Introduction (Continued):


Due Dates, Materials, Research Policy, Topics

Important Upcoming Due Dates:

- Materials Due in Class: ______________________

- Research Topic Selection: ______________________

o Selection will occur by a lottery during class

o One student per topic in each class period

Material Required:

- 1 - Research Handbook

- 1 - ACTIVE public library card

- Flash Drive

- Google Drive Account


- 1 - accordion folder

- 25 - 3x5 white lined index cards

- 50 - 4x6 white lined index cards

- 2 - blue or black ink pens

- 1 - lined legal pad or notebook

- 10 - rubber bands

DO NOT rip above this line because the topics are on the other side.


Research Policy: As the research paper/project is a requirement of the course, all components must be completed. Failure to complete even one assignment related to the research paper/project will result in a failing grade for the nine weeks marking period. Also, the student will not receive credit for the course until all assignments are completed as per the teacher’s specifications. In addition, students must avoid plagiarism or cheating, which will result in a failing grade for the paper. Plagiarism includes using others’ words or ideas without giving credit (appropriate citation). Cheating includes working cooperatively on any part of the assignment (unless instructed by teacher) or sharing research, outlines, drafts, note cards, bibliography cards, or final written copies with any other student. The guidance counselor, parent, and principal will be notified of incomplete work, plagiarism, or cheating infractions.

Student Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ________

Print Full Name: _____________________________________

Failure on the part of the student to sign this form does not exempt him/her from the policy.

Research Topics

|Ancient Rome |Society |

|The Roman military |Music |

|Plutarch |Religious customs |

|Roman government of Caesar’s time |Art |

|Traditions and customs |Law / democracy |

|Entertainment (gladiators & Spartacus | |

|Roman construction and architecture (Colosseum, Appian Way) |Julius Caesar |

|Roman social classes |Caesar’s rise to power (including military career) |

|History of the Roman Empire |Reign of Caesar (his contributions and the Julian calendar) |

|The First Triumvirate |Caesar’s assassination (including reasons and results) |

|Cicero |Cleopatra |

|Roman religion and gods |Mark Antony |

| | |

|Ancient Greece |Elizabethan Age |

|Aristotle |History of Elizabethan England |

|Relationship between Greek and Roman empires |Government |

|Greek drama / theater (tragedy and comedy) |Elizabeth I |

|Greek mythology (gods / goddesses) |Mary, Queen of Scots |

|Greek architecture |Daily lives |

|Troy / Trojan War |Social classes |

|Greek military |James I |

|Traditions, customs, & entertainment | |

|Homer |William Shakespeare |

|Contributions |Life |

|Sophocles |Globe Theater |

|Greek history |Acting & writing career |

|Plato |Controversies |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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