Lesson Plan

|Lesson Plan |Date: |Cycle Level: |

| | | |

|Gross Motor Skills: Obstacle Course |Time: | |

| | | |

| |Duration: 1 hour and a half (or more time if needed) | |

|Inquiry/objective: Students will participate as a group in an |By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to: effectively perform gross motor skill |

|obstacle created by the teacher. The teacher will participate with |actions. They will also be aware and gain an understanding of those gross motor skills and of how |

|them at each station as well, and teach them how to perform the gross|to adapt them in different contexts, as well as be able to complete a cooperative activity and |

|motor skill actions effectively. |communicate their thoughts. |

| | |

| |The gross motor skills they will learn how to effectively perform are the following: |

| |Loco-motor such as running, walking, skipping |

| |Stability skills such as balancing, jumping |

| |Manipulative skills such as catching, throwing, dribbling |

|Group Size & Materials |2 students will be doing the obstacle course at the same time. Once they are finished, the next |

| |two students will participate, and so forth. |

| | |

| |Materials: cones, ping pong balls, bean bags, basketball, string, garbage bags, whistle, balloons,|

| |duct tape, buckets, paper plates, ball, cardboard box, hopscotch mat. |

|Pre-school Competencies: |

| |

|Competency 1: To perform sensorimotor actions effectively in different contexts. |

| |

|Competency 3: To interact harmoniously with others. |

| |

|Competency 4: To communicate using the resources of language. |

| |

|Competency 6: To complete an activity or project. |

|Cross Curricular Competencies: |

|Personal And Social Competency: To construct his/her identity, to cooperate with others. |

|Communication-Related Competency: To communicate appropriately. |

| |

|Broad Area(s) of Learning: |

|Health and Well-Being |

|Citizenship and Community Life |

| | |

|Time |Lesson |

| | |

|25 minutes |Introduction: (the “hook”) |

| |Get students in a line and go to the gym. Once in the gym, engage students in a light exercise of jogging n place, hopping, etc. Do some|

| |light stretches before beginning. |

| |Engage students about the activity by tapping into their prior knowledge/experiences with an obstacle course (ask if they know what it |

| |is and who has participated in one) |

| |Explain the activity/stations and the rules. |

| |Ask if there are any questions |

| | |

| |Rules of Activity and Safety Precautions: |

| |There will be no harsh words said to other team members or any disrespect. Each student will respect their teammate and cheer them on |

| |throughout the obstacle course. |

| |Students will work together in completing the obstacle course. |

| |There will be no hitting, kicking, or any violence among students. |

| |If there is a question, raise your hand. If something is bothering or upsetting you, come to the teacher and explain what is wrong. |

| |Students will not cheat during the obstacle course. Students will not knock down the cones separating each station in order to complete |

| |it at a faster rate. The obstacle course is not a competition, but rather, a fun cooperative activity to get students moving and |

| |participate in physical activity. |

| |At the end of the activity, all students will help to clean up the materials and put them away. |

| | |

| |Obstacle Course Stations: |

| |Students will balance a ping pong ball on the paper plate and walk to the next station without making it fall. If the ping pong ball |

| |falls, they must take 3 steps back, put it back on the plate, and begin the walk again. |

| |At this station there will be a balloon filled with sand. Students must throw the balloon in the air three times and catch it. Once that|

| |is completed, they may run to the next station. |

| |At this station, students will have one bean bag and a bucket about five feet away. Students will throw the bean bag into the bucket. |

| |Once this is completed, they may move on to the next station. |

| |Students will put their feet inside the garbage bag and hop to the next station. |

| |At this station, there will be duct tape on the selected tiles the student must jump on. They will jump from tile to tile (sometimes |

| |skipping one tile so they can enhance their gross motor skills by jumping further) until they reach the next station. |

| |At this station, students will find strings that connect from the bottom of the wall, to the cone; as well as string from the middle and|

| |higher section of the wall that connects to areas around the gym. Students will have to navigate their way carefully around the string |

| |as they crawl or roll under it, hop over it, etc. |

| |For the final station, students will find a basketball. They will dribble it three times and then go to the hopscotch mat next to the |

| |station and hop the hopscotch. They will then return to the line of students and give a high five to the next student in line; the next |

| |student may then begin the obstacle course. |

| | |

| |Development: (step by step sequential procedure of how the lesson will unfold) |

| |Do a mock trial run by performing the required actions at each station and carefully point out what I am doing |

| |Ask if there are any questions |

| |Cheer on the students |

| |Once the last two students are done, blow the whistle |

| | |

| |*Do the obstacle course with them/scaffold them when they are having difficulties* |

| | |

| |Closure: |

| |Do a cool down activity (light jogging, jumping jacks) and stretch |

|30 - 45 minutes |Have students help to pick up the materials |

| |Go back to class and have a classroom discussion on the |

| |Discussion topics: what activity they just did, what they enjoyed or did not enjoy, other ideas students may have about the obstacle |

| |course such as different stations, materials, etc, if they would like to do another obstacle course at another time. |

| |Next, discuss the physical aspect of the activity |

| |Types of movement (gross motor skills) the students did throughout the obstacle course such as hopping, jumping, crawling, running, etc.|

| |The terms will be written down on the board and then on the Word Wall. |

| |Conclude by asking the students what they found easy/difficult, the strengths and limitations they encountered while doing the obstacle |

| |course, and what other ways they use the movements in their daily lives. |

|15 minutes | |

| |Assessment: |

| |Did the children enjoy the activity? |

| |Would they like to participate in another obstacle course? How can we make it different next time (stations, materials) |

| |Did all the children encourage each other? |

| |Did the children have any limitations/difficulties? If so, what were they? |

| |Could the children describe the actions they did to complete the obstacle course? |

| |Did some students need assistance in the stations (reminders of what to do)? |

| | |

| | |

| |I will be assessing the students’ participation and their verbal communication skills. I will be looking if the students use the |

| |appropriate vocabulary terms such as running, jumping, throwing, etc. I will also be looking if the students adapted their gross motor |

| |skills appropriately according to the station/environment. |

|Follow-up/extensions: |Developmental Extensions: |

| |Write the movement words on paper, laminate it, and add it to the Word Wall. |

| |Pictures of actions such as running, jumping, sitting, skipping rope, etc will be printed out, laminated, and put in the Drama Center so|

| |that they can use the pictures when telling stories/playing. |

| | |

| |Follow-up Activities: |

| |Have an exercise class where we watch an exercise video in class and the students engage in it (once a week, beginning of class) |

| |Have students draw out their actions and relate it to the environment (Example: Do we run in the classroom or outside? Do we hop on the |

| |bed or on the floor?) |

| |Create another obstacle course but this time with the students’ ideas. |

| |Have “Meditation Mondays” every other week throughout each month of the school year where the class does Yoga at the beginning of the |

| |day. |

|PROFESSIONAL |Competency 1: To act as a professional who is inheritor, critic and interpreter of knowledge or culture when teaching students. |

|COMPETENCIES ADDRESSED: |I will connect students’ prior experiences to the obstacle course, as well as the actions performed during the activity to their |

|(which professional |everyday experiences such as running, exercise, etc and relate it to the environments they are familiar with. |

|competencies are you | |

|addressing; which feature? And |Competency 2: To communicate clearly in the language of instruction, both orally and in writing, using correct grammar, in various |

|specifically, how?) |contexts related to teaching. |

| |I will explain each station, rules, safety precautions, and materials clearly. I will use age appropriate language when communicating to|

| |the students and make sure that each question is answered in a clear and concise manner. |

| | |

| |Competency 3: To develop teaching/learning situations that are appropriate to the students concerned and the subject content with a view|

| |to developing the competencies targeted in the programs of study. |

| |I will have the obstacle course completed in the gymnasium as it is more appropriate for students to move around and provides more |

| |safety. This way, students are able to effectively use their gross motor skills and adapt them according to the specific activity |

| |required with ease rather than difficulty due to limit of space. The activity will enable students to cooperate with others, support |

| |their team members, and use receptive language when listening to instructions as well as use verbal communication when engaging in class|

| |discussions. |

| | |

| |Competency 4: To pilot teaching/learning situations that are appropriate to the students concerned and to the subject content with a |

| |view to developing the competencies targeted in the programs of study. |

| |I will develop an obstacle course that is age appropriate for the students as each station will be adapted for their age (example: ping |

| |pong ball on a paper plate instead of on a spoon, one bean bag instead of 3, etc), abilities, and interests. It will also give them the |

| |opportunity to enhance their gross motor skills. Furthermore, I will lead the example of working cooperatively as I will continually |

| |encourage and cheer on the students; enabling them to observe my behavior and follow suit. |

| | |

| |Competency 5: To evaluate student progress in learning the subject content and mastering the related competencies. |

| |I will be making sure the students are using the appropriate gross motor skills at each station and assess if they are having difficulty|

| |performing the action. Furthermore, I will evaluate their verbal communication skills as they express their understanding of what they |

| |have learned and assess their knowledge of the terminology for the actions that were performed during the obstacle course (simple |

| |terminology such as running, hopping, etc). |

| | |

| |Competency 6: To plan, organize and supervise a class in such a way as to promote students’ learning and social development. |

| |I will plan, organize, and supervise an activity that will promote the students to develop their social skills while they cheer for each|

| |other and communicate their knowledge and what they have learned. Furthermore, it will promote students’ learning on adapting their |

| |gross motor skills and actions effectively in different environments. |

| | |

| |Competency 7: To adapt his or her teaching to the needs and characteristics of students with learning disabilities, social |

| |maladjustments or handicaps. |

| |I will take the students’ abilities into consideration when developing the obstacle course. |

| | |

| |Competency 11: To engage in professional development individually and with others. |

| |I will reflect on the activity and analyze the objectives, rules, appropriateness of the stations, questions posed, the way I engaged |

| |students, etc at the end of the activity. I will take notes on what could be done differently next time, the strengths and limitations, |

| |and the thoughts of the students. |

| | |

| | |

| |Competency 12: To demonstrate ethical and responsible professional behavior in the performance of his or her duties. |

| |I will make sure that students’ concerns are heard, taken into consideration, discussed, and handled. I will support each student |

| |throughout the activity as I will cheer them on and remind the class to do so as well. Furthermore, I will provide rules for students |

| |that disallow any harsh words, insults, violence, etc as it is not accepted within the classroom. |

| |Did all the students participate equally? |

|Reflection on my lesson: |Did they all enjoy the activity? |

| |What can I change next time? (stations, materials, rules, etc) |

| |Were the stations and rules age appropriate? Did several students have difficulties? |

| |Did I take into consideration the student’s interests and abilities? If I didn’t, what could I do differently next time to improve that?|

| |Did I communicate the instructions effectively? Did I handle situations in a professional manner? |


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