Math – Grade 6 - Unit 2 – ELL Scaffold

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 1 |Use mathematical language to identify parts of an expression. |Explain using mathematical language how to identify parts of an expression using a|VU: Sum, term, product, factor, |

|CCSS: | |word wall, a Jigsaw Activities, and a Glossary. |quotient, coefficient |

|6.EE.2 | | | |

|WIDA ELDS: 3 | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | |LFC: Transitional phrases, ordinal |

| | | |numbers, present progressive tense, |

| | | |adverbs |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Word wall |Word wall |Word wall |Word wall |Word wall |

| |Glossary |Glossary |Glossary |Jigsaw Activities | |

| |Jigsaw Activities |Jigsaw Activities |Jigsaw Activities | | |

| |L1 text and/or support |L1 text and/or support | | | |

| |Cloze Activity |Sentence Frame | | | |

| |Visuals |Teacher Support | | | |

| |Teacher Support | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 2 |Write and evaluate numerical expressions involving whole number exponents. |Summarize how to evaluate numerical expressions involving whole number exponents |VU: Evaluate, exponents, expressions, |

|CCSS: | |using manipulatives, small groups and Peer Coaching. |whole numbers |

|6.EE.1 | | | |

|WIDA ELDS: 3 | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

|Listening | | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | |LFC: Modals (would, could, might), |

| | | |compound tenses (would have been), |

| | | |questions words |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Manipulatives |Manipulatives |Manipulatives | Manipulatives |Manipulatives |

| |Small group |Small group |Small group |Small group | |

| |Peer Coach |Peer Coach |Peer Coach | | |

| |Charts/Posters |Charts/Posters |Charts/Posters | | |

| |L1 text and/or support |L1 text and/or support | | | |

| |Cloze Activity |Sentence Frame | | | |

| |Word Bank |Word/Phrase Bank | | | |

| |Note Cards |Note Cards | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 3 |Read, write, and evaluate expressions in which letters stand for numbers |Sequence the steps needed to read, write, and evaluate expressions in which |VU: Terms, monomials, coefficient, |

|CCSS: |(Including formulas that arise from real-world contexts). |letters stand for numbers using a cloze activity, Visuals, and Partner work. |variable expressions, linear functions,|

|6.EE.2 | | |represent |

|WIDA ELDS: 3 | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

|Listening | | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | |LFC: Transitional phrases, ordinal |

| | | |numbers, imperatives, question words, |

| | | |passive voice |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Visuals |Visuals |Visuals |Visuals |Visuals |

| |Partner work |Partner work |Partner work |Partner work | |

| |Cloze Activity |Checklist of Steps | | | |

| |Checklist of Steps |Adapted Text | | | |

| |Adapted Text |Sentence Frame | | | |

| |Word Bank |Word/Phrase Bank | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 4 |Apply the properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions |Retell how to apply the properties of operations to generate equivalent |VU: Properties, operations, equivalent,|

|CCSS: |(Including the distributive |expressions using Note Cards, Teacher Modeling, and Think-alouds. |distributive property, integers, |

|6.EE.3, 6.NS.4 |property; for example, express 36 + 8 as 4(9 + 2) and y + y + y = 3y | |variable expressions |

|WIDA ELDS: 3 | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

| | | |LFC: Past tense verbs, transitional |

| | | |phrases, ordinal numbers, question |

| | | |words, imperative tense |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Think-aloud in L1 |Think-aloud in L1 |Think-aloud |Think-aloud |Think -aloud |

| |Teacher Modeling |Teacher Modeling |Teacher Modeling |Teacher Modeling | |

| |Note Cards |Note Cards |Note Cards | | |

| |Adapted Text |Adapted Text | | | |

| |Word Bank |Word/phrase Bank | | | |

| |Gestures |Sentence Frame | | | |

| |Cloze Activity |Visuals | | | |

| |Visuals |Native language support | | | |

| |Native language support | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 5 |Identify when two expressions are equivalent; for example, Are the two |Explain orally and in writing how to identify when two expressions are equivalent |VU: variable expressions, simplify, |

|CCSS: |expressions equal? 81 + |using Note Cards, Visuals, and a checklist of steps. |equivalent, equal, terms |

|6.EE.4 |18 and 9(9 + 2). | | |

|WIDA ELDS: 3 | | | |

|Speaking | | | |

|Reading | | | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | |LFC: Present tense, transition words, |

| | | |question words, imperative tense |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Note Cards |Note Cards |Note Cards |Note Cards |Note Cards |

| |Visuals |Visuals |Visuals |Visuals | |

| |Checklist of Steps |Checklist of Steps |Checklist of Steps | | |

| |Charts/Posters |Charts/Posters | | | |

| |Teacher Support |Teacher Support | | | |

| |Word Bank |Word/Phrase Bank | | | |

| |Gestures | | | | |

| |Student Learning Objective (SLO) |Language Objective |Language Needed |

|SLO: 6 |Find the greatest common factor of two whole numbers less than or equal to 100|Demonstrate understanding of an oral explanation on how to find the greatest |VU: Common factor, greatest common |

|CCSS: |and the least common multiple of two numbers less than or equal to 12. |common factor and least common multiple using an outline and notes. |factor, least common multiple, less |

|6.NS.4 | |Explain how to find the greatest common factor and least common multiple using |than, equal to |

|6WIDA ELDS: 3 | |Visuals, a Math Journal, and L1 support. | |

|Listening | | | |

|Writing | | | |

| | | |LFC: Present tense, question words, |

| | | |clauses |

| | | |LC: Varies by ELP level |

| |ELP 1 |ELP 2 |ELP 3 |ELP 4 |ELP 5 |

|Learning Supports |Visuals |Visuals |Visuals |Visuals |Visuals |

| |Math Journal |Math Journal |Math Journal |Math Journal | |

| |L1 support |L1 support | | | |

| |Multiple Resources |Multiple Resources | | | |

| |Partner work |Partner work | | | |

| |Teacher Support |Teacher Support | | | |

| |Word Bank |Word/Phrase Bank | | | |


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