulysses

Jungle Book Kim Captain Courageous The Light That Failed

Sons and Lovers Women in Love

The Wind Blows Away Our Works Summer Before the Dark Golden Notebooks The Fifth Child

Lewis, C.S. Llewellyn, Richard Malory, Thomas Marlowe, Christopher Maugham, Somerest

Meredith, George Milton, John More, Sir Thomas Nordhoff, Charles Orwell, George Pope, Alexander Renault, Mary Richardson, Samuel Scott, Sir Walter

Shakespeare, William Shaw, George Bernard

Shute, Nevil Smollett, Tobias Sparks, Christine

Screwtape Letters

How Green Was My Valley

Le Morte d' Arthur

Doctor Faustus

The Moon and Sixpence Of Human Bondage The Razor's Edge

The Egotist

Paradise Lost


Mutiny on the Bounty

Animal Farm 1984

Rape of the Lock

The Mask From Apollo The King Must Die

Pamela Clarissa

The Antiquary Kenilworth Quentin Durwrd Talisman Ivanhoe

All Works

Saint Joan Pygamlion Major Barbara Androcles and the Lion Arms and the Man Candida Man and Superman

On the Beach

The Expedition of Hulmphrey Clinker

The Elephant Man

Sterne, Lawrence Stevenson, Robert Louis

Swift, Jonathan Tennyson, Alfred Lord

Thackeray, William Tolkien, J.R. R. Trollope, Anthony Waugh, Evelyn Wells, H. G.

Wilde, Oscar Woolf, Virginia

Tristram Shanty

Kidnapped Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Treasure Island

Gulliver's Travels

Idylls of the King The Charge of the Light Brigade The Lady of Shalott

Vanity Fair Henry Esmond

All Works

Barchester Towers

Brideshead Revisited Decline and Fall

The Time Machine Invisible Man War of the World

The Picture of Dorian Gray The Importance of Being Earnest

To the Lighthouse Mrs. Dalloway The Waves

World Literature Reading List

Germany Kafka, Franz

Heinrich Alexander, Lloyd

Hesse, Herman

Metamorphosis The Trial

The Clown

The Kestrel Westmark

Demian Siddhartha Steppenwolf


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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