8/4/19……Won’t He do it!!! (Psalms 18:32-36)IntroductionHow many times have you heard this expression and just blew it off? It wasn’t you so you just didn’t get why they were so emotional!David sang this song of praise when God delivered him from the hand of Saul.David calls The Lord his strength, his rock, his fortress, his deliverer, which in essence makes God his savior as well as his protector.David was a praying man and God is a prayer hearing God.We seek kairos (the quality of life) in our chronos (the quantity of life). The more we live for eternity the better we live today.What is the Greatest Hymn ever written?2 Samuel 22; Psalm 18:1-3; 34:19; 116:16; 144:1-2God’s GoodnessWhat do you do when you think of the goodness of The Lord?God intervenes at no charge. (Shirley Caesar’s song)David knew that it was not anything he had done to deserve God’s blessings.God gives us sure footing on the world’s rocky cliffs. Preparing for a physical battle is good, but preparing for a spiritual battle is even better.God provides protection and encouragement for his chosen servant.God wants to help us become all we can be for his eternal glory and our present good. God has chosen in humility to give you freedom by which you can follow His will and honor His name.If you put God’s glory ahead of your own, choosing his will over yours. It is like living for heaven on earth. Psalm 18:32-36; 28:7; 91:2; 2 Samuel 22:33; Ephesians 6:14-18; Acts 13:22 David A. Adams, Pastor/Teacher ................

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