History 310Articles and Video lecturesHere are your supplementary articles for the course. They offer you a range of viewpoints and interpretations of the history we explore in our text and the mini-lectures. They are listed in the order they should be read and or viewed. You are to read or view 16 articles or videos, write a short summary of the author’s main points and offer your comments. They may be submitted weekly or at the end of the semester with your course journal. They are all available as cited by newspaper or journal or UT for Youtube.Wanabe States of the US, Knowing Better. UTMost archaeologists think the first Americans arrived by boat, Science magazine.America’s Great Indian nations, Ahone and Lee Questor Entertainment. UTExploring the World Spanish explorer of North America, The Chamberlinchannel UTA Critique of Engstrand’s article: How Cruel were the Spaniards, .Howorowitz, Immigration-and the curse of the Black Legend NYT (July 9, 1006).Faludi, America’s Guardian Myths NYT (Sept 7, 2007).Fischer, One World, Two Big Ideas NYT ( July 3, 2008).Mann, A Pox on the New World, American HeritageA French Connection, Davis NYT (Nov 26, 2008) and massacre in Florida, Resendez, American Heritage.Fausz, The Missing Women of Martin’s Hundred, American History (March 1998).Ask who Paid for America’s Universities, NY Times.Jill Lepore, These Truths, Politics and Prose. UTButler, Black Beard’s Terror, American Heritage (Spring 2011). Penning a Legacy, American History (Feb 1998).Schiff, The Boston tea Party was more than that. It was a riot NYT Aug 13, 2020).The American Revolution Washington and Arnold, Bill Curtis UTRose, How a revolution saved an empire NYT (July 5, 2007). Bowen, By Unanimous consent of the states, Smithsonian (July 1987).Dionne, Founders were not anti-government; they wanted rule of law, Washington Post8founding fathers and how they helped shape the nation, .Taylor, Our feuding founding fathers NYT (Oct 17, 2016).Finkelman, The Monster of Monticello NYT (Nov 30, 2012)Lewis and Clark, USA Today Magazine.Wernick, Chief Justice Marshall takes the law in hand, Smithsonian (Nov. 1998).Brookshire, Religious Intent NYT (April 13, 2008).Winik, A New Nation NYT (Nov 29, 2009).Stone, Our fill-in-the-blanks Constitution NYT (April 14, 2010).Gragg, Order vs. Liberty, American History (Oct. 1998).Kyff, The whiskey rebellion, American History (Aug 1994).Feldman, James Madison’s Lessons in Racism NYT (Oct 28, 2017).Dolley madison saves the day, Smithsonian ( March 2010).Foreman, The British View of the War of 1812…, How History Textbooks reflect America’s refusal to reckon with slavery, Greenly VOXJacksonian Democracy (choose among several parts) Khan Academy UTRemini, Andrew Jackson and the Cherokee Nation, American History (Aug 2001).Traub, The Election of 1824, National Geographic History (Nov-Dec 2016).The Immigration History of the USA (several parts). UTScience and Technology in the late 19th century, Bruce Hunt. UTEx-slaves talk about slavery in the USA (Oct 11, 2016) UTDurrill, The Struggle for Black Freedom before Emancipation, OAH Magazine of History.Baccola, You can’t put Frederick Douglass in chains, NYT (March 12, 2018)The Missing Century of Black History in the Americas, TEDex NashvilleDelblanco, The Long struggle for America’s Soul NYT (Nov 2, 2018)Frost, From Detroit to the Promised Land American History (April 2007).Lectures in History: Early Women’s Movement, American History C-Span. UTUS-Mexican-American War (in our time). UTHague, James K. Polk and the Expansionist Spirit, Journal of the West (July 1992).Largent, Jr., The Florida Quagmire, American History (Oct. 1999). Lewey, Were American Indians the victims of genocide? HistoryNewsNetwork.Barcott, In the shadow of Moby Dick NYT (July 29, 2007).1846: The Way we were-and the way we went, Smithsonian 1996.America: The Story of us: Gold Rush History, History Magazine May 20, 2010.Cox, When Anti-immigration meant keeping outr black pioneers NYT (Sept 20, 1919).What do we owe the Indians? Van Develder, Historynet.Denton, Fremont Steals California, American Heritage (winter 2011). Krauze, Will Mexico get half its territory back? NYT (April 6, 2017).Levy, Forgotten Forty-Niners, American History Illustrated (Jan-Fed, 1992).Andersen, 1848 When American Came of Age, Time (March 19, 2007).How the West was spun, Hyslop, American History.Smallbone, How the West was Lost, History Today.Herschthal, Frederick Douglass’s fight against scientific racism NYT (Fed 22, 2018)/Stiles, Buffalo Soldiers, Smithsonian (1998).Hunter, When Slaveowners got reparations NYT (April 16, 2019).Foner, Confederate Statues and ‘Our’ history NYT (Aug 20, 2017)A Statue was toppled: Can we finally talk about the British Empire, NYT (June 6, 2020).The War that never Goes Away, American Heritage (March 1990).Myths about why the South Seceded, Washington Post. Smith, What sort of Leader was Lincoln? NYT ( Feb 13, 2013).Hanson, Sherman’s War, American Heritage (Nov 1999).Krick, Lee’s Greatest Victory, American Heritage (March 1990),McPherson, Commander in Chief, Smithsonian (Jan 2009).The American Civil War, Emancipation, and Reconstruction on the World Stage, Ayers, A Battle of Wills: Why the South Lost the American Civil War, HistoryExtra.On the Civil War in American Memory (pts 1-2), David Blight. UTRighthand, The Women who fought in the Civil War, Reconstruction and the Fragility of Democracy NYT (Nov 12, 2015).Garcia, She survived a slave ship, the civil war and the Depression NYT (April 3, 2019)Everitt, 1871 war on terror, OAH magazine of History.What is Historical Thinking? Jim Grossman May 15, 2013. UTHow Would you draw history? Sartwell, NYT (Nov 19, 2018).Stearns, Why Study History? American Historical Assn. 1998).Civility in America. A talk with Historian Douglas Brinkly, Fergusaon Library June 25, 2019. Brooks, America the redeemer Nation NYT (Nov 23, 2017).UTBrilliant, Elements of an Effective History Exam Essay (UC Berkeley). ................

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