RENAISSANCE PERSONALITY PROJECTAssigned Tuesday, October 14Due Thursday, October 30Presentations October 30 and 31Description : You will create a detailed one to two page written report in the first person about a Renaissance personality and give a three to five minute presentation to the class in the first person as the person who you studied. A report in the first person means that you write and give your report acting as if you were the person and tell the class about your life.Written report: Your report will be written as if you were the person who you learned about. You may write it as an autobiography telling the story of your person’s life or you may write it as a letter introducing the person. Your final report should be written in ink, in cursive, on regular main lesson book paper (8.5” x 11’) and should include:When and where the person was bornSome information about the person’s childhoodSome information about the person’s education and trainingInformation about their family (parents, spouses, children…etc.)Details about their major accomplishmentsDetails about what they are famous forDetails about their adult life (Where they lived, what they did…etc)Information about their later years and deathA drawing that relates to the person’s life – This could be a scene from their life, a portrait, a map, a copy of a famous artwork or something else related to their life –This should be done on regular main lesson book paper (8.5” x 11”)*Your final report should be free of spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammatical errors.Presentation: You will give the presentation as if you were the person who you studied. Tell all about your life. You must wear some sort of costume. The costume closet will be available to you. Extra credit (10%) will be given if you make your own costume. Your presentation must be between 3 and 5 minutes long. Include all of the information from your written report. You may tell the class all about your life or, with the help of a friend or two, you may act out a scene from the person’s life, as long as you include the details from your report. You should know enough about the person’s life to give your presentation without notes. If you must use notes to help you remember, the notes should be written on small notecards and include only words and phrases to help you remember. You may not read your written report for your presentation.Timeline for Renaissance Project_____ Tuesday, October 14 Receive and read project description. Do internet research during study hall to help you decide on your person._____ Wednesday, October 15 Turn in top three choices. You will get these back by the end of the day. Begin research. You must have at least two sources. One must be a print source and one must be an online source. Use the research planner to help you organize your notes. Begin to work on your drawing and find a costume.____ Wednesday, October 22 Turn in completed research planner. You will receive this back the same day. Begin writing your report.____ Friday, October 24 Turn in first draft of written report. You will receive this back the same day. Begin writing final version. Continue working on the drawing.____ Wednesday, October 29 Turn in final version of your report. Presentations will be in Main Lesson and Extra Main on 10/29 and during Main Lesson on 10/30.5% will be taken off your final grade for each day that something is late. If you are having trouble with research, talk with Mr. Pegg right away.Name_____________________________________Grading for Renaissance ProjectThe report is worth 20% of your grade for the block and will be graded as follows.Total = 100 pointsWritten Report (50 points)____ (10) The report is written in first person, as the person who the student learned about.____ (10) The report does not contain spelling, punctuation, capitalization, or grammatical errors.____ (10) The report contains all of the information listed in the report description.____ (10) The report is written in ink, in legible cursive, and is on standard size main lesson book paper.____ (10) The drawing relates to the person’s life and reflects the student’s current artistic ability.Total ______/50Presentation (50 points)____ (10) The student has some type of costume that relates to the person.____ (10) The student spoke clearly and loudly enough for everyone to hear.____ (10) The report is given in the first person and the student does not break character.____ (10) The report includes all of the required information.____ (10) No notes were used.Extra Credit _____(10) The student made an original costume.Total _____/50Final Grade ______+ ______ = _______/100Notes:Here is a list of some of the famous people from the Renaissance. You may choose someone who is not on this list, except for Michelangelo and Leonardo DaVinci.Famous Women of the Renaissance Isabella d’Este – Noblewoman and patron and promoter of the arts,Catherine de Medici – One of the most influential women of the time.Catherine de Vigri – painterLavina Teerlinc - A Flemish artist from the north European tradition, she specialized in miniature portrait paintings.Sofonisba Anguissola?- The daughter of a noble family from Cremona, she came from a large talented family who had five daughters who painted.Lavinia Fontana A remarkable woman who was born in Bologna, the daughter of painter Prospero Fontana and married to the artist Paolo Zappi but also mother to eleven children.Lucrezia Borgia Known as the fatal and lethal woman of the Renaissance, Lucrezia Borgia was a lovely sight, with long blonde hair and gray eyes. Born on April 18, 1480, Lucrezia was the daughter of Rodrigo Borgia, who became Pope Alexander VI in 1492. She would soon become one of the most controversial characters of her time.?Diane de Poitiers - One of the most beautiful women of all time, Diane de Poitiers was born in 1499. She was a woman of contrasts, a sinner raised on a pedestal of admiration and veneration.Mary I of England -Born in 1516, Mary I was the fourth monarch of the Tudor dynasty and the only child of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon. In 1533, she became the first queen of England and Ireland.Saint Catherine of Siena Major theologian. She left nearly 400 letters, including correspondence with popes, sovereigns, rulers of republics, and leaders, as well as private citizens. Catherine was politically active throughout her life. She is credited with playing a major role in returning the papacy from Avignon to Rome in 1377, and helped to reorganise the church under Pope Urban VI. Pope Gregory appointed her ambassador to Florence in 1378.?Christine de Pisan, The first European woman to earn her living as professional writer. She wrote more than 20 works of prose and poetry. Treasure of the City of Ladies, a book of conduct for women of all classes, is particularly interesting, sheds a lot of light on what was expected of women at the time.?Isabella I of Castille One of the great Renaissance queens, Isabella I is known for her wise government and patronage of the arts. She married Ferdinand of Aragon in 1469, uniting most of span under their joint rule. From 1482 isabella and Ferdinand waged a war to conquer Granada, the last outpost of the Moors in Spain. While Ferdinand was at the front, Isabella ran the government and provided for the support of the troops. Throughout her reign, Isabella strengthened her royal authority, creating a more centralized government, abolishing the nobles' rights to coin money, restoring the central currenty and codifiying the law. After the war Isabella created a court of learning where literature, music, and art were valued. Vittoria Colonna. Major Renaissance poet. Much admired by Michaelangelo, who wrote to her "Without wings I fly with your wings; by your genius I am raised to the skies; in your soul my thought is born."?Teresa of Avila Spanish nun and theologian, considered of prime importance in the tradition of western mysticism. The Catholic Encyclopedia notes that she was "the first to attempt a scientific analysis of the process of mystical union brought about by contemplation." She founded 40 Carmelite monasteries, and wrote extensively. More than 400 letters, poetry and treatises survive.?Catherine di Medici Queen of King Henri II of France, and regent of France from 1560-1574, considered one of the most influential persons of her time. She introduced many aspects of italian culture to France, and was an important patron of music; sponsoring her own women musicians. she was a patron of architecture, and designed her own chateaus. She tried to steer a moderate policy politically, trying to reconcile the opposing Catholic and Protestant factions of France. However, she has been held to blame by many for the Saint Bartholomew's massacre in 1570.?Gaspara Stampa Poet. She is considered one of the finest poets of the Italian Renaissance. In contrast to most Italian Renaissance poets, Stampa was not nobility, but from the artisan-merchant class. Only four of her poems were publsihed in her lifetime, but after her death her sister collected 311 poets, mostly sonnets, and published them under the title Rime. Today she is recongised as one of the greatest lyricists of the 16th century.?Sofanisba Anguissola Italian portrait painter. She was the first female artist to establish an international reputation. She is important for her inovative portrait work and her possible influence on later Spanish and Italian portraiture.?Queen Elizabeth I of England England's first successful woman ruler. She reigned for 44 years alone, and had a great influence on religion, culture, and England's growing prestige as a world power.Famous People of the Renaissance MusiciansJosquin Desprez - Desprez was considered one of the greatest composers in the history of Western music.Guillaume Dufay - Guillaume Dufay was a famous Renaissance composer.Thomas Tallis – Famous English composerPierre de La Rue – Famous French composerClaudio Monteverdi – Famous Italian composerWilliam Byrd – Perhaps the most famous English of all time.Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina –Famous Italian composerOrlando de Lassus – Famous Italian composerSculptorsBenvenuto Cellini?- Cellini had a very strong, but strange, impression on the Italian High Renaissance.Donatello - Donatello is considered to be one of the greatest sculptors of all time. His techniques are still used by sculptors today.Ghiberti - Ghiberti was a famous sculptor, painter, and a goldsmith. He was famous for the two sets of Bronze Doors.Andrea Del Verrocchio - Verrocchio was a Florentine sculptor and painter who is ranked second only to Donatello among the Italian sculptors of the Renaissance.ScientistsNicolaus Copernicus - Nicolaus Copernicus was a Polish astronomer who is commonly acknowledged as the founder of modern astronomy.Rene Descartes - Rene Descartes was one of the greatest philosophers of the Renaissance period.Galileo Galilei - For the last four hundred years, Galileo has fascinated and inspired writers, theologians, playwrights, historians and scientists.?Gerardus Mercator - Gerhard Kremer, or Gerardus Mercator was the leading mapmaker of the 15th Century.?ArchitectsLeon Battista Alberti - Leon Battista Alberti was known as the father of modern architecture.Filippo Brunelleschi - Brunelleschi was the father of Renaissance architecture and the most prominent architect in Italy, during his lifetime.?Andrea Palladio - Palladio was one of the most influential figures in the whole development of western architecture.PoliticiansElizabeth I - The time that Elizabeth ruled was called the Golden Age.Francis I - Francis I was a great French Renaissance politician.ScholarsCastiglione Baldassare - Baldassare Castiglione was a great man and a big influence in the Italian Renaissance.Nicolo Machiavelli - Nicolo Machiavelli was one of the most influential people of the Renaissance.Aldus Manutius- ldus Pius Manutius was possibly the greatest writer who ever lived.William Shakespeare - Shakespeare was known as the greatest dramatist and finest poet who has written in the English language.ArtistsGiovanni Bellini - Giovanni Bellini was the most important painter active in Venice in the late 15th Century.Botticelli - Botticelli was a very talented artist. He became very popular in the Renaissance times. His work is still respected and valued very much.Pieter Bruegel the Elder - Pieter Bruegel the Elder, is now considered the most important Flemish painter of the mid-16th Century. He established the independence of landscapes and scenes of everyday life.Albrecht Durer- Albrecht Durer was a well-educated man and an experienced painter. Albrecht was a great artist in all areas of art.?Rapheal Sanzio - Raphael was one of the greatest and most popular artists of all time.Titian - Titian was one of the great artists of the Renaissance.Paolo Uccello - Paolo Uccello was a Renaissance artist. He was one of the first people to use perspective in his paintings.Jan Van Eyck - Jan Van Eyck was one of the most influential people in his time.?Name: RESEARCH PLANNERSOURCES PRINT SOURCES : Include title, author, publisher, year, and place of publicationONLINE SOURCES: Include name of site or page, full URL, and the date you accessed RMATION –Use additional pages as neededName of person:When they were born:Where they were born:Information about their childhood: (parents, siblings, other family, education, training, travel, interests, activities…etc)What they are famous for (major accomplishments) and other details about their adult life:Information about their later years:Name_____________________________________________________________________My top three choices for the Renaissance project are:1)__________________________________________2)_________________________________________3)_________________________________________For your first choice, please write a few sentences explaining why you want to learn more about this person.Name________________________________________________My top three choices for the Renaissance project are : (List in order of preference)1)_____________________________________________________2)_____________________________________________________3)_____________________________________________________For your first choice, write a few sentences explaining why you want to learn more about this person ................

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