

One moment can change your life forever.

Questions to watch while viewing the film

1. What was Jose before he was a chef?

2. Where is Nina at the beginning of the story? Why isn’t she at work?

3. Why does Manny fire Nina?

4. How does Jose react to this?

5. Though Manny and Jose are brothers, they are both different. Describe these differences.

6. While walking in the streets of New York City, Nina and Jose meet a homeless person. What does he ask Nina? The words “God closed my eyes, now I can see” are written on his box. What is the significance of this?

7. Nina says to Jose, “You have a kid, your freedom’s gone.” Jose responds, “Things change.” In moments of trial, it is easy to despair. Why is Jose’s message of hope important to vulnerable people, namely women in crisis pregnancy situations?

8. Nina imagines herself with Jose in the clinic. Describe this scene from the perspective of both characters.

9. Nina was alone and Jose kept her company. Nina lost her job and Jose got her a new one. With each practical step, Nina’s situation seems less impossible. Why are small acts of charity significant in helping others?

10. Jose admonishes his brother Manny for not taking the time to know his workers. Why is it important to take the time to listen to others?

11. On the train, Jose asks Nina, “Have you thought about adoption?” She responds that she’d rather not have a stranger raise her child. Jose replies, “It doesn’t have to be a stranger.” What does this imply?

12. Bible Connection: When Nina arrives at Jose’s home, his father says, “This is your home…I am at your service.” Compare this with Christ’s words found in Matthew 25:35.

13. Thus far in the story, Jose has had a series of flashbacks. What startling event happened to Jose?

14. Jose’s manager asks him to leave the scene of the accident, insisting it will save Jose’s career. Jose stays. Why?

15. Jose assists Nina throughout the day at the risk of his job and his family’s disapproval. Jose acts alone to help another in need. How does this compare with performing acts of charity? Are there times when the world, even our own family, would disapprove of our acts of mercy toward others?

16. How does Jose’s family make Nina feel welcome?

17. Jose’s mother reveals something surprising about Manny. What is this?

18. Jose’s father says to Nina, “I haven’t seen Jose like this for many years. And I have you to thank for that. The accident cost him his passion.” Though Jose is helping Nina in her trial, she is helping him with his. Explain how service to others is really a service to one’s self.

19. Nina tells Jose, “You are seriously lucky. You have a good family.” Why is this particularly important for Nina, given her upbringing?

20. Jose and Nina go to the beach. What does Nina tell Jose about her family life? How might her sorrowful upbringing affect her mindset? What is the Christ-like way of responding to those in need?

21. Nina confides to Jose, “I want to bring a child into this world out of love. With a man who is going to take care of us. I don’t have that. I can’t have this baby and watch it suffer with me. I don’t know what I’m doing.” How should men respond to women who are in need? How is this need an invitation to greatness?

22. What did Jose tell Manny he was going to do?

23. The story opens with the line, “If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.” Often when we try to plan our lives according to society’s expectations, we fall short of God’s plan for us. How was God present in both the lives of Nina and Jose?


|Ford Car | |

|Teddy bear | |

|Blue scarf | |

|Butterfly | |

|Food/Meals | |

Complete the following chart to draw parallels between Nina and Jose.


|CRISIS | | |

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Film & Media Connections

1. Eduardo Verástegui, the actor who plays Jose, said at a Pro-Life conference that some of his earlier work had sent messages that were "poisoning society." He went on, "It broke my heart. I realized that I was offending God." He concluded, "I wasn't born to be famous or rich. I was born to know and love and serve our Lord Jesus Christ."

• Why do many Hollywood films fail to present positive, real-to-life situations?

• What positive messages does Bella have?

• Think of other films that have positive messages.

• Why is it important for artists like Eduardo to continue serving God through the media?

2. The name of the film company "Metanoia" is from the biblical Greek word for "repentance." Considering Eduardo’s idea that some films are “poisoning society,” why do you think the company chose this name?

3. The song “Nearer Blessed Lord” by Nina Simone is featured in the film. Analyze lyrics of the song to show how Jose gave his service to God’s will.

I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice,

And it told Thy love to me;

But I long to rise in the arms of faith,

And be closer drawn to Thee.

Draw me nearer, nearer, blessed Lord,

To the cross where Thou hast died;

Draw me nearer, nearer, blessed Lord,

To Thy precious, bleeding side.

Consecrate me now to Thy service,

By the power of grace divine;

Let my soul look up with a steadfast hope,

And my will be lost in Thine

My soul look up with a steadfast hope,

my will be lost in Thine

So draw me nearer, nearer, blessed Lord,

To the cross where Thou hast died;

Draw me nearer, nearer, blessed Lord,

To Thy precious, bleeding side

Faith Connections

The Works of Mercy are actions which the Catholic faith outlines for the faithful in order to be more Christ-like. They recall the beatitude, "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy" (Matthew 5:7). These works also call to mind Christ’s commandment, “Love your neighbour as yourself.'"

Corporal works of mercy relate to our physical needs.

1. Feed the hungry

2. Give drink to the thirsty

3. Clothe the naked

4. Welcome the stranger

5. Visit the imprisoned

6. Visit the sick

7. Bury the dead

Spiritual acts of mercy relate to our spiritual needs.

1. Warn the sinner

2. Instruct the ignorant

3. Counsel the doubtful

4. Comfort the sorrowful

5. Bear wrongs patiently

6. Forgive all injuries

7. Pray for the living and the deceased

Find examples from the film for both the corporal and spiritual works of mercy.

Community Connections

For many years, the pro-life community has been active in responding to the needs of women in crisis pregnancy situations.

Using the following website, answer these questions:

1. Where is your local pro-life organization?

2. What service do they offer?

3. What information might I find there?

4. How can I become involved in this vital work?


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