A young athlete’s dietA hockey player’s diet should be based around lean proteins for muscle repair and recovery and appropriately timed carbohydrate for fuel. In addition, fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and dairy foods provide important vitamins and minerals, along with some healthy fats. It is important that active children are meeting their energy demands and their growth and development needs. Athletes should be eating three nutritionally balanced meals and three to four healthy snacks throughout the day.What should my child be drinking?Drink fluids before, during, and after hockey games. You want to maintain a good hydration level. Water is sufficient to replace fluid losses, however, during games, sports drinks can be a good option as they provide carbohydrates to fuel the body. (Which have fluid and electrolytes in them)When eating BEFORE a game.What should a pre-game meal look like?Must have carbohydrateFluids (hydration) Try to make sure you have a “Big” meal 3 hours BEFORE game time!Examples of good options for pregame meals:Wrap or sandwich with chicken and saladBowl of breakfast cereal with yoghurt and berriesPasta with beef hamburger in tomato-based sauceChicken stir-fry with rice or noodlesSnack Ideas for pregame:Yoghurt with fruit saladBanana and a handful of almondsPeanut butter on rice cakesIt is important that children are getting the proper recovery. Post Meals should contain the following:Contains carbohydrates because it fuels our muscles glycogenProtein to repair muscle for function & developmentDrink plenty of fluids and electrolytes to replace fluids lost we through sweatExamples of these food are:Examples of carbs that your athlete should be eating: vegetables, fruits, whole grain breads, whole grain foods (such as brown rice), milk and legumes (peas, beans and lentils). Besides being a slow-release carbohydrate, legumes are also a source of protein. Use them in soups, stews, tortillas and other dishes.Get the right amount of protein:?Eating enough, but not excessive amounts of, protein throughout the day helps kids perform academically as well as athletically. Protein also helps build and repair tissues and maintain a strong immune system. Stick to protein sources such as lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, cheese and tofu. Too much protein leads to dehydration.Some healthy fat sources are necessary to maintain good health. You’ll find healthy fats in peanuts and peanut butter, olive oil, canola oil, walnuts, almonds, pecans, and fatty fish such as salmon or sardines.Examples of POST hockey meal possibilities:-Ham, avocado and salad sandwich-Dairy-based fruit smoothie-Tofu and steamed vegetable with brown rice-Poached eggs with baked beans-Grilled salmon with baked potatoes and saladBelow is a meal plan example for a GAME DAY--Breakfast Meal PlanOption #11 whole grain bagel? cup strawberries1-2 cups of milkOption #22 egg omelet with 2 slice of toast1 banana 1-2 cups Option #3? cup oatmeal1 tsp of peanut butter? cup straw berries1 teaspoon of ground cinnamonOther good options:Whole grain cerealBlueberry muffinsFresh fruitBreakfast is the most important meal of the day-Helps jump start your brain-Our body needs to be replenished after a night’s sleep-Early efforts to hydrate will allow your body to properly function throughout the dayLunch Meal PlanOption #12 slices of whole wheat breadLow-sodium lunch meat or peanut butter and jellyAdd lettuce, tomatoes, and/or (light) mayoTossed veggie salad1 apple1-2 cups of milk1 cookieOption #2Tacos-Whole grain tortilla-Ground meat (lean)-Lettuce, tomatoes, cheese-1/2 cup rice-1 cup of veggies (broccoli, carrots, or green beans)-1 orange (or other fruit) -1-2 cups of milk Option #3: other good food optionsGrilled chicken breastSpaghetti with tomato sauceSmoked salmonEating a variety of food options provides your body with good mix of carbohydrates, protein, and some healthy fat. These help with growth, quick decision making, and overall performance on the iceSnack- 1 hour prior to GAME TIMEGood choices examples:? cup fresh fruit? cup yogurt1 cup milk? bottle of sports drinkCrackers Sports BarWhat should I avoid?Simple carbs and fatty fried foods Chocolate, sugar, French friesCarbonated and or caffeinated drinks like soda This is the last chance to hydrate and provide your body with fuel needed to compete at athlete’s highest levelAvoiding simple carbs and fried foods will reduces risk of crashing after an energy spikeEating easy digestible foods allows blood to be distributed to your muscles (less blood needs to be sent to the digest tract)Snack- 2 hours prior to game time+ drink WATER (stay hydrated!!)Pick one of these options:Crackers with peanut butter or cheeseGranolaCereal barPastaRiceBagelFresh fruitFresh fruit juiceTrail mixBlain biscuitsRaisinsBaked potatoesYogurtWhen eating 2 hours prior to game time avoid foods high in fat because they take longer to digest which can negatively affect an athlete’s performance POST Game MealOption #1Grilled chickenBread roll (s)Steamed veggiesRiceFresh fruit salad1-2 cups of milkOption #2SteakBaked potatoTossed veggie saladFresh fruit 1-2 cupsOther food options:FishLean meatsTofuBiscuitsPasta/noodlesQuinoaCarrotsAsparagusBlueberriesMandarin orangesA well-balanced meal following competition will provide your body with the best opportunity to replenish the essential nutrients needed for growth and developmentEating 30 minutes to 2 hours after is critical because after 2 hours your body won’t be able to restore all of the energy that was burned during ice timeSmoothie RecipesNut Butter Smoothie Recipe? cup (6 oz.) Reduced Fat Milk Soy Milk, or Almond Milk (Plain, Vanilla, or Chocolate)? cup (4 oz.) Greek Yogurt2 Tbsp. Nut Butter (Peanut, Almond, or Sun Butter)1 Tbsp. Honey? cup (6 oz.) IceNutty Strawberry Banana Smoothie?Recipe? cup (6 oz.) Reduced Fat Milk Soy Milk, or Almond Milk (Plain, Vanilla, or Chocolate)? cup (4 oz.) Frozen Mixed Berries1 Peeled Banana2 Tbsp. Nut Butter (Peanut, Almond, or Sun Butter)1 Tbsp. Honey? cup (6 oz.) Ice?Avocado Smoothie?Recipe1-2 handful of Spinach or Kale? cup (4 oz.) Apple Juice? cup (about 3-4 berries) Frozen Mango? Small AvocadoSpices to taste: Ginger, Cinnamon1 Tbsp. Honey? cup (4 oz.) IceOptional: *For PROTEIN add ? cup (4 oz.) Greek YogurtSpicy Veggie Smoothie Recipe1-2 handful of Spinach or Kale? cup (4 oz.) Apple Juice? Peeled Banana? cup (4 oz.) Frozen Mixed BerriesSpices to taste: Ginger, Cinnamon, Cumin, Turmeric1 to 2 Tbsp. Nut Butter (Peanut, Almond or, Sun Butter)? cup (4 oz.) IceOptional: *For PROTEIN add ? cup (4 oz.) Greek YogurtStrawberry Mint Basil Smoothie Recipe? cup Fresh Mint and Basil, or to taste? cup (4 oz.) Apple Juice, Pineapple Juice, or Lemonade1 cup (about 20-24 slices) Frozen Strawberries? Small Avocado1 Tbsp. honeyOptional: *For PROTEIN add ? cup (4 oz.) Greek Yogurt (for 10 grams)? cup (4 oz.) IceAfter practice/gameStrawberry?Mango Smoothie Recipe? cup (6 oz.) Apple Juice? cup (about 10-12 slices) Frozen Strawberries? cup (about 5-6 pieces) Frozen MangoOptional: For PROTEIN add ? cup (4 oz.) Greek YogurtGreens Smoothie Recipe1-2 handful of Spinach or Kale? cup (4 oz.) Apple Juice? peeled Banana? cup (about 3-4 berries) Frozen Mixed BerriesOptional: *For PROTEIN add ? cup (4 oz) Greek? cup (4 oz.) IceStrawberry Banana Smoothie Recipe? cup (6 oz.) Apple Juice1 peeled Banana1 cup (about 20-24 slices) Frozen Strawberries*Optional: For PROTEIN add ? cup (4 oz.) Greek Yogurt Strawberry Smoothie Recipe? cup (6 oz.) Apple Juice1 cup (about 20-24 slices) Frozen Strawberries*Optional: For PROTEIN add ? cup (4 oz.) Greek Yogurt ? cup (4 oz.) Ice ................

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